
Require Export CSetoidInc.


Definition of the notion of semigroup

Definition is_CSemiGroup A (op : CSetoid_bin_op A) := associative op.

Record CSemiGroup : Type :=
  {csg_crr :> CSetoid;
   csg_op : CSetoid_bin_op csg_crr;
   csg_proof : is_CSemiGroup csg_crr csg_op}.

In the names of lemmas, we will denote + with plus.

Implicit Arguments csg_op [c].
Infix "+" := csg_op (at level 50, left associativity).

Semigroup axioms

The axiomatic properties of a semi group.
Let G be a semi-group.
Section CSemiGroup_axioms.
Variable G : CSemiGroup.

Lemma CSemiGroup_is_CSemiGroup : is_CSemiGroup G csg_op.
 elim G; auto.

Lemma plus_assoc : associative (csg_op (c:=G)).
 exact CSemiGroup_is_CSemiGroup.

End CSemiGroup_axioms.

Semigroup basics

Let G be a semi-group.
Section CSemiGroup_basics.
Variable G : CSemiGroup.

Lemma plus_assoc_unfolded : (G : CSemiGroup) (x y z : G), x+ (y+z) [=] x+y+z.
 exact plus_assoc.

End CSemiGroup_basics.

Section p71R1.


Let S1 S2:CSemiGroup.

Variable S1:CSemiGroup.
Variable S2:CSemiGroup.

Definition morphism_of_CSemiGroups (f:(CSetoid_fun S1 S2)):CProp:=
(a b:S1), (f (a+b))[=] (f a)[+](f b).

End p71R1.

About the unit

Definition is_rht_unit S (op : CSetoid_bin_op S) Zero : Prop := x, op x Zero [=] x.

Definition is_lft_unit S (op : CSetoid_bin_op S) Zero : Prop := x, op Zero x [=] x.

Implicit Arguments is_lft_unit [S].

Implicit Arguments is_rht_unit [S].

An alternative definition:

Definition is_unit (S:CSemiGroup): SProp :=
fun e (a:S), e+a [=] a a+e [=]a.

Lemma cs_unique_unit : (S:CSemiGroup) (e f:S),
(is_unit S e) (is_unit S f)e[=]f.
 intros S e f.
 unfold is_unit.
 intros H.
 elim H.
 clear H.
 intros H0 H1.
 elim (H0 f).
 clear H0.
 intros H2 H3.
 elim (H1 e).
 clear H1.
 intros H4 H5.
 astepr (e+f).
 astepl (e+f).
 apply eq_reflexive.

Hint Resolve plus_assoc_unfolded: algebra.

Functional operations

We can also define a similar addition operator, which will be denoted by +, on partial functions.
Whenever possible, we will denote the functional construction corresponding to an algebraic operation by the same symbol enclosed in curly braces.
At this stage, we will always consider automorphisms; we could treat this in a more general setting, but we feel that it wouldn't really be a useful effort.
Let G:CSemiGroup and F,F':(PartFunct G) and denote by P and Q, respectively, the predicates characterizing their domains.

Section Part_Function_Plus.

Variable G : CSemiGroup.
Variables F F' : PartFunct G.

Lemma part_function_plus_strext : x y (Hx : Conj P Q x) (Hy : Conj P Q y),
 F x (Prj1 Hx) +F' x (Prj2 Hx) [#] F y (Prj1 Hy) +F' y (Prj2 Hy) → x [#] y.
 intros x y Hx Hy H.
 case (cs_bin_op_strext _ _ _ _ _ _ H); intros H1; exact (pfstrx _ _ _ _ _ _ H1).

Definition Fplus := Build_PartFunct G _ (conj_wd (dom_wd _ F) (dom_wd _ F'))
  (fun x HxF x (Prj1 Hx) +F' x (Prj2 Hx)) part_function_plus_strext.

Let R:GCProp.

Variable R : GCProp.

Lemma included_FPlus : included R Pincluded R Qincluded R (Dom Fplus).
 intros; simpl in |- *; apply included_conj; assumption.

Lemma included_FPlus' : included R (Dom Fplus) → included R P.
 intro H; simpl in H; eapply included_conj_lft; apply H.

Lemma included_FPlus'' : included R (Dom Fplus) → included R Q.
 intro H; simpl in H; eapply included_conj_rht; apply H.

End Part_Function_Plus.

Implicit Arguments Fplus [G].
Infix "+" := Fplus (at level 50, left associativity).

Hint Resolve included_FPlus : included.

Hint Immediate included_FPlus' included_FPlus'' : included.


Let csg a semi-group and P a non-empty predicate on the semi-group which is preserved by +.

Direct Product

Let M1 M2:CSemiGroup

Variable M1 M2: CSemiGroup.
Definition dprod (x:ProdCSetoid M1 M2)(y:ProdCSetoid M1 M2):
  (ProdCSetoid M1 M2):=
let (x1, x2):= x in
let (y1, y2):= y in
(pairT (x1+y1) (x2 + y2)).

Lemma dprod_strext:(bin_fun_strext (ProdCSetoid M1 M2)(ProdCSetoid M1 M2)
  (ProdCSetoid M1 M2)dprod).
 unfold bin_fun_strext.
 intros x1 x2 y1 y2.
 unfold dprod.
 case x1.
 intros a1 a2.
 case x2.
 intros b1 b2.
 case y1.
 intros c1 c2.
 case y2.
 intros d1 d2.
 intro H.
 elim H.
  clear H.
  intro H.
  cut (a1[#]b1 or c1[#]d1).
  set (H0:= (@csg_op M1)).
  unfold CSetoid_bin_op in H0.
  set (H1:= (@csbf_strext M1 M1 M1 H0)).
  unfold bin_fun_strext in H1.
  apply H1.
  exact H.
 clear H.
 intro H.
 cut (a2[#]b2 or c2[#]d2).
 set (H0:= (@csg_op M2)).
 unfold CSetoid_bin_op in H0.
 set (H1:= (@csbf_strext M2 M2 M2 H0)).
 unfold bin_fun_strext in H1.
 apply H1.
 exact H.

Definition dprod_as_csb_fun:
  CSetoid_bin_fun (ProdCSetoid M1 M2) (ProdCSetoid M1 M2)(ProdCSetoid M1 M2):=
  (Build_CSetoid_bin_fun (ProdCSetoid M1 M2)(ProdCSetoid M1 M2)
  (ProdCSetoid M1 M2) dprod dprod_strext).

Lemma direct_product_is_CSemiGroup:
  (is_CSemiGroup (ProdCSetoid M1 M2) dprod_as_csb_fun).
 unfold is_CSemiGroup.
 unfold associative.
 intros x y z.
 case x.
 intros x1 x2.
 case y.
 intros y1 y2.
 case z.
 intros z1 z2.
  apply CSemiGroup_is_CSemiGroup.
 apply CSemiGroup_is_CSemiGroup.

Definition direct_product_as_CSemiGroup:=
  (Build_CSemiGroup (ProdCSetoid M1 M2) dprod_as_csb_fun

End D9S.

The SemiGroup of Setoid functions

The Free SemiGroup

Let A:CSetoid.

Variable A:CSetoid.

Lemma Astar_is_CSemiGroup:
  (is_CSemiGroup (free_csetoid_as_csetoid A) (app_as_csb_fun A)).
 unfold is_CSemiGroup.
 unfold associative.
 intros x.
 unfold app_as_csb_fun.
 induction x.
  intros x y.
  apply eq_fm_reflexive.

Definition Astar_as_CSemiGroup:=
  (Build_CSemiGroup (free_csetoid_as_csetoid A) (app_as_csb_fun A)

End p66E2b4.