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Fall 2010 projects

Online/Social Data

Structured Learning of Two-Level Dynamic Rankings.
Karthik Raman. [no pdf]

Classification of Usefulness in User-submitted Content Using Supervised Learning Algorithms.
TzeJian Chear, Ellis Weng. [pdf]

Context Aware Citation Recommendation System.
Hema Koppula. [pdf]

Semi-supervised Learning for Sentiment Classification.
Bishan Yang. [pdf]

Learning Functionality Graph of Products: Substitute and Complementary Relations on Amazon.
Amit Sharma. [pdf]

Scalable Link Prediction in Online Social Networks.
Akshay Bhat, Pracheer Gupta. [pdf]


Classification of Joints and Joint Structure Using Sterovision.
Andrew Spielberg, Shahrukh Mallick. [pdf]

Grasping with Intent to Place.
Stephen Moseson, Andrew Perrault. [pdf]

Determining Grasping Regions Using Vision.
Biswajit Biswal, Marcus Lim. [pdf]

Robotic Door Knob Disinfectant.
Matthew Rosoff. [pdf]

Visually Discovering Objects' Kinematic Structures.
Akram Helou, Ian Lenz. [pdf]

Autonomous Flight in Unstructured Environment using Monocular Image.
Saurav Kumar. [pdf]

MAV Stabilization using Machine Learning and Onboard Sensors.
Cooper Bills, Jason Yosinski. [pdf]


Modeling 3D viewpoint for part-based object recognition of rigid objects.
Joshua Schwartz. [pdf]

Converting Movie-Grade 2D Videos to 3D Movies.
Abhishek Anand. [pdf]

Holistic Scene Understanding: Mixed Mode Cascaded Classification Models.
Colin Ponce. [pdf]

Object Depth Estimation Using Stereo Vision and Monocular Ranging.
Rohan Sharma, David Skiff. [pdf]

Correcting User Guided Image 3D Models.
Garrett Bernstein, Karen Ho. [pdf]

Object Detection using Cascaded Classification Models.
Chau Nguyen. [pdf]

Conversion of 2D to 3D video using interactive co-segmentation.
Anandram Sundar. [pdf]

Deformable Object Modeling with Multi-View Imaging.
Kevin Matzen. [pdf]

Hierarchical Temporal Memory for Image Classification.
Darbin Reyes. [pdf]

Computational Biology / Neuroscience

Visual recognition based on integrated sensory modalities.
Reza Shahbazi. [pdf]

Discriminative Random Field Modeling of Lung Tumors in CT Scans.
Brian Liu. [pdf]

Identifying Host-Parasite Relationships among Bacteria and Phages: A Machine Learning Approach.
Joon Park. [no pdf]

ALE: an Assembly Likelihood Evaluation Framework to Estimate the Quality of Metagenome Assemblies.
Scott Clark. [pdf]

A hybrid of discrete particle swarm optimization and support vector machine for gene selection and molecular classification of cancer.
Adithya Gurram. [pdf]

Financial Data

Predicting Stock Price Volability from the Web.
Steve Spagnola. [live website]

Trading High Probability Trend Pullbacks.
Dale Cassidy. [no pdf]

Machine Learning of Options Trading Strategies.
Ted Cornforth. [no pdf]

Optimal Opponent Counter Strategy Selection in Holdem Poker.
Nathan Lloyd. [pdf]

Predicting Margin of Victory in NFL Games: Machine Learning vs. the Las Vegas Line.
Jim Warner. [pdf]

Other Applications / Theory

Predicting Run Time on Combinatorial Problems.
Eoin O'Mahony. [pdf]

Concave regularizations and MAP priors for sparse topic models.
Johan Ugander. [pdf]

New Kernel for Support Vector Machines.
Josh Moore. [no pdf]

Adapting Base Class Back-propagation.
Anshumali Shrivastava. [no pdf]

Projecting Spring Arrival with Functional Temperature Data.
Cecilia Earls. [pdf]