
Require Export CRFieldOps.
Require Export CRordfield.
Require Export CReals.
Require Import CRcorrect.
Require Import Qmetric.
Require Import CornTac.

Opaque CR.

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Example of a real number structure: ⟨CR

Lemma CRAbsSmall_ball : (x y:CR) (e:Qpos), AbsSmall (R:=CRasCOrdField) (inject_Q_CR e) ((x:CRasCOrdField)[-]y)
 ball e x y.
 intros x y e.
  intros [H1 H2].
  rewrite <- (doubleSpeed_Eq x).
  rewrite <- (doubleSpeed_Eq (doubleSpeed x)).
  rewrite <- (doubleSpeed_Eq y).
  rewrite <- (doubleSpeed_Eq (doubleSpeed y)).
  apply: regFunBall_e.
  intros d.
  assert (H1':=H1 d).
  assert (H2':=H2 d).
  clear H1 H2.
  set (x':=approximate x ((1#2)*((1#2)*d))%Qpos).
  set (y':=approximate y ((1#2)*((1#2)*d))%Qpos).
  change (-d x' - y' + - - e) in H1'.
  change (-d e + - (x' - y')) in H2'.
  rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
  apply: ball_weak.
  split; simpl; autorewrite with QposElim; rewriteQle_minus_iff.
   replace RHS with (x' - y' + - - e + - - d) by ring.
  replace RHS with (e + - (x' - y') + - - d) by ring.
 intros H.
 rewrite <- (doubleSpeed_Eq x) in H.
 rewrite <- (doubleSpeed_Eq y) in H.
 split; intros d; destruct (H ((1#2)*d)%Qpos ((1#2)*d)%Qpos) as [H1 H2]; clear H;
   set (x':=(approximate (doubleSpeed x) ((1 # 2) × d)%Qpos)) in *;
     set (y':=(approximate (doubleSpeed y) ((1 # 2) × d)%Qpos)) in ×.
  autorewrite with QposElim in H1.
  change (- ((1 # 2) × d + e + (1 # 2) × d)x' - y') in H1.
  change (-d x' - y' + - - e).
  rewriteQle_minus_iff in H1.
  replace RHS with (x' - y' + - - ((1 # 2) × d + e + (1 # 2) × d)) by ring.
 autorewrite with QposElim in H2.
 change (x' - y'<=((1 # 2) × d + e + (1 # 2) × d)) in H2.
 change (-d e + - (x' - y')).
 rewriteQle_minus_iff in H2.
 replace RHS with ((1 # 2) × d + e + (1 # 2) × d + - (x' - y')) by ring.

Lemma CRlt_Qlt : a b, (a < b)%Q → ((' a%Q) < (' b))%CR.
 intros a b H.
 destruct (Qpos_lt_plus H) as [c Hc].
 intros d.
 change (-d b + - a + - c).
 apply Qpos_nonneg.

Definition CRlim (s:CauchySeq CRasCOrdField) : CR.
 revert s.
 intros [f Hf].
 apply (ucFun (@Cjoin Q_as_MetricSpace)).
  (fun e:QposInfmatch e with | QposInfinity ⇒ 0%CR
   | Qpos2QposInf elet (n,_) := Hf (inject_Q_CR e) (CRlt_Qlt _ _ (Qpos_prf e)) in f n end).
 abstract ( intros e1 e2; destruct (Hf (inject_Q_CR e1) (CRlt_Qlt _ _ (Qpos_prf e1))) as [n1 Hn1];
   destruct (Hf (inject_Q_CR e2) (CRlt_Qlt _ _ (Qpos_prf e2))) as [n2 Hn2];
     apply: ball_triangle;[apply ball_sym|];rewrite <- CRAbsSmall_ball; [apply Hn1;apply le_max_l|
       apply Hn2;apply le_max_r]) using Rlim_subproof0.

Lemma CRisCReals : is_CReals CRasCOrdField CRlim.
  intros [f Hf] e [d Hed].
  destruct (Hf _ (CRlt_Qlt _ _ (Qpos_prf ((1#2)*d)%Qpos))) as [n Hn].
  intros m Hm.
  apply AbsSmall_leEq_trans with (inject_Q_CR d);[rstepr (e[-][0]);assumption|].
  change (natComplete Q_as_MetricSpace) in f.
  change (ball d (f m) (CRlim (Build_CauchySeq CRasCOrdField f Hf))).
  rewrite <- (MonadLaw5 (f m)).
  change (ball d (Cjoin (Cunit (f m))) (CRlim (Build_CauchySeq CRasCOrdField f Hf))).
  unfold CRlim.
  apply uc_prf.
  change (ball d (Cunit (f m)) (Build_RegularFunction (Rlim_subproof0 f Hf))).
  intros e1 e2.
  destruct (Hf (' e2)%CR (CRlt_Qlt _ _ (Qpos_prf e2))) as [a Ha].
  change (ball (e1+d+e2) (f m) (f a)).
  destruct (le_ge_dec a m).
   rewrite <- CRAbsSmall_ball.
   apply: AbsSmall_leEq_trans;[|apply Ha;assumption].
   intros x.
   autorewrite with QposElim.
   change (-x e1 + d + e2 - e2).
   change (0(e1+d+x)%Qpos).
   apply Qpos_nonneg.
  apply ball_weak_le with ((1#2)*d+(1#2)*d)%Qpos.
   autorewrite with QposElim.
   change (0(e1+e2)%Qpos).
   apply Qpos_nonneg.
  apply ball_triangle with (f n);[|apply ball_sym]; rewrite <- CRAbsSmall_ball; apply Hn.
  apply le_trans with m; auto.
 intros x.
 assert (X:=(CR_b_upperBound (1#1) x)).
 revert X.
 pattern (CR_b (1 # 1) x).
 apply Qpos_positive_numerator_rect.
 intros n d X.
 rewrite (anti_convert_pred_convert n) in X.
  (nat_of_P n)%nat.
 apply: leEq_transitive.
  apply X.
 clear X.
 intros z.
 unfold Cap_raw.
 apply Qle_trans with 0.
  apply Qpos_nonneg.
 destruct (ZL4 n) as [a Ha].
 rewrite Ha.
 clear Ha.
 unfold Cap_raw.
 rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff.
 generalize ((1 # 2) × ((1 # 2) × z))%Qpos.
 induction a; intros q.
  autorewrite with QposElim.
  unfold Qle.
  apply Zle_1_POS.
 unfold Cap_raw.
 replace RHS with
   ((approximate (nring (R:=CRasCRing) a) ((1 # 2) × q)%Qpos + 1) + - ((Psucc (P_of_succ_nat a) # d)%Qpos- 1%Q))%Q by (simpl; ring).
 rewrite<- Qle_minus_iff.
 apply: Qle_trans;[|apply IHa].
 generalize (P_of_succ_nat a).
 intros p.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 replace RHS with (((p#d) + 1) + - (Psucc p # d)) by ring.
 rewrite <- Qle_minus_iff.
 unfold Qle.
 repeat rewrite Pmult_1_r.
 rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
 repeat rewrite Zpos_mult_morphism.
 apply Zmult_lt_0_le_compat_r.
  auto with ×.
 repeat rewrite Zpos_plus_distr.
 auto with ×.

Definition CRasCReals : CReals :=
Build_CReals _ _ CRisCReals.

Canonical Structure CRasCReals.