Require Import CRAlternatingSum.
Require Import Qordfield.
Require Import QMinMax.
Require Import Qpossec.
Require Import Qpower.
Require Import Qauto.
Require Import Qabs.
Require Import CRcorrect.
Require Import CRIR.
Require Import iso_CReals.
Require Import Q_in_CReals.
Require Import CoRN.reals.Series.
Require Import Zdiv.
Require Import CornTac.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Opaque CR Qabs.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.

Geometric Series

A geometric series is simple to sum. However we do something slightly more general. We sum a series that satifies the ratio test.

Section GeometricSeries.
Variable a : Q.

Hypothesis Ha0 : 0 a.
Hypothesis Ha1 : a < 1.

The definition of what we are calling a GeometricSeries: a series that satifies the ratio test.
Definition GeometricSeries := ForAll (fun sQabs ((hd (tl s))) a*(Qabs(hd s))).

err_bound is a bound on how the series could be in terms of its head elemement.
Let err_bound (s:Stream Q) : Q := Qabs (hd s)/(1-a).

err_prop: is err an bound on the series s?
Let err_prop (err:Q) (s:Stream Q) : bool :=
match ((err_bound s) ?= err) with

Lemma err_prop_prop : e s, err_prop e s err_bound s e.
 intros e s.
 unfold err_prop, err_bound, Qcompare, Qle, Zle.
 destruct (Qnum (Qabs (hd s) / (1 - a))%Q × Qden e ?= Qnum e × Qden (Qabs (hd s) / (1 - a))%Q)%Z;
   split; auto with ×.

The key lemma bout error bounds.
Lemma err_prop_key : (e:Q) (s: Stream Q) (x:Q),
 err_prop e sQabs x a×eQabs (Qplus' (hd s) x) e.
 intros e s x Hs Hx.
 eapply Qle_trans.
  apply Qabs_triangle.
 stepr (e*(1-a) + a×e); [| simpl; ring].
 assert (X:0 < 1 - a).
  change (0 < 1 + - a).
  rewrite <- Qlt_minus_iff.
 apply: plus_resp_leEq_both; try assumption.
 rewriteerr_prop_prop in Hs.
 unfold err_bound in Hs.
 apply Qmult_lt_0_le_reg_r with (/(1-a)).
  apply Qinv_lt_0_compat; assumption.
 replace RHS with (e:Q).
 auto with ×.

Lemma err_prop_key' : (e:Q) (s: Stream Q),
 GeometricSeries serr_prop e serr_prop (a×e) (tl s).
 intros e s [H _] Hs.
 rewriteerr_prop_prop in ×.
 unfold err_bound in ×.
 rewriteQle_minus_iff in H, Hs |- ×.
 rewriteQlt_minus_iff in Ha1.
 replace RHS with (a × (e + - (Qabs (hd s)/(1-a)))+ (a × Qabs (hd s) + - Qabs (hd (tl s)))/(1+-a)).
 auto with ×.

Lemma err_prop_monotone : (e0 e1:Q) (s: Stream Q), (e0 e1) → err_prop e0 serr_prop e1 s.
 intros e0 e1 s He H.
 rewriteerr_prop_prop in ×.
 apply Qle_trans with e0; assumption.

Lemma err_prop_monotone' : (e:Q) (s: Stream Q), GeometricSeries serr_prop e serr_prop e (tl s).
 intros e s Hs H.
 rewriteerr_prop_prop in ×.
 eapply Qle_trans;[|apply H].
 unfold err_bound.
 apply: mult_resp_leEq_rht.
  destruct Hs as [H0 _].
  eapply Qle_trans;[apply H0|].
  stepr (1×Qabs(hd s)); [| simpl; ring].
  apply: mult_resp_leEq_rht; auto with ×.
  apply Qabs_nonneg.
 apply Qinv_le_0_compat.
 unfold Qminus.
 rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff.
 auto with ×.

InfiniteSum is sums the series s.
InfiniteSum_raw_F is the body of the fixpoint. It tests the error of the partial sum and bails out early if the error becomes small enough.
Definition InfiniteSum_raw_F rec (err_prop:Stream Qbool) (s:Stream Q) : Q :=
if (err_prop s) then 0 else (Qplus' (hd s) (rec err_prop (tl s))).

By carefully using continuations, we can efficently compute n iterations of InfiniteSum_raw_F with call-by-value.
Fixpoint InfiniteSum_raw_N (n:positive) (cont: (Stream Qbool) → Stream QQ) {struct n} : (Stream Qbool) → Stream QQ :=
match n with
| xHInfiniteSum_raw_F cont
| xO n'InfiniteSum_raw_N n' (fun err sInfiniteSum_raw_N n' cont err s)
| xI n'InfiniteSum_raw_F (fun err s
 (InfiniteSum_raw_N n' (fun err sInfiniteSum_raw_N n' cont err s)) err s)

Lemmas for reasoning about InfiniteSum_raw_N.
Lemma InfiniteSum_raw_N_F : p c,
 InfiniteSum_raw_N p (fun err sInfiniteSum_raw_F c err s)=
 InfiniteSum_raw_F (fun err sInfiniteSum_raw_N p c err s).
 induction p; intro c; try reflexivity; simpl; repeat rewrite IHp; reflexivity.

Lemma InfiniteSum_raw_N_Psucc : p c,
 InfiniteSum_raw_N (Psucc p) c =
 InfiniteSum_raw_F (fun err sInfiniteSum_raw_N p c err s).
 intros p.
 induction p; intros c; try reflexivity.
 simpl in ×.
 do 2 rewrite IHp.
 rewrite InfiniteSum_raw_N_F.

Lemma InfiniteSum_raw_N_extend' : (p q:positive) s (err : Stream Qbool),
 (err (Str_nth_tl (nat_of_P p) s)) → (p q)%Z
 InfiniteSum_raw_N p (fun _ _ ⇒ 0) err s = InfiniteSum_raw_N q (fun _ _ ⇒ 0) err s.
 induction p using Pind.
  intros q s err H H0.
  destruct q using Pind.
  rewrite InfiniteSum_raw_N_Psucc.
  unfold InfiniteSum_raw_F.
  destruct (err s); try reflexivity.
  destruct q using Pind;[simpl|rewrite InfiniteSum_raw_N_Psucc]; (unfold InfiniteSum_raw_F;
    destruct (err (tl s));[reflexivity|contradiction]).
 intros q s err H H0.
 destruct q using Pind.
  elim (Psucc_discr p).
  apply Zpos_eq_rev.
  apply Zle_antisym.
   rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
   rewrite Zpos_plus_distr.
   auto with ×.
  eapply Zle_trans.
   apply H0.
  auto with ×.
 do 2 rewrite InfiniteSum_raw_N_Psucc.
 unfold InfiniteSum_raw_F.
 destruct (err s); try reflexivity.
 do 2 rewrite Zpos_succ_morphism in H0.
 rewrite (IHp q); auto with ×.
 rewrite nat_of_P_succ_morphism in H.

Lemma InfiniteSum_raw_N_extend : (p:positive) s (err : Stream Qbool),
 (err (Str_nth_tl (nat_of_P p) s)) →
 InfiniteSum_raw_N p (fun _ _ ⇒ 0) err s = InfiniteSum_raw_N (Psucc p) (fun _ _ ⇒ 0) err s.
 apply InfiniteSum_raw_N_extend'; auto with ×.
 rewrite Zpos_succ_morphism.
 auto with ×.

Lemma InfiniteSum_raw_N_ind : (err:Stream Qbool) (P:Stream QQProp),
 ( s, (err s) → P s 0) →
 ( s rec, ~(err s)P (tl s) recP s (Qplus' (hd s) rec)) →
  (p:positive) s, (err (Str_nth_tl (nat_of_P p) s)) → P s (InfiniteSum_raw_N p (fun err s ⇒ 0) err s).
 intros err P H0 H1 p.
 induction p using Pind; intros s X.
  unfold InfiniteSum_raw_F.
  case_eq (err s); auto with ×.
  intros C; apply H1; auto with ×.
  destruct (err s); auto with ×.
 rewrite InfiniteSum_raw_N_Psucc.
 unfold InfiniteSum_raw_F.
 case_eq (err s); auto with ×.
 rewrite nat_of_P_succ_morphism in X.
 intros C; apply H1; auto with ×.
 destruct (err s); auto with ×.

The infinite sum is indeed bounded by an error bound.
Lemma err_prop_correct : (e:Qpos) s, (GeometricSeries s) → (err_prop e s) →
  (p:positive) (e':Stream Qbool),
  (e' (Str_nth_tl (nat_of_P p) s)) → Qabs (InfiniteSum_raw_N p (fun err s ⇒ 0) e' s) e.
 intros e s gs H p e' Z.
 assert (X:0e) by apply Qpos_nonneg.
 generalize (QposAsQ e) X H gs.
 clear e X H gs.
 set (P:=fun s q e, 0 eerr_prop e sGeometricSeries sQabs q e).
 change (P s (InfiniteSum_raw_N p (fun (_ : Stream Qbool) (_ : Stream Q) ⇒ 0) e' s)).
 apply InfiniteSum_raw_N_ind; auto with ×.
  intros s0 H0 e He ep gs0.
 unfold P in ×.
 intros s0 rec _ Hrec e He H0 gs0.
 apply err_prop_key.
 apply Hrec.
   apply: mult_resp_nonneg; assumption.
  apply err_prop_key'; assumption.
 destruct gs0.

This lemma tells us how to compute an upper bound on the number of terms we will need to compute. It is okay for this error to be loose because the partial sums will bail out early when it sees that its estimate of the error is small enough.
Lemma GeometricCovergenceLemma : (n:positive) (e:Qpos),
 /(e*(1 - a)) na^n e.
 destruct (Qle_lt_or_eq _ _ Ha0) as [Ha0'|Ha0'].
  intros n e H.
  assert (0 < a^n).
   assert (X:0 < ((mkQpos Ha0')^n)%Qpos) by auto with ×.
   autorewrite with QposElim in X.
  apply Qmult_lt_0_le_reg_r with ((/e)*/(a^n)).
   apply: mult_resp_pos.
    apply Qinv_lt_0_compat; auto with ×.
   apply Qinv_lt_0_compat.
  assert (0 <e) by auto with ×.
  stepr (/a^n); [| simpl; field; split; auto with *].
  stepl (/e); [| simpl; field; split; auto with *].
  rewriteQlt_minus_iff in Ha1.
  change (0<1-a) in Ha1.
  rewriteQle_minus_iff in H.
  apply Qle_trans with (1 + n*(/a -1)).
   stepr (1+(1 - a)*((n*(1-a)*/a + (n +-(/(e*(1 - a))))))); [| simpl; field; split; auto with *].
   apply: plus_resp_nonneg; try discriminate.
   repeat apply: mult_resp_nonneg; simpl; auto with ×.
   assert (0 1-a) by auto with ×.
  clear -n Ha0'.
  induction n using Pind.
   stepl (/a); [| simpl; ring].
   apply Qle_refl.
  rewrite Zpos_succ_morphism.
  unfold Zsucc.
  rewriteQpower_plus;[|auto with *].
  apply Qle_trans with ((1 + n × (/ a - 1))*/a).
   stepr (n×(/a -1)^2); [| simpl; ring].
  apply: mult_resp_leEq_rht.
  apply Qinv_le_0_compat; auto with ×.
 intros n e _.
 rewrite <- Ha0'.
 rewriteQpower_0; auto with ×.

Definition InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series (err:Qpos) : positive :=
let x := (1-a) in
let (n,d) := (Qabs (hd series))/(err×x×x) in
match Zsucc (Zdiv n d) with
| Zpos pp
| _ ⇒ 1%positive

Lemma InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter_monotone : series (err:Qpos),
 GeometricSeries series
 (InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter (tl series) err InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series err)%Z.
 intros series err Gs.
 unfold InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter.
 cut ((Qabs (hd (tl series)) / (err × (1 - a) × (1 - a)))
   (Qabs (hd series) / (err × (1 - a) × (1 - a)))).
  generalize (Qabs (hd (tl series)) / (err × (1 - a) × (1 - a)))
    (Qabs (hd series) / (err × (1 - a) × (1 - a))).
  intros [na da] [nb db] H.
  cut (Zsucc (na/da) Zsucc (nb/db))%Z.
   generalize (Zsucc (na / da)) (Zsucc (nb/db)).
   intros [|x|x] [|y|y] Hxy; try solve [apply Hxy | apply Qle_refl | elim Hxy; constructor
     | unfold Qle; simpl; repeat rewrite Pmult_1_r; auto with *].
  apply Zsucc_le_compat.
  unfold Qle in H.
  simpl in H.
  rewrite <- (Zdiv_mult_cancel_r na da db); auto with ×.
  rewrite <- (Zdiv_mult_cancel_r nb db da); auto with ×.
  rewrite (Zmult_comm db da).
  apply Z_div_le; auto with ×.
 assert (X:0 < 1 - a).
  change (0 < 1 + - a).
  rewrite <- Qlt_minus_iff.
 apply Qle_shift_div_l.
 stepl (Qabs (hd (tl series))); [| simpl; field;split; auto with *; apply Qpos_nonzero].
 destruct Gs as [H _].
 eapply Qle_trans.
  apply H.
 stepr (1×Qabs (hd series)); [| simpl; ring].
 apply: mult_resp_leEq_rht;simpl; auto with ×.

Lemma InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter_correct : series (err:Qpos), GeometricSeries series
 err_prop err (Str_nth_tl (nat_of_P (InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series err)) series).
 intros series err H.
 unfold err_bound.
 assert (X:0 < 1 - a).
  change (0 < 1 + - a).
  rewrite <- Qlt_minus_iff.
 apply Qle_shift_div_r; try assumption.
 assert (Y:(Qabs (hd series) × a ^ InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series err err × (1 - a))).
  destruct (Qlt_le_dec 0 (Qabs (hd series))).
   apply Qmult_lt_0_le_reg_r with (/Qabs (hd series)).
    apply Qinv_lt_0_compat; assumption.
   stepl (a ^ InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series err); [| simpl; field; auto with *].
   cut (a ^ InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series err (err × mkQpos X / mkQpos q)%Qpos).
    autorewrite with QposElim; auto.
   apply GeometricCovergenceLemma.
   autorewrite with QposElim.
   unfold InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter.
   stepl (Qabs (hd series) / (err × (1 - a) × (1 - a))); [| simpl;
     (field;repeat split;auto with *;apply Qpos_nonzero)].
   cut (0 < (Qabs (hd series) / (err × (1 - a) × (1 - a)))).
    generalize (Qabs (hd series) / (err × (1 - a) × (1 - a))).
    intros [n d] Hnd.
    apply Qle_trans with (Zsucc (n/d)).
     unfold Qle.
     unfold Zsucc.
     apply Zle_0_minus_le.
     replace RHS with (d*(n/d) + n mod d - n mod d - n + d)%Z by ring.
     rewrite <- Z_div_mod_eq; auto with ×.
     replace RHS with (d - n mod d)%Z by ring.
     apply Zle_minus_le_0.
     destruct (Z_mod_lt n d); auto with ×.
    generalize (Zsucc (n/d)).
    intros [|z|z].
     apply Qle_refl.
   cut (0 < (mkQpos q)/(err × (mkQpos X)*(mkQpos X)))%Qpos.
    autorewrite with QposElim; auto.
   apply Q.Qmult_lt_0_compat; auto with ×.
   apply Qinv_lt_0_compat; auto with ×.
  setoid_replace (Qabs (hd series)) with 0.
   stepl 0; [| simpl; ring].
   apply Qlt_le_weak; Qauto_pos.
  apply Qle_antisym; try assumption.
  apply Qabs_nonneg.
 apply Qle_trans with (Qabs (hd series)×a^(InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series err)); try assumption.
 clear Y.
 generalize (InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series err).
 intros p.
 revert series H.
 induction p using Pind; intros series H.
  destruct H.
 rewrite nat_of_P_succ_morphism.
 rewrite Zpos_succ_morphism.
 unfold Zsucc.
 stepr ((Qabs (hd series) × a ^ p)*a); [| simpl; ring].
 apply Qle_trans with (Qabs (hd (Str_nth_tl (nat_of_P p) series))×a).
  change (S (nat_of_P p)) with (1+(nat_of_P p))%nat.
  rewrite <- Str_nth_tl_plus.
  cut (GeometricSeries (Str_nth_tl (nat_of_P p) series)).
   generalize (Str_nth_tl (nat_of_P p) series).
   intros s [H0 _].
  clear -H.
  induction (nat_of_P p).
  change (S n) with (1+n)%nat.
  rewrite <- Str_nth_tl_plus.
  destruct IHn; assumption.
 apply: mult_resp_leEq_rht; try assumption.
 apply IHp; assumption.

The implemenation of InfiniteGeometricSum.
Definition InfiniteGeometricSum_raw series (e:QposInf) : Q :=
match e with
| QposInfinity ⇒ 0
| Qpos2QposInf errInfiniteSum_raw_N (InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series err)
  (fun err s ⇒ 0) (err_prop err) series

Lemma InfiniteGeometricSum_raw_prf : series, GeometricSeries series
is_RegularFunction (InfiniteGeometricSum_raw series).
 intros series H e0 e1.
 assert (A0:=InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter_correct e0 H).
 assert (A1:=InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter_correct e1 H).
 revert A0 A1.
 generalize (InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series e0) (InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series e1).
 revert e0 e1.
 cut ( (e0 e1:Qpos), (e1 e0) → (p p0 : positive),
   err_prop e0 (Str_nth_tl (nat_of_P p) series) → err_prop e1 (Str_nth_tl (nat_of_P p0) series) →
     Qball (e0) (InfiniteSum_raw_N p (fun (_ : Stream Qbool) (_ : Stream Q) ⇒ 0)
       (err_prop e0) series) (InfiniteSum_raw_N p0 (fun (_ : Stream Qbool) (_ : Stream Q) ⇒ 0)
         (err_prop e1) series)).
  intros X e0 e1 p0 p1.
  destruct (Qle_total e1 e0).
   intros H0 H1.
   apply: ball_weak;simpl;auto.
  intros H0 H1.
  setoid_replace (e0 + e1)%Qpos with (e1+e0)%Qpos by QposRing.
  apply: ball_weak.
  apply ball_sym.
  apply X; auto with ×.
 intros e0 e1 He p0 p1 H0.
 revert H.
 set (P0:=fun s qGeometricSeries s
   err_prop e1 (Str_nth_tl (nat_of_P p1) s) → Qball e0 q (InfiniteSum_raw_N p1 (fun (_ : Stream Qbool) (_ : Stream Q) ⇒ 0)
     (err_prop e1) s)).
 change (P0 series (InfiniteSum_raw_N p0 (fun (_ : Stream Qbool) (_ : Stream Q) ⇒ 0)
   (err_prop e0) series)).
 apply InfiniteSum_raw_N_ind; try assumption; unfold P0.
  intros s Hs Gs H1.
  apply: ball_sym;simpl.
  unfold Qball.
  rewrite <- AbsSmall_Qabs.
  unfold Qminus.
  apply err_prop_correct; assumption.
 intros s rec Hs Ind Gs H1.
 clear P0.
 rewrite InfiniteSum_raw_N_extend; try assumption.
 rewrite InfiniteSum_raw_N_Psucc.
 unfold InfiniteSum_raw_F.
 case_eq (err_prop e1 s).
  intros H.
  elim Hs.
  apply err_prop_monotone with e1; try assumption.
  destruct (err_prop e1 s);[constructor | discriminate H].
 intros H.
 unfold Qball.
 rewrite <- AbsSmall_Qabs.
 repeat rewriteQplus'_correct.
 set (x:=InfiniteSum_raw_N p1 (fun (_ : Stream Qbool) (_ : Stream Q) ⇒ 0) (err_prop e1) (tl s)) in ×.
 set (Qplus' (hd s) rec - Qplus' (hd s) x).
 setoid_replace (hd s + rec - (hd s + x)) with (rec - x) by (simpl; ring).
 apply Ind.
  destruct Gs; assumption.
 rewrite <- tl_nth_tl.
 apply err_prop_monotone'; try assumption.
 clear - Gs.
 induction p1 using Pind.
  destruct Gs; assumption.
 rewrite nat_of_P_succ_morphism.
 rewrite <- tl_nth_tl.
 destruct IHp1; assumption.

Definition InfiniteGeometricSum series (Gs:GeometricSeries series) : CR :=
Build_RegularFunction (InfiniteGeometricSum_raw_prf Gs).

The InfiniteGeometricSum is correct.
Lemma InfiniteGeometricSum_step : series (Gs:GeometricSeries series),
 (InfiniteGeometricSum Gs ==
  ('(hd series))+(InfiniteGeometricSum (ForAll_Str_nth_tl 1%nat Gs)))%CR.
 intros series Gs.
 apply: regFunEq_e.
 intros e.
 rewrite InfiniteSum_raw_N_extend; [|apply InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter_correct; assumption].
 rewrite InfiniteSum_raw_N_Psucc.
 unfold InfiniteSum_raw_F.
 case_eq (err_prop e series); intros He.
  assert (He':err_prop e series).
   destruct (err_prop e series);try discriminate He; constructor.
  clear He.
  apply: ball_sym.
  unfold Qball.
  rewrite <- AbsSmall_Qabs.
  ring_simplify (hd series + InfiniteSum_raw_N (InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter (tl series) e)
    (fun (_ : Stream Qbool) (_ : Stream Q) ⇒ 0) (err_prop e) (tl series) - 0).
  eapply Qle_trans.
   apply Qabs_triangle.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply: plus_resp_leEq_both;simpl.
   rewriteerr_prop_prop in He'.
   unfold err_bound in He'.
   assert (X:0 < 1 - a).
    change (0 < 1 + - a).
    rewrite <- Qlt_minus_iff.
   clear - He' Ha0 X.
   stepl ((Qabs (hd series)/(1-a))*(1-a)); [| simpl; field; auto with *].
   stepr (e×1); [| simpl; ring].
   apply: mult_resp_leEq_both; simpl; try solve[Qauto_nonneg]; auto with ×.
  apply err_prop_correct.
    destruct Gs; assumption.
   apply err_prop_monotone'; assumption.
  change (Is_true (err_prop e
    (Str_nth_tl (S (nat_of_P (InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter (tl series) e))) series))).
  induction (S (nat_of_P (InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter (tl series) e))).
  rewrite <- tl_nth_tl.
  apply err_prop_monotone'; try assumption.
  apply ForAll_Str_nth_tl.
 rewrite (@InfiniteSum_raw_N_extend' (InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter (tl series) e)
   (InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series e)).
   apply: ball_refl.
  apply InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter_correct.
  destruct Gs; assumption.
 apply (@InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter_monotone series e).

Lemma InfiniteGeometricSum_bound : series
 (Gs:GeometricSeries series),
 AbsSmall (R:=CRasCOrdField) ('(err_bound series))%CR (InfiniteGeometricSum Gs).
 intros series Gs.
 assert (Y:0 < 1 - a).
  change (0 < 1 + - a).
  rewrite <- Qlt_minus_iff.
 destruct (Qeq_dec (err_bound series) 0) as [Hq|Hq].
  stepr 0%CR.
   split; simpl; rewriteHq; try apply CRle_refl.
   setoid_replace (-0)%CR with 0%CR by (simpl; ring).
   apply CRle_refl.
  apply: regFunEq_e.
  intros e.
  apply ball_sym.
  unfold Qball.
  stepr 0.
   apply zero_AbsSmall.
   apply Qpos_nonneg.
  assert (X:err_prop e series).
   apply Qpos_nonneg.
  destruct (InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series e) using Pind.
   unfold InfiniteSum_raw_F.
   destruct (err_prop e series); try contradiction; reflexivity.
  rewrite InfiniteSum_raw_N_Psucc.
  unfold InfiniteSum_raw_F.
  destruct (err_prop e series); try contradiction; reflexivity.
 assert (Herr:0 < err_bound series).
  unfold err_bound.
  apply Qlt_shift_div_l.
  destruct (Qle_lt_or_eq 0 (Qabs (hd series))).
    apply Qabs_nonneg.
  elim Hq.
  unfold err_bound.
  rewrite <- H.
  field; auto with ×.
 set (e:=mkQpos Herr).
 cut (AbsSmall (R:=CRasCOrdField) (' e)%CR (InfiniteGeometricSum Gs)).
  intros [H0 H1].
  unfold e in ×.
  autorewrite with QposElim in ×.
  split; assumption.
 stepr (InfiniteGeometricSum Gs[-]0)%CR; [| now (unfold cg_minus; simpl; ring)].
 apply: regFunBall_e.
 intros d.
 set (p:=(InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series d)).
 set (e':=(err_prop d)).
 unfold Qball.
 rewrite <- AbsSmall_Qabs.
 setoid_replace (InfiniteSum_raw_N p (fun (_ : Stream Qbool) (_ : Stream Q) ⇒ 0) e'
   series - 0) with (InfiniteSum_raw_N p (fun (_ : Stream Qbool) (_ : Stream Q) ⇒ 0) e'
     series) by (simpl; ring).
 apply err_prop_correct; try assumption.
  apply err_prop_monotone with e.
   autorewrite with QposElim.
  unfold e.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  apply Qle_refl.
 unfold e'.
 apply InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter_correct.

Lemma InfiniteGeometricSum_small_tail : series (e : Qpos),
GeometricSeries series
{n : nat & Gs : GeometricSeries (Str_nth_tl n series),
AbsSmall (R:=CRasCOrdField) (' e)%CR (InfiniteGeometricSum Gs)}.
 intros series e.
  (nat_of_P (InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter series e)).
 intros Gs.
 eapply AbsSmall_leEq_trans; [|apply InfiniteGeometricSum_bound].
 rewrite <- err_prop_prop.
 apply InfiniteGeometricSum_maxIter_correct.

Lemma GeometricSeries_convergent : (series:Stream Q),
 GeometricSeries series
 convergent (fun ninj_Q IR (Str_nth n series)).
 intros series H.
 apply ratio_test_conv.
  (inj_Q IR a).
  rstepr (nring 1:IR).
  stepr (inj_Q IR (nring 1)); [| now apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1)].
  apply inj_Q_less.
 assert (Ha0':[0][<=]inj_Q IR a).
  rstepl (nring 0:IR).
  stepl (inj_Q IR (nring 0)); [| now apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0)].
  apply inj_Q_leEq.
 intros n _.
 destruct (ForAll_Str_nth_tl n H) as [H0 _].
 stepr (inj_Q IR a[*](inj_Q IR (Qabs (Str_nth n series)))); [| now
   apply mult_wdr; apply eq_symmetric; apply AbsIR_Qabs].
 stepl (inj_Q IR (Qabs (Str_nth (S n) series))); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply AbsIR_Qabs].
 stepr (inj_Q IR (a[*]Qabs (Str_nth n series))); [| now apply inj_Q_mult].
 apply inj_Q_leEq.
 replace (S n) with (1+n)%nat by auto with ×.
 rewrite <- Str_nth_plus.

Lemma InfiniteGeometricSum_correct : (series:Stream Q) (x:natIR),
 ( n:nat, inj_Q IR (Str_nth n series)%Q[=]x n) →
  (Gs:GeometricSeries series) H,
 (InfiniteGeometricSum Gs==IRasCR (series_sum x H))%CR.
 intros seq x Hx Gs H.
 unfold series_sum.
 apply: SeqLimit_unique.
 intros e He.
 generalize (IR_Cauchy_prop_as_CR (Build_CauchySeq IR (seq_part_sum x) H)).
 intros C.
 destruct (C _ (pos_div_two _ _ He)) as [n Hn].
 intros m Hm.
 unfold CS_seq in ×.
 clear C.
 unfold seq_part_sum in ×.
 rstepr (((IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) m x)[-](IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) n x)))[+]
   ((IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) n x)[-]InfiniteGeometricSum Gs)))).
 apply AbsSmall_eps_div_two;[apply Hn; assumption|].
 clear m Hm.
 stepr (('(Sum0 n (fun n ⇒ (Str_nth n seq))%Q))%CR[-]InfiniteGeometricSum Gs).
  revert seq x H Hx Gs Hn.
  induction n.
   intros seq x H Hx Gs Hn.
   stepr ([0][-]InfiniteGeometricSum Gs);
     [|apply csbf_wd_unfolded; try apply eq_reflexive; apply eq_symmetric; apply IR_Zero_as_CR].
   apply AbsSmall_minus.
   rstepr (InfiniteGeometricSum Gs).
   assert (Hn' : m : nat, (0 m)%natAbsSmall (R:=CRasCOrdField) (e [/]TwoNZ)
     (IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) m x))).
    intros m Hm.
    stepr (IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) m x)[-]IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) 0 x)).
     apply Hn; assumption.
    unfold cg_minus.
   stepl (IRasCR (CRasIR (e[/]TwoNZ)))%CR; [| now apply CRasIRasCR_id].
   stepr (IRasCR (CRasIR (InfiniteGeometricSum Gs)))%CR; [| now apply CRasIRasCR_id].
   rewrite <- IR_AbsSmall_as_CR.
   apply AbsSmall_approach.
   intros d Hd.
   stepr (InfiniteGeometricSum Gs); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply CRasIRasCR_id].
   destruct (Q_dense_in_CReals IR d) as [q Hq0 Hq].
   assert (Hq0': 0 < q).
    apply (less_inj_Q IR).
    stepl ([0]:IR).
    apply eq_symmetric; apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0).
   destruct (InfiniteGeometricSum_small_tail (mkQpos Hq0') Gs) as [m Hm].
   rstepr ((IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) m x))[+]((InfiniteGeometricSum Gs)[-](IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) m x)))).
   stepl (IRasCR (CRasIR (e [/]TwoNZ))[+](IRasCR d)); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply IR_plus_as_CR].
   apply AbsSmall_plus.
    stepl (e [/]TwoNZ); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply CRasIRasCR_id].
    apply Hn'; auto with ×.
   apply AbsSmall_leEq_trans with ('q)%CR.
    stepl (IRasCR (inj_Q IR q)); [| now apply IR_inj_Q_as_CR].
    rewrite <- IR_leEq_as_CR.
    apply less_leEq.
   rewrite QposAsmkQpos in Hm.
   clear - Hm Hx.
   revert seq x Hx Gs Hm.
   induction m.
    intros seq x Hx Gs Hm.
    stepr (InfiniteGeometricSum Gs).
     apply Hm.
    unfold cg_minus.
   intros seq x Hx Gs Hm.
   stepr ((InfiniteGeometricSum (ForAll_Str_nth_tl 1 Gs)[-]IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) m (fun n ⇒ (x (S n)))))).
    apply IHm.
     intros n.
     stepl ((inj_Q IR (Str_nth (S n) seq)%Q)).
      apply Hx.
     apply eq_reflexive.
    apply Hm.
   change (InfiniteGeometricSum (ForAll_Str_nth_tl 1 Gs)-
     IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) m (fun n : nat ⇒ (x (S n)))) ==
       InfiniteGeometricSum Gs-IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) (S m) x))%CR.
   setoid_replace (IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) (S m) x))
     with (IRasCR (inj_Q _ (hd seq) [+](Sum0 (G:=IR) m (fun n0 : nat ⇒ (x (S n0)))%Q))).
    rewrite → (IR_plus_as_CR).
   apply IRasCR_wd.
   apply eq_symmetric.
   stepl (x O[+]Sum0 (G:=IR) m (fun n0 : nat ⇒ (x (S n0)))).
    apply Sum0_shift.
    intros i.
    apply eq_reflexive.
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
    apply eq_symmetric.
    apply (Hx O).
   apply eq_reflexive.
  intros seq x H Hx Gs Hn.
  set (y:=(fun n ⇒ (x (n + 1)%nat))).
  stepr (('(((Sum0 (G:=Q_as_CAbGroup) n (fun n0 : natStr_nth n0 (tl seq))%Q)))%CR)[-]
    InfiniteGeometricSum (ForAll_Str_nth_tl 1 Gs))%CR; [apply (IHn (tl seq) y )|].
     apply tail_series with x.
     intros; apply eq_reflexive.
    intros m.
    unfold y.
    stepr ((inj_Q IR (Str_nth (m+1) seq))); [| now apply (Hx (m + 1)%nat)].
    rewrite <- Str_nth_plus.
    apply eq_reflexive.
   intros m Hm.
   stepr (IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) (S m) x)[-]IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) (S n) x)).
    apply Hn.
    auto with ×.
   change ((IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) (S m) x) - IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) (S n) x) ==
     IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) m y) - IRasCR (Sum0 (G:=IR) n y))%CR).
   do 2 rewrite <- IR_minus_as_CR.
   apply IRasCR_wd.
   stepr ((x O[+]Sum0 (G:=IR) m y[-](x O[+]Sum0 (G:=IR) n y))).
    apply bin_op_wd_unfolded;[|apply un_op_wd_unfolded]; apply eq_symmetric; apply Sum0_shift;
      intros; unfold y;rewrite plus_comm; apply eq_reflexive.
  change ((' Sum0 (G:=Q_as_CAbGroup) n (fun n0 : nat ⇒ (Str_nth n0 (tl seq))%Q) -
    InfiniteGeometricSum (ForAll_Str_nth_tl 1 Gs) == ' (Sum0 (G:=Q_as_CAbGroup) (S n)
      (fun n0 : nat ⇒ (Str_nth n0 seq)%Q)) - InfiniteGeometricSum Gs))%CR.
  set (z:=(fun n0 : nat ⇒ (Str_nth n0 seq)%Q)).
  setoid_replace ((Sum0 (G:=Q_as_CAbGroup) (S n) z):Q) with ((z O + (Sum0 (G:=Q_as_CAbGroup) n
    (fun n0 : nat ⇒ (Str_nth n0 (tl seq))%Q)))).
   rewrite <- (CRplus_Qplus (z O)).
   unfold z, Str_nth.
  apply: Sum0_shift.
  intros i.
 apply cg_minus_wd;[rewriteIR_Sum0_as_CR|reflexivity].
 clear - Hx.
 induction n.
 change ((' (Sum0 (G:=Q_as_CAbGroup) n (fun n0 : nat ⇒ (Str_nth n0 seq)) + (Str_nth n seq))%Q ==
   (Sum0 (G:=CRasCAbGroup) n (fun n0 : natIRasCR (x n0)):CR) + IRasCR (x n))%CR).
 rewrite <- CRplus_Qplus.
 apply ucFun2_wd;[apply IHn|].
 transitivity (IRasCR (inj_Q IR (Str_nth n seq)%Q)); [symmetry;apply IR_inj_Q_as_CR|].
 apply IRasCR_wd.
 apply Hx.

Lemma InfiniteGeometricSum_correct' : (series:Stream Q),
  (Gs:GeometricSeries series),
 (InfiniteGeometricSum Gs == IRasCR (series_sum _ (GeometricSeries_convergent Gs)))%CR.
 intros series Gs.
 apply InfiniteGeometricSum_correct.
 intros; apply eq_reflexive.

End GeometricSeries.