CS1112 --> Syllabus
Course: Introduction to Computing Using MATLAB (4 credits)
Instructor: K.-Y. Daisy Fan
Website: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/courses/cs1112/2011sp
Note: Take either CS1112 or CS1110, not both. CS1112 is not to be taken with CS2110 concurrently or after CS2110.

Course Description Learning Objectives Academic Integrity Times & Places Staff Material Grades Special Accommodation Schedule

Course Description

4 credit hours. S/U Optional. Programming and problem solving using Matlab. Emphasizes the systematic development of algorithms and programs. Topics include iteration, functions, arrays, and Matlab graphics. Assignments are designed to build an appreciation for complexity, dimension, fuzzy data, inexact arithmetic, randomness, simulation, and the role of approximation.
CIS1121co-meets with CS1112 for the first seven weeks of the semester. CIS1121 will have the same lecture, discussion, homework, and prelims as CS1112 during the first seven weeks of the semester.

Learning Objectives

In CS1112, students will acquire the following skills:

Academic Integrity

Simply put, academic integrity is about respecting yourself and respecting others. You respect yourself by submitting work completed through your own effort; you respect others by acknowledging contribution from others when such external contribution is allowed, e.g., for group projects. When your individual effort is required, for exams and in-class quizzes, you may neither seek nor accept help from others. You must read the complete Code of Academic Integrity as it applies to this course. Ignorance of the Code is not an acceptable excuse.

Times & Places

Olin 255
Phillips 101
201 T 12:20PM - 1:10PM UPS B7 & OLH 216 Brian McGlade
202 T 1:25PM - 2:15PM UPS B7 & HLS 368 Karen Ho
203 T 2:30PM - 3:20PM UPS B7 & UPS 111 Yue Gao
204 T 3:35PM - 4:25PM UPS B7 & UPS 207 Yue Gao
205 W 10:10AM - 11:00PM UPS B7 & HLS 372 Kelly Douglass
206 W 11:15AM - 12:05PM UPS B7 & OLH 216 John Sunwoo
207 W 12:20PM - 1:10PM UPS B7 & UPS 211 Andrew Spielberg
208 W 1:25PM - 2:15PM UPS B7 & HLS 362 Yue Gao
209 W 2:30PM - 3:20PM UPS B7 & HLS 362 Ji-Yong Shin
210 W 3:35PM - 4:25PM UPS B7 & OLH 216 Ji-Yong Shin
211 W 7:30PM - 8:20PM UPS B7 & HLS 206 Ji-Yong Shin

Upson B7 is a computer lab. (UPS B7 is split in half; we will use the right half.)  The first two weeks and then every other week, discussion will take place in the lab instead of the regular classrooms. A reminder of the section location will be posted every Monday.


Instructor: K.-Y. Daisy Fan dfan at cs.cornell.edu
Teaching Assistants: Kelly Douglass kad224 at cornell.edu
  Yue Gao ygao at cs.cornell.edu
  Karen Ho ksh33 at cornell.edu
  Brian McGlade bdm38 at cornell.edu
  Ji-Yong Shin jyshin at cs.cornell.edu
  Andrew Spielberg aes89 at cornell.edu
  John Sunwoo js2442 at cornell.edu
  Jijie Zhao zhao at cs.cornell.edu

See CS1112 --> Staff for other course staff and office hours.


Required material:

Optional software:   MATLAB Student Version (2008 or later)


You must adhere to the Code of Academic Integrity for all work.

Items that count towards your course grade include homework (programming projects), section/lab exercises, quizzes, and exams (prelims and final).

  • CS1112 students are allowed to drop one project (e.g., you added the course late, you slept in and missed the deadline, you submitted the wrong file, your partner forgot to submit your joint work, your dog ate your hard disk, etc.). CIS1121 students may not drop any projects.
  • Discussion exercises are assigned and checked in section only. CS1112 students may have two non-excused absences; CIS1121 students may have one non-excused absence.
  • In-class quizzes usually are done using clickers. For each question,
    • earn one point for submitting an answer
    • earn another point for getting the correct answer
    You will get full credit (1% of course grade) if you earn half of the maximum possible number of quiz points. We will start counting the questions as quiz questions after the "Add deadline," end of week 3.
  • CS1112 uses the following weights to determine the course grade:
    Exercises (E)  =   4% (discussion exercises)
    Quizzes   (Q)  =   1% (in lecture)
    Projects  (P)  =  25%
    Prelim 1  (T1)  =  10%
    Prelim 2  (T2)  =  15%
    Prelim 3  (T3)  =  15%
    Final     (F)  =  30%

  • CIS1121 uses the following weights to determine the course grade:
    Exercises    (E)  =   9% (discussion exercises)
    Quizzes      (Q)  =   1% (in lecture)
    Projects 1-3 (P)  =  30%
    Prelim 1     (T1)  =  20%
    Prelim 2     (T2)  =  40%
    Prelim 2 serves as the final exam of CIS1121.

Your course grade will follow the "cut-off" structure given below. You need an overall score higher than 55 (out of 100) to get a "D" ("marginal pass"). Note that your College (or Major) may require a "C-" to be a passing grade. We reserve the right to make adjustments both up and down based on our knowledge of each student.

    Overall score    Letter
       93-100        A-,A,A+
       80-89         B-,B,B+
       65-76         C-,C,C+

Special Accommodation

All homework and tests must be completed at their scheduled time unless your request for special accommodation has been approved beforehand. Any request for exam-taking accommodation must be made at least two weeks before the exam, with documentation from Student Disability Services. If you have an illness that prevents you from completing required work, email the course instructor as soon as possible to make an alternative arrangement for submiting or making up the work.

Schedule and Lecture Materials

You must write all exams at the scheduled times unless you have another exam officially scheduled at the same time.

Topics and the course schedule are given below. Selected lecture slides and example code will be posted after each lecture. These posted files are not complete transcripts of the lectures. You are expected to attend lecture and to take notes for yourself. Topics and dates are subject to change.

No. Date Topics Lecture Slides Program Examples Reading (Insight)
11/25 T Introduction Selected slides - Preface & Software sections
21/27 R Programming basics Preview
Selected slides
sphereArea.m, diffArea.m 1.1
32/1 T Conditionals Preview
Selected slides
42/3 R Nested conditionals; logical operators Preview
Selected slides
quadMin.m, quadMinGraph.m 1.2
 2/3 R Programming Project 1 due
52/8 T Iteration: for Preview
Selected slides
stickExp.m, showForLoop.m, ave10.m, mcPi.m 2.1
62/10 R Iteration: while Preview
Selected slides
areaCircle.m, areaIndef.m 2.2, 3.2
72/15 T Developing algorithms; nested loops Preview
Selected slides
DrawRect, DrawStar from Insight. DrawDisk.m DrawRect.m, drawDemo.m, nestedStars.m, moreNestedStars.m, itItPrime.m, areTheyPrime.m, table.m 3.1
82/17 R Discrete vs. continuous; plotting Preview
Selected slides
xenoDisks.m, threeFadingDisks.m, fadingXenoDisks.m, rowsOfXenoDisks.m 4.1--4.3
 2/17 R Programming Project 2 due
92/22 T User-defined functions Preview
Selected slides
polar2xy.m, dotsInRings.m, randDouble.m, drawColorDot.m 5.1, 5.2
102/24 R Executing a user-defined function Preview
Selected slides
dotsInRings.m, randDouble.m, polar2xy.m 5.3
 2/24 R Prelim 1 at 7:30pm
113/1 T Probabilities and Averages; vectors; plots Preview
Selected slides
paintChips.m, rollDie.m, rollDieV1.m 6.1, 4.2
123/3 R Simulation; vectors Preview
Selected slides
Twinkle.m, RandomWalk2D.m, ShowRW.m, RandomWalk2D_v2.m, ShowRW2.m, Centralize.m, Normalize.m, Smooth.m, ShowSmooth.m 6.2, 6.3
133/8 T 2-d Arrays--matrix Preview
Selected slides
minInMatrix.m, RandomLinks.m, CirclePoints.m, ShowRandomLinks.m 7.1
143/10 R Matrix examples, contour plotting Preview
Selected slides
Cheapest.m, ShowCheapest.m see Insight 7.2 m-files 7.2, 7.3
 3/10 R Programming Project 3 due
153/15 T Working with Images Preview
Selected slides
pictureFrame.m, pictureFrame2.m, pictureFrameV.m, showMirror.m, LawSchool.jpg, bwduck.jpg 12.1, 12.2
163/17 R Working with Images Preview
Selected slides
showToGrayscale.m, medVal.m, MedianFilter.m, showFilter.m, Edges.m, LawSchoolNoise.jpg 12.4
 3/17 R Prelim 2 at 7:30pm
 3/21-25 Spring Break
173/29 T Characters and strings Preview
Selected slides
caps.m,   9.1
183/31 R Cell arrays Preview
Selected slides
toUpper.m, censor.m, showCensor.m, CardDeck.m, Deal.m, Shuffle.m,   9.2, 8.1
 4/4 M Programming Project 4 due (modified deadline)
194/5 T Structures and structure arrays Preview
Selected slides
RomanNum.m, matchIDs.m, ShowMatchIDs.m MakePoint.m, DrawLine.m, PickUpStix.m   10.1--10.3
204/7 R Working with numeric/text data (file I/O) Preview
Selected slides
CirclePoints.m, DrawPoints.m, DrawTriangle.m, LotsaTriangles.m, ShowIndices.m, proteinXYZData.m,   11.1, 11.2
214/12 T Computing on a grid (matrix & cell arrays) Preview
Selected slides
population.m, file2cellArray.m, cellArray2file.m, statePop.txt, TheDigits.m, showDigits.m, drawDigit.m, reverseCol.m, reverseDigits.m, showNumber.m 12.3
224/14 R Working with Acoustic Data Preview
Selected slides
showAustin.m, movies.m, wavSegments.m, playSegments.m, myPlayList.m, austin.wav, sp_truth.wav, sp_beam.wav, sp_oz6.wav 13.1
 4/15 F Programming Project 5 due (modified deadline)
234/19 T Working with Acoustic Data Preview
Selected slides
playTwoNotes.m, playAllButtons.m, alarmClock.m See Insight code in S13.2 for MakeShowPlay, SendNoisy, cos_xy, ShowCosines, and Eg13_2. 13.2
 4/19 T Prelim 3 at 7:30pm
244/21 R Sorting and Searching Preview
Selected slides
Bubble.m, BubbleSort1.m, BubbleSort.m, ShowBubbleSort.m, InsertionSort.m, ShowInsertionSort.m, See Insight for Eg8_2.m 8.2, 9.1
254/26 T Divide and Conquer Preview
Selected slides
binarySearch.m, showBinarySearch.m, mergeSort.m, merge.m, showMergeSort.m 9.2, 9.3
264/28 R Recursion Preview
Selected slides
compareInsertMerge.m, insertSortInplace.m, mergeSort.m, merge.m, removeChar_loop.m, removeChar.m,   14.1, 14.2
275/3 T Efficieny Considerations; Models and Simulation Preview
Selected slides
MeshTriangle.m, showMeshTriangle.m 15.1
285/5 R Models and Simulation Preview
Selected slides
Update.m, StatVec.m, PageRank0.m 15.2
 5/5 R Programming Project 6 due
 5/12 R Final Exam at 9am