Require Export RasterQ.
Require Import Interval.
Require Import Classic.
Require Import QposMinMax.
Require Import Qabs.
Require Import Qauto.
Require Import Qround.
Require Import CornTac.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.

Set Implicit Arguments.


Rasterization takes finite enumeration of points in Q2 and moves them around a little so that they lie on a raster. Thus rasterization produces a raster object that when interpreted as a finite enumeration of Q2 is close to the original enumeration of points. How close depends on how fine a raster is chosen.
There is a choice as to how to treat points that lie outside of the bound of a chosen rectangle for rasterization. In this implemenation I choose to push all points inside the raster. In typical applications a rectangle is chosen that contains all the points, so that this doesn't matter.
Rasterize Point adds a single point p into a raster.
Definition RasterizePoint n m (bm:raster n m) (t l b r:Q) (p:Q×Q) : raster n m :=
let i := min (pred n) (Z_to_nat (Zle_max_l 0 (rasterize1 l r n (fst p)))) in
let j := min (pred m) (Z_to_nat (Zle_max_l 0 (rasterize1 b t m (snd p)))) in
setRaster bm true (pred m - j) i.
Lemma RasterizePoint_carry : t l b r n m (bm:raster n m) p i j,
 Is_true (RasterIndex bm i j) → Is_true (RasterIndex (RasterizePoint bm t l b r p) i j).
 intros t l b r m n bm p i j H.
 unfold RasterizePoint.
 set (j0:=(min (pred m) (Z_to_nat (z:=Zmax 0 (rasterize1 l r m (fst p)))
   (Zle_max_l 0 (rasterize1 l r m (fst p)))))).
 set (i0:=(pred n - min (pred n)
   (Z_to_nat (z:=Zmax 0 (rasterize1 b t n (snd p))) (Zle_max_l 0 (rasterize1 b t n (snd p)))))%nat).
 destruct (le_lt_dec n i0).
  rewrite setRaster_overflow; auto.
 destruct (le_lt_dec m j0).
  rewrite setRaster_overflow; auto.
 destruct (eq_nat_dec i i0).
  destruct (eq_nat_dec j j0).
   rewrite e, e0.
   rewrite setRaster_correct1; try constructor; congruence.
  rewrite setRaster_correct2; auto.
 rewrite setRaster_correct2; auto.

Rasterization is done by rasterizing each point, and composing the resulting raster transfomers. A fold_left is done for efficency. (It is translated to a fold_right when we reason about it).
Definition RasterizeQ2 (f:FinEnum stableQ2) n m (t l b r:Q) : raster n m :=
fold_left (fun x y ⇒ @RasterizePoint n m x t l b r y) f (emptyRaster _ _).
Section RasterizeCorrect.

Let C := fun l r (n:nat) (i:Z) ⇒ l + (r - l) × (2 × i + 1 # 1) / (2 × n # 1).

Lemma rasterization_error : l (w:Qpos) n x,
(l x l + w) →
ball (m:=Q_as_MetricSpace) ((1 #2×P_of_succ_nat n) × w) (C l (l + w) (S n) (min n
                (Zle_max_l 0 (rasterize1 l (l+w) (S n) x))))) x.
 clear - C.
 intros l w n x H0.
 destruct (Qlt_le_dec x (l+w)).
  replace (Z_of_nat (min n (Z_to_nat (z:=Zmax 0 (rasterize1 l (l + w) (S n) x))
    (Zle_max_l 0 (rasterize1 l (l + w) (S n) x))))) with (rasterize1 l (l + w) (S n) x).
   apply ball_sym.
   assert (l < l + w).
    auto with ×.
   eapply Qle_trans.
    unfold C.
    apply (rasterize1_close H).
   change ((l + w - l) / (2 × S n) (/ 2%positive) × (/ P_of_succ_nat n) × w).
   unfold Qdiv.
   replace LHS with (((/ 2) × (/ S n) × w)) by simpl; ring.
   apply Qle_refl.
  rewrite inj_min.
  rewrite <- Z_to_nat_correct.
  rewrite Zmax_right.
   apply Zmin_case_strong.
    intros H.
    apply Zle_antisym; auto.
    apply Zlt_succ_le.
    rewrite <- inj_S.
    apply rasterize1_boundR; auto.
    auto with ×.
  destruct H0.
  apply rasterize1_boundL; auto.
  apply Qle_trans with x; auto.
 replace (min n (Z_to_nat (z:=Zmax 0 (rasterize1 l (l + w) (S n) x))
   (Zle_max_l 0 (rasterize1 l (l + w) (S n) x)))) with n.
  setoid_replace x with (l + w).
   apply: ball_sym.
   unfold C.
   autorewrite with QposElim.
   replace RHS with (w*(1#xO (P_of_succ_nat n))) by simpl; ring.
   change (1 # xO (P_of_succ_nat n)) with (/(2*(S n))).
   change (2×S n #1) with (2×S n).
   change (2×n + 1#1) with ((2×n + 1)%Z:Q).
   rewrite (inj_S n).
   unfold Zsucc.
   do 2 rewriteinjz_plus.
   setoid_replace ((2%positive × n)%Z:Q) with (2×n); [| now (unfold Qeq; simpl; auto with × )].
   setoid_replace (l + w - (l + (l + w - l) × (2 × n + 1%positive) / (2 × (n + 1%positive))))
     with ((w / (2 × (n + 1%positive)))); [| now (simpl; field; unfold Qeq; simpl; auto with × )].
   rewriteQabs_pos;[apply Qle_refl|].
   apply Qle_shift_div_l; [apply: mult_resp_pos; simpl; auto with *; unfold Qlt; simpl; auto with *|].
   replace LHS with 0 by simpl; ring.
   auto with ×.
  destruct H0.
  apply Qle_antisym; auto.
 apply min_l.
 apply surj_le.
 rewrite <- Z_to_nat_correct.
 eapply Zle_trans;[|apply Zle_max_r].
 unfold rasterize1.
 rewrite <- (Qfloor_Z n).
 apply Qfloor_resp_le.
 setoid_replace x with (l+w).
  setoid_replace (l + w - l) with (w:Q); [| now simpl; ring].
  field_simplify;[|apply Qpos_nonzero].
  unfold Qle.
  change (n × 1× 1 (S n)*1×1)%Z.
  apply inj_le.
  auto with ×.
 destruct H0; simpl; auto with ×.

Lemma switch_line_interp : t b m j, (j m)%natC t b (S m) (m - j)%nat == C b t (S m) j.
 intros t b m j H.
 unfold C.
 rewrite inj_minus1;[|auto].
 change (2 × (m - j) + 1 # 1) with ((2 × (m - j) + 1)%Z:Q).
 change (2×S m#1) with (2*(S m)).
 change ((2×j +1)#1) with ((2×j+1)%Z:Q).
 do 2 rewriteinjz_plus.
 change ((2%positive × (m - j))%Z:Q) with (2 × (m - j)%Z).
 change ((2%positive × j)%Z:Q) with (2 × j).
 change (1%Z:Q) with (1:Q).
 unfold Zminus.
 rewrite (inj_S m).
 unfold Zsucc.
 change ((-j)%Z:Q) with (-j).
 unfold Qeq.
 auto with ×.

Variable b l:Q.
Variable w h:Qpos.

Let r:=l+w.
Let t:=b+h.

Variable f:FinEnum stableQ2.

Variable n m : nat.

Let errX : Qpos := ((1#2×P_of_succ_nat n)*w)%Qpos.
Let errY : Qpos := ((1#2×P_of_succ_nat m)*h)%Qpos.
Let err : Qpos := Qpos_max errX errY.

Hypothesis Hf: x y, InFinEnumC ((x,y):ProductMS _ _) f
 (l x r) (b y t).

The Rasterization is close to the original enumeration.
Lemma RasterizeQ2_correct1 : x y,
 InFinEnumC ((x,y):ProductMS _ _) f
 existsC (ProductMS _ _)
  (fun pInFinEnumC p (InterpRaster (RasterizeQ2 f (S n) (S m) t l b r) (l,t) (r,b))
             ball err p (x,y)).
 intros x y.
 unfold RasterizeQ2.
 rewrite <- fold_left_rev_right.
 intros H.
 destruct (Hf _ _ H) as [Hfl Hfr].
 clear Hf.
 destruct (FinEnum_eq_rev f (x,y)) as [L _].
 generalize (L H).
 clear L H.
 simpl (st_car (msp_is_setoid Q2)).
 generalize (emptyRaster (S n) (S m)).
 induction (@rev (prod Q Q) f).
 intros bm H.
 destruct H as [G | [Hl Hr] | H] using orC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  simpl in Hl, Hr.
  simpl (fold_right (fun (y0 : Q × Q) (x0 : raster (S n) (S m)) ⇒
    RasterizePoint x0 t l b r y0) bm (a :: l0)).
  unfold RasterizePoint at 1.
  simpl (pred (S n)).
  simpl (pred (S m)).
  set (i:=min n (Z_to_nat (Zle_max_l 0 (rasterize1 l r (S n) (fst a))))).
  set (j:=min m (Z_to_nat (Zle_max_l 0 (rasterize1 b t (S m) (snd a))))).
  cbv zeta.
  apply existsWeaken.
   (C l r (S n) i,C t b (S m) (m -j)%nat).
   apply InFinEnumC_weaken.
   apply InterpRaster_correct1.
   rewrite setRaster_correct1; unfold i, j; auto with ×.
   change (ball err (C l r (S n) i) x).
   change (st_eq x (fst a)) in Hl.
   eapply ball_weak_le.
    unfold err.
    apply Qpos_max_ub_l.
   apply rasterization_error.
   simpl in Hl.
   rewriteHl in Hfl.
  change (ball err (C t b (S m) (m-j)%nat) y).
  change (st_eq y (snd a)) in Hr.
  eapply ball_weak_le.
   unfold err.
   apply Qpos_max_ub_r.
  simpl (ball (m:=Q_as_MetricSpace)).
  rewriteswitch_line_interp;[|unfold j; auto with *].
  apply rasterization_error.
  simpl in Hr.
  rewriteHr in Hfr.
 simpl ((fold_right (fun (y : Q × Q) (x : raster (S n) (S m)) ⇒
   RasterizePoint x t l b r y) bm) (a :: l0)).
 destruct (IHl0 bm H) as [G | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
  auto using existsC_stable.
 apply existsWeaken.
 split; auto.
 clear - Hz0.
 destruct z as [zx zy].
 destruct (InStrengthen _ _ Hz0) as [[zx' zy'] [Hz'0 Hz'1]].
 rewrite → (fun aInFinEnumC_wd1 _ _ _ a Hz'1).
 apply InFinEnumC_weaken.
 destruct (InterpRaster_correct2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hz'0) as [[ax ay] [Ha1 [Ha2 Ha3]]].
 rewrite Ha2.
 rewrite Ha3.
 apply InterpRaster_correct1.
 apply RasterizePoint_carry.

Lemma RasterizeQ2_correct2 : x y,
 InFinEnumC ((x,y):ProductMS _ _) (InterpRaster (RasterizeQ2 f (S n) (S m) t l b r) (l,t) (r,b))
 → (existsC (ProductMS _ _)
  (fun pInFinEnumC p f ball err p (x,y))).
 intros x y H.
 destruct (InStrengthen _ _ H) as [[x' y'] [H' Hxy]].
 destruct (InterpRaster_correct2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H') as [[j i] [Hij [Hx' Hy']]].
 rewrite Hx' in Hxy.
 rewrite Hy' in Hxy.
 assert (Hf': x y : Q_as_MetricSpace,
   InFinEnumC (X:=ProductMS Q_as_MetricSpace Q_as_MetricSpace)
     ((x, y):ProductMS Q_as_MetricSpace Q_as_MetricSpace) (rev f) → l x r b y t).
  intros c d Hcd.
  apply Hf.
  destruct (FinEnum_eq_rev f (c,d)); auto.
 clear Hf.
 clear Hx' Hy' H' H.
 destruct Hxy as [Hx' Hy'].
 cut (existsC (ProductMS Q_as_MetricSpace Q_as_MetricSpace)
   (fun p : ProductMS Q_as_MetricSpace Q_as_MetricSpace
     InFinEnumC (X:=ProductMS Q_as_MetricSpace Q_as_MetricSpace) p (rev f)
       ball (m:=ProductMS Q_as_MetricSpace Q_as_MetricSpace) err p (x, y))).
  intros L.
  clear -L.
  destruct L as [G | z [Hz0 Hz]] using existsC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  apply existsWeaken.
  split; auto.
  destruct (FinEnum_eq_rev f z); auto.
 unfold RasterizeQ2 in Hij.
 rewrite <- fold_left_rev_right in Hij.
 simpl (st_car (msp_is_setoid Q2)) in Hf'|-*.
 induction (@rev (prod Q Q) f).
  clear - Hij.
  set (z:=emptyRaster (S n) (S m)) in Hij.
  simpl in Hij.
  unfold z in Hij.
  rewrite emptyRasterEmpty in Hij.
 simpl (fold_right (fun (y : Q × Q) (x : raster (S n) (S m)) ⇒
   RasterizePoint x t l b r y) (emptyRaster (S n) (S m)) (a :: l0)) in Hij.
 unfold RasterizePoint at 1 in Hij.
 set (i0:=min (pred (S n)) (Z_to_nat (z:=Zmax 0 (rasterize1 l r (S n) (fst a)))
   (Zle_max_l 0 (rasterize1 l r (S n) (fst a))))) in ×.
 set (j0:=min (pred (S m)) (Z_to_nat (z:=Zmax 0 (rasterize1 b t (S m) (snd a)))
   (Zle_max_l 0 (rasterize1 b t (S m) (snd a))))) in ×.
 cbv zeta in Hij.
 assert (L:((i=i0)/\(j=m-j0) ((j<>(m-j0)) (ii0)))%nat) by omega.
 destruct L as [[Hi Hj] | L].
  clear IHl0.
  rewrite Hi, Hj in Hx'.
  rewrite Hi, Hj in Hy'.
  unfold fst, snd in ×.
  apply existsWeaken.
  change (st_car (msp_is_setoid Q2)) in a.
   apply orWeaken.
  destruct a as [ax ay].
  destruct (Hf' ax ay) as [Hax Hay].
   apply orWeaken;left;change (ax, ay) with ((ax,ay):Q2);reflexivity.
  clear Hf'.
   unfold fst.
   apply ball_sym.
   eapply ball_weak_le.
    unfold err.
    apply Qpos_max_ub_l.
   apply rasterization_error.
  unfold snd.
  apply ball_sym.
  eapply ball_weak_le.
   unfold err.
   apply Qpos_max_ub_r.
  fold (C t b (S m) (m - j0)%nat).
  simpl (ball (m:=Q_as_MetricSpace)).
  rewriteswitch_line_interp;[|unfold j0; auto with *].
  apply rasterization_error.
 assert (L0:existsC (Q × Q) (fun p : Q × Q
   InFinEnumC (X:=ProductMS Q_as_MetricSpace Q_as_MetricSpace) p l0
     ball (m:=ProductMS Q_as_MetricSpace Q_as_MetricSpace) err p (x, y))).
  apply IHl0.
   simpl in Hij.
   rewrite setRaster_correct2 in Hij; auto.
  intros c d Hcd.
  apply Hf'.
  apply orWeaken; right; auto.
 destruct L0 as [G | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
  auto using existsC_stable.
 apply existsWeaken.
 split; auto.
 apply orWeaken.
 right; auto.

Lemma RasterizeQ2_correct :
 ball err
  (InterpRaster (RasterizeQ2 f (S n) (S m) t l b r) (l,t) (r,b))
 split; intros [x y] Hx.
  destruct (RasterizeQ2_correct2 Hx) as [ G | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
   auto using existsC_stable.
  apply existsWeaken.
  split; auto.
  auto using ball_sym.
 destruct (RasterizeQ2_correct1 Hx) as [ G | z [Hz0 Hz1]] using existsC_ind.
  auto using existsC_stable.
 apply existsWeaken.
 split; auto.
 auto using ball_sym.

End RasterizeCorrect.