Course Grades

Grades in CS/INFO 3152

The main course is project-based. Therefore, the majority of the grading will be at the group level. To make sure that individuals are assessed fairly, we have a sophisticated assessment policy to determine your contribution to the team. Part of your grade is assigned individually, while the other part of your grade is assigned as a group (e.g. all members receive the same grade, regardless of effort).

Group Grade

Game Grade (25%)

The game grade is determined entirely at Showcase, and reflects the quality of your finished product on the following scale.

  • A: Game is well-made and fun to play
  • B: Game is stable, but less fun than it could be
  • C: Game is not fun at all, or too buggy to play

D’s and F’s are for extreme problems and handled on a case-by-case basis.

Course Documents (20%)

As part of the development cycle, you will write many specification documents. These are graded writing-seminar style, with many opportunities for revision.

Presentations (5%)

Every two weeks, your group will present an the progress that you have made on your game.
Initial presentations are graded pass-fail. Later presentations are graded according to how your group responded to earlier feedback.

Individual Grade

Game Grade (20%)

By default this is the same as your group game grade. However, it may be adjusted by your peer evaluations in CATME. Individuals that contributed the most work or the most vision may receive a higher grade. Individuals that cause conflict or create “negative work” will receive lower grades. D’s and F’s are reserved for individuals that abandon their group in the middle of the project.

Game Labs (20%)

These labs from the first four weeks of class serve as a “boot-camp” for the game development issues in your area of expertise. They also help us gauge your individual ability as we give your group guidance throughout the semester.

Attendance and Group Contributions (10%)

We will not take attendance every class. In particular, we largely limit attendance to presentations (deliverables) and critiques (presentations without deliverables). How attendance is mandatory on those days. Critiquing the work of your classmates is an important part of this course.

In addition, every team member is expected to contribute to the team documents, as well as provide individual reports through CATME. The latter will be part of the two week report at the end of each milestone. This will allow us to measure how well you are contributing to the team.

Grades in EGRC 3152 graded?

There are no new assignments for ENGRC 3152 beyond those described above. You will be graded on the documents and presentations that you make for CS/INFO 3152 and will receive the same grade that you received in that class. Hence your grade for ENGRC 3152 is essentially the same as CS/INFO 3152 except for the final project and the game labs.

The breakdown of grades for this class is tentative, but we expect it to be roughly as follows:

•  Charter & Group Reports (15%)
•  Concept Document (15%)
•  Gameplay Specification (15%)
•  Architecture Specification (15%)
•  Design Specification (15%)
•  Game Manual (15%)
•  Attendance & Presentations   (10%)

Your grades for each of these will posted in the CS/INFO 3152 CMS, as the grades will be identical to what you earned for that course.