
Require Export CRFieldOps.
Require Export CRabgroup.
Require Export CRings.
Require Import CRcorrect.
Require Import Rational.
Require Import CornTac.

Example of a ring: ⟨CR,+,×

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Lemma CRmult_strext : bin_op_strext CRasCSetoid CRmult.
 intros x1 x2 y1 y2 H.
 simpl in ×.
 autorewrite with CRtoCauchy_IR in H.
 assert (X:(CRasCauchy_IR x1[*]CRasCauchy_IR y1)[#](CRasCauchy_IR x2[*]CRasCauchy_IR y2)).
  stepl (CRasCauchy_IR (x1×y1)%CR); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult].
  stepr (CRasCauchy_IR (x2×y2)%CR); [| now apply eq_symmetric; apply CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult].
  apply CR_ap_as_Cauchy_IR_ap_1.
 destruct (bin_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ _ X);[left|right];
   apply CR_ap_as_Cauchy_IR_ap_2; assumption.

Definition CRmultasBinOp : CSetoid_bin_op CRasCSetoid :=
Build_CSetoid_bin_fun _ _ _ _ CRmult_strext.

Lemma CRmultAssoc : associative CRmultasBinOp.
 intros x y z.
 change (x*(y×z)==(x×y)*z)%CR.
 rewrite <- CR_eq_as_Cauchy_IR_eq.
 stepl ((CRasCauchy_IR x)[*](CRasCauchy_IR (y×z)%CR)); [| now apply CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult].
 stepl ((CRasCauchy_IR x)[*]((CRasCauchy_IR y)[*](CRasCauchy_IR z))); [| now
   apply bin_op_is_wd_un_op_rht; apply CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult].
 stepr ((CRasCauchy_IR (x×y)%CR)[*](CRasCauchy_IR z)); [| now apply CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult].
 stepr (((CRasCauchy_IR x)[*](CRasCauchy_IR y))[*](CRasCauchy_IR z)); [| now
   apply bin_op_is_wd_un_op_lft; apply CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult].
 apply mult_assoc_unfolded.

Lemma CRisCRing : is_CRing CRasCAbGroup 1%CR CRmultasBinOp.
 apply Build_is_CRing with CRmultAssoc.
     intros x.
     change (x×1==x)%CR.
     rewrite <- CR_eq_as_Cauchy_IR_eq.
     stepl ((CRasCauchy_IR x)[*](CRasCauchy_IR (inject_Q_CR 1))); [| now apply CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult].
     stepl ((CRasCauchy_IR x)[*][1]); [| now
       apply bin_op_is_wd_un_op_rht; apply: CR_inject_Q_as_Cauchy_IR_inject_Q].
    intros x.
    change ((inject_Q_CR 1%Q)*x==x)%CR.
    rewrite <- CR_eq_as_Cauchy_IR_eq.
    stepl ((CRasCauchy_IR (inject_Q_CR 1))[*](CRasCauchy_IR x)); [| now apply CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult].
    stepl ([1][*](CRasCauchy_IR x)); [| now
      apply bin_op_is_wd_un_op_lft; apply: CR_inject_Q_as_Cauchy_IR_inject_Q].
   intros x y.
   change (x×y==y×x)%CR.
   rewrite <- CR_eq_as_Cauchy_IR_eq.
   stepl ((CRasCauchy_IR x)[*](CRasCauchy_IR y)); [| now apply CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult].
   stepr ((CRasCauchy_IR y)[*](CRasCauchy_IR x)); [| now apply CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult].
  intros x y z.
  change (x*(y+z)==x×y+x×z)%CR.
  rewrite <- CR_eq_as_Cauchy_IR_eq.
  stepl ((CRasCauchy_IR x)[*](CRasCauchy_IR (y+z)%CR)); [| now apply CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult].
  stepl ((CRasCauchy_IR x)[*]((CRasCauchy_IR y)[+](CRasCauchy_IR z))); [| now
    apply bin_op_is_wd_un_op_rht; apply CR_plus_as_Cauchy_IR_plus].
  stepr ((CRasCauchy_IR (x×y)%CR)[+](CRasCauchy_IR (x×z)%CR)); [| now apply CR_plus_as_Cauchy_IR_plus].
  stepr (((CRasCauchy_IR x)[*](CRasCauchy_IR y))[+]((CRasCauchy_IR x)[*](CRasCauchy_IR z))).
   apply dist.
  apply cs_bin_op_wd; apply CR_mult_as_Cauchy_IR_mult.
 change (CRapartT 1 0)%CR.
 apply CR_ap_as_Cauchy_IR_ap_2.
 apply: ap_wd.
   apply one_ap_zero.
  apply: CR_inject_Q_as_Cauchy_IR_inject_Q.
 apply: CR_inject_Q_as_Cauchy_IR_inject_Q.

Definition CRasCRing : CRing :=
Build_CRing _ _ _ CRisCRing.

Canonical Structure CRasCRing.