
Require Export Euclid.
Require Export Cmod.
Require Export CSemiGroups.
Require Export csetoid_rewrite.
Require Export Nsec.
Require Import SetoidPermutation Setoid Morphisms.


Definition of monoids

Record is_CMonoid (M : CSemiGroup) (Zero : M) : Prop :=
  {runit : is_rht_unit (csg_op (c:=M)) Zero;
   lunit : is_lft_unit (csg_op (c:=M)) Zero}.

Record CMonoid : Type :=
  {cm_crr :> CSemiGroup;
   cm_unit : cm_crr;
   cm_proof : is_CMonoid cm_crr cm_unit}.

In the names of lemmas, we will denote 0 with zero. We denote [#] 0 in the names of lemmas by ap_zero (and not, e.g. nonzero).

The predicate "non-zero" is defined. In lemmas we will continue to write x [#] 0, rather than (nonZeroP x), but the predicate is useful for some high-level definitions, e.g. for the setoid of non-zeros.

Notation "0" := (cm_unit _).

Definition nonZeroP (M : CMonoid) (x : M) : CProp := x [#] 0.

Implicit Arguments nonZeroP [M].

Monoid axioms

Let M be a monoid.
Section CMonoid_axioms.
Variable M : CMonoid.

Lemma CMonoid_is_CMonoid : is_CMonoid M (cm_unit M).
 elim M; auto.

Lemma cm_rht_unit : is_rht_unit csg_op (0:M).
 elim CMonoid_is_CMonoid; auto.

Lemma cm_lft_unit : is_lft_unit csg_op (0:M).
 elim CMonoid_is_CMonoid; auto.

End CMonoid_axioms.

Monoid basics

Let M be a monoid.
Section CMonoid_basics.
Variable M : CMonoid.

Lemma cm_rht_unit_unfolded : x : M, x[+]0 [=] x.
Proof cm_rht_unit M.

Lemma cm_lft_unit_unfolded : x : M, 0[+]x [=] x.
Proof cm_lft_unit M.

Hint Resolve cm_rht_unit_unfolded cm_lft_unit_unfolded: algebra.

Lemma cm_unit_unique_lft : x : M, is_lft_unit csg_op xx [=] 0.
 intros x h. red in h.
 Step_final (x[+]0).

Lemma cm_unit_unique_rht : x : M, is_rht_unit csg_op xx [=] 0.
 intros x h. red in h.
 Step_final (0[+]x).

The proof component of the monoid is irrelevant.

Lemma is_CMonoid_proof_irr : (S:CSetoid) (Zero:S) (plus : CSetoid_bin_op S)
 (p q : associative plus), is_CMonoid (Build_CSemiGroup S plus p) Zero
 is_CMonoid (Build_CSemiGroup S plus q) Zero.
 intros S one mult p q H.
 elim H; intros runit0 lunit0.
 simpl in runit0.
 simpl in lunit0.
 apply Build_is_CMonoid; simpl in |- *; assumption.


Let P a predicate on M containing 0 and closed under [+].

Section SubCMonoids.
Variable P : MCProp.
Variable Punit : P 0.
Variable op_pres_P : bin_op_pres_pred _ P csg_op.

Let subcrr : CSemiGroup := Build_SubCSemiGroup _ _ op_pres_P.

Lemma ismon_scrr : is_CMonoid subcrr (Build_subcsetoid_crr _ _ _ Punit).
 split; red in |- ×.
  intro x. case x. intros scs_elem scs_prf.
  apply (cm_rht_unit_unfolded scs_elem).
 intro x. case x. intros scs_elem scs_prf.
 apply (cm_lft_unit_unfolded scs_elem).

Definition Build_SubCMonoid : CMonoid := Build_CMonoid subcrr _ ismon_scrr.

End SubCMonoids.

End CMonoid_basics.

Section Th13.

Morphism, isomorphism and automorphism of Monoids

Let M1 M2 M M':CMonoid.
Variable M1:CMonoid.
Variable M2:CMonoid.

Definition morphism (f:(CSetoid_fun M1 M2)):CProp:=
(f (0)[=]0 (a b:M1), (f (a[+]b))[=] (f a)[+](f b)).

Definition isomorphism (f:(CSetoid_fun M1 M2)):CProp:=
(morphism f) and (bijective f).

End Th13.

Section p71E2b1.

Definition isomorphic (M:CMonoid)(M':CMonoid): CProp:=
{f:(CSetoid_fun M M')|(isomorphism M M' f)}.

End p71E2b1.

Section Th14.
Let f:(CSetoid_fun M1 M2) and isof: (isomorphism M1 M2 f).

Variable M1: CMonoid.
Variable M2: CMonoid.
Variable f: (CSetoid_fun M1 M2).
Variable isof: (isomorphism M1 M2 f).

Lemma iso_imp_bij: (bijective f).
 unfold isomorphism in isof.

Lemma iso_inv: (isomorphism M2 M1 (Inv f (iso_imp_bij))).
 unfold isomorphism.
  unfold morphism.
   unfold isomorphism in isof.
   unfold morphism in isof.
   elim isof.
   intros H0 H1.
   elim H0.
   clear H0.
   intros H3 H4.
   astepl ((Inv f iso_imp_bij) (f 0)).
   unfold Inv.
   apply inv2.
  intros a b. elim isof. intros H0 H1. destruct H1 as [H1 H2].
  destruct (H2 a) as [a' fa'a]. destruct (H2 b) as [b' fb'b].
  unfold morphism in H0.
  astepl ((Inv f iso_imp_bij) (f a' [+] f b')).
  astepl ((Inv f iso_imp_bij) ( f ( a'[+] b'))).
   set (H3:= (inv2 M1 M2 f iso_imp_bij (a'[+]b'))).
   astepl (a'[+]b'). astepr (a'[+] b'). intuition.
   set (H4:=(inv2 M1 M2 f iso_imp_bij a')).
   apply csbf_wd.
    astepr (Inv f iso_imp_bij (f a')); intuition.
   astepr (Inv f iso_imp_bij (f b')). set (H5:= (inv2 M1 M2 f iso_imp_bij b')); intuition.
 apply Inv_bij.

End Th14.

Section p71R2.

Variable M:CMonoid.

Definition automorphism:= (isomorphism M M).

End p71R2.

Section p71E1.

Power in a monoid

Let M:CMonoid and c:M.

Variable M:CMonoid.
Variable c:M.

Fixpoint power_CMonoid (m:M)(n:nat){struct n}:M:=
match n with
|0 ⇒ (cm_unit M)
|(S p) ⇒ m [+] (power_CMonoid m p)

End p71E1.

Implicit Arguments power_CMonoid [M].

Lemma power_plus: (M:CMonoid)(a:M)(m n:nat),
  (power_CMonoid a (m+n))[=]
  (power_CMonoid a m)[+](power_CMonoid a n).
 intros M a m n.
 induction m.
  apply eq_symmetric.
  apply cm_lft_unit.
 astepl (csbf_fun M M M (csg_op (c:=M)) a ((csbf_fun M M M (csg_op (c:=M)) (power_CMonoid a m)
   (power_CMonoid a n)))).


Definition is_generator (M:CMonoid)(u:M):CProp:=
   (m:M),{n:nat | (power_CMonoid u n)[=]m}.

Definition cyclic : CMonoidCProp :=
  fun M
  {u:M | ( (m:M),{n:nat | (power_CMonoid u n)[=]m}):CProp}.

Section gen_cyc.

Lemma power_k: (M:CMonoid)(u:M)(k l s:nat),(is_generator M u)->
  ((k<l and
  (power_CMonoid u k [=] power_CMonoid u l)
  and (( (k0 l0:nat), (k0l0 and (k0<k or (k0=k and l0<l)))->
  (power_CMonoid u k0 [#] power_CMonoid u l0)))):CProp)->
  (power_CMonoid u k)[=](power_CMonoid u (k+(s*(l-k)))).
 intros M u k l s H.
 unfold is_generator in H.
 intros H0.
 induction s.
  replace (k+0) with k.
 replace (k+((l-k)+s*(l-k))) with (l + s*(l-k)).
 set (H1:= (power_plus M u l (s*(l-k)))).
 astepr (csbf_fun (csg_crr (cm_crr M)) (csg_crr (cm_crr M))
   (csg_crr (cm_crr M)) (csg_op (c:=cm_crr M)) (power_CMonoid u l) (power_CMonoid u (s × (l - k)))).
 elim H0.
 clear H0.
 intros H0 H0'.
 elim H0'.
 clear H0'.
 intros H0' H0''.
 cut ( power_CMonoid u l[=]power_CMonoid u k).
  intro H4.
  2: now apply eq_symmetric.
 set (H5:=(power_plus M u k (s*(l-k)))).
 cut (csbf_fun M M M (csg_op (c:=M)) (power_CMonoid u k)
   (power_CMonoid u (s × (l - k)))[=]power_CMonoid u (k + s × (l - k))).
  intros H6.
  now rewriteH6.
 now symmetry.

Lemma power_k_n: (M:CMonoid)(u:M)(k l n :nat)
  (H2:((Z_of_nat (l-k)>0)%Z)),(is_generator M u)->(k<n)->
  ((k<l and
  (power_CMonoid u k [=] power_CMonoid u l)
  and (( (k0 l0:nat), (k0 l0 and (k0<k or (k0=k and l0<l)))->
  (power_CMonoid u k0 [#] power_CMonoid u l0)))):CProp)->
  (power_CMonoid u n)[=](power_CMonoid u (k+(mod_nat (n-k) (l-k) H2))).
 intros M u k l n H2 H H15.
 set (H13:=(power_k M u k l)).
 intros H4.
 cut ((l-k)>0)%Z.
  intro H5.
  set (H6:=(Z_div_mod_eq (n-k)(l-k) H5)).
 cut (((n - k) mod (l - k))= (n-k)%Z -((l - k) × ((n - k) / (l - k))))%Z.
 set (H7:=(mod_nat_correct (n-k) (l-k) H2)).
 intro H8.
 cut {s:nat | (mod_nat (n-k)(l-k) H2)=(n-k)-s*(l-k) and s*(l-k)<=(n-k)}.
  intro H9.
  elim H9.
  clear H9.
  intros s H9.
  elim H9.
  clear H9.
  intros H9 H9'.
  rewrite H9.
  replace (power_CMonoid u n) with (power_CMonoid u ((k+s*(l-k))+((n-k)-s*(l-k)))).
   2: (replace ((k + s × (l - k))+((n - k) - s × (l - k))) with n). 2:reflexivity.
   rewrite → (power_plus M u (k+(s*(l-k))) ((n-k)-s*(l-k))).
   rewrite → (power_plus M u k (n-k-s*(l-k))).
   setoid_replace (power_CMonoid u (k + s × (l - k))) with (power_CMonoid u k). now reflexivity.
  unfold canonical_names.equiv. now intuition.
  cut (n=k+(n-k)).
   intro H10.
   cut (n=((k+(n-k))+(s*(l-k)-s*(l-k)))).
    intro H11.
    cut ((k+(n-k))+(s*(l-k)-s*(l-k)) = (k + s × (l - k) + (n - k - s × (l - k)))).
     intro H12.
     now rewrite<- H11 in H12.
    apply minus4.
     now intuition.
    exact H9'.
   rewrite<- H10.
   cut ((s*(l-k)-s*(l-k))=0).
    intro H11.
    rewrite H11.
    now intuition.
   now intuition.
  cut (n=n+(k-k)).
   intro H10.
   cut (n+(k-k)=k+(n-k)).
    intro H11.
    now rewrite<- H10 in H11.
   apply minus3.
   split; now intuition.
  cut ((k-k)=0).
   intro H10.
   now rewrite H10.
  now intuition.
 cut (l-k>0).
  intro H9.
  set (H10:=(quotient (l-k) H9 (n-k))).
  elim H10.
  clear H10.
  intros q H10.
   elim H10.
   clear H10.
   intros r H10'.
   elim H10'.
   clear H10'.
   intros H10' H10''.
  cut ((n-k)= q*(l-k)+ (mod_nat (n-k)(l-k) H2)).
   intro H11.
  cut (r= (mod_nat (n-k)(l-k)H2)).
   intro H11.
   now rewrite<- H11.
  cut ((Z_of_nat r)=(mod_nat (n - k) (l - k) H2)).
   intro H11.
  rewrite<- H7.
  apply nat_Z_div with (n-k) q (l-k) ((Z_of_nat n - Z_of_nat k) / (Z_of_nat l - Z_of_nat k))%Z.
     exact H10'.
   cut (kl).
    intro H11.
    set (H12:=(inj_minus1 l k H11)).
    rewrite H12.
    cut (kn).
     intro H14.
     set (H16:=(inj_minus1 n k H14)).
     rewrite H16.
     exact H6.
  set (H17:=(Z_mod_lt (Z_of_nat (n-k)) (Z_of_nat (l-k)))).
 elim H10.
 clear H10.
 intros r H10.
 elim H10.
 clear H10.
 intros H10 H10'.

Lemma cyc_imp_comm: (M:CMonoid)(H:(cyclic M)), (commutes (@csg_op M)).
 intros M H.
 unfold commutes.
 intros x y.
 unfold cyclic in H.
 elim H.
 clear H.
 intros c0 H.
 elim (H x).
 intros nx Hx.
 elim (H y).
 intros ny Hy.
 rewrite <- Hx.
 rewrite <- Hy.
 rewrite <- (power_plus M c0 nx ny).
 replace (nx+ny) with (ny+nx).
  rewrite → (power_plus M c0 ny nx).
  now apply eq_reflexive.

Lemma weakly_inj1:
   (M:CMonoid)(u:M)(k l a b:nat),(is_generator M u)->(a<l)->(b<l)->
  (k<l and (power_CMonoid u k [=] power_CMonoid u l)
  and ( (k0 l0:nat),k0l0 and (k0<k or (k0=k and l0<l))
  (power_CMonoid u k0 [#] power_CMonoid u l0)))->
  (power_CMonoid u a)[=](power_CMonoid u b)
 intros M u k l a b H H0 H1.
 unfold is_generator in H.
 intros H3 H4.
 elim (eq_nat_dec a b).
 intro H5.
 elim (not_or a b H5).
  clear H5.
  intro H5.
  cut False.
  set (H6:= (eq_imp_not_ap M (power_CMonoid u a)(power_CMonoid u b) H4)).
  unfold Not in H6.
  cut (ka+(l-b) or k=a+(l-b)).
   intro orex.
   elim orex.
    clear orex.
    intro orex.
    cut ((power_CMonoid u a[#]power_CMonoid u b) or (power_CMonoid u (l-b)[#]power_CMonoid u (l-b))).
     intro H7.
     elim H7.
     clear H7.
     intro H7.
     set (H8:= (ap_irreflexive_unfolded M (power_CMonoid u (l-b)) H7)).
    apply bin_op_strext_unfolded with (@csg_op M).
    csetoid_rewrite_rev (power_plus M u b (l-b)).
    csetoid_rewrite_rev (power_plus M u a (l-b)).
    elim H3.
    clear H3.
    intros H3 H7.
    elim H7.
    clear H7.
    intros H7 H8.
    replace (b+(l-b)) with l.
     csetoid_rewrite_rev H7.
     apply: ap_symmetric.
     apply H8.
   clear orex.
   intro orex.
 clear H5.
 intro H5.
 cut False.
 cut (power_CMonoid (M:=M) u b[=]power_CMonoid (M:=M) u a).
  intro H4'.
  set (H6:= (eq_imp_not_ap M (power_CMonoid u a)(power_CMonoid u b) H4)).
  set (H6':= (eq_imp_not_ap M (power_CMonoid u b)(power_CMonoid u a) H4')).
  unfold Not in H6.
  cut (kb+(l-a) or k=b+(l-a)).
   intro orex.
   elim orex.
    clear orex.
    intro orex.
    cut ((power_CMonoid u a[#]power_CMonoid u b) or (power_CMonoid u (l-a)[#]power_CMonoid u (l-a))).
     intro H7.
     elim H7.
     clear H7.
     intro H7.
     set (H8:= (ap_irreflexive_unfolded M (power_CMonoid u (l-a)) H7)).
    apply bin_op_strext_unfolded with (@csg_op M).
    csetoid_rewrite_rev (power_plus M u b (l-a)).
    csetoid_rewrite_rev (power_plus M u a (l-a)).
    elim H3.
    clear H3.
    intros H3 H7.
    elim H7.
    clear H7.
    intros H7 H8.
    replace (a+(l-a)) with l.
     csetoid_rewrite_rev H7.
     apply H8.
   clear orex.
   intro orex.


Let M:CMonoid.

Variable M:CMonoid.

Lemma generator_imp_cyclic: ( (u:M),
  (is_generator M u)-> (cyclic M)):CProp.
 intros u H.
 unfold is_generator in H.
 exact H.

End gen_cyc.


Definition is_inverse S (op : CSetoid_bin_op S) Zero x x_inv : Prop :=
 op x x_inv [=] Zero op x_inv x [=] Zero.

Implicit Arguments is_inverse [S].

Definition invertible (M:CMonoid): MCProp :=
fun m{inv: (CSetoid_un_op M) | (is_inverse csg_op (@cm_unit M) m (inv m))}.

Section D9M.

Direct Product

Let M1 M2:CMonoid

Variable M1 M2: CMonoid.

Lemma e1e2_is_rht_unit:
  (is_rht_unit (dprod_as_csb_fun M1 M2)(pairT (@cm_unit M1)(@cm_unit M2))).
 unfold is_rht_unit.
 intro x.
 case x.
 intros x1 x2.
  apply cm_rht_unit_unfolded.
 apply cm_rht_unit_unfolded.

Lemma e1e2_is_lft_unit:
  (is_lft_unit (dprod_as_csb_fun M1 M2)(pairT (@cm_unit M1)(@cm_unit M2))).
 intro x.
 case x.
 intros x1 x2.
  apply cm_lft_unit_unfolded.
 apply cm_lft_unit_unfolded.

Definition direct_product_is_CMonoid:=
  (Build_is_CMonoid (direct_product_as_CSemiGroup M1 M2)
  (pairT (@cm_unit M1)(@cm_unit M2))
   e1e2_is_rht_unit e1e2_is_lft_unit).

Definition direct_product_as_CMonoid :=
  (Build_CMonoid (direct_product_as_CSemiGroup M1 M2)
  (pairT (@cm_unit M1)(@cm_unit M2)) direct_product_is_CMonoid).

End D9M.

Section p71E2b2.

Variable M1:CMonoid.
Variable M2:CMonoid.

Let f: (direct_product_as_CMonoid M1 M2)->
  (direct_product_as_CMonoid M2 M1).
 intro x.
 elim x.
 intros x1 x2.
 exact (pairT x2 x1).

Lemma f_strext': (fun_strext f ).
 unfold fun_strext.
 intros x y.
 case x.
 intros x1 x2.
 case y.
 intros y1 y2.

Definition f_as_CSetoid_fun_:= (Build_CSetoid_fun _ _ f f_strext').

Lemma isomorphic_PM1M2_PM2M1:
  (isomorphic (direct_product_as_CMonoid M1 M2)
  (direct_product_as_CMonoid M2 M1)):CProp.
 unfold isomorphic.
 unfold isomorphism.
 unfold morphism.
  intros a b.
  case a.
  intros a0 a1.
  case b.
  intros b0 b1.
 unfold bijective.
  unfold injective.
  intros a0 a1.
  elim a0.
  intros b0 b1.
  elim a1.
  intros c0 c1.
 unfold surjective.
 intro b.
 elim b.
 intros a0 a1.
  (pairT a1 a0).

End p71E2b2.

The Monoids of Setoid functions and bijective Setoid functions.

Definition FS_id (A : CSetoid) : FS_as_CSetoid A A.
 unfold FS_as_CSetoid in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.
 exact (id_un_op A).

Lemma id_is_rht_unit :
  A : CSetoid, is_rht_unit (comp_as_bin_op A) (FS_id A).
 unfold is_rht_unit in |- ×.
 unfold comp_as_bin_op in |- ×.
 unfold FS_id in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.
 unfold eq_fun in |- ×.
 unfold id_un_op in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.

Lemma id_is_lft_unit :
  A : CSetoid, is_lft_unit (comp_as_bin_op A) (FS_id A).
 unfold is_lft_unit in |- ×.
 unfold comp_as_bin_op in |- ×.
 unfold FS_id in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.
 unfold eq_fun in |- ×.
 unfold id_un_op in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.

Definition FS_is_CMonoid (A : CSetoid) :=
  Build_is_CMonoid (FS_as_CSemiGroup A) (FS_id A) (
    id_is_rht_unit A) (id_is_lft_unit A).

Definition FS_as_CMonoid (A : CSetoid) :=
  Build_CMonoid (FS_as_CSemiGroup A) (FS_id A) (FS_is_CMonoid A).

Definition PS_as_CMonoid (A : CSetoid) :=
  Build_SubCMonoid (FS_as_CMonoid A) (bijective (A:=A) (B:=A)) (
    id_is_bij A) (comp_resp_bij A A A).

The free Monoid

Lemma is_unit_Astar_empty_word: (A:CSetoid),
(is_unit (Astar_as_CSemiGroup A)(empty_word A)).
 intro A.
 unfold is_unit.
 intro a.
  apply eq_fm_reflexive.
 unfold empty_word.
 induction a.
  apply eq_fm_reflexive.

Section Th12.

Let A:CSetoid.

Variable A:CSetoid.

Lemma nil_is_rht_unit: (is_rht_unit (app_as_csb_fun A) (empty_word A)).
 unfold is_rht_unit.
 intro x.
 induction x.

Lemma nil_is_lft_unit: (is_lft_unit (app_as_csb_fun A) (empty_word A)).
 unfold is_lft_unit.
 intro x.
 induction x.

Definition free_monoid_is_CMonoid:
  is_CMonoid (Astar_as_CSemiGroup A) (empty_word A):=
  (Build_is_CMonoid (Astar_as_CSemiGroup A) (empty_word A)
  nil_is_rht_unit nil_is_lft_unit).

Definition free_monoid_as_CMonoid:CMonoid:=
(Build_CMonoid (Astar_as_CSemiGroup A)(empty_word A) free_monoid_is_CMonoid).

End Th12.

The unit in the setoid of Setoid functions

Let X:CSetoid.

Section p67R2.
Variable X: CSetoid.
Lemma is_unit_FS_id:(is_unit (FS_as_CSemiGroup X) (FS_id X)).
 unfold is_unit.
 intros a.
 set (H:= (id_is_rht_unit X a)).
 set (H0:= (id_is_lft_unit X a)).
  exact H0.
 exact H.

End p67R2.

Section Th11.


The intersection of a collection of monoids is again a monoid. Let M:CMonoid, I:type, C:I->(MCProp), Cunit: (C i [0]) and op_pres_C: (i:I), (bin_op_pres_pred _ (C i) csg_op).

Variable M:CMonoid.
Variable I:Type.
Variable C:I->(MCProp).
Variable Cunit: (i:I), (C i 0).
Variable op_pres_C: (i:I),(bin_op_pres_pred _ (C i) csg_op).

Definition K : MCProp :=
(fun m (i:I), (C i m)).

Lemma op_pres_K: bin_op_pres_pred (cm_crr M) K (csg_op (c:=M)).
 unfold K.
 unfold bin_op_pres_pred.
 unfold bin_op_pres_pred in op_pres_C.
 intros x y Cx Cy i.
 apply op_pres_C.
  apply Cx.
 apply Cy.

Definition K_is_Monoid :CMonoid := (Build_SubCMonoid M K Cunit op_pres_K).

End Th11.

Section Th15.
The Monoid generated by a Subset Let M:CMonoid and D:MCProp.

Context {M:CMonoid}.

Fixpoint cm_Sum (l: list M) {struct l}: M :=
match l with
|cons a ka [+] (cm_Sum k)

Variable D : MCProp.

Definition Dbrack : MCProp :=
  fun m{l: (list M)| ( (a:M) , member a l → (D a)) and
                                        (cm_Sum l)[=]m}.

Lemma Dbrack_unit: (Dbrack 0).
 unfold Dbrack.
  (@nil M).

Lemma cm_Sum_app:
(k l : (list M)), (cm_Sum (app k l))[=] (cm_Sum k)[+](cm_Sum l).
 intros k l.
 induction k.
  apply eq_symmetric.
  apply cm_lft_unit_unfolded.
 astepr (a [+] ( (cm_Sum k)[+](cm_Sum l))).
 apply csbf_wd_unfolded.
 exact IHk.

Lemma cm_Sum_eq {A} (a: list A) (f g: AM):
  ( x, f x [=] g x) → cm_Sum (map f a) [=] cm_Sum (map g a).
Proof with try reflexivity.
 intro E.
 induction a...
 simpl. rewrite E, IHa...

Global Instance cm_Sum_Proper: commutes (@csg_op M) →
 Proper (SetoidPermutation (@st_eq M) ==> @st_eq M) cm_Sum.
Proof with auto; try reflexivity.
 intros E x y H.
 induction H; simpl...
   rewrite IHSetoidPermutation, H...
  rewrite plus_assoc_unfolded, plus_assoc_unfolded, (E _ y)...
 transitivity (cm_Sum l')...

Lemma cm_Sum_units (a: list M): ( x, In x ax [=] 0) → cm_Sum a [=] 0.
Proof with intuition.
 clear D.
 induction a. intuition.
 intros E.
 rewrite IHa...
 rewrite (E a)...
 apply cm_lft_unit_unfolded.

Lemma op_pres_Dbrack : bin_op_pres_pred _ Dbrack csg_op.
 unfold bin_op_pres_pred.
 intros x y.
 unfold Dbrack.
 intros Hx Hy.
 elim Hx.
 clear Hx.
 intros lx Hx.
 elim Hy.
 clear Hy.
 intros ly Hy.
  (app lx ly).
  intro a.
  set (H:= (member_app M a ly lx)).
  elim H.
  intros H0 H1.
  intros H2.
  set (H3:= (H0 H2)).
  elim H3.
   (generalize Hx).
  (generalize Hy).
 elim Hx.
 clear Hx.
 intros Hx1 Hx2.
 astepr ((cm_Sum lx)[+] y).
 elim Hy.
 clear Hy.
 intros Hy1 Hy2.
 astepr ( (cm_Sum lx)[+](cm_Sum ly) ).
 apply cm_Sum_app.

Definition Dbrack_as_CMonoid : CMonoid :=
(Build_SubCMonoid M Dbrack Dbrack_unit op_pres_Dbrack).

End Th15.

Hint Resolve cm_rht_unit_unfolded cm_lft_unit_unfolded: algebra.