
Require Export FunctSeries.
Require Export MoreFunctions.

Section Definitions.

More on Sequences and Series

We will now extend our convergence definitions and results for sequences and series of functions defined in compact intervals to arbitrary intervals.
Throughout this file, J will be an interval, f, g will be sequences of continuous (in J) functions and F,G will be continuous (in J) functions.


First we will consider the case of sequences.


Some of the definitions do not make sense in this more general setting (for instance, because the norm of a function is no longer defined), but the ones which do we simply adapt in the usual way.

Variable J : interval.
Variable f : natPartIR.
Variable F : PartIR.

Hypothesis contf : n : nat, Continuous J (f n).
Hypothesis contF : Continuous J F.

Definition Cauchy_fun_seq_IR := a b Hab (Hinc : included (compact a b Hab) J),
  Cauchy_fun_seq _ _ _ f (fun nincluded_imp_Continuous _ _ (contf n) _ _ _ Hinc).

Definition conv_fun_seq_IR := a b Hab (Hinc : included (Compact Hab) J),
  conv_fun_seq a b Hab f (fun nincluded_imp_Continuous _ _ (contf n) _ _ _ Hinc).

Definition conv_fun_seq'_IR := a b Hab (Hinc : included (Compact Hab) J),
  conv_fun_seq' a b Hab f F
    (fun nincluded_imp_Continuous _ _ (contf n) _ _ _ Hinc)
    (included_imp_Continuous _ _ contF _ _ _ Hinc).

Definition Cauchy_fun_seq2_IR := a b Hab (Hinc : included (compact a b Hab) J),
  Cauchy_fun_seq2 _ _ _ f (fun nincluded_imp_Continuous _ _ (contf n) _ _ _ Hinc).

The equivalences between these definitions still hold.

Lemma conv_Cauchy_fun_seq'_IR : conv_fun_seq'_IRCauchy_fun_seq_IR.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; red in H.
 apply conv_Cauchy_fun_seq' with F (included_imp_Continuous _ _ contF _ _ _ Hinc); auto.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq_seq2_IR : Cauchy_fun_seq_IRCauchy_fun_seq2_IR.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; red in H.
 apply Cauchy_fun_seq_seq2; auto.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq2_seq_IR : Cauchy_fun_seq2_IRCauchy_fun_seq_IR.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; red in H.
 apply Cauchy_fun_seq2_seq; auto.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_real_IR : Cauchy_fun_seq_IR x Hx,
 Cauchy_prop (fun nPart _ _ (Continuous_imp_inc _ _ (contf n) x Hx)).
 intros H x Hx.
 red in H.
 cut (included (compact_single x) J). intro H0.
  set (contf' := fun i : natincluded_imp_Continuous J (f i) (contf i) _ _ (leEq_reflexive _ x) H0)
    in ×.
  apply Cauchy_prop_wd with (fun n : natPart (f n) x ((fun i : nat
    contin_imp_inc _ _ (leEq_reflexive _ x) (f i) (contf' i)) n x (compact_single_prop x))).
   apply Cauchy_fun_real.
   unfold contf' in |- *; simpl in |- *; apply H.
  intro; simpl in |- *; algebra.
 apply compact_single_iprop; auto.

End Definitions.

Section More_Definitions.

Limit is defined and works in the same way as before.

Variable J : interval.
Variable f : natPartIR.

Hypothesis contf : n : nat, Continuous J (f n).
Hypothesis conv : Cauchy_fun_seq_IR J f contf.

Definition Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR : PartIR.
 apply Build_PartFunct with (pfpfun := fun (x : IR) (Hx : J x) ⇒
   Lim (Build_CauchySeq _ _ (Cauchy_fun_real_IR _ _ _ conv x Hx))).
  apply iprop_wd.
 intros x y Hx Hy H.
 elim (Lim_strext _ _ H).
 intros n Hn.
 simpl in Hn.
 exact (pfstrx _ _ _ _ _ _ Hn).

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_char : a b Hab (Hinc : included (Compact Hab) J),
 Feq (Compact Hab) Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR
  (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ (conv a b Hab Hinc)).
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply Lim_wd'; intros; simpl in |- *; algebra.

End More_Definitions.

Section Irrelevance_of_Proofs.

Basic Properties

Proofs are irrelevant as before---they just have to be present.

Variable J : interval.
Variable f : natPartIR.
Hypotheses contf contf0 : n : nat, Continuous J (f n).

Variable F : PartIR.
Hypotheses contF contF0 : Continuous J F.

Lemma conv_fun_seq'_wd_IR : conv_fun_seq'_IR _ _ _ contf contF
 conv_fun_seq'_IR _ _ _ contf0 contF0.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; intros.
 eapply conv_fun_seq'_wd.
 apply (H a b Hab Hinc).

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq2_wd_IR : Cauchy_fun_seq2_IR _ _ contf
 Cauchy_fun_seq2_IR _ _ contf0.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; intros.
 eapply Cauchy_fun_seq2_wd.
 apply (H a b Hab Hinc).

Lemma conv_fun_seq_wd_IR : conv_fun_seq_IR _ _ contf
 conv_fun_seq_IR _ _ contf0.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; intros.
 eapply conv_fun_seq_wd.
 apply (H a b Hab Hinc).

End Irrelevance_of_Proofs.

Opaque Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR.

Section More_Properties.

Variable J : interval.
Variables f g : natPartIR.

Hypotheses contf contf0 : n : nat, Continuous J (f n).
Hypotheses contg contg0 : n : nat, Continuous J (g n).

Lemma Cauchy_conv_fun_seq'_IR : H contf',
 conv_fun_seq'_IR _ _ (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ contf H) contf contf'.
 red in |- *; intros.
 eapply conv_fun_seq'_wdr.
  apply Feq_symmetric.
  apply (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_char J f contf H a b Hab Hinc).
 apply Cauchy_conv_fun_seq' with (H := H a b Hab Hinc)
   (contf' := Cauchy_cont_Lim _ _ _ _ _ (H a b Hab Hinc)).

Variables F G : PartIR.
Hypotheses contF contF0 : Continuous J F.
Hypotheses contG contG0 : Continuous J G.

Lemma conv_fun_seq'_wdl_IR : ( n, Feq J (f n) (g n)) →
 conv_fun_seq'_IR _ _ _ contf contFconv_fun_seq'_IR _ _ _ contg contF0.
 intros H H0 a b Hab Hinc.
 eapply conv_fun_seq'_wdl with (f := f).
  2: apply (H0 a b Hab Hinc).
 intro; elim (H n); intros.
 inversion_clear b0.
 apply eq_imp_Feq; Included.

Lemma conv_fun_seq'_wdr_IR : Feq J F G
 conv_fun_seq'_IR _ _ _ contf contFconv_fun_seq'_IR _ _ _ contf0 contG.
 intros H H0 a b Hab Hinc.
 eapply conv_fun_seq'_wdr with (F := F).
  2: apply (H0 a b Hab Hinc).
 apply included_Feq with J; auto.

Lemma conv_fun_seq'_wdl'_IR : ( n, Feq J (f n) (g n)) →
 conv_fun_seq'_IR _ _ _ contf contFconv_fun_seq'_IR _ _ _ contg contF.
 intros H H0 a b Hab Hinc.
 eapply conv_fun_seq'_wdl' with (f := f); auto.
 intro; elim (H n); intros.
 inversion_clear b0.
 apply eq_imp_Feq; Included.

Lemma conv_fun_seq'_wdr'_IR : Feq J F G
 conv_fun_seq'_IR _ _ _ contf contFconv_fun_seq'_IR _ _ _ contf contG.
 intros H H0 a b Hab Hinc.
 eapply conv_fun_seq'_wdr' with (F := F).
  2: apply (H0 a b Hab Hinc).
 apply included_Feq with J; auto.

Lemma Cauchy_cont_Lim_IR : H, Continuous J (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ contf H).
 split; Included.
 intros a b Hab H0; eapply Continuous_I_wd.
  apply Feq_symmetric.
  apply (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_char J f contf H a b Hab H0).

Lemma Cauchy_conv_fun_seq_IR : Cauchy_fun_seq_IR _ _ contf
 conv_fun_seq_IR _ _ contf.
 intros H a b Hab Hinc.
 eapply Cauchy_conv_fun_seq.
 apply (H a b Hab Hinc).

Lemma conv_Cauchy_fun_seq_IR : conv_fun_seq_IR _ _ contf
 Cauchy_fun_seq_IR _ _ contf.
 intros H a b Hab Hinc.
 eapply conv_Cauchy_fun_seq.
 apply (H a b Hab Hinc).

End More_Properties.

Hint Resolve Cauchy_cont_Lim_IR: continuous.

Section Algebraic_Properties.

Algebraic Properties

Algebraic operations still work well.

Variable J : interval.
Variables f g : natPartIR.

Hypothesis contf : n : nat, Continuous J (f n).
Hypothesis contg : n : nat, Continuous J (g n).

Lemma FLim_unique_IR : F G HF HG,
 conv_fun_seq'_IR J f F contf HFconv_fun_seq'_IR J f G contf HGFeq J F G.
 intros F G HF HG H H0.
 apply included_Feq'.
 intros a b Hab H1.
 apply FLim_unique with f (fun n : natincluded_imp_Continuous _ _ (contf n) _ _ _ H1)
   (included_imp_Continuous _ _ HF _ _ _ H1) (included_imp_Continuous _ _ HG _ _ _ H1); auto.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq_wd_IR : ( n, Feq J (f n) (g n)) →
 Cauchy_fun_seq_IR _ _ contfCauchy_fun_seq_IR _ _ contg.
 intros H H0 a b Hab Hinc.
 eapply Cauchy_fun_seq_wd with (f := f).
  2: apply (H0 a b Hab Hinc).
 intro; apply included_Feq with J; auto.

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_const_IR : H contH contH',
 conv_fun_seq'_IR J (fun nH) H contH contH'.
  0; intros.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  2: eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply AbsIRz_isz.
  apply less_leEq; assumption.
 apply AbsIR_wd; rational.

Lemma fun_Cauchy_prop_const_IR : H (contH:Continuous J H), Cauchy_fun_seq_IR J (fun nH) (fun ncontH).
 apply conv_Cauchy_fun_seq'_IR with H (contH).
 apply fun_Lim_seq_const_IR.

Variables F G : PartIR.
Hypothesis contF : Continuous J F.
Hypothesis contG : Continuous J G.

Hypothesis convF : conv_fun_seq'_IR _ _ _ contf contF.
Hypothesis convG : conv_fun_seq'_IR _ _ _ contg contG.

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_plus'_IR : H H',
 conv_fun_seq'_IR J (fun nf n{+}g n) (F{+}G) H H'.
 red in |- *; intros.
 eapply fun_Lim_seq_plus'.
  apply (convF a b Hab Hinc).
 apply (convG a b Hab Hinc).

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_minus'_IR : H H',
 conv_fun_seq'_IR J (fun nf n{-}g n) (F{-}G) H H'.
 red in |- *; intros.
 eapply fun_Lim_seq_minus'.
  apply (convF a b Hab Hinc).
 apply (convG a b Hab Hinc).

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_mult'_IR : H H',
 conv_fun_seq'_IR J (fun nf n{*}g n) (F{*}G) H H'.
 red in |- *; intros.
 eapply fun_Lim_seq_mult'.
  apply (convF a b Hab Hinc).
 apply (convG a b Hab Hinc).

End Algebraic_Properties.

Section More_Algebraic_Properties.

If we work with the limit function things fit in just as well.

Variable J : interval.
Variables f g : natPartIR.

Hypothesis contf : n : nat, Continuous J (f n).
Hypothesis contg : n : nat, Continuous J (g n).

Hypothesis Hf : Cauchy_fun_seq_IR _ _ contf.
Hypothesis Hg : Cauchy_fun_seq_IR _ _ contg.

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_plus_IR : H H', conv_fun_seq'_IR J (fun nf n{+}g n)
 (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hf{+}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hg) H H'.
 red in |- *; intros.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ (Hf a b Hab Hinc))); [ intro H0 | Contin ].
 cut (Continuous_I Hab (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ (Hg a b Hab Hinc))); [ intro H1 | Contin ].
 eapply conv_fun_seq'_wdr with (contF := Continuous_I_plus _ _ _ _ _ H0 H1).
  apply Feq_symmetric; apply Feq_plus; apply Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_char.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_plus with (Hf := Hf a b Hab Hinc) (Hg := Hg a b Hab Hinc)
   (H := fun n : natincluded_imp_Continuous _ _ (H n) _ _ _ Hinc).

Lemma fun_Cauchy_prop_plus : H, Cauchy_fun_seq_IR J (fun nf n{+}g n) H.
 cut (Continuous J (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hf{+}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hg));
   [ intro H0 | Contin ].
 apply conv_Cauchy_fun_seq'_IR
   with (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hf{+}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hg) H0.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_plus_IR.

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_inv_IR : H H',
 conv_fun_seq'_IR J (fun n{--} (f n)) {--} (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hf) H H'.
 red in |- *; intros.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ (Hf a b Hab Hinc))); [ intro H0 | Contin ].
 eapply conv_fun_seq'_wdr with (contF := Continuous_I_inv _ _ _ _ H0).
  apply Feq_symmetric; apply Feq_inv; apply Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_char.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_inv with (Hf := Hf a b Hab Hinc)
   (H := fun n : natincluded_imp_Continuous _ _ (H n) _ _ _ Hinc).

Lemma fun_Cauchy_prop_inv : H, Cauchy_fun_seq_IR J (fun n{--} (f n)) H.
 cut (Continuous J {--} (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hf)); [ intro H0 | Contin ].
 apply conv_Cauchy_fun_seq'_IR with ( {--} (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hf)) H0.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_inv_IR.

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_minus_IR : H H', conv_fun_seq'_IR J (fun nf n{-}g n)
 (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hf{-}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hg) H H'.
 red in |- *; intros.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ (Hf a b Hab Hinc))); [ intro H0 | Contin ].
 cut (Continuous_I Hab (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ (Hg a b Hab Hinc))); [ intro H1 | Contin ].
 eapply conv_fun_seq'_wdr with (contF := Continuous_I_minus _ _ _ _ _ H0 H1).
  apply Feq_symmetric; apply Feq_minus; apply Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_char.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_minus with (Hf := Hf a b Hab Hinc) (Hg := Hg a b Hab Hinc)
   (H := fun n : natincluded_imp_Continuous _ _ (H n) _ _ _ Hinc).

Lemma fun_Cauchy_prop_minus : H, Cauchy_fun_seq_IR J (fun nf n{-}g n) H.
 cut (Continuous J (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hf{-}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hg));
   [ intro H0 | Contin ].
 apply conv_Cauchy_fun_seq'_IR
   with (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hf{-}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hg) H0.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_minus_IR.

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_mult_IR : H H', conv_fun_seq'_IR J (fun nf n{*}g n)
 (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hf{*}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hg) H H'.
 red in |- *; intros.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ (Hf a b Hab Hinc))); [ intro H0 | Contin ].
 cut (Continuous_I Hab (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ (Hg a b Hab Hinc))); [ intro H1 | Contin ].
 eapply conv_fun_seq'_wdr with (contF := Continuous_I_mult _ _ _ _ _ H0 H1).
  apply Feq_symmetric; apply Feq_mult; apply Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_char.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_mult with (Hf := Hf a b Hab Hinc) (Hg := Hg a b Hab Hinc)
   (H := fun n : natincluded_imp_Continuous _ _ (H n) _ _ _ Hinc).

Lemma fun_Cauchy_prop_mult : H, Cauchy_fun_seq_IR J (fun nf n{*}g n) H.
 cut (Continuous J (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hf{*}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hg));
   [ intro H0 | Contin ].
 apply conv_Cauchy_fun_seq'_IR
   with (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hf{*}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim_IR _ _ _ Hg) H0.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_mult_IR.

End More_Algebraic_Properties.

Section Other.


Finally, we define a mapping between sequences of real numbers and sequences of (constant) functions and prove that convergence is preserved.

Definition seq_to_funseq (x : natIR) n : PartIR := [-C-] (x n).

Lemma funseq_conv : J x y, nonvoid Jconv_fun_seq'_IR J
 (seq_to_funseq x) [-C-]y (fun nContinuous_const _ _) (Continuous_const _ _) →
 Cauchy_Lim_prop2 x y.
 intros J x y H H0 eps H1.
 elim (nonvoid_point J H); intros x0 Hx0.
 cut (included (compact_single x0) J).
  2: apply compact_single_iprop; auto.
 intro H2.
 elim (H0 _ _ (leEq_reflexive _ _) H2 eps).
  intros N HN.
   N; intros.
  simpl in HN.
  apply AbsIR_imp_AbsSmall.
  apply HN with x0.
  fold (compact_single x0) in |- ×.
  apply compact_single_prop.

Another interesting fact: if a sequence of constant functions converges then it must converge to a constant function.

Lemma fun_const_Lim : J f F contf contF, proper J
 conv_fun_seq'_IR J f F contf contF → ( n, {c : IR | Feq J (f n) [-C-]c}) →
 {c : IR | Feq J F [-C-]c}.
 intros J f F contf contF pJ H H0.
 set (incF := Continuous_imp_inc _ _ contF) in ×.
 set (incf := fun n : natContinuous_imp_inc _ _ (contf n)) in ×.
 elim (nonvoid_point _ (proper_nonvoid _ pJ)); intros x0 Hx0.
  (Part F x0 (incF x0 Hx0)).
 FEQ. rename X into H1.
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply cg_inv_unique_2; apply AbsIR_approach_zero.
 intros e H2.
 cut (included (Compact (Min_leEq_Max x x0)) J).
  2: apply included_interval; auto.
 intro Hinc.
 elim (H _ _ _ Hinc _ (pos_div_two _ _ H2)); intros N HN.
 set (Fx := Part _ _ Hx) in ×.
 set (Fa := Part _ _ (incF x0 Hx0)) in ×.
 set (fx := Part _ _ (incf N x H1)) in ×.
 set (fa := Part _ _ (incf N x0 Hx0)) in ×.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Fx[-]fx[+] (fx[-]fa) [+] (fa[-]Fa))).
  2: apply AbsIR_wd; rational.
 rstepr (e [/]TwoNZ[+][0][+]e [/]TwoNZ).
 eapply leEq_transitive.
  apply triangle_IR.
 apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
  eapply leEq_transitive.
   apply triangle_IR.
  apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
   eapply leEq_wdl.
    2: apply AbsIR_minus.
   eapply leEq_wdl.
    apply (HN N (le_n N) x (compact_Min_lft _ _ _)).
   unfold Fx, fx in |- *; apply AbsIR_wd; rational.
  elim (H0 N); intros c Hc.
  apply eq_imp_leEq.
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   2: apply AbsIRz_isz.
  elim Hc; clear Hc; intros H5 H3.
  elim H3; clear H3; intros H6 H4.
  apply AbsIR_wd; unfold fx, fa in |- *; astepr (c[-]c).
  apply cg_minus_wd; simpl in H4; apply H4; auto.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN N (le_n N) x0 (compact_Min_rht _ _ _)).
 unfold Fa, fa in |- *; apply AbsIR_wd; rational.

End Other.

Section Series_Definitions.


We now consider series of functions defined in arbitrary intervals.
Convergence is defined as expected---through convergence in every compact interval.

Variable J : interval.
Variable f : natPartIR.

Definition fun_series_convergent_IR := a b Hab (Hinc : included (Compact Hab) J),
  fun_series_convergent a b Hab f.

Lemma fun_series_conv_imp_conv_IR : fun_series_convergent_IR
  x, J x Hx, convergent (fun n : natf n x (Hx n)).
 intros H x H0 Hx.
 apply fun_series_conv_imp_conv with (Hab := leEq_reflexive _ x).
  apply H.
  fold (compact_single x) in |- *; apply compact_single_iprop; auto.
 apply compact_single_prop.

Hypothesis H : fun_series_convergent_IR.

Lemma fun_series_inc_IR : x, J x n, Dom (f n) x.
 intros x H0 n.
 elim (H _ _ (leEq_reflexive _ x) (compact_single_iprop J x H0)).
 intros contF CauchyF.
 apply (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ (contF n)).
 apply compact_single_prop.

Assume h(x) is the pointwise series of f(x)

Lemma FSeries_Sum_strext_IR : x y Hx Hy, h x Hx [#] h y Hyx [#] y.
 unfold h in |- *; clear h; intros x y Hx Hy H0.
 unfold series_sum in H0.
 elim (Lim_strext _ _ H0); intros N HN.
 simpl in HN; unfold seq_part_sum in HN.
 elim (Sum0_strext _ _ _ _ HN); intros.
 exact (pfstrx _ _ _ _ _ _ q).

Definition ∑' : PartIR.
 apply Build_PartFunct with (pfpfun := h).
  apply iprop_wd.
 exact FSeries_Sum_strext_IR.

Lemma FSeries_Sum_char : a b Hab (Hinc : included (Compact Hab) J),
 Feq (Compact Hab) ∑' (Fun_Series_Sum (H a b Hab Hinc)).
 intros; FEQ.
 simpl in |- *; Included.
 simpl in |- *; unfold h in |- ×.
 apply series_sum_wd; intros; algebra.

End Series_Definitions.

Implicit Arguments ∑' [J f].

Section More_Series_Definitions.

Variable J : interval.
Variable f : natPartIR.

Absolute convergence still exists.
As before, any series converges to its sum.

Variable J : interval.
Variable f : natPartIR.

Lemma FSeries_conv : (convF : fun_series_convergent_IR J f) H H',
 conv_fun_seq'_IR J (fun nFSum0 n f) (∑' convF) H H'.
 red in |- *; intros.
 elim (convF _ _ _ Hinc); intros Hcont Hconv.
 apply conv_fun_seq'_wdr with (f := fun n : natFSum0 n f)
   (contf := fun n : natincluded_imp_Continuous _ _ (H n) _ _ _ Hinc)
     (contF := Fun_Series_Sum_cont _ _ _ _ (convF _ _ _ Hinc)).
  apply Feq_symmetric; apply FSeries_Sum_char.
 apply conv_fun_seq'_wdl with (f := fun_seq_part_sum f)
   (contf := fun n : natincluded_imp_Continuous _ _ (H n) _ _ _ Hinc)
     (contF := Fun_Series_Sum_cont _ _ _ _ (convF _ _ _ Hinc)).
  intro; apply Feq_reflexive.
  red in |- *; intros.
  simpl in |- *; intros.
  apply (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ (Hcont n0)); auto.
 apply fun_series_conv.

Lemma convergent_imp_inc : fun_series_convergent_IR J f n, included J (Dom (f n)).
 intros H n.
 apply included_imp_inc.
 intros a b Hab H0.
 red in H.
 elim (H _ _ _ H0); intros.
 apply contin_imp_inc; auto.

Lemma convergent_imp_Continuous : fun_series_convergent_IR J f n,
 Continuous J (f n).
 intros H n.
  exact (convergent_imp_inc H n).
 intros a b Hab H0; auto.
 elim (H a b Hab H0); auto.

Lemma Continuous_FSeries_Sum : H, Continuous J (∑' (J:=J) (f:=f) H).
 split; Included.
 intros a b Hab H0.
 eapply Continuous_I_wd.
  apply Feq_symmetric; apply (FSeries_Sum_char _ _ H _ _ _ H0).
 eapply Continuous_I_wd.
  apply Fun_Series_Sum_char.
 apply Cauchy_cont_Lim.

End Convergence_Results.

Hint Resolve convergent_imp_inc: included.
Hint Resolve convergent_imp_Continuous Continuous_FSeries_Sum: continuous.

Section Operations.

Algebraic Operations

Convergence is well defined and preserved by operations.

Variable J : interval.

Lemma conv_fun_const_series_IR : x : natIR, convergent x
 fun_series_convergent_IR J (fun n[-C-] (x n)).
 red in |- *; intros.
 apply conv_fun_const_series; auto.

Lemma fun_const_series_Sum_IR : y H
 (H' : fun_series_convergent_IR J (fun n[-C-] (y n))) x Hx, ∑' H' x Hx [=] series_sum y H.
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply series_sum_wd.

Lemma conv_zero_fun_series_IR : fun_series_convergent_IR J (fun n[-C-][0]).
 apply conv_fun_const_series_IR with (x := fun n : natZeroR).
 apply conv_zero_series.

Lemma FSeries_Sum_zero_IR : (H : fun_series_convergent_IR J (fun n[-C-][0]))
   x Hx, ∑' H x Hx [=] [0].
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply series_sum_zero.

Variables f g : natPartIR.

Lemma fun_series_convergent_wd_IR : ( n, Feq J (f n) (g n)) →
 fun_series_convergent_IR J ffun_series_convergent_IR J g.
 red in |- *; intros.
 apply fun_series_convergent_wd with f.
  intros; apply included_Feq with J; auto.

Hypothesis convF : fun_series_convergent_IR J f.
Hypothesis convG : fun_series_convergent_IR J g.

Lemma FSeries_Sum_wd' : ( n, Feq J (f n) (g n)) → Feq J (∑' convF) (∑' convG).
 intros H.
 apply included_Feq'; intros a b Hab H0.
 eapply Feq_transitive.
  apply (FSeries_Sum_char _ _ convF a b Hab H0).
 eapply Feq_transitive.
  2: apply Feq_symmetric; apply (FSeries_Sum_char _ _ convG a b Hab H0).
 apply Fun_Series_Sum_wd'.
 intro; apply included_Feq with J; auto.

Lemma FSeries_Sum_plus_conv : fun_series_convergent_IR J (fun nf n{+}g n).
 red in |- *; intros.
 apply conv_fun_series_plus; auto.

Lemma FSeries_Sum_plus : H : fun_series_convergent_IR J (fun nf n{+}g n),
 Feq J (∑' H) (∑' convF{+}∑' convG).
 apply included_Feq'; intros a b Hab H0.
 eapply Feq_transitive.
  apply (FSeries_Sum_char _ _ H a b Hab H0).
 eapply Feq_transitive.
  apply Fun_Series_Sum_plus with (convF := convF a b Hab H0) (convG := convG a b Hab H0).
 apply Feq_symmetric; apply Feq_plus; apply FSeries_Sum_char.

Lemma FSeries_Sum_inv_conv : fun_series_convergent_IR J (fun n{--} (f n)).
 red in |- *; intros.
 apply conv_fun_series_inv; auto.

Lemma FSeries_Sum_inv : H : fun_series_convergent_IR J (fun n{--} (f n)),
 Feq J (∑' H) {--} (∑' convF).
 apply included_Feq'; intros a b Hab H0.
 eapply Feq_transitive.
  apply (FSeries_Sum_char _ _ H a b Hab H0).
 eapply Feq_transitive.
  apply Fun_Series_Sum_inv with (convF := convF a b Hab H0).
 apply Feq_symmetric; apply Feq_inv; apply FSeries_Sum_char.

Lemma FSeries_Sum_minus_conv : fun_series_convergent_IR J (fun nf n{-}g n).
 red in |- *; intros.
 apply conv_fun_series_minus; auto.

Lemma FSeries_Sum_minus : H : fun_series_convergent_IR J (fun nf n{-}g n),
 Feq J (∑' H) (∑' convF{-}∑' convG).
 apply included_Feq'; intros a b Hab H0.
 eapply Feq_transitive.
  apply (FSeries_Sum_char _ _ H a b Hab H0).
 eapply Feq_transitive.
  apply Fun_Series_Sum_min with (convF := convF a b Hab H0) (convG := convG a b Hab H0).
 apply Feq_symmetric; apply Feq_minus; apply FSeries_Sum_char.

Let c:IR and H:PartIR be continuous in J.

Variable c : IR.
Variable H : PartIR.
Hypothesis contH : Continuous J H.

Lemma FSeries_Sum_scal_conv : fun_series_convergent_IR J (fun nH{*}f n).
 red in |- *; intros.
 apply conv_fun_series_scal; auto.
 eapply included_imp_Continuous.
  apply contH.

Lemma FSeries_Sum_scal : H' : fun_series_convergent_IR J (fun nH{*}f n),
 Feq J (∑' H') (H{*}∑' convF).
 apply included_Feq'; intros a b Hab H0.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab H). intro H1.
  eapply Feq_transitive.
   apply (FSeries_Sum_char _ _ H' a b Hab H0).
  eapply Feq_transitive.
   apply Fun_Series_Sum_scal with (convF := convF a b Hab H0).
  apply Feq_symmetric; apply Feq_mult.
   apply Feq_reflexive; Included.
  apply FSeries_Sum_char.
 eapply included_imp_Continuous.
  apply contH.

End Operations.

Section Convergence_Criteria.

Convergence Criteria

The most important tests for convergence of series still apply: the comparison test (in both versions) and the ratio test.

Variable J : interval.
Variable f : natPartIR.
Hypothesis contF : n, Continuous J (f n).

Lemma fun_str_comparison_IR : g : natPartIR, fun_series_convergent_IR J g
 {k : nat | n, k n x, J x Hx Hx', AbsIR (f n x Hx) [<=] g n x Hx'}
 fun_series_convergent_IR J f.
 intros g H H0 a b Hab H1.
 apply fun_str_comparison with g.
   intro; apply included_imp_Continuous with J; auto.
 elim H0; clear H0; intros k Hk.
  k; intros.
 apply Hk; auto.

Lemma fun_comparison_IR : g : natPartIR, fun_series_convergent_IR J g
 ( n x, J x Hx Hx', AbsIR (f n x Hx) [<=] g n x Hx') →
 fun_series_convergent_IR J f.
 intros g H H0.
 apply fun_str_comparison_IR with g; auto.
  0; intros; apply H0; auto.

Lemma abs_imp_conv_IR : fun_series_abs_convergent_IR J f
 fun_series_convergent_IR J f.
 intro H.
 apply fun_comparison_IR with (fun nFAbs (f n)).
  apply H.
 intros; apply eq_imp_leEq; apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply FAbs_char.

Lemma fun_ratio_test_conv_IR : {N : nat | {c : IR | c [<] [1] | [0] [<=] c ( x,
  J x n, N n Hx Hx', AbsIR (f (S n) x Hx') [<=] c[*]AbsIR (f n x Hx))}}
 fun_series_convergent_IR J f.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; intros.
 apply fun_ratio_test_conv.
  intro; apply included_imp_Continuous with J; auto.
 elim H; intros N HN.
 elim HN; clear H HN; intros c Hc H.
 inversion_clear H.
  N; c; repeat split; auto.

End Convergence_Criteria.

Section Power_Series.

***Power Series
The geometric series converges on the open interval (-1, 1)

Lemma fun_power_series_conv_IR : fun_series_convergent_IR (olor ([--][1]) [1]) (fun (i:nat) ⇒ Fid IR{^}i).
 intros a b Hab H.
 apply fun_ratio_test_conv.
  intros n.
  (Max (AbsIR a) (AbsIR b)).
  destruct (H a) as [Ha0 Ha1].
   split; assumption || apply leEq_reflexive.
  destruct (H b) as [Hb0 Hb1].
   split; assumption || apply leEq_reflexive.
  apply Max_less; apply AbsIR_less; assumption.
  eapply leEq_transitive.
   apply AbsIR_nonneg.
  apply lft_leEq_Max.
 intros x Hx n Hn _ _.
 rstepr (ABSIR (nexp IR n x)[*]MAX (ABSIR a) (ABSIR b)).
 change (AbsIR (nexp IR n x[*]x)[<=]AbsIR (nexp IR n x)[*]Max (AbsIR a) (AbsIR b)).
 stepl (AbsIR (nexp IR n x)[*]AbsIR x); [| apply eq_symmetric; apply AbsIR_resp_mult].
 apply mult_resp_leEq_lft;[|apply AbsIR_nonneg].
 apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR.
 destruct Hx.
  apply leEq_transitive with a;[|assumption].
  rstepr ([--][--]a).
  apply inv_resp_leEq.
  apply leEq_transitive with (AbsIR a).
   apply inv_leEq_AbsIR.
  apply lft_leEq_Max.
 apply leEq_transitive with b;[assumption|].
 apply leEq_transitive with (AbsIR b).
  apply leEq_AbsIR.
 apply rht_leEq_Max.

End Power_Series.

Section Insert_Series.


When working in particular with power series and Taylor series, it is sometimes useful to ``shift'' all the terms in the series one position forward, that is, replacing each fi+1 with fi and inserting the null function in the first position. This does not affect convergence or the sum of the series.

Variable J : interval.
Variable f : natPartIR.
Hypothesis convF : fun_series_convergent_IR J f.

Definition insert_series n : PartIR :=
  match n with
  | O[-C-][0]
  | S pf p

Lemma insert_series_cont : n, Continuous J (insert_series n).
 intro; elim n; intros.
  simpl in |- *; apply Continuous_const.
 simpl in |- *; apply convergent_imp_Continuous; auto.

Lemma insert_series_sum_char : n x Hx Hx',
 fun_seq_part_sum f n x Hx [=] fun_seq_part_sum insert_series (S n) x Hx'.
 intro; induction n as [| n Hrecn].
  intros; simpl in |- *; algebra.
 intros; simpl in |- *; simpl in Hrecn; algebra.

Lemma insert_series_conv : fun_series_convergent_IR J insert_series.
 intros a b Hab Hinc.
 elim (convF _ _ _ Hinc); intros Hcont HCauchy.
  (fun nincluded_imp_Continuous _ _ (insert_series_cont n) _ _ _ Hinc).
 intros e H.
 elim (HCauchy e H); intros N HN.
  (S N); do 4 intro.
 cut (m = S (pred m)); [ intro | apply S_pred with 0; apply lt_le_trans with (S N); auto with arith ].
 cut (n = S (pred n)); [ intro | apply S_pred with 0; apply lt_le_trans with (S N); auto with arith ].
 generalize H0 H1; clear H1 H0.
 rewrite H2; rewrite H3; clear H2 H3.
 cut (N pred m); [ intro | auto with arith ].
 cut (N pred n); [ intro | auto with arith ].
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN _ _ H2 H3 x Hx).
 apply AbsIR_wd.
 apply cg_minus_wd; apply insert_series_sum_char.

Lemma insert_series_sum : Feq J (∑' convF) (∑' insert_series_conv).
 set (contF := convergent_imp_Continuous _ _ convF) in ×.
 apply FLim_unique_IR with (fun nFSum0 n f) (fun nContinuous_Sum0 _ _ contF n)
   (Continuous_FSeries_Sum _ _ convF) (Continuous_FSeries_Sum _ _ insert_series_conv).
  apply FSeries_conv.
 red in |- *; intros.
 assert (convS := FSeries_conv _ _ insert_series_conv (Continuous_Sum0 _ _ insert_series_cont)
   (Continuous_FSeries_Sum _ _ insert_series_conv) _ _ _ Hinc).
 intros e H.
 elim (convS e H); intros N HN.
 clear convS; N; intros.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN (S n) (le_S _ _ H0) _ Hx).
 apply AbsIR_wd; apply cg_minus_wd.
  2: algebra.
 apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
  eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   2: apply (insert_series_sum_char n x (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _
     (included_imp_Continuous _ _ (Continuous_Sum0 _ _ contF n) _ _ _ Hinc) _ Hx)
       (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ (included_imp_Continuous _ _
         (Continuous_Sum0 _ _ insert_series_cont (S n)) _ _ _ Hinc) _ Hx)).
  unfold fun_seq_part_sum in |- *; algebra.
 unfold fun_seq_part_sum in |- *; algebra.

End Insert_Series.