
Require Export TaylorSeries.

Opaque Min Max.

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

The main properties of the exponential and logarithmic functions.

Properties of Exponential

Exponential is strongly extensional and well defined.

Lemma Exp_strext : x y : IR, Exp x [#] Exp yx [#] y.
 intros x y H.
 exact (un_op_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ H).

Lemma Exp_wd : x y : IR, x [=] yExp x [=] Exp y.
 intros x y H.
 unfold Exp in |- *; algebra.

Hint Resolve Exp_wd: algebra.

Lemma Exp_zero : Exp [0] [=] [1].
 unfold Exp in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
 set (h := (fun n : natmatch n with | O[1] | S p[0] end):natIR) in ×.
 cut ( n : nat, h n [=] ([1][/] _[//]nring_fac_ap_zero _ n) [*]nexp _ n ([0][-][0])).
  intro H.
  cut (convergent h).
   intro H0.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (series_sum h H0).
    apply series_sum_wd; algebra.
   unfold series_sum in |- ×.
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
   eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
    apply Lim_const.
   apply Lim_seq_eq_Lim_subseq with (f := fun n : natS n).
     auto with arith.
    intro n; (S n); split; auto with arith.
   intro n; simpl in |- ×.
   induction n as [| n Hrecn]; simpl in |- *; [ algebra | Step_final (OneR[+][0]) ].
  apply convergent_wd with (fun n : nat
    ([1][/] _[//]nring_fac_ap_zero IR n) [*]nexp _ n ([0][-][0])).
  exact (fun_series_conv_imp_conv [0] [0] (leEq_reflexive IR [0]) Exp_ps
    (Exp_conv [0] [0] (leEq_reflexive IR [0]) (compact_single_iprop realline [0] I)) [0]
      (compact_single_prop [0]) (fun_series_inc_IR realline Exp_ps Exp_conv [0] I)).
 simple destruct n; simpl in |- *; intros; rational.

e1=e, where e was defined a long time ago.

Lemma Exp_one : Exp [1] [=] E.
 unfold E, Exp, e_series in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
 apply series_sum_wd; intro n.
 astepr (([1][/] _[//]nring_fac_ap_zero IR n) [*][1]); apply mult_wdr.
 astepl (([1][+][--]ZeroR) [^]n).
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  2: apply (one_nexp IR n).
 apply nexp_wd; rational.

Hint Resolve Exp_zero Exp_one: algebra.

The exponential function is its own derivative, and continuous.

Lemma Derivative_Exp : H, Derivative realline H Expon Expon.
 intro H.
 unfold Expon, Exp_ps in |- ×.
 cut (fun_series_convergent_IR realline
   (FPowerSeries' [0] (fun n : nat ⇒ (fun _ : nat[1]) (S n)))).
  intro H0.
  eapply Derivative_wdr.
   2: apply Derivative_FPowerSeries1' with (a := fun _ : natOneR) (Hg := H0).
  simpl in |- ×.
  apply series_sum_wd; algebra.
 fold Exp_ps in |- *; apply Exp_conv.

Hint Resolve Derivative_Exp: derivate.

Lemma Continuous_Exp : Continuous realline Expon.
 apply Derivative_imp_Continuous with I Expon.
 apply Derivative_Exp.

Hint Resolve Continuous_Exp: continuous.

Negative numbers are projected into the interval [0,1].

Lemma One_less_Exp : x : IR, [0] [<] x[1] [<] Exp x.
 unfold Exp in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros x H.
 unfold series_sum in |- ×.
 apply less_leEq_trans with ([1][+]x).
  astepl (OneR[+][0]); apply plus_resp_less_lft; auto.
 apply str_leEq_seq_so_leEq_Lim.
  2; intros i Hi.
 simpl in |- ×.
 unfold seq_part_sum in |- ×.
 induction i as [| i Hreci].
  elimtype False; inversion Hi.
 clear Hreci.
 induction i as [| i Hreci].
  elimtype False; inversion Hi; inversion H1.
 clear Hreci.
 induction i as [| i Hreci].
  simpl in |- ×.
  apply eq_imp_leEq; rational.
 eapply leEq_transitive.
  apply Hreci; auto with arith.
 clear Hreci.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  2: apply cm_rht_unit_unfolded.
 set (j := S (S i)) in *; clearbody j.
 simpl in |- *; apply plus_resp_leEq_lft.
 apply less_leEq; apply mult_resp_pos.
  apply recip_resp_pos; apply pos_nring_fac.
 astepr ((x[+][--][0]) [^]j); apply nexp_resp_pos.
 rstepr x; auto.

Lemma One_leEq_Exp : x : IR, [0] [<=] x[1] [<=] Exp x.
 intros x H.
 astepl (Exp [0]).
 apply resp_leEq_char; auto.
 intro H0; astepl OneR.
 apply One_less_Exp; auto.

Lemma Exp_pos' : x : IR, [0] [<] x[0] [<] Exp x.
 intros x H.
 apply less_leEq_trans with OneR.
  apply pos_one.
 apply One_leEq_Exp; apply less_leEq; auto.

Exponential is the unique function which evaluates to 1 at 0 and is its own derivative.

Lemma Exp_unique_lemma : H F,
 Derivative realline H F F n, Derivative_n n realline H F F.
 intros H F H0 n; induction n as [| n Hrecn].
  apply Derivative_n_O; Included.
 apply Derivative_n_plus with n 1 F; auto.
 apply Derivative_n_1; auto.

Lemma Exp_bnd : Taylor_bnd (fun nExpon).
 apply bnd_imp_Taylor_bnd with Expon.
   intros n x Hx Hx'; apply eq_imp_leEq; algebra.

Lemma Exp_unique : F, Derivative realline I F F → ( H1, F [0] H1 [=] [1]) → Feq realline Expon F.
 intros F H H0.
 cut ( n : nat, Derivative_n n realline I Expon Expon).
  intro derF.
  cut (Taylor_bnd (fun n : natExpon)); [ intro bndf | apply Exp_bnd ].
  cut ( n : nat, Derivative_n n realline I F F).
   intros derG.
   apply Taylor_unique_crit with (f := fun _ : natExpon) (a := ZeroR) (g := fun n : natF)
     (bndf := bndf) (derF := derF); auto.
     apply bnd_imp_Taylor_bnd with F.
       intros; apply eq_imp_leEq; algebra.
      apply Derivative_n_imp_Continuous with I 1 F; auto with arith.
     intro n.
     change (included realline (Dom F)) in |- ×.
     apply Derivative_n_imp_inc with I 1 F; auto with arith.
    intros; astepr OneR.
    astepr (Exp [0]).
    Opaque Expon.
    unfold Exp in |- *; simpl in |- *; algebra.
   Transparent Expon.
   apply Taylor_Series_conv_to_fun; auto.
  apply Exp_unique_lemma; auto.
 apply Exp_unique_lemma; apply Derivative_Exp.

Opaque Expon.

Lemma Exp_plus_pos : z, [0] [<] z x, Exp (x[+]z) [=] Exp x[*]Exp z.
 intros z H x.
 set (F := ([1][/] _[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ (Exp_pos' _ H)) {**} (Expon[o]FId{+}[-C-]z)) in ×.
 apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
 rstepr ((Exp (x[+]z) [/] _[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ (Exp_pos' _ H)) [*]Exp z).
 apply mult_wdl.
 unfold Exp at 1 in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.
 assert (H0 : Dom F x). repeat split; (I, I); apply Exp_domain.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Part F x H0).
  2: unfold F, Exp in |- *; simpl in |- *; rational.
 apply Feq_imp_eq with realline.
  apply Exp_unique.
   assert (H1 : Derivative realline I Expon Expon). apply Derivative_Exp.
    unfold F in |- *; Derivative_Help.
    apply eq_imp_Feq.
      apply included_FScalMult; apply included_FMult.
       apply included_FComp; Included.
     apply included_FScalMult; apply included_FComp; Included.
    intros; simpl in |- *; rational.
   apply Derivative_scal.
   apply Derivative_comp with realline I; Deriv.
   red in |- *; intros a b Hab H2.
    (a[+]z); (b[+]z[+][1]).
   cut (a[+]z [<] b[+]z[+][1]).
    intro H3.
     H3; repeat split; simpl in |- *; try rename H4 into X; elim X; try intros H5 H6.
     apply plus_resp_leEq; auto.
    apply leEq_transitive with (b[+]z).
     apply plus_resp_leEq; auto.
    apply less_leEq; apply less_plusOne.
   apply leEq_less_trans with (b[+]z).
    apply plus_resp_leEq; auto.
   apply less_plusOne.
  intro H1; simpl in |- ×.

The usual rules for computing the exponential of a sum.

Lemma Exp_plus : x y : IR, Exp (x[+]y) [=] Exp x[*]Exp y.
 intros x y.
 set (z := Max [1] ([1][-]y)) in ×.
 cut ([0] [<] z).
  intro H.
  apply mult_cancel_rht with (Exp z).
   apply Greater_imp_ap; apply Exp_pos'; auto.
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Exp_plus_pos; auto.
  astepl (Exp (x[+] (y[+]z))).
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   apply Exp_plus_pos.
   2: astepr (Exp x[*] (Exp y[*]Exp z)); apply mult_wdr; apply Exp_plus_pos; auto.
  unfold z in |- ×.
  apply shift_less_plus'; astepl ( [--]y).
  apply less_leEq_trans with ([1][-]y).
   eapply less_wdr.
    apply less_plusOne.
  apply rht_leEq_Max.
 apply less_leEq_trans with OneR.
  apply pos_one.
 unfold z in |- *; apply lft_leEq_Max.

Hint Resolve Exp_plus: algebra.

Lemma Exp_plus' : x y z : IR, z [=] x[+]yExp z [=] Exp x[*]Exp y.
 intros x y z H.
 Step_final (Exp (x[+]y)).

Lemma Exp_inv_char : x : IR, Exp x[*]Exp [--]x [=] [1].
 intro x.
 astepr (Exp [0]).
 apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Exp_plus'.

Hint Resolve Exp_inv_char: algebra.

The exponential of any number is always positive---and thus apart from zero.

Lemma Exp_pos : x : IR, [0] [<] Exp x.
 intro x.
 cut (Exp x[*]Exp [--]x [=] [1]); [ intro | apply Exp_inv_char ].
 cut ( [--][1] [<=] OneR).
  intro H0.
  cut (Continuous_I H0 Expon).
   intro H1.
   elim H1; intros Hinc contExp.
   elim (contExp _ (pos_half IR)); clear H1 Hinc contExp; intros d H1 H2.
   cut ([0] [<] Min d [1]); [ intro H3 | apply less_Min; auto; apply pos_one ].
   cut ( [--] (Min d [1]) [<] [0]); [ intro H4 | astepr ( [--]ZeroR); apply inv_resp_less; auto ].
   elim (less_cotransitive _ _ _ H4 x); intro H5.
    elim (less_cotransitive _ _ _ H3 x); intro H6.
     apply Exp_pos'; auto.
    apply less_leEq_trans with (Half:IR).
     apply pos_half.
    apply leEq_wdl with ([1][-] (Half:IR)).
     2: unfold Half in |- *; rational.
    apply shift_minus_leEq; apply shift_leEq_plus'.
    astepl (Exp [0][-]Exp x).
    eapply leEq_transitive.
     apply leEq_AbsIR.
    simpl in |- *; apply H2.
      split; apply less_leEq.
       astepr ( [--]ZeroR); apply inv_resp_less; apply pos_one.
      apply pos_one.
     split; apply less_leEq.
      apply leEq_less_trans with ( [--] (Min d [1])).
       apply inv_resp_leEq; apply Min_leEq_rht.
     apply less_leEq_trans with (Min d [1]).
     apply Min_leEq_rht.
    astepl (AbsIR [--]x).
    eapply leEq_wdl.
     2: apply AbsIR_inv.
    simpl in |- *; unfold ABSIR in |- *; apply less_leEq; apply Max_less.
     apply less_leEq_trans with (Min d [1]); auto; apply Min_leEq_lft.
    apply less_leEq_trans with ( [--][--] (Min d [1])).
     apply inv_resp_less; auto.
    astepl (Min d [1]); apply Min_leEq_lft.
   clear H4 H3 H2 H1 d H0.
   apply mult_cancel_less with (Exp [--]x).
    apply Exp_pos'.
    astepl ( [--]ZeroR); apply inv_resp_less; auto.
   astepl ZeroR; astepr OneR; apply pos_one.
  apply included_imp_Continuous with realline; [ apply Continuous_Exp | repeat split ].
 apply leEq_transitive with ZeroR; [ astepr ( [--]ZeroR) | apply less_leEq; apply pos_one ].
 apply inv_resp_leEq; apply less_leEq; apply pos_one.

Lemma Exp_ap_zero : x : IR, Exp x [#] [0].
 intro; apply Greater_imp_ap; apply Exp_pos.

Lemma pos_E : [0] [<] E.
 astepr (Exp [1]).
 apply Exp_pos.

And the rules for the exponential of differences.

Lemma Exp_inv : x : IR, Exp [--]x [=] ([1][/] _[//]Exp_ap_zero x).
 intro x.
 apply mult_cancel_lft with (Exp x).
  apply Exp_ap_zero.
 rstepr OneR; algebra.

Hint Resolve Exp_inv: algebra.

Lemma Exp_minus : x y : IR, Exp (x[-]y) [=] (Exp x[/] _[//]Exp_ap_zero y).
 intros x y.
 unfold cg_minus in |- *; astepl (Exp x[*]Exp [--]y).
 rstepr (Exp x[*] ([1][/] _[//]Exp_ap_zero y)).

Hint Resolve Exp_minus: algebra.

Lemma Exp_inv' : x y : IR, y [=] [--]xExp y [=] ([1][/] _[//]Exp_ap_zero x).
 intros x y Hxy.
 Step_final (Exp [--]x).

Lemma Exp_minus' : x y z : IR, z [=] x[-]yExp z [=] (Exp x[/] Exp y[//]Exp_ap_zero _).
 intros x y z H.
 Step_final (Exp (x[-]y)).

Exponential is a monotonous function.

Lemma Exp_less_One : x : IR, x [<] [0]Exp x [<] [1].
 intros x H.
 astepr (Exp x[*]Exp [--]x).
 astepl (Exp x[*][1]).
 apply mult_resp_less_lft.
  apply One_less_Exp; astepl ( [--]ZeroR); apply inv_resp_less; auto.
 apply Exp_pos.

Lemma Exp_leEq_One : x : IR, x [<=] [0]Exp x [<=] [1].
 intros x H.
 astepr (Exp x[*]Exp [--]x).
 astepl (Exp x[*][1]).
 apply mult_resp_leEq_lft.
  apply One_leEq_Exp; astepl ( [--]ZeroR); apply inv_resp_leEq; auto.
 apply less_leEq; apply Exp_pos.

Lemma Exp_resp_less : x y : IR, x [<] yExp x [<] Exp y.
 intros x y H.
 apply less_wdr with (Exp (x[+] (y[-]x))).
  2: apply Exp_wd; rational.
 astepr (Exp x[*]Exp (y[-]x)).
 astepl (Exp x[*][1]).
 apply mult_resp_less_lft.
  apply One_less_Exp.
  apply shift_less_minus; astepl x; auto.
 apply Exp_pos.

Lemma Exp_resp_leEq : x y : IR, x [<=] yExp x [<=] Exp y.
 intros x y; apply resp_leEq_char.
 intro H; apply Exp_resp_less; auto.

Properties of Logarithm

The logarithm is a continuous function with derivative [1][/]x.

Lemma Derivative_Log : H, Derivative (openl [0]) H Logarithm {1/}FId.
 intro H.
 unfold Logarithm in |- ×.

Hint Resolve Derivative_Log: derivate.

Lemma Continuous_Log : Continuous (openl [0]) Logarithm.
 apply Derivative_imp_Continuous with I ( {1/} (Fid IR)).

Hint Resolve Continuous_Log: continuous.

Logarithm of [1].

Lemma Log_one : H, Log [1] H [=] [0].
 intro H; unfold Log in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
 apply Integral_empty; algebra.

Hint Resolve Log_one: algebra.

The logarithm is (strongly) extensional.

Lemma Log_strext : (x y : IR) Hx Hy, Log x Hx [#] Log y Hyx [#] y.
 intros x y Hx Hy H.
 unfold Log in H.
 exact (pfstrx _ _ _ _ _ _ H).

Lemma Log_wd : (x y : IR) Hx Hy, x [=] yLog x Hx [=] Log y Hy.
 intros x y Hx Hy H.
 unfold Log in |- *; algebra.

Hint Resolve Log_wd: algebra.

The rule for the logarithm of the product.

Lemma Log_mult : x y Hx Hy Hxy, Log (x[*]y) Hxy [=] Log x Hx[+]Log y Hy.
 intros x y Hx Hy Hxy.
 set (G := (Logarithm[o]y{**}FId) {-}[-C-] (Log y Hy)) in ×.
 cut (proper (openl [0])); [ intro H | simpl in |- *; auto ].
 cut (Derivative (openl [0]) H G {1/}FId).
  intro H0.
  cut (Derivative (openl [0]) H Logarithm {1/}FId); [ intro H1 | Deriv ].
  elim (FTC2 (openl [0]) {1/}FId log_defn_lemma [1] (pos_one IR) H G H0); intros c Hc.
  fold Logarithm in Hc.
  elim Hc; intros H2' H2''.
  elim H2''; intros H2 H5.
  clear Hc H2 H2' H2''.
  cut (c [=] [0]).
   intro H2.
   cut ( z w t : IR, w[-] (z[-]t) [=] [0]z [=] w[+]t).
    intro H3.
    apply H3; clear H3.
    astepr c; clear H2.
    cut (Dom (Logarithm{-}G) x); [ intro H2 | repeat split; simpl in |- *; auto ].
     eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
      2: apply (H5 x Hx H2 I).
     Opaque Logarithm.
     simpl in |- *; algebra.
    clear H5.
     (I, I); apply mult_resp_pos; auto.
   intros z w t H3.
   rstepl (z[-]t[+]t).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
    2: algebra.
   apply cg_inv_unique_2.
   astepr ( [--]ZeroR).
   rstepl ( [--] (w[-] (z[-]t))).
   apply un_op_wd_unfolded; auto.
  cut (Dom (Logarithm{-}G) [1]); [ intro H2 | repeat split; simpl in |- *; auto ].
    apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
     2: apply (H5 [1] (pos_one IR) H2 I).
    simpl in |- ×.
    rstepl ([0][-] (Log y Hy[-]Log y Hy)).
   Transparent Logarithm.
   simpl in |- *; apply pos_one.
   (I, I); simpl in |- *; apply mult_resp_pos; auto; apply pos_one.
 unfold G in |- ×.
 cut (Derivative (openl [0]) H Logarithm {1/}FId);
   [ intro H0 | unfold Logarithm in |- *; apply FTC1 ].
  apply eq_imp_Feq.
    repeat split.
     (I, I); simpl in |- ×.
    repeat split.
    intros; apply Greater_imp_ap; apply mult_resp_pos; auto.
  intros; simpl in |- *; rational.
 apply Derivative_minus.
  apply Derivative_comp with (openl [0]) H; Deriv.
  clear H0; red in |- *; intros a b Hab H0.
  simpl in |- *; (y[*]a); (y[*]b[+][1]).
  cut (y[*]a [<] y[*]b[+][1]).
   intro H1; H1; split.
    intros x0 H2.
    elim H2; intros H3 H4; simpl in |- ×.
    apply less_leEq_trans with (y[*]a).
     apply mult_resp_pos; auto.
     apply H0; apply compact_inc_lft.
   intros x0 Hx0 H2; elim H2; intros H3 H4; split.
    apply mult_resp_leEq_lft; auto.
    apply less_leEq; auto.
   apply leEq_transitive with (y[*]b).
    apply mult_resp_leEq_lft; auto.
    apply less_leEq; auto.
   apply less_leEq; apply less_plusOne.
  apply leEq_less_trans with (y[*]b).
   apply mult_resp_leEq_lft; auto.
   apply less_leEq; auto.
  apply less_plusOne.

Hint Resolve Log_mult: algebra.

Lemma Log_mult' : x y z Hx Hy Hz, z [=] x[*]yLog z Hz [=] Log x Hx[+]Log y Hy.
 Step_final (Log (x[*]y) (mult_resp_pos _ _ _ Hx Hy)).

Lemma Log_nexp : x n Hx Hxn, Log (x[^]n) Hxn [=] (nring n)[*]Log x Hx.
 induction n.
  intros Hx Hn.
  rstepr ([0]:IR).
  apply Log_one.
 intros Hx Hn.
 assert (X:[0][<]x[^]n).
  apply nexp_resp_pos.
 stepl (Log _ X[+]Log x Hx); [| apply eq_symmetric; apply (Log_mult _ _ X Hx)].
 astepr ((nring n [+] [1])[*]Log x Hx).
 rstepr (nring n[*]Log x Hx[+]Log x Hx).
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded; try apply eq_reflexive.
 apply IHn.

Hint Resolve Log_nexp: algebra.

A characterization of the domain of the logarithm.

Lemma Log_domain : x : IR, [0] [<] xDom Logarithm x.
 intros; auto.

Opaque Expon Logarithm.

log(ex)=x for all x, both as a numerical and as a functional equation.

Lemma Log_Exp_inv : Feq realline (Logarithm[o]Expon) FId.
 apply Feq_criterium with I (Fconst (S:=IR) [1]) ZeroR.
    cut (Derivative realline I Expon Expon); [ intro H | apply Derivative_Exp ].
    cut (Derivative (openl [0]) I Logarithm {1/}FId); [ intro H0 | apply Derivative_Log ].
     apply eq_imp_Feq.
       split; auto.
       split; auto.
       intro; simpl in |- *; apply Greater_imp_ap.
       apply less_wdr with (Exp x); [ apply Exp_pos | simpl in |- *; algebra ].
     intros; simpl in |- *; rational.
    apply Derivative_comp with (openl [0]) I; Deriv.
    red in |- *; intros a b Hab H1.
     (Exp a); (Exp b[+][1]);
      (leEq_less_trans _ _ _ _ (Exp_resp_leEq _ _ Hab) (less_plusOne _ _)).
     red in |- *; intros x H2.
     elim H2; intros H3 H4.
     simpl in |- ×.
     apply less_leEq_trans with (Exp a); auto.
     apply Exp_pos.
    intros x Hx H2; elim H2; intros H3 H4; split.
     apply leEq_wdr with (Exp x).
      apply Exp_resp_leEq; auto.
     simpl in |- *; algebra.
    apply less_leEq; apply leEq_less_trans with (Exp b).
     apply leEq_wdl with (Exp x).
      apply Exp_resp_leEq; auto.
     simpl in |- *; algebra.
    apply less_plusOne.
 intros; simpl in |- ×.
 astepr (Log [1] (pos_one _)).
 unfold Log in |- *; apply pfwdef.
 astepr (Exp [0]).
 simpl in |- *; algebra.

Lemma Log_Exp : x H, Log (Exp x) H [=] x.
 intros x H.
 cut (Dom (Logarithm[o]Expon) x).
  intro H0.
  unfold Log in |- *; simpl in |- *; apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Part _ _ H0).
   simpl in |- *; algebra.
  astepr (Part FId x I).
  apply Feq_imp_eq with realline.
   apply Log_Exp_inv.
 apply Log_domain.
 apply less_wdr with (Exp x); auto.
 simpl in |- *; algebra.

Transparent Logarithm.

Hint Resolve Log_Exp: algebra.

Lemma Exp_Log_lemma : x y Hx Hy, [0] [=] Log y Hy[-]Log x Hxy [<=] x.
 intros x y Hx Hy H; rewriteleEq_def; intro H0.
 cut ((y[-]x[/] _[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ Hy) [<=] [0]).
  intro H1.
  apply less_irreflexive_unfolded with (x := x).
  apply less_leEq_trans with y; auto.
  astepr (x[+][0]); apply shift_leEq_plus'.
  rstepl ((y[-]x[/] _[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ Hy) [*]y).
  apply shift_mult_leEq with (pos_ap_zero _ _ Hy); auto.
  rstepr ZeroR; auto.
 astepr (Log y Hy[-]Log x Hx).
 unfold Log in |- *; simpl in |- ×.
 apply leEq_wdr with (Integral (prim_lemma _ _ log_defn_lemma x Hx y Hy)).
  2: rstepl (Integral (prim_lemma _ _ log_defn_lemma [1] (pos_one _) x Hx) [+]
    Integral (prim_lemma _ _ log_defn_lemma x Hx y Hy) [-]
      Integral (prim_lemma _ _ log_defn_lemma [1] (pos_one _) x Hx)).
  2: apply cg_minus_wd; algebra.
  2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Integral_plus_Integral with (Min3_leEq_Max3 [1] y x).
  2: apply included_imp_Continuous with (openl [0]);
    [ apply log_defn_lemma | intros x0 H1; inversion_clear H1 ].
  2: simpl in |- *; apply less_leEq_trans with (Min (Min [1] y) x); auto;
    repeat apply less_Min; auto; apply pos_one.
 cut (Continuous_I (less_leEq _ _ _ H0) {1/}FId).
  intro H1.
  apply leEq_wdr with (integral _ _ _ _ H1).
   2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Integral_integral.
  rstepl (([1][/] _[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ Hy) [*] (y[-]x)).
  apply lb_integral.
  intros x0 H2 Hx0; simpl in |- ×.
  elim H2; intros H3 H4; apply recip_resp_leEq; auto.
  apply less_leEq_trans with x; auto.
 apply included_imp_Continuous with (openl [0]); [ apply log_defn_lemma | red in |- *; intros x0 X ].
 inversion_clear X; simpl in |- *; apply less_leEq_trans with x; auto.

The converse expression.

Lemma Exp_Log : x H, Exp (Log x H) [=] x.
 intros x H.
 set (y := Exp (Log x H)) in ×.
 cut ([0] [<] y); [ intro H0 | unfold y in |- *; apply Exp_pos ].
 cut (Log y H0 [=] Log x H); [ intro H1 | unfold y in |- *; algebra ].
 cut ([0] [=] Log y H0[-]Log x H);
   [ clear H1; intro H1 | apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply x_minus_x; auto ].
 apply leEq_imp_eq.
  apply Exp_Log_lemma with H H0; auto.
 apply Exp_Log_lemma with H0 H.
 astepl ( [--]ZeroR); rstepr ( [--] (Log y H0[-]Log x H)); algebra.

Hint Resolve Exp_Log: algebra.

Exponential and logarithm are injective.

Lemma Exp_cancel : x y : IR, Exp x [=] Exp yx [=] y.
 astepl (Log (Exp x) (Exp_pos x)); Step_final (Log (Exp y) (Exp_pos y)).

Lemma Log_cancel : (x y : IR) Hx Hy, Log x Hx [=] Log y Hyx [=] y.
 astepl (Exp (Log x Hx)); Step_final (Exp (Log y Hy)).

Opaque Logarithm.

And the final characterization as inverse functions.

Lemma Exp_Log_inv : Feq (openl [0]) (Expon[o]Logarithm) FId.
 apply eq_imp_Feq.
   red in |- *; intros x H.
   simpl in H; H; apply Exp_domain.
 intros x H Hx Hx'; simpl in |- ×.
 astepr (Exp (Log x H)).
 unfold Log in |- *; simpl in |- *; algebra.

Lemma Log_E : He, Log E He [=] [1].
 Step_final (Log (Exp [1]) (Exp_pos [1])).

Hint Resolve Log_E: algebra.

Several rules regarding inequalities.

Lemma Log_cancel_less : x y Hx Hy, Log x Hx [<] Log y Hyx [<] y.
 intros x y Hx Hy H.
 astepl (Exp (Log x Hx)).
 astepr (Exp (Log y Hy)).
 apply Exp_resp_less; auto.

Lemma Log_cancel_leEq : x y Hx Hy, Log x Hx [<=] Log y Hyx [<=] y.
 intros x y Hx Hy H.
 astepl (Exp (Log x Hx)).
 astepr (Exp (Log y Hy)).
 apply Exp_resp_leEq; auto.

Lemma Log_resp_less : (x y : IR) Hx Hy, x [<] yLog x Hx [<] Log y Hy.
 intros x y Hx Hy H.
 unfold Log in |- *; apply Derivative_imp_resp_less with (openl [0]) I ( {1/} (Fid IR));
   simpl in |- *; auto.
  apply Derivative_Log.
 intro contF.
 apply less_wdr with ([1][/] _[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ Hy).
  apply recip_resp_pos; auto.
 apply glb_charact.
  intros z Hz.
  elim Hz; intros t H1.
  elim H1; intros H2 H3.
  elim H3; clear Hz H1 H3; intros H1 H3.
  assert (H0 := H3 H1); simpl in H0.
  astepr ([1][/] t[//]ext2 (P:=fun _ : IRTrue) H1).
  elim H2; intros HMin HMax.
  apply recip_resp_leEq; auto.
   apply less_leEq_trans with (Min x y); auto.
   apply less_Min; auto.
  apply leEq_wdr with (Max x y); auto.
  apply leEq_imp_Max_is_rht; apply less_leEq; auto.
 intros e He.
  ([1][/] _[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ Hy).
   split; [ apply Min_leEq_rht | apply rht_leEq_Max ].
  repeat split.
   intro; simpl in |- *; apply pos_ap_zero; auto.
  simpl in |- *; algebra.
 astepl ZeroR; auto.

Lemma Log_resp_leEq : (x y : IR) Hx Hy, x [<=] yLog x Hx [<=] Log y Hy.
 intros x y Hx Hy; apply resp_leEq_char' with (P := fun x : IR[0] [<] x).
 apply Log_resp_less.

Lemma Exp_cancel_less : x y, Exp x [<] Exp yx [<] y.
 intros x y H.
 astepl (Log (Exp x) (Exp_pos x)).
 astepr (Log (Exp y) (Exp_pos y)).
 apply Log_resp_less; auto.

Lemma Exp_cancel_leEq : x y : IR, Exp x [<=] Exp yx [<=] y.
 intros x y H.
 astepl (Log (Exp x) (Exp_pos x)).
 astepr (Log (Exp y) (Exp_pos y)).
 apply Log_resp_leEq; auto.

Lemma Log_less_Zero : (x : IR) Hx, x [<] [1]Log x Hx [<] [0].
 intros x Hx H.
 astepr (Log (Exp [0]) (Exp_pos [0])).
 apply Log_resp_less.
 astepr OneR; auto.

Lemma Log_leEq_Zero : (x : IR) Hx, x [<=] [1]Log x Hx [<=] [0].
 intros x Hx H.
 astepr (Log (Exp [0]) (Exp_pos [0])).
 apply Log_resp_leEq.
 astepr OneR; auto.

Lemma Zero_less_Log : (x : IR) Hx, [1] [<] x[0] [<] Log x Hx.
 intros x Hx H.
 astepl (Log (Exp [0]) (Exp_pos [0])).
 apply Log_resp_less.
 astepl OneR; auto.

Lemma Zero_leEq_Log : (x : IR) Hx, [1] [<=] x[0] [<=] Log x Hx.
 intros x Hx H.
 astepl (Log (Exp [0]) (Exp_pos [0])).
 apply Log_resp_leEq.
 astepl OneR; auto.

Finally, rules for logarithm of quotients.

Lemma Log_recip_char : x Hx Hx' Hx'', Log ([1][/] x[//]Hx) Hx'[+]Log x Hx'' [=] [0].
 intros x Hx Hx' Hx''.
 astepl (Log _ (mult_resp_pos _ _ _ Hx' Hx'')).
 astepr (Log _ (pos_one IR)).
 apply Log_wd; rational.

Lemma Log_recip : x Hx Hx' Hx'', Log ([1][/] x[//]Hx) Hx' [=] [--] (Log x Hx'').
 intros x Hx Hx' Hx''.
 apply cg_inv_unique'; apply Log_recip_char.

Hint Resolve Log_recip: algebra.

Lemma Log_recip' : x y Hx Hx' Hy, y [=] ([1][/] x[//]Hx)Log y Hy [=] [--] (Log x Hx').
 intros x y Hx Hx' Hy H.
 Step_final (Log ([1][/] _[//]Hx) (recip_resp_pos _ _ Hx Hx')).

Lemma Log_div : x y Hx Hy Hy' Hxy, Log (x[/] y[//]Hy') Hxy [=] Log x Hx[-]Log y Hy.
 intros x y Hx Hy Hy' Hxy.
 unfold cg_minus in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Log _ (mult_resp_pos _ _ _ Hx (recip_resp_pos _ _ Hy' Hy))).
  apply Log_wd; rational.
 Step_final (Log _ Hx[+]Log _ (recip_resp_pos _ _ Hy' Hy)).

Hint Resolve Log_div: algebra.

Lemma Log_div' : x y z Hx Hy Hy' Hz,
 z [=] (x[/] y[//]Hy')Log z Hz [=] Log x Hx[-]Log y Hy.
 intros x y z Hx Hy Hy' Hz H.
 Step_final (Log _ (div_resp_pos _ _ _ Hy' Hy Hx)).

Lemma Log_zexp : x n Hx Hx0 Hxn, Log ((x[//]Hx0)[^^]n) Hxn [=] (zring n)[*]Log x Hx.
 intros x [|n|n] Hx Hx0 Hxn.
   rstepr ([0]:IR).
  assert (X:[0][<]x[^](nat_of_P n)).
   astepr ((x[//]Hx0)[^^]n).
  change (Log (x[^](nat_of_P n)) Hxn[=]zring (R:=IR) n[*]Log x Hx).
  astepl (nring (nat_of_P n)[*]Log x Hx).
  apply mult_wdl.
  apply eq_symmetric.
  rewrite <- inject_nat_convert.
  refine (zring_plus_nat IR (nat_of_P n)).
 change (Log (([1][/]x[//]Hx0)[^](nat_of_P n)) Hxn[=][--](zring n)[*]Log x Hx).
 assert (X:[0][<]([1][/]x[//]Hx0)).
  apply recip_resp_pos.
 astepl ((nring (nat_of_P n))[*](Log _ X)).
 astepl ((nring (nat_of_P n))[*]([--](Log _ Hx))).
 rstepl ([--](nring (nat_of_P n))[*](Log x Hx)).
 apply mult_wdl.
 apply un_op_wd_unfolded.
 rewrite <- inject_nat_convert.
 apply eq_symmetric.
 refine (zring_plus_nat IR (nat_of_P n)).

Hint Resolve Log_zexp: algebra.

Section Log_Series.

Definition Log_series_coef (n:nat) :=
match n with
| O[0]
| (S n') ⇒ ([--][1])[^](S (S n'))[/](nring (S n'))[//]nringS_ap_zero IR n'

Definition Log_ps := FPowerSeries [1] Log_series_coef.

Lemma Log_series_convergent_IR : fun_series_convergent_IR (olor [0] Two) Log_ps.
 intros a b Hab Hinc.
 apply fun_ratio_test_conv.
  unfold Log_ps; unfold FPowerSeries; Contin.
 pose (c:=Max (AbsIR (a[-][1])) (AbsIR (b[-][1]))).
 assert (Z0:c[<][1]).
  unfold c.
  destruct (Hinc _ (compact_inc_lft _ _ Hab)).
  destruct (Hinc _ (compact_inc_rht _ _ Hab)).
  apply Max_less; apply AbsIR_less; first [apply shift_minus_less; rstepr (Two:IR)
    |apply shift_less_minus; rstepl ([0]:IR)]; assumption.
 assert (Z1:[0][<=]c).
  unfold c.
  eapply leEq_transitive.
   apply AbsIR_nonneg.
  apply lft_leEq_Max.
 intros x [Hx0 Hx1] n Hn Hx Hx'.
 destruct n.
  elimtype False; auto with ×.
 unfold Log_ps, FPowerSeries, Log_series_coef.
 generalize (nringS_ap_zero IR (S n)).
 generalize (nringS_ap_zero IR (n)).
 intros Y0 Y1.
 stepl ( (nexp IR (S (S n)) (AbsIR (x[-][1])))[/]nring (R:=IR) (S (S n))[//]Y1).
  apply shift_div_leEq.
   apply nring_pos; auto with ×.
  stepr ((((nexp IR (S n) (AbsIR (x[-][1]))[*]c)[*](nring (R:=IR) (S (S n))))[/]nring (R:=IR) (S n)[//]Y0)).
   apply shift_leEq_div.
    apply nring_pos; auto with ×.
   apply mult_resp_leEq_both.
      apply (nexp_resp_nonneg _ (AbsIR (x[-][1])) (S (S n))).
      apply AbsIR_nonneg.
     apply nring_nonneg; auto with ×.
    change (nexp IR (S (S n)) (AbsIR (x[-][1])))
      with ((nexp IR (S n) (AbsIR (x[-][1])))[*](AbsIR (x[-][1]))).
    apply mult_resp_leEq_lft.
     apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR.
      apply shift_zero_leEq_minus'.
      rstepr (c[-]([--](x[-][1]))).
      apply shift_zero_leEq_minus.
      unfold c.
      eapply leEq_transitive;[|apply lft_leEq_Max].
      eapply leEq_transitive;[|apply inv_leEq_AbsIR].
      apply inv_resp_leEq.
      apply minus_resp_leEq.
     unfold c.
     eapply leEq_transitive;[|apply rht_leEq_Max].
     eapply leEq_transitive;[|apply leEq_AbsIR].
     apply minus_resp_leEq.
    apply (nexp_resp_nonneg _ (AbsIR (x[-][1])) (S n)).
    apply AbsIR_nonneg.
   apply nring_leEq; auto with ×.
  rstepl (c[*](nexp IR (S n) (AbsIR (x[-][1]))[/]
    nring (R:=IR) (S n)[//]Y0)[*]nring (R:=IR) (S (S n))).
  apply mult_wdl.
  apply mult_wdr.
  stepl (AbsIR ((x[-][1])[^](S n))[/]_[//](AbsIR_resp_ap_zero _ Y0)).
   eapply eq_transitive.
    apply eq_symmetric.
    apply (AbsIR_division ((x[-][1])[^]S n) _ Y0).
   stepr (AbsIR (([--][1])[^](S (S n)))[*]AbsIR ((x[-][1])[^]S n[/]nring (R:=IR) (S n)[//]Y0)).
    rstepl ([1][*]AbsIR ((x[-][1])[^]S n[/]nring (R:=IR) (S n)[//]Y0)).
    apply mult_wdl.
    csetoid_rewrite (AbsIR_nexp_op (S (S n)) ([--][1])).
    csetoid_replace (AbsIR ([--][1])) ([1]:IR).
     apply eq_symmetric.
     apply (one_nexp IR (S (S n))).
    rstepr ([--][--][1]:IR).
    apply AbsIR_eq_inv_x.
    apply shift_zero_leEq_minus'.
    rstepr ([1]:IR).
    apply less_leEq; apply pos_one.
   eapply eq_transitive.
    apply eq_symmetric; apply AbsIR_resp_mult.
   apply AbsIR_wd.
   change ((([--][1][^]S (S n)[/]nring (R:=IR) (S n)[//]Y0){**}(FId{-}[-C-][1]){^}S n) x Hx)
     with ((([--][1][^]S (S n)[/]nring (R:=IR) (S n)[//]Y0)[*](x[-][1])[^]S n)).
  apply div_wd.
   apply (AbsIR_nexp (x[-][1]) (S n)).
  apply AbsIR_eq_x.
  apply nring_nonneg.
 stepl (AbsIR ((x[-][1])[^](S (S n)))[/]_[//](AbsIR_resp_ap_zero _ Y1)).
  eapply eq_transitive.
   apply eq_symmetric.
   apply (AbsIR_division ((x[-][1])[^]S (S n)) _ Y1).
  stepr (AbsIR (([--][1][^]S (S (S n))[*]((x[-][1])[^]S (S n)[/]_[//]Y1)))).
   eapply eq_transitive;[|apply eq_symmetric; apply AbsIR_resp_mult].
   rstepl ([1][*]AbsIR ((x[-][1])[^]S (S n)[/]nring (R:=IR) (S (S n))[//]Y1)).
   apply mult_wdl.
   csetoid_rewrite (AbsIR_nexp_op (S (S (S n))) [--][1]).
   csetoid_replace (AbsIR ([--][1])) ([1]:IR).
    apply eq_symmetric.
    apply (one_nexp IR).
   rstepr ([--][--][1]:IR).
   apply AbsIR_eq_inv_x.
   apply shift_zero_leEq_minus'.
   rstepr ([1]:IR).
   apply less_leEq; apply pos_one.
  apply AbsIR_wd.
  change ((([--][1][^]S (S (S n))[/]nring (R:=IR) (S (S n))[//]Y1){**}(FId{-}[-C-][1]){^}S (S n)) x Hx')
    with ((([--][1][^]S (S (S n))[/]nring (R:=IR) (S (S n))[//]Y1)[*](x[-][1])[^]S (S n))).
 apply div_wd.
  apply (AbsIR_nexp (x[-][1]) (S (S n))).
 apply AbsIR_eq_x.
 apply nring_nonneg.

Lemma Log_series : c : IR,
  (Hs:fun_series_convergent_IR (olor [0] Two) Log_ps) Hc0 Hc1,
 FSeries_Sum Hs c Hc0[=]Log c Hc1.
 intros c Hs Hc0 Hc1.
 Transparent Logarithm.
 assert (Z:fun_series_convergent_IR (olor [0] Two) (fun n : natLog_ps (S n))).
  generalize Log_ps Hs.
  intros p Hp; clear - Hp.
  intros a b Hab Hinc.
  destruct (Hp a b Hab Hinc) as [A B].
   (fun n ⇒ (A (S n))).
  intros e He.
  destruct (B e He) as [C D].
  intros m n Hm Hn x Hx.
  assert (D' := (D (S m) (S n))).
  stepl (AbsIR (fun_seq_part_sum p (S m) x (contin_imp_inc a b Hab (fun_seq_part_sum p (S m))
    (fun_seq_part_sum_cont a b Hab p A (S m)) x Hx)[-] fun_seq_part_sum p (S n) x
      (contin_imp_inc a b Hab (fun_seq_part_sum p (S n))
        (fun_seq_part_sum_cont a b Hab p A (S n)) x Hx))).
   apply D'; auto with ×.
  apply AbsIR_wd.
  set (g:=(fun (y n0 : nat) ⇒ Part (p n0) x (contin_imp_inc a b Hab (fun_seq_part_sum p y)
    (fun_seq_part_sum_cont a b Hab p A y) x Hx n0))).
  set (g':=(fun y n0 : natPart (p (S n0)) x
    (contin_imp_inc a b Hab (fun_seq_part_sum (fun n1 : natp (S n1)) y)
      (fun_seq_part_sum_cont a b Hab (fun n1 : natp (S n1))
        (fun n1 : natA (S n1)) y) x Hx n0))).
  change (Sum0 (G:=IR) (S m) (g (S m))[-](Sum0 (G:=IR) (S n) (g (S n)))[=]
    Sum0 (G:=IR) m (g' m)[-]Sum0 (G:=IR) n (g' n)).
  stepr ((g (S m) 0[+]Sum0 (G:=IR) m (g' m))[-](g (S n) 0[+]Sum0 (G:=IR) n (g' n))).
   unfold cg_minus.
   apply eq_symmetric; apply bin_op_wd_unfolded; try apply un_op_wd_unfolded; apply Sum0_shift;
     intros i; unfold g', g; apply pfwdef; apply eq_reflexive.
  apply cg_cancel_lft with (g (S n) 0[-](Sum0 (G:=IR) m (g' m)[-]Sum0 (G:=IR) n (g' n))).
  rstepr (g (S n) 0).
  rstepl (g (S m) 0).
  unfold g; apply pfwdef; apply eq_reflexive.
 assert (Z0:=insert_series_sum _ _ Z).
 set (Hs':=(insert_series_conv (olor [0] Two) (fun n : natLog_ps (S n)) Z)) in ×.
 apply eq_transitive with (FSeries_Sum (J:=olor [0] Two)
   (f:=insert_series (fun n : natLog_ps (S n))) Hs' c Hc0).
  apply series_sum_wd.
  intros [|n].
   simpl; rational.
  simpl; rational.
 apply eq_transitive with (FSeries_Sum Z c Hc0).
  apply Feq_imp_eq with (olor [0] Two).
   apply Feq_symmetric.
   apply (insert_series_sum _ _ Z).
 unfold series_sum.
 apply eq_symmetric.
 apply Limits_unique.
 unfold Log, Logarithm.
 assert (X: n, Continuous_I (Min_leEq_Max [1] c) (([-C-][1]{-}FId){^}n)).
 apply Cauchy_Lim_prop2_wd with (fun nIntegral (fun_seq_part_sum_cont _ _ _ _ X n)).
  assert (A0:Continuous (olor [0] Two) ({1/}FId)).
   apply Continuous_recip.
   intros a b Hab Hinc.
    destruct (Hinc _ (compact_inc_lft _ _ Hab)); assumption.
   intros y _ Hy.
   stepr y.
    destruct Hy; assumption.
   apply eq_symmetric.
   apply AbsIR_eq_x.
   apply less_leEq; destruct (Hinc _ Hy); assumption.
  assert (A1: n : nat, Continuous (olor [0] Two) (fun_seq_part_sum (Fnth (R:=IR) ([-C-][1]{-}FId)) n)).
   intros n.
    repeat constructor.
   intros a b Hab Hinc.
  eapply (limit_of_Integral (olor [0] Two) _ _ A1 A0).
   unfold fun_seq_part_sum.
   assert (A2:fun_series_convergent_IR (olor [0] Two) (Fnth (R:=IR) ([-C-][1]{-}FId))).
    cut (fun_series_convergent_IR (olor [0] Two) (fun nFId{^}n[o]([-C-][1]{-}FId))).
     apply fun_series_convergent_wd_IR.
     intros n.
     intros x Hx.
     assert (W:Dom ([-C-][1]{-}FId) x).
      repeat constructor.
     repeat constructor.
    apply FSeries_Sum_comp_conv with (olor [--][1] [1]).
      intros a b Hab Hinc.
      assert (W:[1][-]b[<=][1][-]a).
       unfold cg_minus.
       apply plus_resp_leEq_lft.
       apply inv_resp_leEq.
       intros x [Hx0 Hx1].
        eapply less_leEq_trans;[|apply Hx0].
        apply shift_less_minus.
        apply shift_plus_less'.
        rstepr (Two:IR).
        destruct (Hinc _ (compact_inc_rht _ _ Hab)); assumption.
       eapply leEq_less_trans;[apply Hx1|].
       apply shift_minus_less.
       apply shift_less_plus'.
       rstepl ([0]:IR).
       destruct (Hinc _ (compact_inc_lft _ _ Hab)); assumption.
      intros x Hx [Hx0 Hx1].
      split; simpl.
       apply shift_leEq_minus'.
       apply shift_plus_leEq.
       rstepr b.
      apply shift_leEq_minus'.
      apply shift_plus_leEq.
      rstepr x.
    apply fun_power_series_conv_IR.
   assert (A3:Continuous (olor [0] Two)
     (FSeries_Sum (J:=olor [0] Two) (f:=Fnth (R:=IR) ([-C-][1]{-}FId)) A2)).
   eapply (conv_fun_seq'_wdr_IR);[|apply (FSeries_conv _ _ A2 A1 A3)].
   assert (Y:AbsIR ([1][-]x)[<][1]).
    destruct X0.
    apply AbsIR_less.
     apply shift_minus_less.
     apply shift_less_plus'.
     rstepl ([0]:IR); assumption.
    apply shift_less_minus'.
    apply shift_plus_less.
    rstepr (Two:IR); assumption.
   assert (Y0:[1][-]([1][-]x)[#][0]).
    rstepl (x).
    apply Greater_imp_ap.
    destruct X0; assumption.
   apply eq_transitive with ([1][/]_[//]Y0).
    eapply eq_transitive;[|apply (power_series_sum _ Y Y0 (power_series_conv _ Y))].
    apply series_sum_wd.
    intros n; apply eq_reflexive.
  intros x [Hx0 Hx1].
   apply less_leEq_trans with (Min [1] c); try assumption.
   apply less_Min; try assumption.
   apply pos_one.
  apply leEq_less_trans with (Max [1] c); try assumption.
  destruct Hc0.
  apply Max_less; try assumption.
  apply one_less_two.
 intros n.
 induction n.
  rstepr ([0][*](c[-][1])).
  eapply eq_transitive;[|apply (Integral_const _ _ (Min_leEq_Max [1] c) [0] (Continuous_I_const _ _ _ _))].
  apply Integral_wd.
  auto with ×.
 csetoid_rewrite_rev IHn.
 assert (Y:Continuous_I (Min_leEq_Max [1] c) (([-C-][1]{-}FId){^}n)).
 csetoid_replace ((nexp IR n [--][1][*][--][1][*][--][1][/]nring (R:=IR) n[+][1][//]
   nringS_ap_zero IR n)[*](nexp IR n (c[-][1])[*](c[-][1]))) (Integral Y).
  assert (Y0:=Continuous_I_plus _ _ _ _ _ (fun_seq_part_sum_cont (Min [1] c) (Max [1] c) (Min_leEq_Max [1] c)
    (Fnth (R:=IR) ([-C-][1]{-}FId)) X n) Y).
  stepl (Integral Y0).
   apply Integral_plus.
  apply Integral_wd.
  apply eq_imp_Feq; try Included.
   intros x Hx; split; constructor.
  intros x H Hx Hx'.
  apply eq_reflexive.
 rstepl ((nexp IR n [--][1][/]nring (R:=IR) n[+][1][//]
   nringS_ap_zero IR n)[*](nexp IR n (c[-][1])[*](c[-][1]))).
 change ((nexp IR n [--][1][/]nring (R:=IR) n[+][1][//]nringS_ap_zero IR n)[*]
   (nexp IR n (c[-][1])[*](c[-][1])))
     with (([--][1][^]n[/]_[//]nringS_ap_zero IR n)[*](c[-][1])[^](S n)).
 pose (G:=(([--][1][/]_[//]nringS_ap_zero IR n){**}([-C-][1]{-}FId){^}(S n))).
 assert (X0:Derivative (olor [0] Two) (pos_two IR) G (([-C-][1]{-}FId){^}n)).
  unfold G.
  Derivative_Help; [|apply Derivative_scal;refine (Derivative_nth _ _ _ _ _ _);Deriv].
  repeat constructor.
 assert (X1:Continuous (olor [0] Two) (([-C-][1]{-}FId){^}n)).
 assert (X2:(olor [0] Two [1])).
   apply pos_one.
  apply one_less_two.
 eapply eq_transitive.
  2:apply eq_symmetric.
  2:apply (fun ABarrow (olor [0] Two) _ X1 _ _ X0 _ _ A X2 Hc0).
 rstepr (([--][1][/]nring (R:=IR) n[+][1][//]nringS_ap_zero IR n)[*]
   (nexp IR n ([1][-]c)[*]([1][-]c))).
 change (([--][1][^]n[/]_[//]nringS_ap_zero IR n)[*] ((c[-][1])[^](S n))[=]
   ([--][1][/]_[//]nringS_ap_zero IR n)[*] (([1][-]c)[^](S n))).
 rstepr (([--][1][/]nring (R:=IR) (S n)[//]nringS_ap_zero IR n)[*] ([--][1][*](c[-][1]))[^]S n).
 csetoid_rewrite (mult_nexp IR ([--][1]) (c[-][1]) (S n)).

End Log_Series.