Require Export RasterizeQ.
Require Import Interval.
Require Export Graph.
Require Import QMinMax.
Require Export QposMinMax.
Require Import CornTac.

Section Plot.


Plotting a uniformly continuous function on a finite interval consists of producing the graph of a function as a compact set, approximating that graph, and finally rasterizing that approximation.
A range for the plot must be provided. We choose to clamp the plotted function so that it lies inside the specified range. Thus we plot compose (clip b t) f rather than f.
Variable (l r:Q).
Hypothesis Hlr : l < r.

Variable (b t:Q).
Hypothesis Hbt : b < t.

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Let clip := uc_compose (boundBelow b) (boundAbove t).

Variable f : Q_as_MetricSpace --> CR.

Lemma plFEQ : PrelengthSpace (FinEnum stableQ).
 apply FinEnum_prelength.
  apply locatedQ.
 apply QPrelengthSpace.

Definition graphQ f := CompactGraph_b f stableQ2 plFEQ (CompactIntervalQ (Qlt_le_weak _ _ Hlr)).

Lemma graphQ_bonus : e x y,
 In (x, y) (approximate (graphQ (uc_compose clip f)) e) → l x r b y t.
 intros [e|] x y;[|intros; contradiction].
 unfold Cjoin_raw.
 Opaque CompactIntervalQ.
 unfold FinCompact_raw.
 rewrite map_map.
 unfold graphPoint_b_raw.
 unfold Couple_raw.
 intros [z [Hz0 Hz1]].
 inversion Hz0.
 rewrite <- H0.
 clear Hz0 x y H0 H1.
 split; auto with ×.
 eapply CompactIntervalQ_bonus_correct.
 apply Hz1.

Variable n m : nat.
Hypothesis Hn : eq_nat n 0 = false.
Hypothesis Hm : eq_nat m 0 = false.

Let w := proj1_sigT _ _ (Qpos_lt_plus Hlr).
Let h := proj1_sigT _ _ (Qpos_lt_plus Hbt).

Let err := Qpos_max ((1 # 4 × P_of_succ_nat (pred n)) × w)
 ((1 # 4 × P_of_succ_nat (pred m)) × h).

PlotQ is the function that does all the work.
Definition PlotQ := RasterizeQ2 (approximate (graphQ (uc_compose clip f)) err) n m t l b r.

Open Local Scope raster.

The resulting plot is close to the graph of f
Theorem Plot_correct :
ball (err + Qpos_max ((1 # 2 × P_of_succ_nat (pred n)) × w)
        ((1 # 2 × P_of_succ_nat (pred m)) × h))
 (graphQ (uc_compose clip f))
 (Cunit (InterpRaster PlotQ (l,t) (r,b))).
 assert (Hw:=(ProjT2 (Qpos_lt_plus Hlr))).
 assert (Hh:=(ProjT2 (Qpos_lt_plus Hbt))).
 fold w in Hw.
 fold h in Hh.
 change (r == l + w) in Hw.
 change (t == b + h) in Hh.
 apply ball_triangle with (Cunit (approximate (graphQ (uc_compose clip f)) err)).
  apply ball_approx_r.
 unfold Compact.
 apply ball_sym.
 assert (L:st_eq ((l,t):Q2) (l,b + h)).
  split; simpl.
 set (Z0:=(l, t):Q2) in ×.
 set (Z1:=(r, b):Q2) in ×.
 set (Z:=(l, (b + h)):Q2) in ×.
 setoid_replace Z1 with (l+w,b).
  unfold Z, PlotQ.
  replace (RasterizeQ2 (approximate (graphQ (uc_compose clip f)) err) n m t l b r) with
   (RasterizeQ2 (approximate (graphQ (uc_compose clip f)) err) n m (b + h) l b (l + w)) by now rewrite Hw, Hh.
  destruct n; try discriminate.
  destruct m; try discriminate.
  apply (RasterizeQ2_correct).
  rewrite <- Hw.
  rewrite <- Hh.
  destruct (InStrengthen _ _ H) as [[zx xy] [Hz0 [Hz1 Hz2]]].
  simpl in Hz1, Hz2.
  rewriteHz1, Hz2.
  eapply graphQ_bonus.
  apply Hz0.
 split; simpl; auto with ×.

End Plot.

Some nice notation for the graph of f.
Notation "'graphCR' f [ l '..' r ]" :=
 (graphQ l r (refl_equal _) f) (f at level 0) : raster.