
Require Import QArith.
Require Import Bool.
Require Export Complete.
Require Export Coq.Lists.Streams.
Require Import abstract_algebra theory.streams orders.naturals.


A predicate saying there exists a point in the stream where a predicate is satsified.
We take the unusual step of putting this inductive type in Prop even though it contains constructive information. This is because we expect this proof to only be used in proofs of termination.
Inductive LazyExists {A} (P : Stream A Prop) (x : Stream A) : Prop :=
  | LazyHere : P x LazyExists P x
  | LazyFurther : (unit LazyExists P (tl x)) LazyExists P x.
Implicit Arguments LazyHere [[A] [P] [x]].
Implicit Arguments LazyFurther [[A] [P] [x]].

Instance LazyExists_proper `{Setoid A} `{!Proper ((=) ==> iff) (P : Stream A Prop)} : Proper ((=) ==> iff) (LazyExists P).
  assert ( s1, LazyExists P s1 s2, s1 = s2 LazyExists P s2) as prf.
   induction 1 as [|? ? IH]; intros s2 E.
    left. now rewrite <-E.
   right. intros _. apply (IH tt). now rewrite E.
  split; repeat intro; eapply prf; eauto.

Lemma LazyExists_tl `{P : Stream A Prop} `(ex : LazyExists P s) (Ptl : EventuallyForAll P s) :
  LazyExists P (tl s).
  destruct ex as [? | further].
   left. destruct Ptl. now auto.
  apply (further tt).

Lemma LazyExists_Str_nth_tl `{P : Stream A Prop} `(ex : !LazyExists P s) (Ptl : EventuallyForAll P s) (n : nat) :
   LazyExists P (Str_nth_tl n s).
  induction n.
  simpl. rewrite <-tl_nth_tl.
  apply LazyExists_tl.
   now apply IHn.
  now apply ForAll_Str_nth_tl.

Fixpoint LazyExists_inc `{P : Stream A Prop}
    (n : nat) s : LazyExists P (Str_nth_tl n s) LazyExists P s :=
  match n return LazyExists P (Str_nth_tl n s) LazyExists P s with
  | Oλ x, x
  | S nλ ex, LazyFurther (λ _, LazyExists_inc n (tl s) ex)

Section TakeUntil.
takeUntil creates a list of of elements upto a the point where the predicate P is satisfied. For efficency reasons it doesn't actually build a list, but takes continuations for cons and nil instead. To build an actual list pass in the const and nil constructors.
Fixpoint takeUntil {A B : Type} (P : Stream A bool) {s : Stream A} (ex:LazyExists P s) (cons: A B B) (nil : B) : B :=
  (if P s as b return ((P s b) B)
   then λ _, nil
   else λ (n : P s False), cons (hd s)
     (@takeUntil A B P (tl s)
      match ex with
      | LazyHere H ⇒ (False_ind _ (n H))
      | LazyFurther ex0ex0 tt
      end cons nil))
  (λ x, x).

Lemma Is_true_neq_left x : x false ¬x.
  intros E1 E2.
  pose proof (Is_true_eq_true x E2).
  subst. discriminate.

Lemma takeUntil_wd {A B} {P : Stream A bool} {s:Stream A} (ex1 ex2 : LazyExists P s) (cons : A B B) (nil : B) :
  takeUntil P ex1 cons nil takeUntil P ex2 cons nil.
 assert (H:=ex1).
 induction H; case ex1; clear ex1; case ex2; clear ex2; simpl;
   destruct (P x); try contradiction; auto.
 intros ex2 ex1.
 rewrite (H0 tt (ex1 tt) (ex2 tt)).

Lemma takeUntil_wd_alt `{Setoid A} `{Setoid B} `{!Proper ((=) ==> eq) (P : Stream A bool)} `(ex1 : LazyExists P s1)
       `(ex2 : LazyExists P s2) (cons: A B B) `{!Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> (=)) cons} (nil : B) :
  s1 = s2 takeUntil P ex1 cons nil = takeUntil P ex2 cons nil.
Proof with try easy.
  revert s2 ex2.
  assert (ex1':=ex1).
  induction ex1' as [s1 P1 | s1 P1 IH]; intros ? ? E; case ex1; clear ex1; case ex2; clear ex2;
       simpl; case_eq (P s1); case_eq (P s2); intros P2 P3 ? ?...
           destruct (eq_true_false_abs (P s1))... now rewrite E.
          destruct (eq_true_false_abs (P s1))... now rewrite E.
         destruct (eq_true_false_abs (P s1))... now rewrite E.
        destruct (eq_true_false_abs (P s1))... now rewrite E.
       now destruct (Is_true_neq_left _ P3).
      destruct (eq_true_false_abs (P s1))... now rewrite E.
     destruct (eq_true_false_abs (P s1))... now rewrite E.
    destruct (eq_true_false_abs (P s1))... now rewrite E.
   destruct (eq_true_false_abs (P s1))... now rewrite E.
  rewrite (IH tt); now rewrite E.

Lemma takeUntil_end {A B} (P:Stream A bool) `(ex:LazyExists P seq) (cons:A B B) (nil : B) :
 P seq takeUntil P ex cons nil nil.
 intros H.
 rewrite <- (takeUntil_wd (B:=B) (LazyHere (P:=P) H)).
 unfold takeUntil.
 destruct (P seq);[|contradiction].

Lemma takeUntil_step {A B} (P:Stream A bool) `(ex:LazyExists P s) (cons: A B B) (nil: B) :
  ¬P s ex' : LazyExists P (tl s), takeUntil P ex cons nil cons (hd s) (takeUntil P ex' cons nil).
 intros H.
 assert (ex':=ex).
 destruct ex' as [H0|ex'].
  elim H; assumption.
  (ex' tt).
 rewrite <- (takeUntil_wd (B:=B) (LazyFurther ex')).
 destruct (P s).
  elim H; constructor.

Lemma takeUntil_elim {A B} (P:Stream A bool) (cons: A B B) (nil: B) (Q: Stream A B Prop) :
  ( s, P s Q s nil)
  ( s x, Q (tl s) x ¬P s Q s (cons (hd s) x))
   `(ex : LazyExists P s), Q s (takeUntil P ex cons nil).
 intros c1 c2 s ex.
 assert (ex':=ex).
 induction ex'.
  rewrite takeUntil_end; try assumption.
  eapply c1.
  apply H.
 assert (Z0:=takeUntil_end P ex cons nil).
 assert (Z1:=takeUntil_step P ex cons nil).
 assert (Z0':=c1 x).
 assert (Z1':=c2 x).
 destruct (P x).
  clear Z1.
  rewrite Z0; try constructor.
  apply Z0'.
 clear Z0 Z0'.
 destruct (Z1 (λ x, x)) as [ex' Z].
 rewrite Z.
 clear Z Z1.
 eapply Z1'; auto.
 apply H0.

Definition takeUntil_length `(P : Stream A bool) `(ex : LazyExists P s)
  := takeUntil P ex (λ _, S) O.

Fixpoint take {A B} (s : Stream A) (n : nat) (cons: A B B) (nil : B) : B :=
  match n with
  | Onil
  | S mcons (hd s) (take (tl s) m cons nil)

Lemma takeUntil_length_correct {A} (P : Stream A bool) `(ex : !LazyExists P s) :
  P (Str_nth_tl (takeUntil_length P ex) s).
  assert (ex':=ex). unfold takeUntil_length.
  induction ex' as [s|s ? IH].
   now rewrite takeUntil_end.
  case_eq (P s); intros E.
   rewrite takeUntil_end; auto with ×.
  destruct (takeUntil_step P ex (λ _ : A, S) O) as [ex1 E1].
   now apply Is_true_neq_left.
  rewrite E1.
  now apply (IH tt).

Lemma takeUntil_correct {A B} (P : Stream A bool) `(ex : !LazyExists P s) (cons: A B B) (nil : B) :
  takeUntil P ex cons nil take s (takeUntil_length P ex) cons nil.
Proof with auto using Is_true_eq_left, Is_true_neq_left.
  assert (ex':=ex). unfold takeUntil_length.
  induction ex' as [s|s ? IH].
   repeat rewrite takeUntil_end...
  case_eq (P s); intros E.
   repeat rewrite takeUntil_end...
  destruct (takeUntil_step P ex cons nil) as [ex1 E1]...
  rewrite E1. rewrite (IH tt)...
  destruct (takeUntil_step P ex (λ _, S) O) as [ex2 E2]...
  rewrite E2. simpl.
  rewrite (takeUntil_wd ex1 ex2 (λ _, S) O)...

Lemma takeUntil_length_tl {A} (P : Stream A bool) `(ex : !LazyExists P s) (Ptl : EventuallyForAll P s) :
  takeUntil_length P ex S (takeUntil_length P (LazyExists_tl ex Ptl)).
  unfold takeUntil_length.
  destruct ex.
   rewrite takeUntil_end. now apply nat_nonneg. easy.
  case_eq (P s); intros E.
   rewrite takeUntil_end.
    now apply nat_nonneg.
   apply Ptl. auto with ×.

Lemma takeUntil_length_Str_nth_tl {A} (P : Stream A bool) `(ex : !LazyExists P s) (Ptl : EventuallyForAll P s) (n : nat) :
  takeUntil_length P ex n + takeUntil_length P (LazyExists_Str_nth_tl ex Ptl n).
Proof with auto with ×.
  revert s ex Ptl.
  induction n; intros.
  transitivity (S (takeUntil_length P (LazyExists_tl ex Ptl))).
   apply takeUntil_length_tl.
  apply le_n_S.
  unfold takeUntil_length.
  setoid_rewrite (takeUntil_wd (LazyExists_Str_nth_tl ex Ptl (S n))
    (LazyExists_Str_nth_tl (LazyExists_tl ex Ptl) (ForAll_Str_nth_tl 1 Ptl) n) (λ _, S) O).
  apply IHn.

Lemma takeUntil_length_ForAllIf {A1 A2} (P1 : Stream A1 bool) `(ex1 : LazyExists P1 s1)
       {P2 : Stream A2 bool} `(ex2 : LazyExists P2 s2) (F : ForAllIf P2 P1 s2 s1) :
  takeUntil_length P1 ex1 takeUntil_length P2 ex2.
Proof with auto using Is_true_eq_left, Is_true_neq_left.
  revert s2 ex2 F.
  assert (ex1':=ex1).
  unfold takeUntil_length.
  induction ex1' as [s1|s1 ? IH]; intros.
   rewrite takeUntil_end... apply le_0_n.
  case_eq (P1 s1); intros EP1.
   rewrite takeUntil_end... apply le_0_n.
  destruct (takeUntil_step _ ex1 (λ _, S) O) as [ex1' E1']...
  rewrite E1'.
  assert (ex2':=ex2).
  induction ex2' as [s2|s2 ? IH2].
   destruct F.
   rewrite takeUntil_end in E1'...
  case_eq (P2 s2); intros EP2.
   destruct F.
   rewrite takeUntil_end in E1'...
  destruct (takeUntil_step _ ex2 (λ _, S) O) as [ex2' E2']...
  rewrite E2'.
   apply le_n_S, (IH tt).
  destruct F...

End TakeUntil.

Section Limit.
Context {X : MetricSpace}.

This proposition says that the entire stream is within e of l
Definition NearBy (l : X) (ε : QposInf) := ForAll (λ s, ball_ex ε (hd s) l).

Lemma NearBy_comp l1 l2 :
  l1 = l2 ε1 ε2, QposEq ε1 ε2 s, (NearBy l1 ε1 s NearBy l2 ε2 s).
 revert l1 l2.
 cut ( l1 l2 : X, l1 = l2 ε1 ε2 : Qpos,
   QposEq ε1 ε2 s : Stream X, NearBy l1 ε1 s NearBy l2 ε2 s).
  eapply H.
    apply H0.
   unfold QposEq; symmetry.
   apply H1.
 unfold NearBy; simpl.
 intros l1 l2 Hl ε1 ε2 .
 intros s [H0 H].
  rewrite <- Hl.
  rewrite <- .

Lemma NearBy_weak l (ε1 ε2 : Qpos) :
  ε1 ε2 s, NearBy l ε1 s NearBy l ε2 s.
 unfold NearBy; simpl.
 intros s [H0 H].
  eapply ball_weak_le.
   apply .

Lemma NearBy_Infinity (s : Stream X) (x : X) : NearBy x QposInfinity s.
Proof with trivial.
  unfold NearBy. simpl.
  revert s.

Lemma Nearby_tl `(H : NearBy l ε s) : NearBy l ε (tl s).
Proof. now destruct H. Defined.

Lemma Nearby_Str_nth_tl `(H : NearBy l ε s) : n, NearBy l ε (Str_nth_tl n s).
  induction n.
  simpl. rewrite <-tl_nth_tl. now apply Nearby_tl.

Lemma Nearby_EventuallyForAll l ε s : EventuallyForAll (NearBy l ε) s.
  revert s.
  cofix FIX. constructor.
   now apply Nearby_tl.
  now apply (FIX (tl s)).

l is the limit if for every e there exists a point where the stream is always within e of l.
Class Limit (s : Stream X) (l:X) := limit: ε, LazyExists (NearBy l ε) s.

Global Instance Limit_tl `(H : Limit s l) : Limit (tl s) l.
 intros ε.
 destruct (H ε) as [[_ H']|H'].
  left; auto.
 apply H'.

Global Instance Limit_Str_nth_tl `(H : Limit s l) : n, Limit (Str_nth_tl n s) l.
 intros n.
 revert s l H.
 induction n.
 apply IHn.
 now apply Limit_tl.

End Limit.