CS 1112: Introduction to Computing using MATLAB

Weekly exercises

An exercise comprises short problems that give you practice on the course topics of each week. You will usually start an exercise during discussion section and have until the end of the week to complete it. To get credit for an exercise, you must show your completed work to a TA or a consultant, who may ask you a few questions to check that you understand the relevant concepts and then record that you have completed the exercise. Get your exercise checked off during the discussion in which it is assigned or during consulting hours or TA office hours (not professor office hours) before the deadline. Unless otherwise specified, the deadline is 9pm on the Sunday after the exercise is assigned.

Exercise Due Date Assignment Code/Data/Tips
1 Su 1/26 9pm Exercise 1 spiral.m, convertCel2Fah.m
2 Su 2/2 9pm Exercise 2
2 Su 2/9 9pm Exercise 3
4 Su 2/16 9pm Exercise 4 Fibonacci.m, stepPyramidSkeleton.m, DrawRect.m
5 W 2/26 9pm Exercise 5
6 M 3/2 9pm Exercise 6
7 Su 3/8 9pm Exercise 7
8 Tu 4/7 9pm EDT Exercise 8
9 Su 4/12 9pm EDT Exercise 9
10 Su 4/19 9pm EDT Exercise 10 CardDeck.m, DispCards.m, Shuffle.m
11 Su 4/26 9pm EDT Exercise 11 Interval.m, Fraction.m, guessingGame.m
12 Su 5/3 9pm EDT Exercise 12 Interval.m, intervalArray.m, LocalWeather.m, ithacaWeather.txt
13 Su 5/10 9pm EDT Exercise 13 LargestTriangle.m