Lab Activities

This page contains the instructions for the various labs that are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the semester. These labs are broken up into ENGRC Labs and Game Labs.


The ENGRC labs are part of the companion course ENGRC 3152. They are intended to help you both prepare and revise the numerous documents involved in this course. As a result, there is never anything additional to turn in. However, in a few cases, we do have any associated critique session following that lab. You should pay attention to these.

Lab Task Date Critique
ENGRC 1 Idea Formation 02/11/21 02/12/21
ENGRC 2 Concept Workshop 02/18/21 N/A
ENGRC 3 Concept Revision 02/25/21 N/A
ENGRC 4 Milestones 03/04/21 N/A
ENGRC 5 Gameplay Workshop 03/11/21 N/A
ENGRC 6 Technical Preparations 03/18/21 03/22/21
ENGRC 7 Technical Workshop 03/23/21 N/A
ENGRC 8 Technical Workshop 03/25/21 N/A
ENGRC 9 Document Revsions 04/01/21 N/A
ENGRC 10 Challenge Design 04/06/21 04/07/21
ENGRC 11 Level Design 04/08/21 04/09/21
ENGRC 12 Code Walkthrough 04/15/21 N/A
ENGRC 13 Manual Workshop 04/20/21 N/A
ENGRC 14 Portfolio Revision 05/04/21 N/A
ENGRC 15 Portfolio Revision 05/06/21 N/A

Game Labs

The game labs are individual labs to provide you with a “quick start” in the class. They introduce you to topics well before we cover them in lecture, so that you can already start thinking about them in your game design. Remember that students enrolled in the CS listing must do the programming labs. Students enrolled in INFO may work on either of the required labs below, but should only submit one lab to be graded.

Lab Required (one only) Deadline
Lab 1 Code: LibGDX Design: Storyboarding 02/15/21
Lab 2 Code: Pathfinding Design: Art Assets 02/22/21
Lab 3 Code: Optimization Design: Animation 03/01/21
Lab 4 Code: Physics Design: Level Design 03/08/21

Submission Guidelines

Lab submissions are made using CMS. There are a few guidelines for submissions:

  • They should be coherent and understandable.
  • They must be in the correct format (typically .pdf or .zip).
  • They must abide the course academic integrity policy.