
Require Export Hausdorff.
Require Import Classic.
Require Export List.
Require Export Classification.
Require Import Complete.
Require Import Prelength.
Require Import CornBasics.
Require Import Qauto.
Require Import CornTac.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.

Section Finite.

Variable X:MetricSpace.

Finite Enumerations

Here we define a classical in predicate for lists. Being classically in a list doesn't tell you which element in the list you are.
Fixpoint InFinEnumC (x:X) (l:list X) : Prop :=
match l with
| nilFalse
| y::ysorC (st_eq x y) (InFinEnumC x ys)

Lemma InFinEnumC_weaken : x l, (In x l) → InFinEnumC x l.
 induction l.
 intros [H0|H0]; apply orWeaken.
  rewrite H0.
 apply IHl.

Lemma InFinEnumC_wd1 : x y l, (st_eq x y) → (InFinEnumC x l InFinEnumC y l).
 induction l.
  simpl; tauto.
 intros H.
 cut ((st_eq x a)<->(st_eq y a)).
  unfold orC; tauto.

Lemma InFinEnumC_stable : x l, ~~(InFinEnumC x l)InFinEnumC x l.
 induction l.
  simpl; auto.
 intros H H0.
 apply H.
 clear H.
 intros H.
 destruct H as [HG | H | H] using orC_ind; tauto.

Lemma InFinEnumC_app_l : x l1 l2, InFinEnumC x l1InFinEnumC x (l1 ++ l2).
 intros x l1 l2 H.
 induction l1.
 destruct H as [ G | H | H] using orC_ind.
   auto using InFinEnumC_stable.
  apply: orWeaken.
 apply: orWeaken.
 apply IHl1.

Lemma InFinEnumC_app_r : x l1 l2, InFinEnumC x l2InFinEnumC x (l1 ++ l2).
 intros x l1 l2 H.
 induction l1.
 apply: orWeaken.
 apply IHl1.
Lemma InFinEnumC_app_orC : x l1 l2, InFinEnumC x (l1 ++ l2) → orC (InFinEnumC x l1) (InFinEnumC x l2).
 intros x l1 l2 H.
 induction l1.
  apply orWeaken.
 destruct H as [ G | H | H] using orC_ind.
   auto using orC_stable.
  apply orWeaken.
  apply orWeaken.
 destruct (IHl1 H) as [ G | IH | IH] using orC_ind.
   auto using orC_stable.
  apply orWeaken.
  apply orWeaken.
 apply orWeaken.


Two finite enumerations, represented as lists, are equivalent if they (classically) have the same elements.
Definition FinEnum_eq (a b:list X) : Prop :=
  x, InFinEnumC x a InFinEnumC x b.

Lemma FinEnum_eq_refl : a, FinEnum_eq a a.
 unfold FinEnum_eq.

Lemma FinEnum_eq_sym : a b, FinEnum_eq a bFinEnum_eq b a.
 unfold FinEnum_eq.

Lemma FinEnum_eq_trans : a b c, FinEnum_eq a bFinEnum_eq b cFinEnum_eq a c.
 unfold FinEnum_eq.
 intros a b c H0 H1 x.
 transitivity (InFinEnumC x b); auto.

Lemma FinEnum_is_Setoid : Setoid_Theory _ FinEnum_eq.
 split; unfold Reflexive, Symmetric, Transitive; auto with ×.
 apply FinEnum_eq_trans.

Definition FinEnumS : RSetoid := Build_RSetoid FinEnum_is_Setoid.

Metric Space

Finite enumerations form a metric space under the Hausdorff metric for any stable metric space X.
Definition FinEnum_ball (e:Qpos) (x y:list X) :=
 hausdorffBall X e (fun aInFinEnumC a x) (fun aInFinEnumC a y).

Lemma FinEnum_ball_wd : (e1 e2:Qpos), (e1==e2) →
  (a1 a2 : FinEnumS), st_eq a1 a2
  (b1 b2 : FinEnumS), st_eq b1 b2
 (FinEnum_ball e1 a1 b1 FinEnum_ball e2 a2 b2).
 intros e1 e2 He a1 a2 Ha b1 b2 Hb.
 apply hausdorffBall_wd; auto with ×.

Hypothesis Xstable : stableMetric X.

Lemma hemiMetric_closed : e A b,
 ( d, hemiMetric X (e+d) A (fun aInFinEnumC a b)) →
  hemiMetric X e A (fun aInFinEnumC a b).
 intros e A b H x Hx.
 set (P:=fun n yball (e+(1#(P_of_succ_nat n)))%Qpos x y).
 assert (HP:( n, existsC X (fun x~~In x b P n x))).
  intros n.
  unfold P.
  destruct (H (1#(P_of_succ_nat n))%Qpos x Hx) as [HG | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
   apply existsC_stable; auto.
  clear - Hy0 Hy1.
  induction b.
  destruct (Hy0) as [HG | Hy0 | Hy0] using orC_ind.
    apply existsC_stable; auto.
   apply existsWeaken.
   split; auto 7 with ×.
   rewrite <- Hy0.
  destruct (IHb Hy0) as [HG | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
   apply existsC_stable; auto.
  apply existsWeaken.
  split; auto 7 with ×.
 destruct (infinitePidgeonHolePrinicple _ _ P HP) as [HG | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
  apply existsC_stable; auto.
 apply existsWeaken.
 split; auto using InFinEnumC_weaken.
 apply ball_closed.
 apply Qpos_positive_numerator_rect.
 intros n d.
 destruct (Hy1 (nat_of_P d)) as [HG | m [Hmd Hm]] using existsC_ind.
  apply Xstable; assumption.
 eapply ball_weak_le;[|apply Hm].
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff.
 apply Zmult_le_compat; auto with ×.
 repeat rewrite <- inject_nat_convert.
 apply inj_le.
 apply le_trans with m; auto.
 rewrite nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ.

Lemma FinEnum_ball_closed : e a b,
 ( d, FinEnum_ball (e+d) a b) →
 FinEnum_ball e a b.
 unfold FinEnum_ball, hausdorffBall.
 intros e a b Hab.
 split; apply hemiMetric_closed; firstorder.

Lemma FinEnum_ball_eq :
  a b : list X, ( e : Qpos, FinEnum_ball e a b) → FinEnum_eq a b.
 unfold FinEnum_ball, FinEnum_eq.
 cut ( a b : list X, ( e : Qpos, hemiMetric X e (fun a0 : XInFinEnumC a0 a)
   (fun a0 : XInFinEnumC a0 b)) → x : X, InFinEnumC x aInFinEnumC x b).
  unfold hausdorffBall.
  split; apply H; firstorder.
 induction a.
 intros b H x Hx.
 destruct Hx as [HG | Hx | Hx] using orC_ind.
   auto using InFinEnumC_stable.
  assert (H': n :nat ,
    existsC X (fun y : XInFinEnumC y b ball (m:=X) (1#(P_of_succ_nat n)) x y)).
   intros e.
   apply H.
   apply: orWeaken.
   left; assumption.
  assert (H'': n :nat ,
    existsC X (fun y : X~~In y b ball (m:=X) (1#(P_of_succ_nat n)) x y)).
   intros n.
   destruct (H' n) as [HG | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
    auto using existsC_stable.
   clear - Hz1 Hz0.
   induction b.
   destruct (Hz0) as [Hg | Hz0 | Hz0] using orC_ind.
     auto using existsC_stable.
    apply existsWeaken.
    split; auto with ×.
    rewrite <- Hz0.
   destruct (IHb Hz0) as [HG | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
    auto using existsC_stable.
   apply existsWeaken.
   split; auto 7 with ×.
  destruct (infinitePidgeonHolePrinicple _ _ _ H'') as [HG | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
   auto using InFinEnumC_stable.
  rewrite → (InFinEnumC_wd1 x y).
   auto using InFinEnumC_weaken.
  apply ball_eq.
  apply Qpos_positive_numerator_rect.
  intros n d.
  rewrite (anti_convert_pred_convert d).
  destruct (Hy1 (pred (nat_of_P d))) as [HG | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
   auto using Xstable.
  apply ball_weak_le with (1 # P_of_succ_nat z)%Qpos; auto.
  apply Zmult_le_compat; auto with ×.
  repeat rewrite <- POS_anti_convert.
  apply inj_le.
  auto with ×.
 apply IHa; auto.
 intros e y Hy.
 apply H.
 apply orWeaken.

Lemma FinEnum_is_MetricSpace : is_MetricSpace FinEnumS FinEnum_ball.
     intros e x.
     apply hausdorffBall_refl.
    intros e x y.
    apply hausdorffBall_sym.
   intros e d x y z.
   apply hausdorffBall_triangle.
  intros e x y.
  unfold FinEnum_ball.
  apply FinEnum_ball_closed.
 apply FinEnum_ball_eq.

Definition FinEnum : MetricSpace :=
Build_MetricSpace FinEnum_ball_wd FinEnum_is_MetricSpace.

Our definition preserves stability
Lemma FinEnum_stable : stableMetric FinEnum.
 intros e x y.
 apply: hausdorffBall_stable.

Lemma FinEum_map_ball : (f:XX) e (s:FinEnum),
 ( x, ball e x (f x)) → ball e s (map f s).
 intros f e s H.
 induction s.
  split; intros a b; contradiction.
 destruct IHs as [IHs0 IHs1].
 split; intros x y; (destruct y as [G | y | y] using orC_ind; [auto using existsC_stable
   |apply existsWeaken |]).
     (f a);split.
     apply: orWeaken; left; reflexivity.
    rewritey; apply H.
   destruct (IHs0 x y) as [G | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
    auto using existsC_stable.
   apply existsWeaken.
   split; auto.
   apply: orWeaken.
   right; assumption.
   apply orWeaken; left; reflexivity.
  apply ball_sym.
  apply H.
 destruct (IHs1 x y) as [G | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
  auto using existsC_stable.
 apply existsWeaken.
 split; auto.
 apply orWeaken.
 right; assumption.

Section Strong.

Strong Hausdroff Metric

This section shows that the strong version of the Hausdroff metric is equivalen to the weak version when X is a located metric.
Hypothesis almostDecideX : locatedMetric X.

Lemma HemiMetricHemiMetricStrong : (e:Qpos) A b,
 hemiMetric X e A (fun aInFinEnumC a b) → hemiMetricStrong X e A (fun aInFinEnumC a b).
 intros e A b H x Hx.
 generalize (H x Hx).
 clear H.
 revert x Hx.
 induction b; intros x Hx H d.
  elimtype False.
  clear -H.
  abstract ( generalize H; apply existsC_ind;[tauto|]; intros y [Hy0 Hy1]; apply Hy0).
 destruct (@almostDecideX e (e+d)%Qpos x a).
   clear - e d.
   abstract ( autorewrite with QposElim; rewriteQlt_minus_iff; ring_simplify; auto with × ).
  clear - b0.
  abstract (auto using InFinEnumC_weaken with × ).
 assert (Z:existsC X (fun y : XInFinEnumC y b ball (m:=X) e x y)).
  clear - H n.
  abstract ( destruct (H) as [HG | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind; [auto using existsC_stable|];
    apply existsWeaken; y; split; auto; destruct Hy0 as [HG | Hy | Hy] using orC_ind;
      [auto using InFinEnumC_stable |rewriteHy in Hy1; contradiction |assumption]).
  (let (y,_) := (IHb x Hx Z d) in y).
 clear - IHb.
 abstract ( destruct (IHb x Hx Z d) as [y [Hy0 Hy1]]; split; auto; apply orWeaken; auto).

Lemma HausdorffBallHausdorffBallStrong : (e:Qpos) (a b:FinEnum),
 ball e a b
 hausdorffBallStrong X e (fun xInFinEnumC x a) (fun xInFinEnumC x b).
 intros e a b [H0 H1].
 split; apply HemiMetricHemiMetricStrong; assumption.

Lemma HemiMetricStrongAlmostDecidableBody :
  (e d:Qpos) a (b : FinEnum),
 e < d
 {hemiMetric X d (fun xst_eq x a) (fun xInFinEnumC x b)} +
 {¬hemiMetric X e (fun xst_eq x a) (fun xInFinEnumC x b)}.
 intros e d a b.
 induction b.
  intros Hed.
  abstract ( intros H; apply (H a); try reflexivity; intros x [Hx0 Hx1];
    auto using InFinEnumC_weaken with × ).
 intros Hed.
 destruct (IHb Hed) as [H|H].
  abstract ( intros x Hx; destruct (H x Hx) as [HG | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind;
    [apply existsC_stable; auto|]; apply existsWeaken; z; split; try assumption; apply orWeaken;
 destruct (almostDecideX _ _ a a0 Hed).
  abstract ( intros x Hx; apply existsWeaken; a0; rewriteHx;
    auto using InFinEnumC_weaken with × ).
 abstract ( intros H0; assert (Haa:st_eq a a) by reflexivity;
   destruct (H0 a Haa) as [HG | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind; [tauto|];
     destruct (Hz0) as [HG | Hz0 | Hz0] using orC_ind; [tauto |rewriteHz0 in Hz1; contradiction
       |]; apply H; intros x Hx; apply existsWeaken; z; rewriteHx; auto).

Lemma HemiMetricStrongAlmostDecidable :
  (e d:Qpos) (a b : FinEnum),
 e < d
 {hemiMetric X d (fun xInFinEnumC x a) (fun xInFinEnumC x b)} +
 {¬hemiMetric X e (fun xInFinEnumC x a) (fun xInFinEnumC x b)}.
 induction a.
  intros a _.
  intros x Hx _.
  apply Hx.
 intros b Hed.
 destruct (IHa b Hed) as [I|I].
  destruct (HemiMetricStrongAlmostDecidableBody _ _ a b Hed) as [J|J].
   abstract ( intros x Hx; destruct (Hx) as [HG | Hx | Hx] using orC_ind; [auto using existsC_stable
     |apply J; assumption |apply I; assumption]).
  abstract ( intros H; apply J; intros x Hx; apply H; apply orWeaken; left; assumption).
 abstract ( intros H; apply I; intros x Hx; apply H; apply orWeaken; right; assumption).

Finite Enumerations preserve the locatedness property.
Lemma FinEnum_located : locatedMetric FinEnum.
 intros e d a b Hed.
 destruct (HemiMetricStrongAlmostDecidable _ _ a b Hed).
  destruct (HemiMetricStrongAlmostDecidable _ _ b a Hed).
   split; assumption.
  abstract (intros [_ H]; contradiction).
 abstract (intros [H _]; contradiction).

Finite Enumerations preserve the prelength property assuming X is a located metric space.
If we change the definition of prelenght space to use a classical existential, then we could drop the located assumption of X. I believe there would be no harm in changing the definition this way, but it has not been done yet.
Hypothesis preLengthX : PrelengthSpace X.

Lemma FinEnum_prelength : PrelengthSpace FinEnum.
 intros a b e.
 revert a b.
 cut ( d1 d2 : Qpos, e < d1 + d2
    (a b:FinEnum), hemiMetricStrong X e (fun x : XInFinEnumC x a)
     (fun x : XInFinEnumC x b) →
       exists2 c : FinEnum, ball d1 a c & hemiMetric X d2 (fun x : XInFinEnumC x c) (fun x : XInFinEnumC x b)).
  intros Z a b d1 d2 He H.
  destruct (HausdorffBallHausdorffBallStrong H) as [Hl Hr].
  clear H.
  destruct (Z _ _ He _ _ Hl) as [c0 Hc0 Hc0c].
  assert (He0:e < d2 + d1).
   clear - He.
   abstract (rewriteQplus_comm; assumption).
  destruct (Z _ _ He0 _ _ Hr) as [c1 Hc1 Hc1c].
  clear Z Hl Hr.
   (c0 ++ c1).
   abstract ( destruct Hc0 as [Hc0a Hc0b]; destruct Hc1 as [Hc1a Hc1b]; split; intros x Hx;
     [destruct (Hc0a x Hx) as [ G | y [Hya Hyb]] using existsC_ind;
       [auto using existsC_stable | apply existsWeaken; y; auto]
         |destruct (InFinEnumC_app_orC _ _ _ Hx) as [G | Hxl | Hxr] using orC_ind;
           [auto using existsC_stable |destruct (Hc0b x Hxl) as [ G | y [Hya Hyb]] using existsC_ind;
             [auto using existsC_stable | apply existsWeaken; y; auto]
               |destruct (Hc1c x Hxr) as [ G | y [Hya Hyb]] using existsC_ind;
                 [auto using existsC_stable | apply existsWeaken; y; auto]]]).
  abstract ( destruct Hc0 as [Hc0a Hc0b]; destruct Hc1 as [Hc1a Hc1b]; split; intros x Hx;
    [destruct (InFinEnumC_app_orC _ _ _ Hx) as [G | Hxl | Hxr] using orC_ind;
      [auto using existsC_stable |destruct (Hc0c x Hxl) as [ G | y [Hya Hyb]] using existsC_ind;
        [auto using existsC_stable | apply existsWeaken; y; auto]
          |destruct (Hc1b x Hxr) as [ G | y [Hya Hyb]] using existsC_ind;
            [auto using existsC_stable | apply existsWeaken; y; auto]]
|destruct (Hc1a x Hx) as [ G | y [Hya Hyb]] using existsC_ind;
                [auto using existsC_stable | apply existsWeaken; y; auto]]).
 intros d1 d2 He a b H.
 induction a.
   apply ball_refl.
  intros x Hx; elim Hx.
 destruct IHa as [c1 Hc1a Hc1b].
  abstract ( intros x Hx d; apply (H x); apply orWeaken; right; auto).
 destruct (Qpos_lt_plus He) as [g Hg].
 destruct (fun zH a z ((1#2)*g)%Qpos) as [b0 Hb0].
  abstract (apply orWeaken; left; reflexivity).
 clear H.
 destruct (@preLengthX a b0 (e + (1 # 2) × g)%Qpos d1 d2) as [c Hc0 Hc1].
   abstract ( clear - Hg; rewriteHg; autorewrite with QposElim; rewriteQlt_minus_iff; ring_simplify;
  abstract (clear - Hb0; destruct Hb0; auto).
  (c :: c1).
  abstract ( split; intros x Hx; [destruct Hx as [ G | Hx | Hx ] using orC_ind;
    [auto using existsC_stable |apply existsWeaken; c; split; [apply orWeaken;left; reflexivity
      |rewriteHx; auto] |destruct Hc1a as [Hc1a _];
        destruct (Hc1a x Hx) as [ G | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind; [auto using existsC_stable|];
          apply existsWeaken; y; split; auto; apply orWeaken; right; auto]
            |destruct Hx as [ G | Hx | Hx ] using orC_ind; [auto using existsC_stable
              |apply existsWeaken; a; split; [apply orWeaken;left; reflexivity
                |rewriteHx; auto with *] |destruct Hc1a as [_ Hc1a];
                  destruct (Hc1a x Hx) as [ G | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind;
                    [auto using existsC_stable|]; apply existsWeaken; y; split; auto;
                      apply orWeaken; right; auto]]).
 abstract ( destruct Hb0 as [Hb0a Hb0b]; intros x Hx; destruct Hx as [ G | Hx | Hx ] using orC_ind;
   [auto using existsC_stable |apply existsWeaken; b0; split; auto; rewriteHx; auto
     |apply Hc1b; auto]).

End Strong.

End Finite.
A list is equivalent to it's reverse as finite enumerations
Lemma FinEnum_eq_rev : X (stable: stableMetric X) (f:FinEnum stable),
 st_eq f (rev f).
 induction f.
  change (st_eq (nil:FinEnum stable) (nil:FinEnum stable)).
 intros x.
 destruct (IHf x) as [H0 H1].
 split; simpl; intros H.
  destruct H as [G|H|H] using orC_ind.
    auto using InFinEnumC_stable.
   apply InFinEnumC_app_r.
   apply orWeaken.
   left; auto.
  apply InFinEnumC_app_l.
 destruct (InFinEnumC_app_orC _ _ _ _ H) as [G |A | A] using orC_ind.
   auto using orC_stable.
  apply orWeaken.
 destruct A as [G | A| A] using orC_ind.
   auto using orC_stable.
  apply orWeaken.
  left; auto.

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

map is compatable with classical in
Lemma InFinEnumC_map : (X Y:MetricSpace) (f:X --> Y) a l, InFinEnumC a lInFinEnumC (f a) (map f l).
 induction l.
 intros Ha.
 destruct Ha as [G | Ha | Ha] using orC_ind.
   auto using InFinEnumC_stable.
  apply: orWeaken.
  rewriteHa; reflexivity.
 apply: orWeaken.
 apply IHl.

The map function for finite enumerations is uniformly continuous
Definition FinEnum_map_modulus (z:Qpos) (muf : QposQposInf) (e:Qpos) :=
match (muf e) with
| QposInfinityz
| Qpos2QposInf dd

Lemma FinEnum_map_uc : z X Y (SX:stableMetric X) (SY:stableMetric Y) (f:X --> Y), is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (map f:FinEnum SXFinEnum SY) (FinEnum_map_modulus z (mu f)).
 intros z X Y SX SY f e.
 cut ( (a b : FinEnum SX) (d:Qpos), (QposInf_le d (mu f e)) →
   ball d a bball (m:=FinEnum SY) e (map f a) (map f b)).
  intros Z a b.
  unfold FinEnum_map_modulus.
  case_eq (mu f e).
   intros d Hd H.
   apply Z with d; auto.
   rewrite Hd.
   simpl; auto with ×.
  intros He H.
  apply Z with z; auto.
  rewrite He.
 revert e.
 cut ( (e d:Qpos), (QposInf_le d (mu f e)) → (s1 s2 : FinEnum SX),
   hemiMetric X d (fun aInFinEnumC a s1) (fun aInFinEnumC a s2) →
     hemiMetric Y e (fun aInFinEnumC a (map f s1:FinEnum SY)) (fun aInFinEnumC a (map f s2))).
  intros Z e s1 s2 d Hd [H0 H1].
  split; apply (Z e d Hd); assumption.
 intros e d Hd s1 s2.
 intros H a Ha.
 induction s1.
 destruct Ha as [G | Ha | Ha] using orC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  assert (Ha0:InFinEnumC a0 (a0::s1)).
   apply orWeaken.
   left; reflexivity.
  destruct (H a0 Ha0) as [G | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  apply existsWeaken.
   (f y).
   apply InFinEnumC_map; assumption.
  apply (uc_prf f).
  apply ball_ex_weak_le with d; auto.
 apply IHs1; auto.
 intros b Hb.
 apply H.
 apply orWeaken.
 right; assumption.
Definition FinEnum_map z X Y (SX:stableMetric X) (SY:stableMetric Y) (f:X --> Y) :=
 Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (FinEnum_map_uc z SX SY f).

maping Cunit is an injection from FinEnum X to FinEnum Complete X that preserves the metric
Lemma FinEnum_map_Cunit : X (SX:stableMetric X) SCX (s1 s2:FinEnum SX) e, ball e s1 s2 ball e (map Cunit s1:FinEnum SCX) (map Cunit s2).
 intros X SX SCX s1 s2 e.
  intros H.
  apply (@FinEnum_map_uc (1#1) _ _ SX SCX).
 revert s1 s2.
 cut ( (s1 s2 : FinEnum SX) ,
   hemiMetric (Complete X) e (fun aInFinEnumC a (map Cunit s1:FinEnum SCX))
     (fun aInFinEnumC a (map Cunit s2)) →
       hemiMetric X e (fun aInFinEnumC a s1) (fun aInFinEnumC a s2)).
  intros Z s1 s2.
  intros [H0 H1].
  split; apply Z; assumption.
 intros s1 s2 H a Ha.
 induction s1.
 destruct Ha as [G | Ha | Ha] using orC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  clear IHs1.
  assert (Ha0:InFinEnumC (Cunit a0) (map Cunit (a0::s1))).
   apply: orWeaken.
   left; reflexivity.
  destruct (H _ Ha0) as [G | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  clear - Ha Hy0 Hy1.
  induction s2.
  destruct Hy0 as [G | Hy0 | Hy0] using orC_ind.
    auto using existsC_stable.
   apply existsWeaken.
    apply orWeaken.
    left; reflexivity.
   rewrite <- ball_Cunit.
   rewrite <- Hy0.
  destruct (IHs2 Hy0) as [G | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  apply existsWeaken.
  split; auto.
  apply orWeaken.
  right; assumption.
 apply IHs1; auto.
 intros b Hb.
 apply H.
 apply: orWeaken.
 right; assumption.