Require Export CRIR.
Require Import CRArith.
Require Import Qpower.
Require Import ModulusDerivative.
Require Import ContinuousCorrect.
Require Import Qmetric.
Require Import CornTac.
Require Import canonical_names.
Require Import additional_operations.

Opaque CR inj_Q.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.
Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Natural Integer Powers

Positive integer powers is faster than repeated multiplication.
It is uniformly continuous on an interval [-c,c].
Section CRpower_N.

Variable n : N.

Definition Qpower_N_modulus (c:Qpos) (e:Qpos) : QposInf :=
  match n with
  | N0QposInfinity
  | Npos pQpos2QposInf (e/((p#1)*c^(Zpred p)))

Lemma Qpower_positive_correct : p q, (inj_Q IR (Qpower_positive q p)[=]((FId{^}(nat_of_P p)) (inj_Q IR q) I)).
 intros p.
 destruct (p_is_some_anti_convert p) as [m Hm].
 intros q.
 induction m.
 rewrite nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ.
 rewrite nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ in IHm.
 change (P_of_succ_nat (S m)) with (Psucc (P_of_succ_nat m)).
 simpl in ×.
 rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
 stepl (inj_Q IR (Qpower_positive q (P_of_succ_nat m))[*](inj_Q IR q)).
  csetoid_rewrite IHm.
  apply eq_reflexive.
 stepl (inj_Q IR (Qpower_positive q (P_of_succ_nat m)×q)).
  apply inj_Q_wd.
 apply inj_Q_mult.

Let IRpower_p : PartFunct IR := FId{^}(nat_of_N n).

Lemma Qpower_N_uc_prf (c:Qpos) :
  is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (fun xQpower (QboundAbs c x) (Z_of_N n)) (Qpower_N_modulus c).
 unfold Qpower_N_modulus.
 destruct n as [|p].
  simpl. intros e x y E. now apply ball_refl.
 destruct (p_is_some_anti_convert p) as [m Hm].
 assert (X:=(fun I pIDerivative_nth I pI _ _ (Derivative_id I pI) m)).
 assert (-c < c)%Q.
  change (0 < ((2#1)*c)%Qpos).
  apply Qpos_prf.
 apply (fun x ⇒ @is_UniformlyContinuousFunction_wd _ _ (fun x : Q_as_MetricSpaceQpower_positive (QboundAbs c x) p) x (Qscale_modulus ((p#1)*c^(Zpred p))%Qpos)).
  intros x.
  generalize ((p # 1) × c ^ Zpred p)%Qpos.
  apply Qpos_positive_numerator_rect.
  intros qn qd.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply Qle_refl.
 apply (is_UniformlyContinuousD_Q (Some (-c)) (Some (c:Q)) H _ _ (X _ _) (fun xQpower_positive x p)).
  intros q _ Hq.
  csetoid_rewrite (Qpower_positive_correct p q).
  rewrite Hm.
  rewrite nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ.
  apply eq_reflexive.
 intros x _ Hx.
 change (AbsIR ((nring (R:=IR) (S m))[*]([1][*]nexp IR m (inj_Q IR x)))[<=]
   inj_Q IR (((p # 1)[*]((c ^ Zpred p)%Qpos:Q)))).
 stepr ((inj_Q IR ((p # 1))[*](inj_Q IR ((c ^ Zpred p)%Qpos:Q)))); [| now
   (apply eq_symmetric; apply inj_Q_mult)].
 stepl ((nring (R:=IR) (S m)[*]AbsIR ([1][*]nexp IR m (inj_Q IR x)))); [| now apply AbsIR_mult;apply nring_nonneg; auto with *].
 apply mult_resp_leEq_both.
    apply nring_nonneg; auto with ×.
   apply AbsIR_nonneg.
  stepl (inj_Q IR (nring (S m))); [| now apply inj_Q_nring].
  apply inj_Q_leEq.
  rewrite Hm.
  rewrite <- POS_anti_convert.
  stepl ((S m):Q); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply nring_Q].
  apply leEq_reflexive.
 stepl ([1][*](AbsIR (nexp IR m (inj_Q IR x)))); [| now apply AbsIR_mult; apply less_leEq; apply pos_one].
 stepl (AbsIR (nexp IR m (inj_Q _ x))); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply one_mult].
 stepl (nexp IR m (AbsIR (inj_Q _ x))); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply AbsIR_nexp].
 stepr (inj_Q IR (c ^ Zpred p)); [| now apply inj_Q_wd; reflexivity].
 rewrite Hm.
 rewrite <- POS_anti_convert.
 rewrite inj_S.
 rewrite <- Zpred_succ.
 destruct m.
  change ([1][<=]inj_Q IR (nring 1)).
  stepr (nring (R:=IR) 1); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply inj_Q_nring].
  stepr ([1]:IR).
   apply leEq_reflexive.
  simpl; algebra.
 rewrite <- (nat_of_P_o_P_of_succ_nat_eq_succ m).
 rewrite convert_is_POS.
 stepr ((FId{^}(nat_of_P (P_of_succ_nat m))) (inj_Q IR (c:Q)) I); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply Qpower_positive_correct].
 apply: power_resp_leEq.
  apply AbsIR_nonneg.
 apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR.
 destruct Hx; split; try assumption.
 stepl (inj_Q IR (-c)).
 apply inj_Q_inv.

Definition Qpower_N_uc (c:Qpos) : Q_as_MetricSpace --> Q_as_MetricSpace :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (Qpower_N_uc_prf c).

CRpower_positive_bounded works on [-c,c].
Definition CRpower_N_bounded (c:Qpos) : CR --> CR :=
Cmap QPrelengthSpace (Qpower_N_uc c).

Lemma CRpower_N_bounded_correct : (c:Qpos) x,
  AbsSmall (inj_Q _ (c:Q)) x → (IRasCR (x[^](nat_of_N n))==CRpower_N_bounded c (IRasCR x))%CR.
 intros c x Hx.
 pose (I:=(clcr [--](inj_Q IR (c:Q)) (inj_Q IR (c:Q)))).
 assert (Hc: [0][<]inj_Q IR (c:Q)).
  stepl (inj_Q IR [0]).
   apply inj_Q_less.
   apply Qpos_prf.
  apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0).
 assert (HI:proper I).
  apply shift_zero_less_minus'.
  rstepr (inj_Q IR (c:Q)[+]inj_Q IR (c:Q)).
  apply plus_resp_pos; assumption.
 rename I into temp.
 change (x[^](nat_of_N n)) with ((FId{^}(nat_of_N n)) x True_constr).
 rename temp into I.
 destruct Hx as [Hx0 Hx1].
 apply (ContinuousCorrect HI (Continuous_nth I FId (Continuous_id I) (nat_of_N n)));[|split;assumption].
 intros q [] Hq.
 transitivity (IRasCR (inj_Q IR (Qpower q (Z_of_N n)))).
  change (' q)%CR with (Cunit_fun _ q).
  setoid_replace (Qmin c q) with q.
   setoid_replace (Qmax (- c) q) with q.
   rewrite <- Qle_max_r.
   apply leEq_inj_Q with IR.
   stepl [--](inj_Q IR (c:Q)); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply inj_Q_inv].
   destruct Hq; assumption.
  rewrite <- Qle_min_r.
  apply leEq_inj_Q with IR.
  destruct Hq; assumption.
 apply IRasCR_wd.
 destruct n.
  simpl. now apply inj_Q_One.
 simpl. now apply Qpower_positive_correct.

Lemma CRpower_N_bounded_weaken : (c1 c2:Qpos) x,
((AbsSmall ('c1) x) → (c1 c2)%Q
CRpower_N_bounded c1 x == CRpower_N_bounded c2 x)%CR.
 intros c1 c2 x Hx Hc.
 simpl in x.
 rewrite <- (CRasIRasCR_id x).
 transitivity (IRasCR ((CRasIR x)[^](nat_of_N n))).
  apply CRpower_N_bounded_correct.
  stepl ('c1)%CR; [| now simpl; symmetry; apply IR_inj_Q_as_CR].
  stepr x; [| now simpl; symmetry; apply CRasIRasCR_id].
 apply CRpower_N_bounded_correct.
 apply AbsSmall_leEq_trans with (inj_Q IR (c1:Q)).
  apply inj_Q_leEq.
 stepl ('c1)%CR; [| now simpl; symmetry; apply IR_inj_Q_as_CR].
 stepr x; [| now simpl; symmetry; apply CRasIRasCR_id].
End CRpower_N.

CRpower_positive_bounded is should be used when a known bound on the absolute value of x is available.
Instance CRpower_N: Pow CR N := λ x n, ucFun (CRpower_N_bounded n (CR_b (1#1) x)) x.

Lemma CRpower_N_bounded_N_power : (n : N) (c:Qpos) (x:CR),
((AbsSmall ('c) x) →
CRpower_N_bounded n c x == CRpower_N x n)%CR.
 intros n c x Hc.
 assert (Hx:(AbsSmall ('(CR_b (1#1) x)) x)%CR).
   apply CR_b_lowerBound.
  apply CR_b_upperBound.
 unfold CRpower_N.
 generalize (CR_b (1#1) x) Hx.
 clear Hx.
 intros d Hd.
 destruct (Qle_total c d);[|symmetry]; apply CRpower_N_bounded_weaken; assumption.

Lemma CRpower_N_correct : n x, (IRasCR (x[^](nat_of_N n))==CRpower_N (IRasCR x) n)%CR.
 intros n x.
 apply CRpower_N_bounded_correct.
 stepl ('(CR_b (1#1) (IRasCR x)))%CR; [| now simpl; symmetry; apply IR_inj_Q_as_CR].
  apply CR_b_lowerBound.
 apply CR_b_upperBound.

Lemma CRpower_N_correct' : n x,
(IRasCR (x[^]n)==CRpower_N (IRasCR x) (N_of_nat n))%CR.
 intros n x.
 etransitivity; [| apply CRpower_N_correct].
 now rewrite Nnat.nat_of_N_of_nat.

Hint Rewrite CRpower_N_correct' : IRtoCR.

Instance: Proper (eq ==> QposEq ==> @st_eq _) Qpower_N_uc.
 intros p1 p2 Ep e1 e2 Ee x.
 apply ball_eq_iff. intro e.
 simpl. unfold QposEq in Ee. rewrite Ep, Ee. reflexivity.

Instance: Proper (eq ==> QposEq ==> @st_eq _) CRpower_N_bounded.
 intros p1 p2 Ep e1 e2 Ee x. simpl. rewrite Ep, Ee. reflexivity.

Instance: Proper (@st_eq _ ==> eq ==> @st_eq _) CRpower_N.
 intros x1 x2 Hx ? n Hn. subst.
 transitivity (CRpower_N_bounded n (CR_b (1 # 1) x1) x2).
  change (ucFun (CRpower_N_bounded n (CR_b (1#1) x1)) x1==ucFun (CRpower_N_bounded n (CR_b (1#1) x1)) x2)%CR.
  apply uc_wd; assumption.
 apply CRpower_N_bounded_N_power.
 split; rewrite <- Hx.
  apply CR_b_lowerBound.
 apply CR_b_upperBound.

Instance: NatPowSpec CR N _.
  split; unfold pow.
    apply _.
   intros x. change (cast Q CR 1 = CR1). now apply rings.preserves_1.
  intros x n.
  rewrite <-(CRasIRasCR_id x).
  rewrite <-?CRpower_N_correct.
  rewrite <-IR_mult_as_CR.
  rewrite Nnat.nat_of_Nplus.
  apply IRasCR_wd. symmetry. now apply nexp_Sn.