
Require Import Limit.
Require Export FinEnum.
Require Import Zpow_facts.
Require Export Complete.
Require Import Classic.
Require Import COrdFields2.
Require Import Qordfield.
Require Import Qpower.
Require Import Qauto.
Require Import CornTac.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Automatic Introduction.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.

Compact sets

This module formalizes compact sets as the completion of a finitely enumerables sets.
Section BishopCompact.

Bishop Compactness

This section formalizes Bishops definition of compactness to serve as a reference specification for our definition of compactness.

Variable X : MetricSpace.

Variable P : XProp.

Definition CompleteSubset :=
  (f:Complete X), ( e, P (approximate f e)) →
 {y:X | P y & st_eq (Cunit y) f}.

Definition ExtSubset :=
  x y, (st_eq x y) → (P x P y).

Definition TotallyBoundedSubset :=
  e, {l : list X | y, In y lP y & x, P x y, In y l ball e x y }.

A Bishop compact set is an (extensional) predicate that is complete and totally bounded.
almostIn is a useful predicate that says when a point is within e of (classically) some member of a finite enumeration. We won't know which point it is close to.
Fixpoint almostIn (e:Qpos) (x:X) (l:FinEnum stableX) : Prop :=
match l with
| nilFalse
| y::ysorC (ball e x y) (almostIn e x ys)

Lemma almostIn_stable : e x l, ~~almostIn e x lalmostIn e x l.
 intros e x l.
 induction l.
 intros H.
 simpl in ×.
 unfold orC in ×.

Lemma almostIn_weak_le : (e1 e2:Qpos) x l, (e1 e2) → almostIn e1 x lalmostIn e2 x l.
 induction l; intros He H.
  apply H.
 destruct H as [G | H | H] using orC_ind.
   auto using almostIn_stable.
  apply orWeaken.
  eapply ball_weak_le.
   apply He.
 apply orWeaken.
 apply IHl; assumption.

If you are almost in for every e, then you are infact in the finite enumeration
Lemma InAlmostIn : x l, ( e, almostIn e x l)<->(InFinEnumC x l).
 induction l.
   intros H.
   apply (H (1#1)%Qpos).
  intros H [A B].
  assert (existsC Qpos (fun e¬ball e x a)).
   intros C.
   apply A.
   apply ball_eq.
   intros d.
   apply stableX.
   apply C.
  destruct H0 as [ G | z Hz] using existsC_ind.
  apply B.
  intros e.
  apply almostIn_stable.
  intros C.
  destruct (Qlt_le_dec e z).
   apply (H e).
   split; try assumption.
   intros D.
   apply Hz.
   eapply ball_weak_le.
    apply Qlt_le_weak.
    apply q.
  apply (H z).
  split; try assumption.
  intros D.
  apply C.
  eapply almostIn_weak_le.
   apply q.
 intros H e.
 move H after e.
 destruct H as [ G | H | H] using orC_ind.
   auto using almostIn_stable.
  apply orWeaken.
  apply ball_refl.
 rewrite <- IHl in H.
 apply orWeaken.
 apply H.

Lemma almostIn_closed : e x l, ( d, almostIn (e+d) x l) → almostIn e x l.
 induction l.
  intros H.
  apply (H (1#1)%Qpos).
 intros H.
 intros [A B].
 apply B.
 clear B.
 apply IHl.
 intros d.
 assert (existsC Qpos (fun d¬ball (e+d) x a)).
  intros Y.
  apply A.
  apply ball_closed.
  intros d0.
  apply stableX.
  apply Y.
 destruct H0 as [G | d0 Hd0] using existsC_ind.
  auto using almostIn_stable.
 apply almostIn_stable.
 intros Z.
 destruct (Qlt_le_dec d0 d).
  apply Z.
  apply (@almostIn_weak_le (e + d0)%Qpos).
   autorewrite with QposElim.
   apply Qlt_le_weak.
   rewriteQlt_minus_iff in ×.
   replace RHS with (d + - d0) by simpl; ring.
  apply almostIn_stable.
  intros Y.
  apply (H d0).
  split; try assumption.
 apply (H d).
  intros Y.
  apply Hd0.
  apply (@ball_weak_le X (e + d)%Qpos).
   autorewrite with QposElim.
   rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
   replace RHS with (d0 + - d) by simpl; ring.

Left and right triangle laws for balls and almostIn.
Lemma almostIn_triangle_l : e1 e2 x1 x2 l, (ball e1 x1 x2) → almostIn e2 x2 lalmostIn (e1 + e2) x1 l.
 induction l; intros H1 H2.
  apply H2.
 destruct H2 as [G | H2 | H2] using orC_ind.
   auto using almostIn_stable.
  apply orWeaken.
  eapply ball_triangle.
   apply H1.
  apply H2.
 apply orWeaken.
 apply IHl; assumption.

Lemma almostIn_triangle_r : e1 e2 x l1 l2, almostIn e1 x l1 → (ball e2 l1 l2) → almostIn (e1 + e2) x l2.
 intros e1 e2 x l1 l2 H1 [H2 _].
 revert l2 H1 H2.
 induction l1; intros l2 H1 H2.
 unfold hemiMetric in ×.
 destruct H1 as [G | H1 | H1] using orC_ind.
   auto using almostIn_stable.
  assert (Z:InFinEnumC a (a :: l1)).
   apply orWeaken.
   left; reflexivity.
  destruct (H2 a Z) as [ G | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
   auto using almostIn_stable.
  clear - H1 Hz0 Hz1.
  apply almostIn_closed.
  intros d.
  rewrite <- InAlmostIn in Hz0.
  apply almostIn_triangle_l with z.
   apply ball_triangle with a; assumption.
  apply Hz0.
 apply IHl1.
 intros y Hy.
 apply H2.
 apply orWeaken.
 right; assumption.

If you are almost in a finite enumeration then you are close to (classically) some point that is in the enumeration.
Lemma almostInExistsC : e x s, almostIn e x s existsC X (fun yball e x y InFinEnumC y s).
 intros e x s.
 induction s.
  split; try contradiction.
  intros H.
  apply H.
  intros y [_ Hy].
  apply Hy.
  intros H.
  destruct H as [G | H | H] using orC_ind.
    auto using existsC_stable.
   apply existsWeaken.
   split; auto.
   apply orWeaken.
   left; reflexivity.
  rewriteIHs in H.
  destruct H as [G | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  apply existsWeaken.
  split; auto.
  apply orWeaken.
  right; auto.
 intros H.
 destruct H as [G | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
  auto using almostIn_stable.
 destruct Hy1 as [G | Hy1 | Hy1] using orC_ind.
   auto using almostIn_stable.
  apply orWeaken.
  rewrite <- Hy1.
 apply orWeaken.
 change (almostIn e x s).
 apply existsWeaken.

End AlmostIn.

Definition of Compact

A compact set is defined as the completion of finite enumerations as a metric space
Definition Compact X (stableX : stableMetric X) := Complete (FinEnum stableX).

A point is in a compact set if all the approximations are almost in the approximations of the compact set.
Definition inCompact X stableX (x:Complete X) (s:Compact stableX) :=
  e1 e2, almostIn (e1 + e2) (approximate x e1) (approximate s e2).
Section Compact.

Variable X : MetricSpace.
Hypothesis stableX : stableMetric X.

Let Compact := Compact stableX.
Let inCompact := @inCompact X stableX.

Lemma inCompact_stable : x s, ~~inCompact x sinCompact x s.
 intros x s H e1 e2.
 apply almostIn_stable.
 intros H0.
 apply H.
 intros H1.
 apply H0.
 apply H1.

Compact is Bishop Compact.

Here we show that our definiton of compactness satifies Bishop's compactness.
First we show that our compact sets are complete.

Lemma CompactCompleteSubset : x, CompleteSubset _ (fun zinCompact z x).
 intros x a H.
  (Cjoin a).
  abstract ( intros e1 e2; unfold inCompact in H; eapply almostIn_weak_le;
    [|apply (H ((1#2)*e1) ((1#2)*e1) e2)%Qpos]; autorewrite with QposElim; rewriteQle_minus_iff;
      ring_simplify; auto with *; apply Qmult_le_0_compat; auto with × ).
 apply CunitCjoin.

Section CompactTotallyBounded.

In order to show that compact sets are totally bounded we need to assume that the underlying metric space is located. According to Bishop's definition, every metric space is located. Therefore this is a fair assumption to make.
Hypothesis locatedX : locatedMetric X.

If a point is almost in an enumeration, then there it is close to a point in the enumeration in a constructive sense.
Lemma AlmostInExists: (e d:Qpos) x (s:FinEnum stableX), e < dalmostIn e x s{y | In y s ball d x y}.
 intros e d x s Hed.
 induction s.
 intros H.
 destruct (locatedX _ _ x a Hed).
  abstract (auto with × ).
 destruct IHs as [y Hy].
  abstract ( apply almostIn_stable; intros H0; apply H; split; auto).
 abstract (destruct Hy; auto with × ).

The limit of this stream is going to be used to construct a point inside the compact set close to a suitable starting point.
CoFixpoint CompactTotallyBoundedStream (s:Compact) (k d1 d2:Qpos) (pt:X) Hpt : Stream X :=
Cons pt
 (let (f,_) := HausdorffBallHausdorffBallStrong locatedX
               (regFun_prf s d1 (k×d1)%Qpos) in
  let (pt',HptX) := f pt Hpt d2 in
  let (Hpt',_) := HptX in
  (CompactTotallyBoundedStream s k (k×d1) (k×d2) pt' Hpt')).

This stream is Cauchy
Lemma CompactTotallyBoundedStreamCauchyLemma : n (k d:Qpos),
k < 1 →
0 < (d*(1-k^(S n))/(1-k)).
 intros n k d Hk.
 repeat (apply: mult_resp_pos; simpl); auto with ×.
  unfold Qminus.
  rewrite <- Qlt_minus_iff.
  induction n.
  rewrite Pplus_one_succ_l.
  apply Qlt_trans with (k×1).
   apply: mult_resp_less_lft;simpl; auto with ×.
 apply Qlt_shift_inv_l.
  unfold Qminus.
  rewrite <- Qlt_minus_iff.

Lemma CompactTotallyBoundedStreamCauchy1 : n s (k d1 d2:Qpos) pt Hpt
 (Hd:0 < ((((1#1)+k)*d1+d2)%Qpos*(1-k^(S n))/(1-k))), k < 1 →
 ball (mkQpos Hd) pt (Str_nth n (CompactTotallyBoundedStream s k d1 d2 pt Hpt)).
 induction n; intros s k d1 d2 pt Hpt Hd Hk.
  apply ball_refl.
 unfold Str_nth.
 set (e:=(((1#1) + k) × d1 + d2)%Qpos × (1 - k ^ S (S n)) / (1 - k)) in ×.
 set (e':=(mkQpos Hd)).
 set (e0:=((d1 + k × d1 + d2) + mkQpos
   (CompactTotallyBoundedStreamCauchyLemma n _ (((1#1)+k)*(k×d1) + (k×d2)) Hk))%Qpos).
 setoid_replace e' with e0.
  destruct (HausdorffBallHausdorffBallStrong locatedX (regFun_prf s d1 (k × d1)%Qpos)) as [f _].
  destruct (f pt Hpt d2) as [pt' [Hpt' Hpt'']].
  unfold e0.
  apply ball_triangle with pt'.
  apply IHn; assumption.
 unfold e', e0, e.
 unfold QposEq.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 change (S (S n)) with (1+(S n))%nat.
 change (S n) with (1 + n)%nat.
 repeat rewrite inj_plus.
 assert (¬k==0).
  apply Qpos_nonzero.
 repeat rewriteQpower_plus; auto.
 simpl; field.
 intros H0.
 apply (Qlt_not_le _ _ Hk).
 replace RHS with (-(1-k)) by simpl; ring.

Lemma CompactTotallyBoundedStreamCauchy2 : (m n:nat) s (k d1 d2:Qpos) pt Hpt
 (Hd:0 < ((((1#1)+k)*d1+d2)%Qpos*(1-k^(S n))/(1-k))), k < 1 →
 ball (k^m*(mkQpos Hd))
  (Str_nth m (CompactTotallyBoundedStream s k d1 d2 pt Hpt))
  (Str_nth (m + n) (CompactTotallyBoundedStream s k d1 d2 pt Hpt)).
 induction m; intros n s k d1 d2 pt Hpt Hd Hk.
  setoid_replace (k^0 × (mkQpos Hd))%Qpos with (mkQpos Hd); [| QposRing].
  apply CompactTotallyBoundedStreamCauchy1; assumption.
 pose (e':=(CompactTotallyBoundedStreamCauchyLemma n _ (((1#1)+k)*(k×d1) + (k×d2)) Hk)%Qpos).
 setoid_replace (k^S m×mkQpos Hd)%Qpos with (k^m×mkQpos e')%Qpos.
  replace (S m + n)%nat with (S (m + n))%nat by omega.
  unfold Str_nth.
  destruct (HausdorffBallHausdorffBallStrong locatedX (regFun_prf s d1 (k × d1)%Qpos)) as [f _].
  destruct (f pt Hpt d2) as [pt' [Hpt' _]].
  apply (IHm n s k (k×d1)%Qpos (k×d2)%Qpos pt' Hpt' e'); assumption.
 unfold QposEq.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 change (S n) with (1 + n)%nat.
 change (S m) with (1 + m)%nat.
 repeat rewrite inj_plus.
 assert (¬k==0).
  apply Qpos_nonzero.
 repeat rewriteQpower_plus; auto.
 simpl; field.
 intros H0.
 apply (Qlt_not_le _ _ Hk).
 replace RHS with (-(1-k)) by simpl; ring.

Lemma StreamInCompactApprox : n s k d1 d2 pt Hpt,
  {q:Qpos | InFinEnumC (Str_nth n (CompactTotallyBoundedStream s k d1 d2 pt Hpt)) (approximate s q) & q==k^n×d1}.
 induction n.
  simpl; ring.
 unfold Str_nth.
 destruct (HausdorffBallHausdorffBallStrong locatedX (regFun_prf s d1 (k × d1)%Qpos)) as [f _].
 destruct (f pt Hpt d2) as [pt' [Hpt' _]].
 destruct (IHn s k (k×d1) (k×d2) pt' Hpt')%Qpos as [q Hq Hq0].
  apply Hq.
 change (q==k^(P_of_succ_nat n)×d1).
 rewrite Zpos_P_of_succ_nat.
 unfold Zsucc.
 rewriteQpower_plus;[|apply Qpos_nonzero].
 autorewrite with QposElim in Hq0.
 ring [Hq0].

Definition CompactTotallyBoundedIndex (e d1 d2:Qpos) : nat :=
let (n,d):=((1+(1#4))*d1 + d2)/e/(1-(1#4)) in
 match Zsucc (Zdiv n d) with
| Zpos pdiv2 (S (Z_to_nat (log_sup_correct1 p)))
| _O

Hint Resolve Qinv_lt_0_compat.
Lemma CompactTotallyBoundedIndexLemma : (e d1 d2:Qpos),
((1+(1#4))*d1 + d2)*(1#4)^(CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e d1 d2)/(1-(1#4)) e.
 intros e d1 d2.
 unfold CompactTotallyBoundedIndex.
 set (a:=((1 + (1 # 4)) × d1 + d2)).
 set (b:=(1 - (1 # 4))).
 unfold Qdiv.
 rewrite <- Qmult_assoc.
 rewrite <- Qmult_assoc.
 apply Qle_shift_div_r.
  induction (let (n, d) := a × / e × / b in match Zsucc (n / d) with | Z0 ⇒ 0%nat
    | Zpos pdiv2 (S (Z_to_nat (z:=log_sup p) (log_sup_correct1 p))) | Zneg _ ⇒ 0%nat end).
  change (S n) with (1+n)%nat.
  rewrite inj_plus.
  change 0 with (4×0).
  apply: mult_resp_less_lft; auto.
 assert (He:¬e==0).
  apply Qpos_nonzero.
 set (z:=a × / e × / b).
 rewrite <- (Qinv_involutive e).
 rewrite → (Qmult_comm (/ /e)).
 apply Qle_shift_div_l.
  auto with ×.
 replace LHS with z by (unfold z;simpl; ring).
 assert (Hz:0 < z).
  unfold z.
  subst a.
  apply Q.Qmult_lt_0_compat; auto with ×.
  apply Q.Qmult_lt_0_compat; auto with ×.
  apply Q.Qplus_lt_le_0_compat; auto with ×.
 destruct z as [[|n|n] d].
   elim (Qlt_not_le _ _ Hz).
  apply Qle_trans with (Zsucc (n/d)).
   apply Qle_shift_div_r; auto with ×.
   unfold Zsucc, Qle.
   rewrite Zpos_mult_morphism.
   rewrite Zmult_comm.
   replace LHS with (d × (n / d) + n mod d)%Z by (apply Z_div_mod_eq; auto with × ).
   apply Zplus_le_compat_l.
   destruct (Z_mod_lt n d); auto with ×.
  generalize (Zsucc (n/d)).
  intros z.
  clear -z.
  destruct z.
   change (4%positive:Z) with (2^2)%Z.
   rewrite <- Qpower_mult.
   apply Qle_trans with (two_p (log_sup p)).
    unfold Qle; simpl.
    rewrite Pmult_comm;simpl.
    destruct (log_sup_correct2 p).
   generalize (log_sup p) (log_sup_correct1 p).
   intros z Hz.
   clear p.
   cut (z (2 × div2 (S (Z_to_nat (z:=z) Hz))))%Z.
    generalize ((2 × div2 (S (Z_to_nat (z:=z) Hz))))%Z.
    intros y Hy.
    rewrite <- Zpower_Qpower; auto with ×.
    unfold Qle.
    replace y with (z + (y-z))%Z by ring.
    rewrite Zpower_exp; auto with ×.
    replace (two_p z) with (2^z)%Z.
     replace LHS with ((2^z)*1)%Z by ring.
     apply Zmult_le_compat_l.
      assert (H:(0 y - z)%Z) by auto with ×.
      destruct (y -z)%Z; try discriminate.
       change 1%Z with (Zsucc 0)%Z.
       apply Zlt_le_succ.
       apply Zpower_pos_pos; constructor.
      elim H; reflexivity.
     destruct z as [|z|z].
      apply Zlt_le_weak.
      apply Zpower_pos_pos; constructor.
     elim Hz; constructor.
    destruct z as [|z|z].
     clear - z.
     induction z using Pind; simpl.
     rewrite Pplus_one_succ_l.
     rewrite Zpower_pos_is_exp.
     rewrite two_power_pos_is_exp.
     rewrite IHz.
    elim Hz; constructor.
   replace LHS with (Z_to_nat Hz:Z) by (apply Z_to_nat_correct).
   generalize (Z_to_nat (z:=z) Hz).
   intros n.
   clear - n.
   change 2%Z with (2%nat:Z).
   rewrite <- inj_mult.
   apply inj_le.
   replace RHS with (double (div2 (S n))) by (unfold double; omega).
   destruct (even_or_odd n).
    apply le_S_n.
    rewrite <- odd_double; auto with ×.
   rewrite <- even_double; auto with ×.
 discriminate Hz.

Definition CompactTotallyBounded_raw (s:Compact) (d1 d2:Qpos) (pt:X) Hpt (e:QposInf) : X :=
match e with
|Qpos2QposInf e' ⇒ (Str_nth (CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e' d1 d2)
  (CompactTotallyBoundedStream s (1#4) d1 d2 pt Hpt))

This stream forms a regular function
Lemma CompactTotallyBounded_prf : (s:Compact) (d1 d2:Qpos) (pt:X) Hpt,
 is_RegularFunction (CompactTotallyBounded_raw s d1 d2 pt Hpt).
 unfold CompactTotallyBounded_raw, is_RegularFunction.
 cut ( (s : Compact) (d1 d2 : Qpos) (pt : X)
   (Hpt : InFinEnumC pt (approximate s d1)) (e1 e2 : Qpos),
     ((CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e1 d1 d2) (CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e2 d1 d2))%nat
       ball (m:=X) (e1 + e2) (Str_nth (CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e1 d1 d2)
         (CompactTotallyBoundedStream s (1 # 4) d1 d2 pt Hpt))
           (Str_nth (CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e2 d1 d2)
             (CompactTotallyBoundedStream s (1 # 4) d1 d2 pt Hpt))).
  intros Z s d1 d2 pt Hpt e1 e2.
  destruct (le_lt_dec (CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e1 d1 d2) (CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e2 d1 d2)).
   apply Z; auto.
  setoid_replace (e1 + e2)%Qpos with (e2 + e1)%Qpos; [| QposRing].
  apply ball_sym.
  apply Z; auto with ×.
 intros s d1 d2 pt Hpt e1 e2 H.
 set (A:=CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e1 d1 d2) in ×.
 set (B:=CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e2 d1 d2) in ×.
 rewrite (le_plus_minus _ _ H).
 assert (Y:(1#4)%Qpos < 1).
 assert (Y0:= (CompactTotallyBoundedStreamCauchyLemma (B-A) _ (((1#1)+(1#4))*d1 + d2) Y)%Qpos).
 eapply ball_weak_le; [|apply (CompactTotallyBoundedStreamCauchy2 A _ s pt Hpt Y0);constructor].
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 unfold Qdiv.
 set (C:=(((1 + (1 # 4)) × d1 + d2) × (1 # 4) ^ A × / (1 - (1 # 4)))).
 replace LHS with ((1 - (1 # 4) ^ S (B - A)) × C) by (unfold C; simpl; ring).
 apply Qle_trans with (1×C).
  apply: mult_resp_leEq_rht;simpl.
   apply Qpower_pos_positive.
  unfold C.
  change (1-(1#4)) with (3#4).
  apply Qpower_pos.
 apply Qle_trans with e1.
  apply CompactTotallyBoundedIndexLemma.

Definition CompactTotallyBounded_fun (s:Compact) (d1 d2:Qpos) (pt:X) Hpt : Complete X :=
 Build_RegularFunction (CompactTotallyBounded_prf s d1 d2 pt Hpt).

The limit is inside the compact set
Lemma CompactTotallyBoundedInCompact : (s:Compact) (d1 d2:Qpos) (pt:X) Hpt,
 inCompact (CompactTotallyBounded_fun s d1 d2 pt Hpt) s.
 intros s d1 d2 pt Hpt e1 e2.
 destruct (StreamInCompactApprox (CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e1 d1 d2) s (1#4) d1 d2 pt Hpt)
   as [q Hq Hq0].
 apply almostIn_closed.
 intros d.
 apply almostIn_weak_le with (d + (q + e2))%Qpos.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  replace RHS with (e1 + - q) by simpl; ring.
  rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff.
  eapply Qle_trans;[|apply (CompactTotallyBoundedIndexLemma e1 d1 d2)].
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  cut (0 (1 # 4) ^ CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e1 d1 d2).
   generalize ( (1 # 4) ^ CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e1 d1 d2).
   intros z Hz.
   clear - Hz.
   replace RHS with (z*((d1 + 2×d2)/(3#2))) by simpl; field.
  apply Qpower_pos.
 eapply almostIn_triangle_r;[|apply regFun_prf].
 apply <- InAlmostIn.

The limit is close to the initial starting point
Lemma CompactTotallyBoundedNotFar : (s:Compact) (d1 d2:Qpos) (pt:X) Hpt,
 ball ((5#3)*d1 + (4#3)*d2) (Cunit pt) (CompactTotallyBounded_fun s d1 d2 pt Hpt).
 intros s d1 d2 pt Hpt e1 e2.
 assert (Z:(1#4)%Qpos < 1) by constructor.
 assert (Z0:=(CompactTotallyBoundedStreamCauchyLemma (CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e2 d1 d2) _ (((1#1)+(1#4))*(d1) + (d2)) Z)%Qpos).
 eapply ball_weak_le;
   [|apply (CompactTotallyBoundedStreamCauchy1 (CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e2 d1 d2) s pt Hpt Z0);constructor].
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 apply Qle_trans with (((1 + (1 # 4)) × d1 + d2) / (1 - (1 # 4))).
  apply: mult_resp_leEq_rht; try discriminate.
  replace RHS with (((1 + (1 # 4)) × d1 + d2)*1) by simpl; ring.
  apply mult_resp_leEq_lft.
   apply (Qpower_pos (1#4) (P_of_succ_nat (CompactTotallyBoundedIndex e2 d1 d2))).
  apply Qlt_le_weak.
  apply Q.Qplus_lt_le_0_compat; auto with ×.
 unfold Qdiv.
 change (/(1-(1#4))) with (4#3).
 apply Qlt_le_weak.
 apply Q.Qplus_lt_le_0_compat; auto with ×.

Using CompactTotallyBounded_fun we can map the approximation of a compact set to a new enumeration that contains only points inside the compact sets, without moving the points too much
Definition CompactTotalBound (s:Compact) (e:Qpos) : list (Complete X).
 generalize (CompactTotallyBounded_fun s ((1#5)*e) ((1#5)*e)).
 induction (approximate s ((1 # 5) × e)%Qpos).
  intros _.
  exact nil.
 intros H.
 apply cons.
  apply H with a.
  apply InFinEnumC_weaken; auto with ×.
 apply IHs0.
 intros pt Hpt.
 apply H with pt.
 apply orWeaken;right;assumption.

Lemma CompactTotalBoundNotFar : SCX (s:Compact) (e:Qpos),
 ball ((3#5)*e) (map Cunit (approximate s ((1#5)*e)%Qpos):FinEnum SCX) (CompactTotalBound s e).
 intros SCX s e.
 unfold CompactTotalBound.
 generalize (CompactTotallyBoundedNotFar s ((1#5)*e) ((1#5)*e)).
 generalize (CompactTotallyBounded_fun s ((1 # 5) × e) ((1 # 5) × e)).
 induction (approximate s ((1 # 5) × e)%Qpos); intros H L.
  apply ball_refl.
 split; intros x Hx.
  destruct Hx as [G | Hx | Hx] using orC_ind.
    auto using existsC_stable.
   apply existsWeaken.
    (H a (InFinEnumC_weaken X a (a :: s0) (in_eq a s0))).
    apply: orWeaken.
   setoid_replace ((3 # 5) × e)%Qpos with ((5 # 3) × ((1 # 5) × e) + (4 # 3) × ((1 # 5) × e))%Qpos; [| QposRing].
   apply L.
  set (H':=(fun pt (Hpt : InFinEnumC pt s0) ⇒ H pt (orWeaken _ _ (right Hpt)))).
  assert (L': (pt : X) (Hpt : InFinEnumC pt s0),
    ball (m:=Complete X) ((5 # 3) × ((1 # 5) × e) + (4 # 3) × ((1 # 5) × e)) (Cunit pt) (H' pt Hpt)).
   intros pt Hpt.
   apply L.
  destruct (IHs0 H' L') as [A _].
  destruct (A x Hx) as [G | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  apply existsWeaken.
  split; auto.
  apply: orWeaken.
  right; assumption.
 destruct Hx as [G | Hx | Hx] using orC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  apply existsWeaken.
   (Cunit a).
   apply: orWeaken.
  setoid_replace ((3 # 5) × e)%Qpos with ((5 # 3) × ((1 # 5) × e) + (4 # 3) × ((1 # 5) × e))%Qpos; [| QposRing].
  apply ball_sym.
  apply L.
 set (H':=(fun pt (Hpt : InFinEnumC pt s0) ⇒ H pt (orWeaken _ _ (right Hpt)))).
 assert (L': (pt : X) (Hpt : InFinEnumC pt s0),
   ball (m:=Complete X) ((5 # 3) × ((1 # 5) × e) + (4 # 3) × ((1 # 5) × e)) (Cunit pt) (H' pt Hpt)).
  intros pt Hpt.
  apply L.
 destruct (IHs0 H' L') as [_ A].
 destruct (A x Hx) as [G | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
  auto using existsC_stable.
 apply existsWeaken.
 split; auto.
 apply: orWeaken.
 right; assumption.

This means that our compact sets are totally bounded.
Lemma CompactTotallyBoundedA : s e y, In y (CompactTotalBound s e) → inCompact y s.
 intros s e y.
 unfold CompactTotalBound.
 generalize (CompactTotallyBoundedInCompact s ((1#5)*e) ((1#5)*e)).
 generalize (CompactTotallyBounded_fun s ((1#5)*e) ((1#5)*e)).
 generalize (approximate s ((1 # 5) × e)%Qpos).
 intros l.
 induction l.
 intros F L [H|H].
  rewrite <- H.
  apply L.
 eapply (IHl);[|apply H].
 intros pt Hpt.
 apply L.

Lemma CompactTotallyBoundedB : s e x, (inCompact x s) → y, In y (CompactTotalBound s e) ball e x y.
 intros s e x Hx.
 assert (Z:((1 # 20) × e + (1 # 5) × e)%Qpos < ((7 # 20) × e)%Qpos).
  autorewrite with QposElim.
 destruct (AlmostInExists _ _ (approximate x ((1#20)*e)%Qpos) (approximate s ((1#5)*e)%Qpos) Z (Hx _ _))
   as [y [Hy0 Hy1]].
 clear Z.
 unfold CompactTotalBound.
 revert Hy0.
 cut ( pt Hpt, ball ((3#5)*e) (Cunit pt) (CompactTotallyBounded_fun s ((1#5)*e) ((1#5)*e) pt Hpt)).
  generalize (CompactTotallyBounded_fun s ((1#5)*e) ((1#5)*e)).
  generalize (approximate s ((1 # 5) × e)%Qpos).
  intros l.
  induction l.
  intros F HF [H|H].
   rewrite <- H in Hy1.
   clear - Hy1 HF.
   setoid_replace e with ((1#20)*e + (7#20)*e + (3#5)*e)%Qpos; [| QposRing].
   apply ball_triangle with (Cunit a);[|apply HF].
   apply ball_triangle with (Cunit (approximate x ((1#20)*e)%Qpos)).
    apply ball_approx_r.
  edestruct (fun F HFIHl F HF H) as [y' [Hy'0 Hy'1]];
    [| y';split;[right;apply Hy'0|assumption]].
  intros pt Hpt.
  apply: HF.
 intros pt Hpt.
 setoid_replace ((3#5)*e)%Qpos with ((5#3)*((1#5)*e) + (4#3)*((1#5)*e))%Qpos; [| QposRing].
 apply CompactTotallyBoundedNotFar.

Lemma CompactTotallyBounded : s, TotallyBoundedSubset _ (fun zinCompact z s).
 intros s e.
  (CompactTotalBound s e).
  apply CompactTotallyBoundedA.
 apply CompactTotallyBoundedB.

And hence our compact sets are Bishop compact.
Lemma CompactAsBishopCompact : s, CompactSubset _ (fun zinCompact z s).
 intros s.
   apply CompactCompleteSubset.
  apply CompactTotallyBounded.
 abstract ( intros a b Hab; unfold inCompact; rewriteHab; reflexivity).

End CompactTotallyBounded.

Bishop Compact is Compact.

Next we must show that Bishop compact sets are compact according to our definition.
Given a Bishop compact set we construct finite enumerations that approximate that set.
Definition BishopCompactAsCompact_raw
 (P:Complete XProp) (HP:CompactSubset _ P) (e:QposInf) : (FinEnum stableX) :=
match e with
|Qpos2QposInf e'
  (let (l,_,_) := (totallyBoundedSubset HP ((1#2)*e')) in
   map (fun xapproximate x ((1#2)*e')) l)%Qpos

These approximations are coherent
Lemma BishopCompactAsCompact_prf :
  P (HP:CompactSubset _ P), is_RegularFunction (BishopCompactAsCompact_raw HP).
 cut ( (P : RegularFunction XProp) (HP : CompactSubset (Complete X) P) (e1 e2 : Qpos),
   hemiMetric X (e1 + e2) (fun a : XInFinEnumC a
     (let (l, _, _) := totallyBoundedSubset HP ((1 # 2) × e1)%Qpos in
       map (fun x : RegularFunction Xapproximate x ((1 # 2) × e1)%Qpos) l)) (fun a : X
         InFinEnumC a (let (l, _, _) := totallyBoundedSubset HP ((1 # 2) × e2)%Qpos in
           map (fun x : RegularFunction Xapproximate x ((1 # 2) × e2)%Qpos) l))).
  intros Z P [HP0 HP HP1] e1 e2.
   apply Z.
  apply (hemiMetric_wd1 X (e2+e1)%Qpos).
  apply Z.
 intros P [HP0 HP HP1] e1 e2 x Hx.
 simpl in ×.
 destruct (HP ((1 # 2) × e1)%Qpos) as [l Hl0 Hl1].
 destruct (HP ((1 # 2) × e2)%Qpos) as [r Hr0 Hr1].
 simpl in ×.
 assert (Z0:existsC (Complete X) (fun x'In x' l ball ((1#2)*e1) (Cunit x) x')).
  clear - Hx HP1.
  induction l.
   elim Hx.
  destruct Hx as [ G | Hx | Hx] using orC_ind.
    auto using existsC_stable.
   apply existsWeaken.
   split; auto with ×.
   apply ball_approx_l.
  destruct (IHl Hx) as [G | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  apply existsWeaken.
  auto with ×.
 destruct Z0 as [ G | z [Hz0 Hz1] ] using existsC_ind.
  auto using existsC_stable.
 destruct (Hr1 _ (Hl0 _ Hz0)) as [ y [Hy0 Hy1]].
 apply existsWeaken.
  (approximate y ((1#2)%Qpos×e2)).
  clear - Hy0.
  induction r.
   elim Hy0.
  destruct Hy0 as [Hy0 | Hy0].
   rewrite Hy0.
   apply: orWeaken.
  apply: orWeaken.
  apply IHr; auto.
 setoid_replace (e1+e2)%Qpos with ((1#2)*e1 + (1#2)*e2 + (1#2)*e2 + (1#2)*e1)%Qpos; [| QposRing].
 apply ball_weak.
 rewrite <- ball_Cunit.
 repeat eapply ball_triangle.
   apply Hz1.
  change (ball ((1 # 2) × e2) z y) in Hy1.
  apply Hy1.
 apply ball_approx_r.

Hence Bishop compact sets are compact in our sense.


We claim that Bishop compact sets correspond to our compact sets, but to be sure we need to show that the definitions are isomoprhic. We need to show that the conversions back and forth are equivalent to the identity.
Hypothesis locatedX : locatedMetric X.

Lemma BishopCompact_Compact_BishopCompact1 :
  (P:Complete XProp) (HP:CompactSubset _ P) x,
  P xinCompact x (BishopCompactAsCompact HP).
 intros P [HP1 HP2 HP3] x Hx e1 e2.
 destruct (HP2 ((1 # 2) × e2)%Qpos) as [l Hl0 Hl1].
 destruct (Hl1 x Hx) as [y [Hy0 Hy1]].
 clear - Hy0 Hy1.
 induction l.
 destruct Hy0 as [Hy0|Hy0].
  rewrite Hy0.
  apply: orWeaken.
  rewrite <- ball_Cunit.
  setoid_replace (e1+e2)%Qpos with (e1 + ((1 # 2) × e2 + (1 # 2) × e2))%Qpos; [| QposRing].
  apply ball_triangle with x.
   apply ball_approx_l.
  apply ball_triangle with y.
  apply ball_approx_r.
 apply: orWeaken.
 apply IHl.
 auto with ×.

Lemma BishopCompact_Compact_BishopCompact2 :
  (P:Complete XProp) (HP:CompactSubset _ P) x,
  inCompact x (BishopCompactAsCompact HP) → P x.
 intros P [HP1 HP2 HP3] x Hx.
 assert (Y: e:Qpos, ((7#8)*e)%Qpos < e).
  autorewrite with QposElim.
 assert (A: e, {y | P y ball (m:=Complete X) e x y}).
  intros e.
  assert (Hx':=Hx ((1#16)*e)%Qpos ((1#2)*e)%Qpos).
  simpl in Hx'.
  clear - Hx' locatedX Y.
  destruct (HP2 ((1 # 2) × ((1 # 2) × e))%Qpos) as [l Hl0 Hl1].
  clear Hl1.
  induction l.
  destruct (Complete_located locatedX _ _ x a (Y e)) as [A|A].
   split; auto.
  apply IHl.
   intros y Hy.
   apply Hl0; auto with ×.
  destruct Hx' as [G | Hx' | Hx'] using orC_ind.
    auto using almostIn_stable.
   elim A.
   clear - Hx'.
   rewrite <- ball_Cunit in Hx'.
   setoid_replace ((7 # 8) × e)%Qpos with ((1#16)*e + ((1 # 16) × e + (1 # 2) × e) + (((1 # 2) × ((1 # 2) × e))))%Qpos
     ; [| QposRing].
   eapply ball_triangle.
    eapply ball_triangle.
     apply ball_approx_r.
    apply Hx'.
   apply ball_approx_l.
 set (f:=fun e ⇒ (let (y,_):= (A e) in y)).
 assert (Hf0: e, ball (m:=Complete X) (e) (f e) x).
  intros e.
  unfold f.
  destruct (A e) as [y [_ Hy]].
  apply ball_sym.
 assert (Hf:is_RegularFunction (fun ematch e with QposInfinityf (1#1)%Qpos | Qpos2QposInf e'f e' end)).
  intros e1 e2.
  apply ball_triangle with x.
   apply Hf0.
  apply ball_sym.
  apply Hf0.
 set (f':=(Build_RegularFunction Hf)).
 assert (Hf1 : (e:Qpos), P (approximate f' e)).
  intros e.
  simpl; unfold f.
  destruct (A e).
 destruct (HP1 f') as [y Hy].
  intros [e|]; apply: Hf1.
 unfold ExtSubset in HP3.
 rewrite → (HP3 x y); auto.
 rewrite <- Cunit_eq.
 intros e1 e2.
 apply ball_sym.
 setoid_replace (e1+e2)%Qpos with (e2+e1)%Qpos; [| QposRing].
 apply ball_weak.
 apply Hf0.

Lemma BishopCompact_Compact_BishopCompact :
  (P:Complete XProp) (HP:CompactSubset _ P) x,
  P x inCompact x (BishopCompactAsCompact HP).
 intros P HP x.
  apply BishopCompact_Compact_BishopCompact1.
 apply BishopCompact_Compact_BishopCompact2.

Lemma Compact_BishopCompact_Compact : s,
 st_eq s (BishopCompactAsCompact (CompactAsBishopCompact locatedX s)).
 intros s e1 e2.
 setoid_replace (e1 + e2)%Qpos with (e1 + (1#5)*((1#2)*e2) + ((3#5)*((1#2)*e2) + (1#2)*e2) + (1#10)*e2)%Qpos; [| QposRing].
 apply ball_weak.
 apply ball_triangle with (approximate s ((1#5)*((1#2)*e2))%Qpos).
  apply regFun_prf.
 clear e1.
 rewrite → (@FinEnum_map_Cunit _ stableX (Complete_stable stableX)).
 apply ball_triangle with (CompactTotalBound locatedX s ((1 # 2) × e2)).
  apply CompactTotalBoundNotFar.
 change (FinEnum_ball (Complete X)) with (@ball (FinEnum (Complete_stable stableX))).
 induction (CompactTotalBound locatedX s ((1 # 2) × e2)).
  apply ball_refl.
 destruct IHl as [IHlA IHlB].
 split; intros x Hx; (destruct Hx as [G | Hx | Hx] using orC_ind; [auto using existsC_stable
   |apply existsWeaken |]).
     (Cunit (approximate a ((1 # 2) × e2)%Qpos)).
     apply: orWeaken.
     left; reflexivity.
    apply ball_approx_r.
   destruct (IHlA x Hx) as [ G | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
    auto using existsC_stable.
   apply existsWeaken.
   split; auto.
   apply: orWeaken.
   apply orWeaken.
   left; reflexivity.
  apply: ball_approx_l.
 destruct (IHlB x Hx) as [ G | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
  auto using existsC_stable.
 apply existsWeaken.
 split; auto.
 apply orWeaken.

End Isomorphism.

End Compact.

Require Import Prelength.

Section CompactDistr.

Variable X : MetricSpace.
Hypothesis stableX : stableMetric X.
Hypothesis stableCX : stableMetric (Complete X).

FinEnum distributes over Complete

The FiniteEnumeration monad distributes over the Completion monad. This corresponds to a function from FinEnum (Complete X) to Complete (FinEnum X).
Definition FinCompact_raw (x: FinEnum stableCX) (e:QposInf) : FinEnum stableX :=
map (fun xapproximate x e) x.

Lemma FinCompact_prf : x, is_RegularFunction (FinCompact_raw x).
 intros x.
 cut ( e1 e2, hemiMetric X (e1 + e2) (fun a : XInFinEnumC a (FinCompact_raw x e1))
   (fun a : XInFinEnumC a (FinCompact_raw x e2))).
  intros L e1 e2.
  split; auto.
  eapply hemiMetric_wd1;[|apply L].
 intros e1 e2.
 induction x.
  apply hemiMetric_refl.
 intros b Hb.
 destruct Hb as [G | Hb | Hb] using orC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  apply existsWeaken.
   (approximate a e2).
   apply: orWeaken.
   left; reflexivity.
  apply regFun_prf.
 destruct (IHx b Hb) as [G | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
  auto using existsC_stable.
 apply existsWeaken.
 split; auto.
 apply: orWeaken.
 right; auto.

Definition FinCompact_fun (x: FinEnum stableCX) : Compact stableX :=
 Build_RegularFunction (FinCompact_prf x).

Lemma FinCompact_uc : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction FinCompact_fun Qpos2QposInf.
 cut ( e d1 d2 (a b : FinEnum stableCX), (hemiMetric (Complete X) e
   (fun a0 : Complete XInFinEnumC a0 a) (fun a : Complete XInFinEnumC a b)) →
     (hemiMetric X (d1 + e + d2) (fun a0 : XInFinEnumC a0 (approximate (FinCompact_fun a) d1))
       (fun a0 : XInFinEnumC a0 (approximate (FinCompact_fun b) d2)))).
  intros L e a b [Hab0 Hab1] d1 d2.
  split; auto.
  eapply hemiMetric_wd1;[|apply L;apply Hab1].
 intros e d1 d2 a b Hab c Hc.
 simpl in Hc.
 unfold FinCompact_raw in Hc.
 assert (existsC (Complete X) (fun dInFinEnumC d a st_eq c (approximate d d1))).
  clear - Hc.
  induction a.
  destruct Hc as [ G | Hc | Hc] using orC_ind.
    auto using existsC_stable.
   apply existsWeaken.
   split; auto.
   apply orWeaken; left; reflexivity.
  destruct (IHa Hc) as [G | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  apply existsWeaken.
  split; auto.
  apply orWeaken; right; auto.
 destruct H as [ G | d [Hd0 Hd1]] using existsC_ind.
  auto using existsC_stable.
 destruct (Hab d Hd0) as [ G | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
  auto using existsC_stable.
 clear - Hd1 Hz0 Hz1.
 induction b.
 destruct Hz0 as [ G | Hz0 | Hz0] using orC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  apply existsWeaken.
   (approximate a d2).
   apply: orWeaken.
   left; reflexivity.
  rewriteHz0 in Hz1.
  apply Hz1.
 destruct (IHb Hz0) as [G | y [Hy0 Hy1]] using existsC_ind.
  auto using existsC_stable.
 apply existsWeaken.
 split; auto.
 apply: orWeaken; right; auto.

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Definition FinCompact : FinEnum stableCX --> Compact stableX :=
 Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction FinCompact_uc.

Lemma FinCompact_correct : x (s:FinEnum stableCX),
 InFinEnumC x s inCompact x (FinCompact s).
 intros x s.
  intros H e1 e2.
  induction s.
  move H after IHs.
  destruct H as [G | H | H] using orC_ind.
    auto using almostIn_stable.
   apply: orWeaken.
   left; auto.
  apply: orWeaken.
  apply IHs; auto.
 intros H.
 induction s.
  apply (H (1#1) (1#1))%Qpos.
 unfold inCompact in H.
 simpl in H.
 set (P:= fun n (b:bool) ⇒ if b
   then (let e1 := (1#P_of_succ_nat n)%Qpos in let e2 := e1 in (ball (m:=X) (e1 + e2) (approximate x e1) (approximate a e2)))
     else (let e1 := (1#P_of_succ_nat n)%Qpos in let e2 := e1 in (almostIn (e1 + e2) (approximate x e1) (FinCompact_raw s e2)))).
 assert (L: ( n : nat, existsC bool (fun x¬ ¬ In x (true :: false :: nil) P n x))).
  intros n.
  destruct (H (1#P_of_succ_nat n)%Qpos (1#P_of_succ_nat n)%Qpos) as [ G | L | L] using orC_ind.
    auto using existsC_stable.
   apply existsWeaken.
   split; auto with ×.
  apply existsWeaken.
  split; auto with ×.
 destruct (infinitePidgeonHolePrinicple _ _ _ L) as [G | c [_ Hc]] using existsC_ind.
  auto using InFinEnumC_stable.
 destruct c.
  apply orWeaken.
  unfold P in Hc.
  apply ball_eq.
  intros e.
  destruct (Qpos_as_positive_ratio ((1#4)*e)%Qpos) as [[en ed] He].
  simpl in He.
  destruct (Hc (pred (nat_of_P ed))) as [G | m [Hm0 Hm1]] using existsC_ind.
   auto using stableCX.
  set (m' := (1#P_of_succ_nat m)%Qpos).
  apply ball_weak_le with (m' + (m' + m') + m')%Qpos.
   unfold m'.
   autorewrite with QposElim.
   replace LHS with ((1#P_of_succ_nat m)/(1#4)) by simpl; field.
   apply Qle_shift_div_r.
   change ((1#4)*e) with (((1#4)*e)%Qpos:Q).
   rewrite He.
   unfold Qle; simpl.
   rewrite Zpos_mult_morphism.
   apply Zle_trans with (en × ed)%Z; auto with ×.
   apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with ×.
   rewrite (anti_convert_pred_convert ed).
   do 2 rewrite <- POS_anti_convert.
   do 2 rewrite inj_S.
   rewriteinj_le_iff in Hm0.
   auto with ×.
  eapply ball_triangle;[|apply ball_approx_l].
  eapply ball_triangle;[apply ball_approx_r|].
  apply Hm1.
 apply orWeaken.
 apply IHs.
 unfold P in Hc.
 intros e1 e2.
 apply almostIn_closed.
 intros d.
 destruct (Qpos_as_positive_ratio ((1#4)*d)%Qpos) as [[dn dd] Hd].
 simpl in Hd.
 destruct (Hc (pred (nat_of_P dd))) as [G | m [Hm0 Hm1]] using existsC_ind.
  auto using almostIn_stable.
 set (m' := (1#P_of_succ_nat m)%Qpos).
 apply almostIn_weak_le with ((e1 + m') + (m' + m') + (m' + e2))%Qpos.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  replace RHS with (d + - (m' + (m' + m') + m')) by simpl; ring.
  rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff.
  unfold m'.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  replace LHS with ((1#P_of_succ_nat m)/(1#4)) by simpl; field.
  apply Qle_shift_div_r.
  change ((1#4)*d) with (((1#4)*d)%Qpos:Q).
  rewrite Hd.
  unfold Qle; simpl.
  rewrite Zpos_mult_morphism.
  apply Zle_trans with (dn × dd)%Z; auto with ×.
  apply Zmult_le_compat_l; auto with ×.
  rewrite (anti_convert_pred_convert dd).
  do 2 rewrite <- POS_anti_convert.
  do 2 rewrite inj_S.
  rewriteinj_le_iff in Hm0.
  auto with ×.
 eapply almostIn_triangle_r;[|apply regFun_prf].
 eapply almostIn_triangle_l;[apply regFun_prf|].
 apply Hm1.

Lemma CompactCompleteCompact_prf : x,
 is_RegularFunction (Cmap_raw FinCompact x).
 intros x e1 e2.
 unfold Cmap_raw.
 apply FinCompact_uc.
 unfold ball_ex.
 apply regFun_prf.

Definition CompactCompleteCompact_fun x : Complete (Compact stableX) :=
 Build_RegularFunction (CompactCompleteCompact_prf x).

Lemma CompactCompleteCompact_uc :
 is_UniformlyContinuousFunction CompactCompleteCompact_fun Qpos2QposInf.
 intros e a b H d1 d2.
 simpl in ×.
 apply FinCompact_uc.
 apply H.

Definition CompactCompleteCompact : Compact stableCX --> Compact stableX :=
 uc_compose Cjoin (Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction CompactCompleteCompact_uc).

Lemma CompactCompleteCompact_correct : x s,
 inCompact x s inCompact (Cjoin x) (CompactCompleteCompact s).
 intros x s.
  intros H e1 e2.
  unfold Cjoin_raw.
  assert (Z:=(H ((1#2)*e1) ((1#2)*e2))%Qpos).
  rewritealmostInExistsC in Z.
  destruct Z as [G | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
   auto using almostIn_stable.
  rewriteFinCompact_correct in Hz1.
  apply almostIn_closed.
  intros d.
  assert (Z0:=(Hz0 ((1#2)*e1) ((1#2)*d))%Qpos).
  assert (Z1:=(Hz1 ((1#2)*d) ((1#2)*e2))%Qpos).
  simpl in Z1.
  set (w0:=((1 # 2) × e1 + ((1 # 2) × e1 + (1 # 2) × e2) + (1 # 2) × d)%Qpos) in ×.
  set (w1:= ((1 # 2) × d + (1 # 2) × e2)%Qpos) in ×.
  setoid_replace (e1 + e2 + d)%Qpos with (w0 + w1)%Qpos; [| unfold w0, w1; QposRing].
  eapply almostIn_triangle_l.
   apply Z0.
  apply Z1.
 intros H e1 e2.
 apply almostIn_closed.
 intros d.
 set (d':=((1#4)*d)%Qpos).
 setoid_replace (e1 + e2 + d)%Qpos with ((e1 + (1#2)*d' + (1#2)*d') + (((d' + d') + (1#2)*d') + ((1#2)*d' + e2)))%Qpos; [| unfold d'; QposRing].
 eapply almostIn_triangle_l.
  eapply ball_triangle.
   apply regFun_prf.
  apply ball_approx_r.
 eapply almostIn_triangle_r;[|apply regFun_prf].
 assert (Z:= (H d' d')).
 simpl in Z.
 unfold Cjoin_raw in Z.
 rewritealmostInExistsC in Z.
 simpl in Z.
 destruct Z as [G | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
  auto using almostIn_stable.
 change (InFinEnumC (X:=X) z (approximate (FinCompact (approximate s ((1 # 2) × d')%Qpos))
   ((1 # 2) × d')%Qpos)) in Hz1.
 apply almostIn_triangle_l with (Cunit z).
 clear - Hz1.
 induction ((approximate s ((1 # 2) × d')%Qpos)).
 destruct Hz1 as [G | Hz1 | Hz1] using orC_ind.
   auto using almostIn_stable.
  apply orWeaken.
  apply ball_approx_l.
 apply orWeaken.
 apply IHs0; auto.

End CompactDistr.

Section CompactImage.

Compact Image

If x is in a compact set S, then f x is in the compact image of S under f. (My definiton of compact image is really the closure of the image under f.)
Variable z : Qpos.
Variable X Y : MetricSpace.
Hypothesis stableX : stableMetric X.
Hypothesis stableY : stableMetric Y.
Hypothesis plX : PrelengthSpace X.
Hypothesis plFEX : PrelengthSpace (FinEnum stableX).

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Variable f : X --> Y.

Lemma almostIn_map : (e d:Qpos) a (b:FinEnum stableX), (QposInf_le d (mu f e)) → almostIn d a b
 almostIn e (f a) (FinEnum_map z stableX stableY f b).
 intros e d a b Hd Hab.
 induction b.
 destruct Hab as [G | Hab | Hab] using orC_ind.
   auto using almostIn_stable.
  apply: orWeaken.
  apply uc_prf.
  eapply ball_ex_weak_le.
   apply Hd.
 apply: orWeaken.
 apply IHb.

Lemma almostIn_map2 : (e1 e2 d:Qpos) a (b:FinEnum stableX), (QposInf_le d ((mu f e1) + (mu f e2))) → almostIn d a b
 almostIn (e1 + e2) (f a) (FinEnum_map z stableX stableY f b).
 intros e1 e2 d a b Hd Hab.
 induction b.
 destruct Hab as [G | Hab | Hab] using orC_ind.
   auto using almostIn_stable.
  apply: orWeaken.
  apply (mu_sum plX e2 (e1::nil) f).
  eapply ball_ex_weak_le.
   apply Hd.
 apply: orWeaken.
 apply IHb.

Definition CompactImage : Compact stableX --> Compact stableY :=
 Cmap plFEX (FinEnum_map z stableX stableY f).

Lemma CompactImage_correct1 : x s,
 (inCompact x s) → (inCompact (Cmap plX f x) (CompactImage s)).
 intros x s H e1 e2.
 apply almostIn_closed.
 intros d1.
 setoid_replace (e1 + e2 + d1)%Qpos
   with ((e1 + (1#4)*d1) + ((1#4)*d1 + ((1#4)*d1)) + ((1#4)*d1 + e2))%Qpos; [| QposRing].
 apply almostIn_triangle_r with (approximate (CompactImage s) ((1#4)*d1)%Qpos); [|apply regFun_prf].
 apply almostIn_triangle_l with (approximate (Cmap plX f x) ((1#4)*d1)%Qpos); [apply regFun_prf|].
 unfold FinEnum_map_modulus.
 case_eq (mu f ((1#4)*d1)).
  intros d Hd.
  apply: almostIn_map2;[|apply H].
  rewrite Hd.
  apply: Qle_refl.
 intros H0.
 assert (Z:=H z z).
 destruct (approximate s z).
 apply: orWeaken.
 set (d:=((1 # 4) × d1)%Qpos).
 apply (mu_sum plX d (d::nil) f).
 unfold d.
 rewrite H0.

End CompactImage.

Section CompactImageBind.

Variable z : Qpos.
Variable X Y : MetricSpace.
Hypothesis stableX : stableMetric X.
Hypothesis stableY : stableMetric Y.
Hypothesis plX : PrelengthSpace X.
Hypothesis plFEX : PrelengthSpace (FinEnum stableX).

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Variable f : X --> Complete Y.

Definition CompactImage_b : Compact stableX --> Compact stableY :=
 uc_compose (CompactCompleteCompact _ _) (CompactImage z (Complete_stable stableY) plFEX f).

Lemma CompactImage_b_correct1 : x s,
 (inCompact x s) → (inCompact (Cbind plX f x) (CompactImage_b s)).
 intros x s H.
 change (inCompact (Cjoin (Cmap_fun plX f x))
   (CompactCompleteCompact stableY _ (CompactImage z (Complete_stable stableY) plFEX f s))).
 rewrite <- CompactCompleteCompact_correct.
 apply: CompactImage_correct1;assumption.

End CompactImageBind.