
Require Export Metric.
Require Import UniformContinuity.
Require Import Complete.
Require Import COrdFields2.
Require Import Qordfield.
Require Import QMinMax.
Require Import QposMinMax.
Require Import List.
Require Import CornTac.
Require Import Qauto.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Automatic Introduction.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.

Section Prelength_Space.

Prelength space

In a length space the "internal" metric of a metric space corresponds to the given external metric. The internal metric of a space measures the distance between two point by the length of curves connecting them.
Because the notion of curves really only makes sense in a complete metric space, here we use a weaker notion of a prelength space. In this case the internal metric says that two points are within e of each other if you can get between the two points making arbitarily short hops while covering a distance arbitrarily close to e.
Variable X:MetricSpace.

The notion of a prelength space is neatly characterized by the following simple definition.
Definition PrelengthSpace :=
(a b:X) (e d1 d2:Qpos), e < d1+d2ball e a b
exists2 c:X, ball d1 a c & ball d2 c b.

There is some evidence that we should be using the classical existential in the above definition. For now we take the middle road and use the Prop based existential. This show that the exists statement is not used in computations, but still every occurance is constructive.

Hypothesis prelength : PrelengthSpace.

This proves that you can construct a trail of points between a and b that is arbitarily close to e and with arbitrarily short hops.
Lemma trail : dl e (a b:X),
 ball e a b
 e < QposSum dl
 let n := length dl in
 (exists2 f : natX, f 0 = a f n = b
               & i z, i < nball (nth i dl z) (f i) (f (S i)))%nat.
 induction dl.
  intros e a b H H1.
  simpl in ×.
  elim (less_antisymmetric_unfolded _ (e:Q) 0);solve[assumption|apply Qpos_prf].
 rename a into x.
 intros e a b B pe.
 simpl in pe.
 destruct dl.
  simpl in ×.
  pose (f:= (fun nmatch n with Oa | S _b end)).
   f; auto.
  intros [|i] z H;[|elimtype False; auto with *].
  clear z H.
  ring_simplify in pe.
  apply ball_weak_le with e.
   apply Qlt_le_weak; assumption.
 set (Sigma := QposSum (q::dl)).
 pose (g := ((Qmax 0 (e-x))+Sigma)/2).
 assert ((Qmax 0 (e-x))<Sigma).
  apply Qmax_case.
   apply: less_leEq_trans.
    instantiate (1:=(q:Q)).
    apply Qpos_prf.
   unfold Sigma.
   stepl (q+0); [| simpl; ring].
   apply: plus_resp_leEq_lft.
   apply QposSumNonNeg.
  apply: shift_minus_less;simpl.
 assert (Hg1:=Smallest_less_Average _ _ _ H).
 assert (0<g).
  apply: leEq_less_trans.
   apply Qmax_ub_l.
  apply Hg1.
 set (g' := (mkQpos H0):Qpos).
 assert (Hg:g'=g:>Q).
  apply QposAsmkQpos.
 assert (e<x+g').
  apply: shift_less_plus'.
  apply: leEq_less_trans.
   apply Qmax_ub_r.
  rewrite Hg.
  apply Hg1.
 assert (g'<Sigma).
  rewrite Hg.
  apply: Average_less_Greatest.
 destruct (prelength _ _ _ _ _ H1 B) as [c Hc1 Hc2].
 destruct (IHdl _ _ _ Hc2 H2) as [f' [Hf'1 Hf'2] Hf'3].
  (fun nmatch n with Oa | S n'f' n' end).
 intros [|i] z Hi.
 apply Hf'3.
 auto with ×.

Variable Y:MetricSpace.

The major applicaiton of prelength spaces is that it allows one to reduce the problem of ball (e1 + e2) (f a) (f b) to ball (mu f e1 + mu f e2) a b instead of reduceing it to ball (mu f (e1 + e2)) a b. This new reduction allows one to continue reasoning by making use of the triangle law.
Below we show a more general lemma allowing for arbitarily many terms in the sum.
Lemma mu_sum : e0 (es : list Qpos) (f:UniformlyContinuousFunction X Y) a b,
ball_ex (fold_right QposInf_plus (mu f e0) (map (mu f) es)) a b
ball (fold_right Qpos_plus e0 es) (f a) (f b).
 intros e0 es f a b Hab.
 apply ball_closed.
 intros e'.
 setoid_replace (fold_right Qpos_plus e0 es + e')%Qpos with (fold_right Qpos_plus e0 (e'::es)); [| simpl;QposRing].
 set (ds := map (mu f) es) in ×.
 set (d0 := (mu f e0)) in ×.
 set (d' := (mu f e')) in ×.
 assert (H:{ds' | (map Qpos2QposInf ds')=d0::d'::ds}+{In QposInfinity (d0::d'::ds)}).
  generalize (d0::d'::ds); clear.
  induction l as [|[d|] ds].
     (@nil Qpos).
   destruct IHds as [[ds' Hds']|Hds].
    rewrite <- Hds'.
 destruct H as [[ds' Hds']|Hds].
  destruct ds' as [|g0 [|g' gs]]; try discriminate Hds'.
  inversion Hds'.
  clear Hds'.
  unfold d0 in *; clear d0.
  unfold d' in *; clear d'.
  unfold ds in *; clear ds.
  replace (fold_right QposInf_plus (mu f e0) (map (mu f) es))
    with (Qpos2QposInf (fold_right Qpos_plus g0 gs)) in Hab.
   simpl in Hab.
   assert (H:(fold_right Qpos_plus g0 gs < QposSum ((g' :: gs)++(g0::nil)))).
    replace LHS with (QposSum (gs ++ g0::nil)).
     apply Qpos_prf.
    clear - g0.
    induction gs.
     simpl; ring.
   case (trail _ _ _ _ Hab H).
   clear Hab H.
   cut (map Qpos2QposInf (g' :: gs) = map (mu f) (e' :: es)).
    clear H2 H1.
    generalize (e'::es) (g'::gs) a.
    clear gs g' es e' a.
    induction l as [|e es]; intros gs a Hes x [Ha Hb] H; destruct gs; try discriminate Hes.
     simpl in ×.
     apply uc_prf.
     rewrite <- H0.
     rewrite <- Hb.
     rewrite <- Ha.
     apply (H 0%nat g0).
     auto with ×.
    inversion Hes; clear Hes.
    eapply ball_triangle.
     apply uc_prf.
     rewrite <- H2.
     rewrite <- Ha.
     simpl; apply (H 0%nat g0).
     simpl; auto with ×.
    apply (IHes _ (x 1%nat) H3 (fun ix (S i))); try auto with ×.
    apply (H (S i) z).
    simpl; auto with ×.
   simpl; congruence.
  rewrite <- H2.
  rewrite <- H0.
  clear - gs.
  induction gs.
  rewrite <- IHgs.
 assert (H: (e:Qpos) es, e < (fold_right Qpos_plus e0 es)%Qpos(mu f e)=QposInfinityball (m:=Y) (fold_right Qpos_plus e0 es) (f a) (f b)).
  intros e esx He Hmu.
  apply ball_weak_le with e;[apply Qlt_le_weak; assumption|].
  apply uc_prf.
  rewrite Hmu.
 case (in_inv Hds).
  intros Hd0.
  apply H with e0.
   clear - es.
   induction es.
    apply Qpos_prf.
   replace RHS with (a+(fold_right Qpos_plus e0 (e'::es))) by (simpl;QposRing).
   eapply Qlt_trans.
    apply IHes.
   apply Qpos_prf.
 clear Hds.
 change (d'::ds) with (map (mu f) (e'::es)).
 induction (e'::es); intros Hds.
  elim Hds.
 simpl in Hds.
 destruct Hds as [Ha0|Hds].
  apply H with a0.
   apply Qpos_prf.
 eapply ball_weak_le with (fold_right Qpos_plus e0 l).
  rewrite Q_Qpos_plus.
  rewriteQle_minus_iff; ring_simplify.
  auto with ×.

End Prelength_Space.

Section Map.

Open Local Scope uc_scope.
Variable X Y : MetricSpace.
Hypothesis plX : PrelengthSpace X.
Variable f : X --> Y.

A more effictient Cmap and Cbind

The main application of prelength spaces is to allow one to use a more natural and more efficent map function for complete metric spaces. Since this map function is more widely used in practice, it gets the name Cmap while the original map function is stuck with the name Cmap_slow as a reminder to try to use the function defined here if possible.

Definition Cmap_raw (x:Complete X) (e:QposInf) :=
f (approximate x (QposInf_bind (mu f) e)).

Lemma Cmap_fun_prf (x:Complete X) : is_RegularFunction (fun ef (approximate x (QposInf_bind (mu f) e))).
 intros e1 e2.
 apply (@mu_sum X plX Y e2 (e1::nil)).
 destruct (mu f e1) as [d1|].
  destruct (mu f e2) as [d2|].
   apply: regFun_prf.

Definition Cmap_fun (x:Complete X) : Complete Y :=
Build_RegularFunction (Cmap_fun_prf x).

Lemma Cmap_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction Cmap_fun (mu f).
 intros e0 x y Hxy e1 e2.
 setoid_replace (e1+e0+e2)%Qpos with (e1+(e0+e2))%Qpos; [| QposRing].
 apply (@mu_sum X plX Y e2 (e1::e0::nil)).
 destruct (mu f e1) as [d1|];[|constructor].
 destruct (mu f e0) as [d0|];[|constructor].
 destruct (mu f e2) as [d2|];[|constructor].
 simpl in ×.
 setoid_replace (d1+(d0+d2))%Qpos with (d1+d0+d2)%Qpos; [| QposRing].
 apply Hxy.

Definition Cmap : (Complete X) --> (Complete Y) :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction Cmap_prf.

Cmap is equivalent to the original Cmap_slow
Lemma Cmap_correct : st_eq Cmap (Cmap_slow f).
 intros x e1 e2.
 unfold Cmap_slow_raw.
 apply (@mu_sum X plX Y e2 (e1::nil)).
 destruct (mu f e1) as [d1|]; try constructor.
 destruct (mu f e2) as [d2|]; try constructor.
 eapply ball_weak_le;[|apply regFun_prf].
 autorewrite with QposElim.

Lemma Cmap_fun_correct : x, st_eq (Cmap_fun x) (Cmap_slow_fun f x).
 apply Cmap_correct.

End Map.

Section fast_Monad_Laws.
Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Variable X Y Z : MetricSpace.
Hypothesis plX : PrelengthSpace X.
Hypothesis plY : PrelengthSpace Y.

Notation "a =m b" := (st_eq a b) (at level 70, no associativity).

Lemma fast_MonadLaw1 a : Cmap plX (uc_id X) a =m a.
Proof. rewrite Cmap_correct. apply MonadLaw1. Qed.

Lemma fast_MonadLaw2 (f:Y --> Z) (g:X --> Y) a : Cmap plX (uc_compose f g) a =m (Cmap plY f (Cmap plX g a)).
Proof. do 3 rewrite Cmap_correct. simpl. apply MonadLaw2. Qed.

Lemma fast_MonadLaw3 (f:X --> Y) a : Cmap plX f (Cunit a) =m Cunit (f a).
Proof. rewrite Cmap_correct. simpl. apply MonadLaw3. Qed.

End fast_Monad_Laws.

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Cmap preserves extensional equality

Lemma map_eq_complete {X Y : MetricSpace} {plX : PrelengthSpace X} (f g : X --> Y) :
  ( x : X, f x [=] g x) → ( x : Complete X, Cmap plX f x [=] Cmap plX g x).
intros A x. apply lift_eq_complete. intro y. rewrite !fast_MonadLaw3, A. reflexivity.

Similarly we define a new Cbind
Definition Cbind X Y plX (f:X-->Complete Y) := uc_compose Cjoin (Cmap plX f).

Lemma Cbind_correct : X Y plX (f:X-->Complete Y), st_eq (Cbind plX f) (Cbind_slow f).
 unfold Cbind, Cbind_slow.
 intros X Y plX f.
 rewrite → (Cmap_correct).

Lemma Cbind_fun_correct : X Y plX (f:X-->Complete Y) x, st_eq (Cbind plX f x) (Cbind_slow f x).
 apply Cbind_correct.

Similarly we define a new Cmap_strong
Lemma Cmap_strong_prf : (X Y:MetricSpace) (plX:PrelengthSpace X),
 is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (@Cmap X Y plX) Qpos2QposInf.
 intros X Y plX e a b Hab.
 do 2 rewriteCmap_correct.
 apply Cmap_strong_slow_prf.

Definition Cmap_strong X Y plX : (X --> Y) --> (Complete X --> Complete Y) :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (@Cmap_strong_prf X Y plX).

Lemma Cmap_strong_correct : X Y plX, st_eq (@Cmap_strong X Y plX) (@Cmap_strong_slow X Y).
 intros X Y plX.
 apply: Cmap_correct.

Similarly we define a new Cap
Definition Cap_raw X Y plX (f:Complete (X --> Y)) (x:Complete X) (e:QposInf) :=
 approximate (Cmap plX (approximate f ((1#2)%Qpos×e)%QposInf) x) ((1#2)%Qpos×e)%QposInf.

Lemma Cap_fun_prf X Y plX (f:Complete (X --> Y)) (x:Complete X) : is_RegularFunction (Cap_raw plX f x).
 intros e1 e2.
 unfold Cap_raw.
 unfold Cap_raw.
 unfold QposInf_mult, QposInf_bind.
 set (he1 := ((1 # 2) × e1)%Qpos).
 set (he2 := ((1 # 2) × e2)%Qpos).
 set (f1 := (approximate f he1)).
 set (f2 := (approximate f he2)).
 change (Cmap (Y:=Y) plX f1) with (Cmap_strong Y plX f1).
 change (Cmap (Y:=Y) plX f2) with (Cmap_strong Y plX f2).
 set (y1 :=(Cmap_strong Y plX f1 x)).
 set (y2 :=(Cmap_strong Y plX f2 x)).
 setoid_replace (e1 + e2)%Qpos with (he1 + (he1 + he2) + he2)%Qpos; [| unfold he1, he2; QposRing].
 rewrite <- ball_Cunit.
 apply ball_triangle with y2;[|apply ball_approx_r].
 apply ball_triangle with y1;[apply ball_approx_l|].
 apply (uc_prf (Cmap_strong Y plX)).
 apply: regFun_prf.

Definition Cap_fun X Y plX (f:Complete (X --> Y)) (x:Complete X) : Complete Y :=
Build_RegularFunction (Cap_fun_prf plX f x).

Lemma Cap_fun_correct : X Y plX (f:Complete (X --> Y)) x, st_eq (Cap_fun plX f x) (Cap_slow_fun f x).
 intros X Y plX f x e1 e2.
 unfold Cap_raw, Cap_slow_raw.
 set (e1':=((1 # 2)%Qpos × e1)%Qpos).
 set (e2':=((1 # 2)%Qpos × e2)%Qpos).
 change (ball (e1 + e2) (approximate (Cmap plX (approximate f ((1 # 2) × e1)%Qpos) x) e1')
   (approximate (Cmap_slow (approximate f ((1 # 2) × e2)%Qpos) x) e2')).
 setoid_replace (e1 + e2)%Qpos with (e1' + (((1 # 2) × e1)%Qpos + ((1 # 2) × e2)%Qpos) + e2')%Qpos; [| unfold e1', e2'; QposRing].
 generalize x e1' e2'.
 change (ball ((1 # 2) × e1 + (1 # 2) × e2) (Cmap plX (approximate f ((1 # 2) × e1)%Qpos))
   (Cmap_slow (approximate f ((1 # 2) × e2)%Qpos))).
 set (f1:=(approximate f ((1 # 2) × e1)%Qpos)).
 set (f2:=(approximate f ((1 # 2) × e2)%Qpos)).
 apply Cmap_strong_slow_prf.
 apply regFun_prf.

Definition Cap_modulus X Y (f:Complete (X --> Y)) (e:Qpos) : QposInf := (mu (approximate f ((1#3)*e)%Qpos) ((1#3)*e)).

Lemma Cap_weak_prf X Y plX (f:Complete (X --> Y)) : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (Cap_fun plX f) (Cap_modulus f).
 intros e x y H.
 set (e' := ((1#3)*e)%Qpos).
 setoid_replace e with (e'+e'+e')%Qpos; [| unfold e';QposRing].
 apply ball_triangle with (Cmap plX (approximate f e') y).
  apply ball_triangle with (Cmap plX (approximate f e') x).
   simpl (Cmap plX (approximate f e') x).
   apply Cap_slow_help.
  apply (uc_prf).
  apply H.
 apply ball_sym.
 simpl (Cmap plX (approximate f e') y).
 apply Cap_slow_help.

Definition Cap_weak X Y plX (f:Complete (X --> Y)) : Complete X --> Complete Y :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (Cap_weak_prf plX f).

Lemma Cap_weak_correct : X Y plX (f:Complete (X --> Y)), st_eq (Cap_weak plX f) (Cap_weak_slow f).
 apply: Cap_fun_correct.

Lemma Cap_prf X Y plX : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (@Cap_weak X Y plX) Qpos2QposInf.
 intros e a b Hab.
 do 2 rewriteCap_weak_correct.
 apply Cap_slow_prf.

Definition Cap X Y plX : Complete (X --> Y) --> Complete X --> Complete Y :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (Cap_prf plX).

Lemma Cap_correct : X Y plX, st_eq (Cap Y plX) (Cap_slow X Y).
 apply: Cap_fun_correct.

Similarly we define a new Cmap2.
Definition Cmap2 (X Y Z:MetricSpace) (Xpl : PrelengthSpace X) (Ypl : PrelengthSpace Y) f := uc_compose (@Cap Y Z Ypl) (Cmap Xpl f).

Completion of a metric space preserves the prelength property. In fact the completion of a prelenght space is a length space, but we have not formalized the notion of a length space yet.
Lemma CompletePL : X, PrelengthSpace XPrelengthSpace (Complete X).
 intros X Xpl x y e d1 d2 He Hxy.
 setoid_replace (d1+d2) with ((d1+d2)%Qpos:Q) in He; [| simpl; QposRing].
 destruct (Qpos_lt_plus He).
 pose (gA := ((1#5)*x0)%Qpos).
 pose (g := Qpos_min (Qpos_min ((1#2)*d1) ((1#2)*d2)) gA).
 unfold PrelengthSpace in Xpl.
 assert (Hd1:g < d1).
  unfold g.
  eapply Qle_lt_trans.
   apply Qpos_min_lb_l.
  eapply Qle_lt_trans.
   apply Qpos_min_lb_l.
  apply (half_3 _ (d1:Q)).
  apply Qpos_prf.
 assert (Hd2:g < d2).
  unfold g.
  eapply Qle_lt_trans.
   apply Qpos_min_lb_l.
  eapply Qle_lt_trans.
   apply Qpos_min_lb_r.
  apply (half_3 _ (d2:Q)).
  apply Qpos_prf.
 destruct (Qpos_lt_plus Hd1) as [d1' Hd1'].
 destruct (Qpos_lt_plus Hd2) as [d2' Hd2'].
 assert (He':(g + e + g)%Qpos < d1' + d2').
  apply: plus_cancel_less;simpl.
  instantiate (1:= (g+g)).
  assert (d1' + d2' + (g + g) == ((g+d1')%Qpos+(g+d2')%Qpos)).
  rewriteH. clear H.
  unfold QposEq in ×.
  rewrite <- Hd1'.
  rewrite <- Hd2'.
  clear d1' Hd1' d2' Hd2'.
  apply Qle_lt_trans with (e + 4×gA).
   stepl (e+4×g); [| unfold inject_Z; simpl; QposRing].
   apply: plus_resp_leEq_lft.
   apply: mult_resp_leEq_lft.
    apply Qpos_min_lb_r.
   compute; discriminate.
  assert (d1 + d2 == ((d1+d2)%Qpos:Q)). simpl; QposRing. rewriteH. clear H.
  assert (e + x0 == e+1×x0). QposRing. rewriteH. clear H.
  apply: plus_resp_less_lft;simpl.
  assert (4%positive × ((1 # 5) × x0) == (4#5)*x0). unfold inject_Z, gA. QposRing.
  rewriteH. clear H.
  apply: mult_resp_less.
  apply Qpos_prf.
 destruct (Xpl _ _ _ _ _ He' (Hxy g g)) as [c Hc1 Hc2].
  (Cunit c).
  rewrite <- Q_Qpos_plus in Hd1'.
  change (QposEq d1 (g + d1')) in Hd1'.
  eapply ball_triangle.
   apply ball_approx_r.
 rewrite <- Q_Qpos_plus in Hd2'.
 change (QposEq d2 (g + d2')) in Hd2'.
 setoid_replace (g + d2')%Qpos with (d2' + g)%Qpos; [| QposRing].
 eapply ball_triangle with (Cunit (approximate y g)).
 apply ball_approx_l.