
Require Export UniformContinuity.
Require Export QposInf.
Require Export Classification.
Require Import QposMinMax.
Require Import QMinMax.
Require Import Qauto.
Require Import Qordfield.
Require Import COrdFields2.
Require Import CornTac.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.
Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Complete metric space

Section RegularFunction.

Variable X:MetricSpace.

Regular functions

A regular function is one way of representing elements in a complete metric space. A regular function that take a given error e, and returns an approximation within e of the value it is representing. These approximations must be coherent and the definition belows state this property.

Definition is_RegularFunction (x:QposInfX) : Prop :=
  (e1 e2:Qpos), ball (m:=X) (e1+e2) (x e1) (x e2).

A regular function consists of an approximation function, and a proof that the approximations are coherent.
The value of the approximation function at infinity is irrelevant, so we make a smart constructor that just takes a Qpos->X.

Definition is_RegularFunction_noInf (x: QposX): Prop :=
   e1 e2 : Qpos, ball (e1 + e2) (x e1) (x e2).

Section mkRegularFunction.

  Variables (dummy: X).

  Let lift (f: QposX) (e: QposInf): X :=
    match e with
    | QposInfinitydummy
    | Qpos2QposInf e'f e'

  Let transport (f: QposX): is_RegularFunction_noInf fis_RegularFunction (lift f).
  Proof. firstorder. Qed.

  Definition mkRegularFunction (f: QposX) (H: is_RegularFunction_noInf f): RegularFunction
    := Build_RegularFunction (transport H).

End mkRegularFunction.

Regular functions form a metric space
Definition regFunEq (f g : RegularFunction) :=
  e1 e2, ball (m:=X) (e1+e2) (approximate f e1) (approximate g e2).

Lemma regFunEq_e : (f g : RegularFunction), ( e, ball (m:=X) (e+e) (approximate f e) (approximate g e)) → (regFunEq f g).
 unfold regFunEq.
 intros f g H e1 e2.
 apply ball_closed.
 intros d.
 setoid_replace (e1+e2+d)%Qpos with ((e1 + ((1#4)*d) + (((1#4)*d)+((1#4)*d)) +(((1#4)*d)+e2)))%Qpos.
  eapply ball_triangle.
   eapply ball_triangle.
    apply regFun_prf.
   apply H.
  apply regFun_prf.
 now QposRing.

Lemma regFunEq_e_small : (f g : RegularFunction) (E:Qpos), ( (e:Qpos), e Eball (m:=X) (e+e) (approximate f e) (approximate g e)) → (regFunEq f g).
 intros f g E H.
 apply regFunEq_e.
 intros e.
 apply ball_closed.
 intros d.
 set (e':=Qpos_min ((1#4)*d) E).
 apply ball_weak_le with ((e+e')+(e'+e')+(e'+e))%Qpos.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  setoid_replace (e+e+d) with ((e+(1#4)*d)+((1#4)*d+(1#4)*d)+((1#4)*d+e)).
   repeat apply: plus_resp_leEq_both;simpl; try apply: Qpos_min_lb_l; auto with ×.
  now QposRing.
 apply ball_triangle with (approximate g e').
  apply ball_triangle with (approximate f e').
   apply regFun_prf.
  apply H.
  apply Qpos_min_lb_r.
 apply regFun_prf.

Lemma regFun_is_setoid : Setoid_Theory RegularFunction regFunEq.
   unfold Reflexive.
   intros; apply regFunEq_e; intros; apply ball_refl.
  unfold Symmetric, regFunEq.
  apply ball_sym.
  setoid_replace (e1+e2)%Qpos with (e2+e1)%Qpos.
  now QposRing.
 unfold Transitive, regFunEq.
 apply ball_closed.
 setoid_replace (e1+e2+d)%Qpos with ((e1 + (1#2)*d) + ((1#2)*d+e2))%Qpos.
  eapply ball_triangle.
   apply H.
  apply H0.
 now QposRing.

Definition regFun_Setoid := Build_RSetoid regFun_is_setoid.

Definition regFunBall e (f g : RegularFunction) :=
d1 d2, ball (m:=X) (d1+e+d2)%Qpos (approximate f d1) (approximate g d2).

Lemma regFunBall_wd : (e1 e2:Qpos), (QposEq e1 e2) →
             (x1 x2 : regFun_Setoid), (st_eq x1 x2) →
             (y1 y2 : regFun_Setoid), (st_eq y1 y2) →
            (regFunBall e1 x1 y1 regFunBall e2 x2 y2).
 assert ( x1 x2 : Qpos, QposEq x1 x2 x3 x4 : RegularFunction , regFunEq x3 x4
    x5 x6 : RegularFunction , regFunEq x5 x6 → (regFunBall x1 x3 x5regFunBall x2 x4 x6)).
  unfold regFunBall.
  unfold regFunEq.
  intros a1 a2 Ha f1 f2 Hf g1 g2 Hg H d1 d2.
  rewrite <- Ha.
  clear a2 Ha.
  apply ball_closed.
  intros d.
  setoid_replace (d1 + a1 + d2 + d)%Qpos with (((1#4)*d+d1)+((1#4)*d + a1 + (1#4)*d)+((1#4)*d+d2))%Qpos;
   [| QposRing].
  eapply ball_triangle.
   eapply ball_triangle.
    apply ball_sym.
    apply Hf.
   apply H.
  apply Hg.
 intros; split.
  intros; eapply H.
     apply H0.
    apply H1.
   apply H2.
 destruct (regFun_is_setoid).
 intros; eapply H.
    unfold QposEq. symmetry.
    apply H0.
   apply Seq_sym.
    apply regFun_is_setoid.
   apply H1.
  apply Seq_sym.
   apply regFun_is_setoid.
  apply H2.

Lemma regFun_is_MetricSpace : is_MetricSpace regFun_Setoid regFunBall.
Proof with try QposRing.
 unfold regFunBall.
     intros e f d1 d2.
     setoid_replace (d1 + e + d2)%Qpos with (d1+d2+e)%Qpos...
     apply ball_weak.
     apply regFun_prf.
    intros e f g H d1 d2.
    apply ball_sym.
    setoid_replace (d1 + e + d2)%Qpos with (d2+e+d1)%Qpos...
   intros e1 e2 a b c Hab Hbc d1 d2.
   apply ball_closed.
   intros d3.
   setoid_replace (d1+(e1+e2)+d2+d3)%Qpos with ((d1 + e1 + (1#2)*d3)+((1#2)*d3 + e2 + d2))%Qpos...
   eapply ball_triangle.
    apply Hab.
   apply Hbc.
  intros e a b H d1 d2.
  apply ball_closed.
  intros d.
  setoid_replace (d1+e+d2+d)%Qpos with (d1 + (e+d) + d2)%Qpos...
 unfold regFunEq.
 intros a b H e1 e2.
 apply ball_closed.
 intros d.
 setoid_replace (e1+e2+d)%Qpos with (e1+d+e2)%Qpos...

We define the completion of a metric space to be the space of regular functions
The ball of regular functions is related to the underlying ball in ways that you would expect.
Lemma regFunBall_ball : (x y:Complete) (e0 e1 e2:Qpos), ball e0 (approximate x e1) (approximate y e2) → ball (e1 + e0 + e2) x y.
 intros x y e0 e1 e2 H d1 d2.
 setoid_replace (d1+(e1+e0+e2)+d2)%Qpos with ((d1+e1)+e0+(e2+d2))%Qpos.
  eapply ball_triangle.
   eapply ball_triangle.
    apply regFun_prf.
   apply H.
  apply regFun_prf.

Lemma regFunBall_e : (x y:Complete) e, ( d, ball (d + e + d) (approximate x d) (approximate y d)) → ball e x y.
 intros x y e H.
 apply ball_closed.
 intros d.
 setoid_replace (e + d)%Qpos with ((1#4)*d + ((1#4)*d+e+(1#4)*d) + (1#4)*d)%Qpos.
  apply regFunBall_ball.
  apply H.
 now QposRing.


There is an injection from the original space to the complete space given by the constant regular function.
Lemma Cunit_fun_prf (x:X) : is_RegularFunction (fun _x).
 intros d1 d2.
 apply ball_refl.

Definition Cunit_fun (x:X) : Complete :=
Build_RegularFunction (Cunit_fun_prf x).

Lemma Cunit_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction Cunit_fun Qpos2QposInf.
 intros e a b Hab d1 d2.
 simpl in ×.
 setoid_replace (d1+e+d2)%Qpos with (e+(d1+d2))%Qpos.
  apply ball_weak.
 now QposRing.

Definition Cunit : X --> Complete :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction Cunit_prf.

This injection preserves the metric
Lemma ball_Cunit : e a b, ball e (Cunit a) (Cunit b) ball e a b.
 intros e a b.
 unfold regFunBall.
  intros H.
  do 2 (apply ball_closed; intro).
  setoid_replace (e+d+d0)%Qpos with (d+e+d0)%Qpos.
   apply H.
  now QposRing.
 intros H d1 d2.
 apply: Cunit_prf.

Lemma Cunit_eq : a b, st_eq (Cunit a) (Cunit b) st_eq a b.
 intros a b.
 do 2 rewrite <- ball_eq_iff.
 split; intros H e; [rewrite <- ball_Cunit | rewriteball_Cunit]; apply H.

Lemma ball_approx_r : (x:Complete) e, ball e x (Cunit (approximate x e)).
 intros x e d1 d2.
 apply ball_weak.
 apply regFun_prf.

Lemma ball_approx_l : (x:Complete) e, ball e (Cunit (approximate x e)) x.
 pose ball_approx_r.
 pose ball_sym.

Lemma ball_ex_approx_r : (x:Complete) e, ball_ex e x (Cunit (approximate x e)).
 intros x [e|]; simpl.
  apply ball_approx_r.

Lemma ball_ex_approx_l : (x:Complete) e, ball_ex e (Cunit (approximate x e)) x.
 intros x [e|]; simpl.
  apply ball_approx_l.

Lemma regFunBall_Cunit (e: Qpos) (x: Complete) (y: X):
  regFunBall e x (Cunit y) ( d: Qpos, ball (d + e) (approximate x d) y).
Proof with auto.
 unfold regFunBall.
  split; intros.
  apply ball_closed.
  simpl in ×...
 apply ball_weak...

Lemma regFun_prf_ex :
  (r : Complete) (e1 e2 : QposInf),
  ball_ex (e1 + e2) (approximate r e1) (approximate r e2).
 intros r [e1|] [e2|]; try constructor.
 apply: regFun_prf.

End RegularFunction.

If two functions between complete metric spaces are equal on the images of Cunit, then they are equal everywhere

Lemma lift_eq_complete {X Y : MetricSpace} (f g : Complete X --> Complete Y) :
  ( x : X, f (Cunit x) [=] g (Cunit x)) → ( x : Complete X, f x [=] g x).
intros A x. apply ball_eq; intro e.
set (e2 := ((1#2) × e)%Qpos).
set (d := QposInf_min (mu f e2) (mu g e2)).
setoid_replace e with (e2 + e2)%Qpos by (subst e2; QposRing).
apply ball_triangle with (b := f (Cunit (approximate x d))).
+ apply (UniformContinuity.uc_prf f).
  apply (ball_ex_weak_le _ d); [apply QposInf_min_lb_l | apply ball_ex_approx_r].
+ rewrite A. apply (UniformContinuity.uc_prf g).
  apply (ball_ex_weak_le _ d); [apply QposInf_min_lb_r | apply ball_ex_approx_l].

Section Faster.

Variable X : MetricSpace.
Variable x : Complete X.

A regular function is equivalent to the same function that returns a better approximation with a given error. One would not generally want to do this when doing computation; however it is quite a useful substitution to be able to make during reasoning.

Section FasterInGeneral.

Variable f : QposQpos.
Hypothesis Hf : x, (f x) x.

Lemma fasterIsRegular : is_RegularFunction (fun e ⇒ (approximate x (QposInf_bind f e))).
 intros e1 e2.
 apply ball_weak_le with (f e1 + f e2)%Qpos.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply: plus_resp_leEq_both; apply Hf.
 apply regFun_prf.

Definition faster : Complete X := Build_RegularFunction fasterIsRegular.

Lemma fasterIsEq : st_eq faster x.
 apply: regFunEq_e.
 intros e.
 apply ball_weak_le with (f e + e)%Qpos.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply: plus_resp_leEq.
  apply Hf.
 apply regFun_prf.

End FasterInGeneral.

Lemma QreduceApprox_prf : (e:Qpos), QposRed e e.
 intros e.
 apply Qle_refl.

Definition QreduceApprox := faster QposRed QreduceApprox_prf.

Lemma QreduceApprox_Eq : st_eq QreduceApprox x.
Proof (fasterIsEq _ _).
In particular, halving the error of the approximation is a common case.
Lemma doubleSpeed_prf : (e:Qpos), ((1#2)*e)%Qpos e.
 intros e.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 apply: mult_resp_nonneg.
 apply Qpos_nonneg.

Definition doubleSpeed := faster (Qpos_mult (1#2)) doubleSpeed_prf.

Lemma doubleSpeed_Eq : st_eq doubleSpeed x.
Proof (fasterIsEq _ _).

End Faster.

Section Cjoin.

Variable X : MetricSpace.


There is an injection from a twice completed space into a once completed space. This injection along with Cunit forms an isomorphism between a twice completed space and a once completed space. This proves that a complete metric space is complete.
Definition Cjoin_raw (x:Complete (Complete X)) (e:QposInf) :=
(approximate (approximate x (QposInf_mult (1#2) e)) (QposInf_mult (1#2) e))%Qpos.

Lemma Cjoin_fun_prf (x:Complete (Complete X)) : is_RegularFunction (Cjoin_raw x).
 intros d1 d2.
 rewrite <- ball_Cunit.
 setoid_replace (d1 + d2)%Qpos with ((1#2)*d1 + ((1#2)*d1+(1#2)*d2) + (1#2)*d2)%Qpos; [| QposRing].
 apply ball_triangle with (approximate x ((1#2)*d2))%Qpos.
  apply ball_triangle with (approximate x ((1#2)*d1))%Qpos.
   apply ball_approx_l.
  apply regFun_prf.
 apply ball_approx_r.

Definition Cjoin_fun (x:Complete (Complete X)) : Complete X :=
Build_RegularFunction (Cjoin_fun_prf x).

Lemma Cjoin_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction Cjoin_fun Qpos2QposInf.
 intros e x y Hab d1 d2.
 do 2 rewrite <- ball_Cunit.
 setoid_replace (d1 + e + d2)%Qpos with (((1#2)*d1 + (1#2)*d1) + e + (((1#2)*d2) + (1#2)*d2))%Qpos; [| QposRing].
 apply ball_triangle with y.
  apply ball_triangle with x.
   apply ball_triangle with (Cunit (approximate x ((1 # 2) × d1)%Qpos)).
    apply: ball_approx_l.
   apply ball_approx_l.
 eapply ball_triangle.
  apply ball_approx_r.
 apply: ball_approx_r.

Definition Cjoin : (Complete (Complete X)) --> (Complete X) :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction Cjoin_prf.

End Cjoin.

Implicit Arguments Cjoin [X].

Section Cmap.

Variable X Y : MetricSpace.
Variable f : X --> Y.

Cmap (slow)

Uniformly continuous functions can be lifted to the completion of metric spaces. A faster version that works under some mild assumptions will be given later. But first the most generic version that we call Cmap_slow.

Definition Cmap_slow_raw (x:Complete X) (e:QposInf) :=
f (approximate x (QposInf_mult (1#2)%Qpos (QposInf_bind (mu f) e))).

Lemma Cmap_slow_raw_strongInf : (x:Complete X) (d:QposInf) (e:QposInf), QposInf_le d (QposInf_mult (1#2)%Qpos (QposInf_bind (mu f) e)) →
ball_ex e (f (approximate x d)) (Cmap_slow_raw x e).
 intros x [d|] [e|] Hd; try constructor.
  apply uc_prf.
  case_eq (mu f e); simpl; trivial.
  intros q Hq.
  simpl in Hd.
  rewrite Hq in Hd.
  eapply ball_weak_le;[|apply regFun_prf].
  rewrite Q_Qpos_plus.
  stepr (((1 # 2) × q)%Qpos + ((1 # 2) × q)%Qpos).
   apply: plus_resp_leEq.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
 unfold Cmap_slow_raw.
 simpl in ×.
 apply uc_prf.
 destruct (mu f e) as [q|].

Lemma Cmap_slow_raw_strong : (x:Complete X) (d:QposInf) (e:Qpos), QposInf_le d (QposInf_mult (1#2)%Qpos (mu f e)) →
ball e (f (approximate x d)) (Cmap_slow_raw x e).
 apply (Cmap_slow_raw_strongInf x d e).

Lemma Cmap_slow_fun_prf (x:Complete X) : is_RegularFunction (Cmap_slow_raw x).
 intros e1 e2.
 unfold Cmap_slow_raw.
 cut ( (e1 e2:Qpos), (QposInf_le (mu f e2) (mu f e1)) → ball (m:=Y) (e1 + e2)
   (f (approximate x (QposInf_mult (1 # 2)%Qpos (QposInf_bind (mu f) e1))))
     (f (approximate x (QposInf_mult (1 # 2)%Qpos (QposInf_bind (mu f) e2))))).
  intros H.
  assert ( a b, {QposInf_le a b}+{QposInf_le b a}).
   intros [a|] [b|]; simpl; try tauto.
   apply Qle_total.
  destruct (H0 (mu f e2) (mu f e1)).
  apply ball_sym.
  setoid_replace (e1+e2)%Qpos with (e2+e1)%Qpos.
  now QposRing.
 clear e1 e2.
 intros e1 e2 H.
 apply ball_weak.
 apply ball_sym.
 apply Cmap_slow_raw_strong.
 destruct (mu f e1).
  destruct (mu f e2).
   autorewrite with QposElim.
   apply: mult_resp_leEq_lft.
  elim H.

Definition Cmap_slow_fun (x:Complete X) : Complete Y :=
Build_RegularFunction (Cmap_slow_fun_prf x).

Definition Cmap_slow_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction Cmap_slow_fun (fun e ⇒ (QposInf_mult (1#2)(mu f e))%Qpos).
 intros e0 x y Hxy.
 intros e1 e2.
 unfold Cmap_slow_raw.
 set (d1:=(QposInf_bind (fun y' : Qpos ⇒ ((1 # 2) × y')%Qpos) (mu f e1))).
 set (d2:=(QposInf_bind (fun y' : Qpos ⇒ ((1 # 2) × y')%Qpos) (mu f e2))).
 set (d0:=(QposInf_bind (fun y' : Qpos ⇒ ((1 # 4) × y')%Qpos) (mu f e0))).
 apply ball_triangle with (f (approximate y (QposInf_min d0 d2 ))).
  apply ball_triangle with (f (approximate x (QposInf_min d0 d1))).
   apply uc_prf.
   eapply ball_ex_weak_le;[|apply regFun_prf_ex].
   unfold d1.
   destruct (mu f e1); try constructor.
   destruct d0; simpl; autorewrite with QposElim;
     (stepr (((1 # 2) × q + (1 # 2) × q)); [| simpl; ring]); [rewriteQmin_plus_distr_r |]; simpl;
       auto with ×.
  apply uc_prf.
  destruct (mu f e0); try constructor.
  cut ( z0 z1:Qpos, (z0 (1#4)*q) → (z1 (1#4)*q) → ball q (approximate x z0) (approximate y z1)).
   intros H.
   destruct d1; destruct d2; simpl; apply H; autorewrite with QposElim; auto with ×.
  intros z0 z1 Hz0 Hz1.
  eapply ball_weak_le.
   2:apply Hxy.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
  stepr (((1 # 4) × q + - z0) + ((1 # 4) × q + - z1)); [| simpl; ring].
 apply: uc_prf.
 eapply ball_ex_weak_le;[|apply regFun_prf_ex].
 unfold d2.
 destruct (mu f e2); try constructor.
 destruct d0; simpl; autorewrite with QposElim;
   (stepr (((1 # 2) × q + (1 # 2) × q)); [| simpl;ring]); try rewriteQmin_plus_distr_l; simpl;
     auto with ×.

Definition Cmap_slow : (Complete X) --> (Complete Y) :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction Cmap_slow_prf.

End Cmap.

Cbind can be defined in terms of map and join
The completion operation, along with the map functor from a monad in the catagory of metric spaces.
Section Monad_Laws.

Variable X Y Z : MetricSpace.

Notation "a =m b" := (st_eq a b) (at level 70, no associativity).

Lemma MonadLaw1 : a, Cmap_slow_fun (uc_id X) a =m a.
 intros x e1 e2.
 apply: ball_weak_le;[|apply regFun_prf].
 autorewrite with QposElim.

Lemma MonadLaw2 : (f:Y --> Z) (g:X --> Y) a, Cmap_slow_fun (uc_compose f g) a =m (Cmap_slow_fun f (Cmap_slow_fun g a)).
 intros f g x e1 e2.
 set (a := approximate (Cmap_slow_fun (uc_compose f g) x) e1).
 set (b:=(approximate (Cmap_slow_fun f (Cmap_slow_fun g x)) e2)).
 set (d0 := (QposInf_min (QposInf_mult (1#2)%Qpos (mu (uc_compose f g) e1)) ((1 # 2)%Qpos × QposInf_bind (mu g) (QposInf_mult (1 # 2)%Qpos (mu f e2))))).
 apply ball_triangle with ((uc_compose f g) (approximate x d0)).
  apply ball_sym.
  apply Cmap_slow_raw_strong.
  unfold d0.
  apply QposInf_min_lb_l.
 unfold b; simpl.
 unfold Cmap_slow_raw.
 apply uc_prf.
 destruct (mu f e2) as [q|]; try constructor.
 apply ball_weak_le with ((1#2)*q)%Qpos.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
 apply (Cmap_slow_raw_strong g x d0).
 apply QposInf_min_lb_r.

Lemma MonadLaw3 : (f:X --> Y) a, (Cmap_slow_fun f (Cunit_fun _ a)) =m (Cunit_fun _ (f a)).
 intros f x e1 e2.
 apply: regFun_prf.

Lemma MonadLaw4 : (f:X --> Y) a, (Cmap_slow_fun f (Cjoin_fun a)) =m (Cjoin_fun ((Cmap_slow_fun (Cmap_slow f)) a)).
 intros f x e1 e2.
 set (e2' := ((1#2)*e2)%Qpos).
 set (d0 := (QposInf_min ((1#4)%Qpos*(mu f e1)) ((1#8)%Qpos*(mu f ((1#2)*e2))))%QposInf).
 unfold Cmap_slow_raw; simpl.
 unfold Cjoin_raw; simpl.
 unfold Cmap_slow_raw; simpl.
 assert (halfhalf: q, QposEq ((1#4) × q) ((1 # 2) × ((1#2) × q))%Qpos).
  unfold QposEq. intro. simpl. ring.
 apply ball_triangle with (f (approximate (approximate x d0) d0)).
  apply uc_prf.
  destruct (mu f e1) as [q|]; try constructor.
  do 2 rewrite <- ball_Cunit.
  set (b:= (approximate (approximate x ((1 # 2) × ((1 # 2) × q))%Qpos)
    ((1 # 2) × ((1 # 2) × q))%Qpos)).
  setoid_replace q with (((1#4)*q + (1#4)*q)+ ((1#4)*q+ (1#4)*q))%Qpos; [| QposRing].
  unfold b; clear b.
  apply ball_triangle with x.
   apply ball_triangle with (Cunit (approximate x ((1 # 2) × ((1 # 2) × q))%Qpos)).
    rewrite halfhalf.
    apply ball_approx_l.
   rewrite halfhalf.
   apply ball_approx_l.
  apply ball_triangle with (Cunit (approximate x d0)).
   change (ball_ex ((1 # 4) × q)%Qpos x (Cunit (approximate x d0))).
   apply ball_ex_weak_le with (d0)%QposInf.
    apply QposInf_min_lb_l.
   destruct d0 as [d0|]; try constructor.
   apply ball_approx_r.
  change (ball_ex ((1 # 4) × q)%Qpos (approximate x d0) (Cunit (approximate (approximate x d0) d0))).
  apply ball_ex_weak_le with (d0)%QposInf.
   apply QposInf_min_lb_l.
  destruct d0 as [d0|]; try constructor.
  apply ball_approx_r.
 apply ball_sym.
 apply ball_weak_le with ((1#2)*e2)%Qpos.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
 apply uc_prf.
 destruct (mu f ((1#2)*e2)) as [q|]; try constructor.
 do 2 rewrite <- ball_Cunit.
 set (b:= (approximate (approximate x ((1 # 2) × ((1 # 2) × q))%Qpos) ((1 # 2) × q)%Qpos)).
 setoid_replace q with (((1#2)*q + (1#4)*q)+ ((1#8)*q+ (1#8)*q))%Qpos; [| QposRing].
 unfold b; clear b.
 apply ball_triangle with x.
  apply ball_triangle with (Cunit (approximate x ((1 # 2) × ((1 # 2) × q))%Qpos)).
   apply ball_approx_l.
  rewrite halfhalf.
  apply ball_approx_l.
 apply ball_triangle with (Cunit (approximate x d0)).
  change (ball_ex ((1 # 8) × q)%Qpos x (Cunit (approximate x d0))).
  apply ball_ex_weak_le with (d0)%QposInf.
   apply QposInf_min_lb_r.
  destruct d0 as [d0|]; try constructor.
  apply ball_approx_r.
 change (ball_ex ((1 # 8) × q)%Qpos (approximate x d0) (Cunit (approximate (approximate x d0) d0))).
 apply ball_ex_weak_le with (d0)%QposInf.
  apply QposInf_min_lb_r.
 destruct d0 as [d0|]; try constructor.
 apply ball_approx_r.

Lemma MonadLaw5 : a, (Cjoin_fun (X:=X) (Cunit_fun _ a)) =m a.
 intros x e1 e2.
 setoid_replace (e1+e2)%Qpos with ((1#2)*e1 + e2 + (1#2)*e1)%Qpos.
  apply ball_weak.
  apply regFun_prf.
 now QposRing.

Lemma MonadLaw6 : a, Cjoin_fun ((Cmap_slow_fun (X:=X) Cunit) a) =m a.
 intros a e1 e2.
 setoid_replace (e1+e2)%Qpos with ((1#2)*((1#2)*e1) + e2 + (3#4)*e1)%Qpos.
  apply ball_weak.
  apply: regFun_prf.
 now QposRing.

Lemma MonadLaw7 : a, Cjoin_fun ((Cmap_slow_fun (X:=Complete (Complete X)) Cjoin) a) =m Cjoin_fun (Cjoin_fun a).
 intros x e1 e2.
 pose (half := fun e:Qpos ⇒ ((1#2)*e)%Qpos).
 apply ball_weak_le with ((half (half e1)) + ((half (half e1)) + (half (half e1) + (half (half e2))) + (half (half e2))) + (half e2))%Qpos.
  unfold half.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
 apply (regFun_prf x).

This final law isn't a monad law, rather it completes the isomorphism between a twice completed metric space and a one completed metric space.
Lemma CunitCjoin : a, (Cunit_fun _ (Cjoin_fun (X:=X) a)) =m a.
 intros x e1 e2 d1 d2.
 change (ball (d1 + (e1 + e2) + d2)
   (approximate (approximate x ((1 # 2) × d1)%Qpos) ((1 # 2) × d1)%Qpos)
     (approximate (approximate x e2) d2)).
 apply ball_weak_le with (((1 # 2) × d1 + ((1 # 2) × d1 + e2) + d2))%Qpos.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  auto with ×.
 apply (regFun_prf x).

End Monad_Laws.

The monad laws are sometimes expressed in terms of bind and unit.
Lemma BindLaw1 : X Y (f:X--> Complete Y) a, (st_eq (Cbind_slow f (Cunit_fun _ a)) (f a)).
 intros X Y f a.
 change (st_eq (Cjoin (Cmap_slow_fun f (Cunit_fun X a))) (f a)).
 rewrite → (MonadLaw3 f a).
 apply MonadLaw5.

Lemma BindLaw2 : X a, (st_eq (Cbind_slow (Cunit:X --> Complete X) a) a).
 apply MonadLaw6.

Lemma BindLaw3 : X Y Z (a:Complete X) (f:X --> Complete Y) (g:Y-->Complete Z), (st_eq (Cbind_slow g (Cbind_slow f a)) (Cbind_slow (uc_compose (Cbind_slow g) f) a)).
 intros X Y Z a f g.
 change (st_eq (Cjoin (Cmap_slow_fun g (Cjoin_fun (Cmap_slow f a))))
   (Cjoin (Cmap_slow_fun (uc_compose (Cbind_slow g) f) a))).
 rewrite → (MonadLaw2 (Cbind_slow g) f).
 unfold Cbind_slow.
 rewrite → (MonadLaw4 g).
 rewrite → (MonadLaw2 (Cjoin (X:=Z)) (Cmap_slow g)).
 apply MonadLaw7.

Strong Monad

The monad is a strong monad because the map function itself is a uniformly continuous function.
Section Strong_Monad.

Variable X Y : MetricSpace.
Let X_Y := UniformlyContinuousSpace X Y.
Let CX_CY := UniformlyContinuousSpace (Complete X) (Complete Y).

Lemma Cmap_strong_slow_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction ((Cmap_slow (Y:=Y)):(X_YCX_CY)) Qpos2QposInf.
 intros e f g H x.
 apply ball_closed.
 intros e0.
 set (he0 := ((1#2)*e0)%Qpos).
 set (d0 := QposInf_min ((1#2)%Qpos*(mu f he0)) ((1#2)%Qpos*(mu g he0))).
 set (a0 := approximate x d0).
 setoid_replace (e+e0)%Qpos with (he0 + e + he0)%Qpos; [| unfold he0; QposRing].
 apply ball_triangle with (Cunit (g a0)).
  apply ball_triangle with (Cunit (f a0)).
   rewrite <- (MonadLaw3 f a0).
   apply: uc_prf.
   destruct (mu f he0) as [d1|];[|constructor].
   eapply ball_ex_weak_le with d0.
    apply QposInf_min_lb_l.
   destruct d0 as [d0|];[|constructor].
   apply ball_approx_r.
  apply H.
 rewrite <- (MonadLaw3 g a0).
 apply: (uc_prf (Cmap_slow g)).
 destruct (mu g he0) as [d2|];[|constructor].
 eapply ball_ex_weak_le with d0.
  apply QposInf_min_lb_r.
 destruct d0 as [d0|];[|constructor].
 apply: ball_approx_l.

Definition Cmap_strong_slow : (X --> Y) --> (Complete X --> Complete Y) :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction Cmap_strong_slow_prf.

Using strength we can show that Complete forms an applicative functor. The ap function is useful for making multiple argument maps.
Definition Cap_slow_raw (f:Complete (X --> Y)) (x:Complete X) (e:QposInf) :=
 approximate (Cmap_slow (approximate f ((1#2)%Qpos×e)%QposInf) x) ((1#2)%Qpos×e)%QposInf.

Lemma Cap_slow_fun_prf (f:Complete (X --> Y)) (x:Complete X) : is_RegularFunction (Cap_slow_raw f x).
 intros e1 e2.
 unfold Cap_slow_raw.
 unfold QposInf_mult, QposInf_bind.
 set (he1 := ((1 # 2) × e1)%Qpos).
 set (he2 := ((1 # 2) × e2)%Qpos).
 set (f1 := (approximate f he1)).
 set (f2 := (approximate f he2)).
 change (Cmap_slow (Y:=Y) f1) with (Cmap_strong_slow f1).
 change (Cmap_slow (Y:=Y) f2) with (Cmap_strong_slow f2).
 set (y1 :=(Cmap_strong_slow f1 x)).
 set (y2 :=(Cmap_strong_slow f2 x)).
 setoid_replace (e1 + e2)%Qpos with (he1 + (he1 + he2) + he2)%Qpos; [| unfold he1, he2; QposRing].
 rewrite <- ball_Cunit.
 apply ball_triangle with y2;[|apply ball_approx_r].
 apply ball_triangle with y1;[apply ball_approx_l|].
 apply (uc_prf Cmap_strong_slow).
 apply: regFun_prf.

Definition Cap_slow_fun (f:Complete (X --> Y)) (x:Complete X) : Complete Y :=
Build_RegularFunction (Cap_slow_fun_prf f x).

Lemma Cap_slow_help (f:Complete (X --> Y)) (x:Complete X) (e:Qpos) :
 ball e (Cap_slow_fun f x) (Cmap_slow (approximate f e) x).
 intros d1 d2.
 set (d1' := ((1 # 2) × d1)%Qpos).
 set (f1 := (approximate f d1')).
 set (f2 := (approximate f e)).
 set (y1 := (Cmap_slow f1 x)).
 set (y2 := (Cmap_slow f2 x)).
 change (ball (d1 + e + d2) (approximate y1 d1') (approximate y2 d2)).
 setoid_replace (d1 + e + d2)%Qpos with (d1' + (d1' + e) + d2)%Qpos; [| unfold d1'; QposRing].
 rewrite <- ball_Cunit.
 apply ball_triangle with y2;[|apply ball_approx_r].
 apply ball_triangle with y1;[apply ball_approx_l|].
 apply: (uc_prf Cmap_strong_slow).
 apply: regFun_prf.

Definition Cap_slow_modulus (f:Complete (X --> Y)) (e:Qpos) : QposInf := ((1#2)%Qpos*(mu (approximate f ((1#3)*e)%Qpos) ((1#3)*e)))%QposInf.

Lemma Cap_weak_slow_prf (f:Complete (X --> Y)) : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (Cap_slow_fun f) (Cap_slow_modulus f).
 intros e x y H.
 set (e' := ((1#3)*e)%Qpos).
 setoid_replace e with (e'+e'+e')%Qpos; [| unfold e'; now QposRing].
 apply ball_triangle with (Cmap_slow (approximate f e') y).
  apply ball_triangle with (Cmap_slow (approximate f e') x).
   apply Cap_slow_help.
  apply (uc_prf).
  apply H.
 apply ball_sym.
 apply Cap_slow_help.

Definition Cap_weak_slow (f:Complete (X --> Y)) : Complete X --> Complete Y :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (Cap_weak_slow_prf f).

Lemma Cap_slow_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction Cap_weak_slow Qpos2QposInf.
 intros e f1 f2 H x.
 apply ball_closed.
 intros d.
 setoid_replace (e+d)%Qpos with ((1#4)*d + ((1#4)*d + e + (1#4)*d) + (1#4)*d)%Qpos; [| QposRing].
 apply ball_triangle with (Cmap_strong_slow (approximate f2 ((1#4)*d)%Qpos) x).
  apply ball_triangle with (Cmap_strong_slow (approximate f1 ((1#4)*d)%Qpos) x).
   apply: Cap_slow_help.
  apply (uc_prf Cmap_strong_slow).
  apply: H.
 apply ball_sym.
 apply: Cap_slow_help.

Definition Cap_slow : Complete (X --> Y) --> Complete X --> Complete Y :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction Cap_slow_prf.

Lemma StrongMonadLaw1 : a b, st_eq (Cap_slow_fun (Cunit_fun _ a) b) (Cmap_strong_slow a b).
 intros f x.
 intros e.
 apply ball_weak_le with ((1#2)*e+e)%Qpos.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  rewriteQle_minus_iff; ring_simplify.
  apply: mult_resp_nonneg.
  apply Qpos_nonneg.

End Strong_Monad.

A binary version of map
Definition Cmap2_slow (X Y Z:MetricSpace) (f:X --> Y --> Z) := uc_compose (@Cap_slow Y Z) (Cmap_slow f).

Completion and Classification

The completion operations preserve stability and locatedness, but it does not preserve the decidability.
Lemma Complete_stable : X, stableMetric XstableMetric (Complete X).
 intros X HX e x y Hb e1 e2.
 apply HX.
 intros H.
 apply Hb.
 intros H0.
 apply H.
 apply H0.

Lemma Complete_located : X, locatedMetric XlocatedMetric (Complete X).
 intros X Hx e d x y Hed.
 destruct (Qpos_lt_plus Hed) as [c Hc].
 set (c':=((1#5)*c)%Qpos).
 assert (H:(c'+e+c')%Qpos < (e+(3#1)*c')%Qpos).
  abstract ( rewriteQlt_minus_iff; autorewrite with QposElim; ring_simplify; auto with × ).
 destruct (Hx _ _ (approximate x c') (approximate y c') H) as [H0 | H0].
  abstract ( change (QposEq d (e+c)) in Hc; rewriteHc; rewrite <- ball_Cunit in H0;
    (setoid_replace (e+c)%Qpos with (c' + (e + (3 # 1) × c') + c')%Qpos; [ | (unfold c';QposRing)]);
      eapply ball_triangle;[eapply ball_triangle;[|apply H0]|];
        [apply ball_approx_r|apply ball_approx_l]).
 abstract ( intros H1; apply H0; rewrite <- ball_Cunit;
   eapply ball_triangle;[eapply ball_triangle;[|apply H1]|];
     [apply ball_approx_l|apply ball_approx_r]).