
Require Export Metric.
Require Import Classification.
Require Import UniformContinuity.
Require Import Prelength.
Require Import Complete.
Require Import CornTac.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Product Metric

The product of two metric spaces forms a metric space
Section ProductSetoid.

Variable X Y : RSetoid.

Definition prod_st_eq (a b:X×Y) :=
st_eq (fst a) (fst b) st_eq (snd a) (snd b).

Lemma prodST : Setoid_Theory _ prod_st_eq.
 split; unfold prod_st_eq.
   intros; split; reflexivity.
  intros x y [H1 H2]; split; symmetry; assumption.
 intros x y z [H1 H2] [H3 H4]; split.
  transitivity (fst y); assumption.
 transitivity (snd y); assumption.

Definition prodS : RSetoid := Build_RSetoid prodST.
End ProductSetoid.

Section ProductMetric.
Variable X Y : MetricSpace.

Definition prod_ball e (a b:X×Y) :=
ball e (fst a) (fst b) ball e (snd a) (snd b).

Lemma prod_ball_refl : e a, prod_ball e a a.
 intros e a.
 split; auto with ×.

Lemma prod_ball_sym : e a b, prod_ball e a bprod_ball e b a.
 intros e a b [H1 H2].
 split; auto with ×.

Lemma prod_ball_triangle : e1 e2 a b c, prod_ball e1 a bprod_ball e2 b cprod_ball (e1 + e2) a c.
 intros e1 e2 a b c [H1 H2] [H3 H4].
 split; eauto with metric.

Lemma prod_ball_closed : e a b, ( d, prod_ball (e + d) a b) → prod_ball e a b.
 intros e a b H.
 unfold prod_ball in ×.
 split; apply ball_closed; firstorder.

Lemma prod_ball_eq : a b, ( e, prod_ball e a b) → prod_st_eq _ _ a b.
 intros a b H.
 unfold prod_ball in ×.
 split; apply ball_eq; firstorder.

Lemma prod_is_MetricSpace : is_MetricSpace (prodS X Y) prod_ball.
     exact prod_ball_refl.
    exact prod_ball_sym.
   exact prod_ball_triangle.
  exact prod_ball_closed.
 exact prod_ball_eq.

Definition ProductMS : MetricSpace.
  (prodS X Y) prod_ball.
  abstract ( intros e1 e2 He a1 a2 [Ha0 Ha1] b1 b2 [Hb0 Hb1]; unfold prod_ball;
    change (QposEq e1 e2) in He; rewriteHe, Ha0, Ha1, Hb0, Hb1; reflexivity) using prod_ball_wd.
 apply prod_is_MetricSpace.

Product metrics preserve properties of metric spaces such as being a prelenght space, being stable, being located, and being deciable
Lemma ProductMS_prelength : PrelengthSpace XPrelengthSpace YPrelengthSpace ProductMS.
 intros HX HY a b e d1 d2 Hed Hab.
 destruct (HX (fst a) (fst b) e d1 d2 Hed (proj1 Hab)) as [c1 Hc1].
 destruct (HY (snd a) (snd b) e d1 d2 Hed (proj2 Hab)) as [c2 Hc2].
  (c1,c2); split; assumption.

Lemma ProductMS_stable : stableMetric XstableMetric YstableMetric ProductMS.
 unfold stableMetric.
 intros H0 H1 e [xl xr] [yl yr] H.
 simpl in H.
 unfold prod_ball in H.
  apply H0; tauto.
 apply H1; tauto.

Furthermore, if a product space is stable, then the components are stable (assuming the components are non-zero).
Lemma ProductMS_stableX : YstableMetric ProductMSstableMetric X.
 unfold stableMetric.
 intros a H0 e x y H.
 assert (Z:¬ ¬ ball (m:=ProductMS) e (x,a) (y,a)).
  revert H.
  cut (ball (m:=X) e x yball (m:=ProductMS) e (x, a) (y, a)).
  intros H.
  split; auto.
  apply ball_refl.
 destruct (H0 _ _ _ Z).

Lemma ProductMS_stableY : XstableMetric ProductMSstableMetric Y.
 unfold stableMetric.
 intros a H0 e x y H.
 assert (Z:¬ ¬ ball (m:=ProductMS) e (a,x) (a,y)).
  revert H.
  cut (ball (m:=Y) e x yball (m:=ProductMS) e (a,x) (a, y)).
  intros H.
  split; auto.
  apply ball_refl.
 destruct (H0 _ _ _ Z).

Lemma ProductMS_located : locatedMetric XlocatedMetric YlocatedMetric ProductMS.
 unfold locatedMetric.
 intros H0 H1 e d x y Hed.
 destruct (H0 _ _ (fst x) (fst y) Hed) as [A | A].
  destruct (H1 _ _ (snd x) (snd y) Hed) as [B | B].
   split; assumption.
  right; intros [_ H].
  apply B; assumption.
 right; intros [H _].
 apply A; assumption.

Lemma ProductMS_decidable : decidableMetric XdecidableMetric YdecidableMetric ProductMS.
 unfold decidableMetric.
 intros H0 H1 e x y.
 destruct (H0 e (fst x) (fst y)) as [A | A].
  destruct (H1 e (snd x) (snd y)) as [B | B].
   split; assumption.
  right; intros [_ H].
  apply B; assumption.
 right; intros [H _].
 apply A; assumption.

This defines a pairing function with types of a metric space
Definition PairMS (x:X) (y:Y) : ProductMS := (x,y).

End ProductMetric.
Open Local Scope uc_scope.

together forms the tensor of two functions operating between metric spaces
Lemma together_uc : A B C D (f:A --> C) (g:B --> D),
 is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (fun (p:ProductMS A B) ⇒ (f (fst p), g (snd p)):ProductMS C D) (fun xQposInf_min (mu f x) (mu g x)).
 intros A B C D f g e a b H.
 split; simpl; apply uc_prf; apply ball_ex_weak_le with (QposInf_min (mu f e) (mu g e)).
    apply QposInf_min_lb_l.
   destruct (QposInf_min (mu f e) (mu g e)) as [q|]; auto.
   destruct H; auto.
  apply QposInf_min_lb_r.
 destruct (QposInf_min (mu f e) (mu g e)) as [q|]; auto.
 destruct H; auto.

Definition together A B C D (f:A --> C) (g:B --> D) : (ProductMS A B --> ProductMS C D) :=
 Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (together_uc f g).

Uniformly continuous functions on the product space can be curried:

Section uc_curry.

  Context {A B C: MetricSpace} (f: ProductMS A B --> C).

  Definition uc_curry_help_prf (a: A): is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (fun bf (a, b)) (mu f).
  Proof with auto.
   repeat intro.
   destruct f. clear f. simpl in ×.
   apply uc_prf.
   destruct (mu e)...
   split... apply ball_refl.

  Definition uc_curry_help (a: A): B --> C := Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (uc_curry_help_prf a).

  Definition uc_curry_prf: is_UniformlyContinuousFunction uc_curry_help (mu f).
  Proof with auto.
   repeat intro. simpl.
   destruct f. clear f. simpl in ×.
   apply uc_prf.
   destruct (mu e)...
   split... apply ball_refl.

  Definition uc_curry: A --> B --> C := Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction uc_curry_prf.

End uc_curry.

Uncurry probably cannot be defined because because there is no way to construct a uniform modulus of continuity from the domain-indexed set of uni-formly continuous functions.
Hence, we can convert only one way, and so non-curried versions of binary functions are strictly more valuable than their curried representations. Consequently, it can be argued that binary functions should always be defined in non-curried form.
Completion distributes over products:

Section completion_distributes.

  Context {X Y: MetricSpace}.

  Program Definition distrib_Complete (xy: Complete (ProductMS X Y)): ProductMS (Complete X) (Complete Y) :=
   (@Build_RegularFunction _ (fun efst (approximate xy e)) _, @Build_RegularFunction _ (fun esnd (approximate xy e)) _).

  Next Obligation. repeat intro. apply xy. Qed.
  Next Obligation. repeat intro. apply xy. Qed.

  Lemma distrib_Complete_uc_prf: is_UniformlyContinuousFunction distrib_Complete (fun ee).
   unfold distrib_Complete.
   intros ??? H. split; repeat intro; simpl; apply H.

  Definition distrib_Complete_uc: Complete (ProductMS X Y) --> ProductMS (Complete X) (Complete Y) :=
    Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction distrib_Complete_uc_prf.

  Program Definition undistrib_Complete (xy: ProductMS (Complete X) (Complete Y)): Complete (ProductMS X Y) :=
   @Build_RegularFunction _ (fun e(approximate (fst xy) e, approximate (snd xy) e)) _.

  Next Obligation. split. apply r. apply r0. Qed.

  Lemma undistrib_Complete_uc_prf: is_UniformlyContinuousFunction undistrib_Complete (fun ee).
   unfold distrib_Complete.
   intros ??? H. split; repeat intro; simpl; apply H.

  Definition undistrib_Complete_uc: ProductMS (Complete X) (Complete Y) --> Complete (ProductMS X Y) :=
    Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction undistrib_Complete_uc_prf.

  Lemma distrib_after_undistrib_Complete xy: st_eq (distrib_Complete (undistrib_Complete xy)) xy.
   intros. unfold distrib_Complete, undistrib_Complete. simpl.
   unfold prod_st_eq. simpl.
   split; apply regFunEq_e; simpl; intros; apply ball_refl.

  Lemma undistrib_after_distrib_Complete xy: st_eq (undistrib_Complete (distrib_Complete xy)) xy.
   intros. unfold undistrib_Complete. simpl.
   apply regFunEq_e.
   split; simpl; apply ball_refl.

End completion_distributes.

The diagonal function x (x,x) is a uniformly continuous function from a metric space X to the product space X × X
Section diag.
 Require Import Unicode.Utf8.
 Variable X:MetricSpace.

 Definition diag_raw : X (ProductMS X X) := λ x, (x,x).

 Lemma diag_uc : (is_UniformlyContinuousFunction diag_raw (λ ε, ε)%Qpos).
  repeat try red; intuition.

 Definition diag: X --> (ProductMS X X) := Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction diag_uc.
End diag.