
Require Import
  theory.setoids theory.products
  stdlib_rationals abstract_algebra QType_rationals additional_operations.
Require Qinf.
Require Import Qauto QOrderedType.
Require Import theory.rings theory.dec_fields orders.rings orders.dec_fields nat_pow.
Require Import interfaces.naturals interfaces.orders.
Import peano_naturals.

Require Import CRGeometricSum.
Import Qround Qpower Qinf.notations.

Definition ext_plus {A} `{Plus B} : Plus (AB) := λ f g x, f x + g x.
Hint Extern 10 (Plus (__)) ⇒ apply @ext_plus : typeclass_instances.

Definition ext_negate {A} `{Negate B} : Negate (AB) := λ f x, - (f x).
Hint Extern 10 (Negate (__)) ⇒ apply @ext_negate : typeclass_instances.

Definition comp_inf {X Z : Type} (g : QZ) (f : XQinf) (inf : Z) (x : X) :=
match (f x) with
| Qinf.finite yg y
| Qinf.infiniteinf

Lemma po_proper' `{PartialOrder A} {x1 x2 y1 y2 : A} :
  x1 y1x1 = x2y1 = y2x2 y2.
Proof. intros A1 A2 A3; now apply (po_proper _ _ A2 _ _ A3). Qed.

Definition ext_equiv' `{Equiv A} `{Equiv B} : Equiv (A B) :=
  λ f g, x : A, f x = g x.

Infix "=1" := ext_equiv' (at level 70, no associativity) : type_scope.

Lemma ext_equiv_l `{Setoid A, Setoid B} (f g : AB) :
  Proper ((=) ==> (=)) ff =1 gf = g.
Proof. intros P eq1_f_g x y eq_x_y; rewrite eq_x_y; apply eq1_f_g. Qed.

Lemma ext_equiv_r `{Setoid A, Setoid B} (f g : AB) :
  Proper ((=) ==> (=)) gf =1 gf = g.
Proof. intros P eq1_f_g x y eq_x_y; rewrite <- eq_x_y; apply eq1_f_g. Qed.

Instance Qinf_le : Le Qinf := Qinf.le.
Instance Qinf_lt : Lt Qinf :=

Bind Scope mc_scope with Q.

Add Field Q : (stdlib_field_theory Q).

Class MetricSpaceBall (X : Type) : Type := mspc_ball: Qinf relation X.

Local Notation ball := mspc_ball.

Class ExtMetricSpaceClass (X : Type) `{MetricSpaceBall X} : Prop := {
  mspc_radius_proper : Proper ((=) ==> (≡) ==> (≡) ==> iff) ball;
  mspc_inf: x y, ball Qinf.infinite x y;
  mspc_negative: (e: Q), e < 0 x y, ¬ ball e x y;
  mspc_refl:> e : Q, 0 e Reflexive (ball e);
  mspc_symm:> e, Symmetric (ball e);
  mspc_triangle: (e1 e2: Q) (a b c: X),
     ball e1 a b ball e2 b c ball (e1 + e2) a c;
  mspc_closed: (e: Q) (a b: X),
     ( d: Q, 0 < dball (e + d) a b) ball e a b

Class MetricSpaceDistance (X : Type) := msd : XXQ.

Class MetricSpaceClass (X : Type) `{ExtMetricSpaceClass X} `{MetricSpaceDistance X} : Prop :=
  mspc_distance : x1 x2 : X, ball (msd x1 x2) x1 x2.

Section ExtMetricSpace.

Context `{ExtMetricSpaceClass X}.

Global Instance mspc_equiv : Equiv X := λ x1 x2, ball 0%Q x1 x2.

Global Instance mspc_setoid : Setoid X.
+ now apply mspc_refl.
+ apply mspc_symm.
+ intros x1 x2 x3 eq12 eq23.
  unfold mspc_equiv, equiv; change 0%Q with (0%Q + 0%Q); now apply mspc_triangle with (b := x2).

Global Instance mspc_proper : Proper ((=) ==> (=) ==> (=) ==> iff) ball.
assert (A := @mspc_radius_proper X _ _).
intros e1 e2 Ee1e2 x1 x2 Ex1x2 y1 y2 Ey1y2;
destruct e1 as [e1 |]; destruct e2 as [e2 |]; split; intro B; try apply mspc_inf;
try (unfold Qinf.eq, equiv in *; contradiction).
+ mc_setoid_replace e2 with (0 + (e2 + 0)) by ring.
  apply mspc_triangle with (b := x1); [apply mspc_symm, Ex1x2 |].
  now apply mspc_triangle with (b := y1); [rewrite <- Ee1e2 |].
+ mc_setoid_replace e1 with (0 + (e1 + 0)) by ring.
  apply mspc_triangle with (b := x2); [apply Ex1x2 |].
  now apply mspc_triangle with (b := y2); [rewrite Ee1e2 | apply mspc_symm].

Lemma mspc_refl' (e : Qinf) : 0 e Reflexive (ball e).
intros E. destruct e as [e |].
+ apply mspc_refl, E.
+ intro x; apply mspc_inf.

Lemma mspc_triangle' :
   (q1 q2 : Q) (x2 x1 x3 : X) (q : Q),
    q1 + q2 = q ball q1 x1 x2 ball q2 x2 x3 ball q x1 x3.
intros q1 q2 x2 x1 x3 q A1 A2 A3. rewrite <- A1. eapply mspc_triangle; eauto.

Lemma mspc_monotone :
   q1 q2 : Q, q1 q2 x y : X, ball q1 x y ball q2 x y.
intros q1 q2 A1 x y A2.
apply (mspc_triangle' q1 (q2 - q1) y); [ring | trivial |]. apply mspc_refl.
apply (order_preserving (+ (-q1))) in A1. now rewrite plus_negate_r in A1.

Lemma mspc_monotone' :
   q1 q2 : Qinf, q1 q2 x y : X, ball q1 x y ball q2 x y.
intros [q1 |] [q2 |] A1 x y A2; try apply mspc_inf.
+ apply (mspc_monotone q1); trivial.
+ elim A1.

Lemma mspc_eq : x y : X, ( e : Q, 0 < eball e x y) x = y.
intros x y; split; intro A.
+ apply mspc_closed; intro d. change 0%Q with (@zero Q _); rewrite plus_0_l; apply A.
+ intros e e_pos. apply (mspc_monotone 0); trivial; solve_propholds.

Lemma radius_nonneg (x y : X) (e : Q) : ball e x y → 0 e.
intro A. destruct (le_or_lt 0 e) as [A1 | A1]; [trivial |].
contradict A; now apply mspc_negative.

End ExtMetricSpace.

Section MetricSpace.

Context `{MetricSpaceClass X}.

Lemma msd_nonneg (x1 x2 : X) : 0 msd x1 x2.
Proof. apply (radius_nonneg x1 x2), mspc_distance. Qed.

End MetricSpace.

Section SubMetricSpace.

Context `{ExtMetricSpaceClass X} (P : XProp).

Global Instance sig_mspc_ball : MetricSpaceBall (sig P) := λ e x y, ball e (`x) (`y).

Global Instance sig_mspc : ExtMetricSpaceClass (sig P).
+ repeat intro; rapply mspc_radius_proper; congruence.
+ repeat intro; rapply mspc_inf.
+ intros; now rapply mspc_negative.
+ repeat intro; now rapply mspc_refl.
+ repeat intro; now rapply mspc_symm.
+ repeat intro; rapply mspc_triangle; eauto.
+ repeat intro; now rapply mspc_closed.

Context {d : MetricSpaceDistance X} {MSC : MetricSpaceClass X}.

Global Instance sig_msd : MetricSpaceDistance (sig P) := λ x y, msd (`x) (`y).

Global Instance sig_mspc_distance : MetricSpaceClass (sig P).
Proof. intros x1 x2; apply: mspc_distance. Qed.

End SubMetricSpace.

Section ProductMetricSpace.

Context `{ExtMetricSpaceClass X, ExtMetricSpaceClass Y}.

Global Instance Linf_product_metric_space_ball : MetricSpaceBall (X × Y) :=
  λ e a b, ball e (fst a) (fst b) ball e (snd a) (snd b).

Lemma product_ball_proper : Proper ((=) ==> (≡) ==> (≡) ==> iff) ball.
intros e1 e2 A1 a1 a2 A2 b1 b2 A3.
unfold mspc_ball, Linf_product_metric_space_ball.
rewrite A1, A2, A3; reflexivity.

Global Instance Linf_product_metric_space_class : ExtMetricSpaceClass (X × Y).
+ apply product_ball_proper.
+ intros x y; split; apply mspc_inf.
+ intros e e_neg x y [A _]. eapply (@mspc_negative X); eauto.
+ intros e e_nonneg x; split; apply mspc_refl; trivial.
+ intros e a b [A1 A2]; split; apply mspc_symm; trivial.
+ intros e1 e2 a b c [A1 A2] [B1 B2]; split; eapply mspc_triangle; eauto.
+ intros e a b A; split; apply mspc_closed; firstorder.

Context {dx : MetricSpaceDistance X} {dy : MetricSpaceDistance Y}
  {MSCx : MetricSpaceClass X} {MSCy : MetricSpaceClass Y}.

Global Instance Linf_product_msd : MetricSpaceDistance (X × Y) :=
  λ a b, join (msd (fst a) (fst b)) (msd (snd a) (snd b)).

Global Instance Linf_product_mspc_distance : MetricSpaceClass (X × Y).
intros z1 z2; split.
+ apply (mspc_monotone (msd (fst z1) (fst z2)));
  [unfold msd, Linf_product_msd; apply join_ub_l | apply mspc_distance].
+ apply (mspc_monotone (msd (snd z1) (snd z2)));
  [unfold msd, Linf_product_msd; apply join_ub_r | apply mspc_distance].

End ProductMetricSpace.

We define Func T X Y if there is a coercion func from T to (X -> Y), i.e., T is a type of functions. It can be instatiated with (locally) uniformly continuous function, (locally) Lipschitz functions, contractions and so on. For instances T of Func we can define supremum metric ball (i.e., L∞ metric) and prove that T is a metric space. Func T X Y is similar to Cast T (X Y), but cast has types as explicit arguments, so for f : T one would have to write cast _ _ f x instead of func f x.

Class Func (T X Y : Type) := func : TXY.

Section FunctionMetricSpace.

Context {X Y T : Type} `{Func T X Y, NonEmpty X, ExtMetricSpaceClass Y}.

Global Instance Linf_func_metric_space_ball : MetricSpaceBall T :=
  λ e f g, x, ball e (func f x) (func g x).

Lemma func_ball_proper : Proper ((=) ==> (≡) ==> (≡) ==> iff) (ball (X := T)).
intros q1 q2 A1 f1 f2 A2 g1 g2 A3; rewrite A2, A3.
split; intros A4 x; [rewrite <- A1 | rewrite A1]; apply A4.

Lemma Linf_func_metric_space_class : ExtMetricSpaceClass T.
match goal with | H : NonEmpty X |- _destruct H as [x0] end.
+ apply func_ball_proper.
+ intros f g x; apply mspc_inf.
+ intros e e_neg f g A. specialize (A x0). eapply mspc_negative; eauto.
+ intros e e_nonneg f x; now apply mspc_refl.
+ intros e f g A x; now apply mspc_symm.
+ intros e1 e2 f g h A1 A2 x. now apply mspc_triangle with (b := func g x).
+ intros e f g A x. apply mspc_closed; intros d A1. now apply A.

End FunctionMetricSpace.

Section UniformContinuity.

Context `{MetricSpaceBall X, MetricSpaceBall Y}.

Class IsUniformlyContinuous (f : XY) (mu : QQinf) := {
  uc_pos : e : Q, 0 < e → (0 < mu e);
  uc_prf : (e : Q) (x1 x2: X), 0 < eball (mu e) x1 x2 ball e (f x1) (f x2)

Global Arguments uc_pos f mu {_} e _.
Global Arguments uc_prf f mu {_} e x1 x2 _ _.

Record UniformlyContinuous := {
  uc_func :> XY;
  uc_mu : QQinf;
  uc_proof : IsUniformlyContinuous uc_func uc_mu

Global Existing Instance uc_proof.

Global Instance uc_proper {_ : ExtMetricSpaceClass X} {_ : ExtMetricSpaceClass Y}
  `{IsUniformlyContinuous f mu} : Proper ((=) ==> (=)) f.
intros x1 x2 A. applymspc_eq. intros e e_pos. apply (uc_prf f mu); trivial.
pose proof (uc_pos f mu e e_pos) as ?.
destruct (mu e); [apply mspc_eq; trivial | apply mspc_inf].

End UniformContinuity.

Global Arguments UniformlyContinuous X {_} Y {_}.

Global Instance compose_uc {X Y Z : Type}
  `{MetricSpaceBall X, ExtMetricSpaceClass Y, MetricSpaceBall Z}
  (f : XY) (g : YZ) (f_mu g_mu : QQinf)
  `{!IsUniformlyContinuous f f_mu, !IsUniformlyContinuous g g_mu} :
    IsUniformlyContinuous (g f) (comp_inf f_mu g_mu Qinf.infinite).
+ intros e e_pos. assert (0 < g_mu e) by (apply (uc_pos g); trivial).
  unfold comp_inf. destruct (g_mu e); [apply (uc_pos f) |]; trivial.
+ intros e x1 x2 e_pos A. unfold compose. apply (uc_prf g g_mu); trivial.
  assert (0 < g_mu e) by (apply (uc_pos g); trivial).
  unfold comp_inf in A. destruct (g_mu e) as [e' |]; [| apply mspc_inf].
  apply (uc_prf f f_mu); trivial.

Global Instance uniformly_continuous_func `{MetricSpaceBall X, MetricSpaceBall Y} :
  Func (UniformlyContinuous X Y) X Y := λ f, f.

Hint Extern 10 (ExtMetricSpaceClass (UniformlyContinuous _ _)) ⇒
  apply @Linf_func_metric_space_class : typeclass_instances.

Section LocalUniformContinuity.

Context `{MetricSpaceBall X, MetricSpaceBall Y}.

Definition restrict (f : XY) (x : X) (r : Q) : sig (ball r x) → Y :=
  f @proj1_sig _ _.

Class IsLocallyUniformlyContinuous (f : XY) (lmu : XQQQinf) :=
  luc_prf :> (x : X) (r : Q), IsUniformlyContinuous (restrict f x r) (lmu x r).

Global Arguments luc_prf f lmu {_} x r.

Global Instance uc_ulc (f : XY) `{!IsUniformlyContinuous f mu} :
  IsLocallyUniformlyContinuous f (λ _ _, mu).
intros x r. constructor; [now apply (uc_pos f) |].
intros e [x1 A1] [x2 A2] e_pos A. now apply (uc_prf f mu).

Global Instance luc_proper
  {_ : ExtMetricSpaceClass X} {_ : ExtMetricSpaceClass Y}
  (f : XY) `{!IsLocallyUniformlyContinuous f lmu} : Proper ((=) ==> (=)) f.
intros x1 x2 A. applymspc_eq. intros e e_pos.
assert (A1 : ball 1%Q x1 x1) by (apply mspc_refl; Qauto_nonneg).
assert (A2 : ball 1%Q x1 x2) by (rewrite A; apply mspc_refl; Qauto_nonneg).
change (ball e (restrict f x1 1 (exist _ x1 A1)) (restrict f x1 1 (exist _ x2 A2))).
unfold IsLocallyUniformlyContinuous in ×. apply (uc_prf _ (lmu x1 1)); [easy |].
change (ball (lmu x1 1 e) x1 x2).
rewrite <- A. assert (0 < lmu x1 1 e) by now apply (uc_pos (restrict f x1 1)).
destruct (lmu x1 1 e) as [q |]; [apply mspc_refl; solve_propholds | apply mspc_inf].

Lemma luc (f : XY) `{IsLocallyUniformlyContinuous f lmu} (r e : Q) (a x y : X) :
  0 < eball r a xball r a yball (lmu a r e) x yball e (f x) (f y).
intros e_pos A1 A2 A3.
change (f x) with (restrict f a r (exist _ x A1)).
change (f y) with (restrict f a r (exist _ y A2)).
apply uc_prf with (mu := lmu a r); trivial.

End LocalUniformContinuity.

Section Lipschitz.

Context `{MetricSpaceBall X, MetricSpaceBall Y}.

Class IsLipschitz (f : XY) (L : Q) := {
  lip_nonneg : 0 L;
  lip_prf : (x1 x2 : X) (e : Q), ball e x1 x2ball (L × e) (f x1) (f x2)

Global Arguments lip_nonneg f L {_} _.
Global Arguments lip_prf f L {_} _ _ _ _.

Record Lipschitz := {
  lip_func :> XY;
  lip_const : Q;
  lip_proof : IsLipschitz lip_func lip_const

Definition lip_modulus (L e : Q) : Qinf :=
  if (decide (L = 0)) then Qinf.infinite else e / L.

Lemma lip_modulus_pos (L e : Q) : 0 L → 0 < e → 0 < lip_modulus L e.
intros L_nonneg e_pos. unfold lip_modulus.
destruct (decide (L = 0)) as [A1 | A1]; [apply I |].
apply not_symmetry in A1.
change (0 < e / L). assert (0 < L) by now apply QOrder.le_neq_lt. Qauto_pos.

Context {EM : ExtMetricSpaceClass X} {m : MetricSpaceDistance X}.

Global Instance lip_uc {_ : MetricSpaceClass X} {_ : ExtMetricSpaceClass Y}
  (f : XY) `{!IsLipschitz f L} :
  IsUniformlyContinuous f (lip_modulus L).
+ intros. apply lip_modulus_pos; [| assumption]. now apply (lip_nonneg f L).
+ unfold lip_modulus. intros e x1 x2 A1 A2. destruct (decide (L = 0)) as [A | A].
  - apply mspc_eq; [| easy]. unfold equiv, mspc_equiv. rewrite <- (Qmult_0_l (msd x1 x2)), <- A.
    now apply lip_prf; [| apply mspc_distance].
  - mc_setoid_replace e with (L × (e / L)) by now field.
    now apply lip_prf.

End Lipschitz.

Global Arguments Lipschitz X {_} Y {_}.

Global Existing Instance lip_proof.

Global Instance compose_lip {X Y Z : Type}
  `{MetricSpaceBall X, MetricSpaceBall Y, ExtMetricSpaceClass Z}
  (f : XY) (g : YZ) (Lf Lg : Q)
  `{!IsLipschitz f Lf, !IsLipschitz g Lg} :
    IsLipschitz (g f) (Lg × Lf).
+ apply nonneg_mult_compat; [apply (lip_nonneg g), _ | apply (lip_nonneg f), _].
+ intros x1 x2 e A.
  mc_setoid_replace (Lg × Lf × e) with (Lg × (Lf × e)) by (symmetry; apply simple_associativity).
  now apply (lip_prf g Lg), (lip_prf f Lf).

Global Instance id_lip `{ExtMetricSpaceClass X} : IsLipschitz id 1.
constructor; [solve_propholds |]. intros; now rewrite mult_1_l.

Section LocallyLipschitz.

Context `{MetricSpaceBall X, MetricSpaceBall Y}.

Class IsLocallyLipschitz (f : XY) (L : XQQ) :=
  llip_prf :> (x : X) (r : Q), PropHolds (0 r) → IsLipschitz (restrict f x r) (L x r).

Global Arguments llip_prf f L {_} x r _.

Global Instance lip_llip (f : XY) `{!IsLipschitz f L} : IsLocallyLipschitz f (λ _ _, L).
intros x r. constructor; [now apply (lip_nonneg f) |].
intros [x1 x1b] [x2 x2b] e A. change (ball (L × e) (f x1) (f x2)). now apply lip_prf.

Lemma llip `{!ExtMetricSpaceClass X} (f : XY) `{IsLocallyLipschitz f L} (r e : Q) (a x y : X) :
  ball r a xball r a yball e x yball (L a r × e) (f x) (f y).
intros A1 A2 A3.
change (f x) with (restrict f a r (exist _ x A1)).
change (f y) with (restrict f a r (exist _ y A2)).
assert (0 r) by now apply (radius_nonneg a x).
apply (lip_prf _ (L a r)); trivial.

Record LocallyLipschitz := {
  llip_func :> XY;
  llip_const : XQQ;
  llip_proof : IsLocallyLipschitz llip_func llip_const

End LocallyLipschitz.

Global Arguments LocallyLipschitz X {_} Y {_}.

Instance locally_lipschitz_func `{MetricSpaceBall X, MetricSpaceBall Y} :
  Func (LocallyLipschitz X Y) X Y := λ f, f.

Hint Extern 10 (ExtMetricSpaceClass (LocallyLipschitz _ _)) ⇒
  apply @Linf_func_metric_space_class : typeclass_instances.

Notation "X LL-> Y" := (LocallyLipschitz X Y) (at level 55, right associativity).

Section Contractions.

Context `{MetricSpaceBall X, MetricSpaceBall Y}.

Class IsContraction (f : XY) (q : Q) := {
  contr_prf :> IsLipschitz f q;
  contr_lt_1 : q < 1

Global Arguments contr_lt_1 f q {_}.
Global Arguments contr_prf f q {_}.

Record Contraction := {
  contr_func : XY;
  contr_const : Q;
  contr_proof : IsContraction contr_func contr_const

Global Instance const_contr `{!ExtMetricSpaceClass Y} (c : Y) : IsContraction (λ x : X, c) 0.
+ constructor.
  - reflexivity.
  - intros; apply mspc_refl.
    rewrite mult_0_l; reflexivity.
+ solve_propholds.

End Contractions.

Global Arguments Contraction X {_} Y {_}.

Global Instance : PreOrder Qinf.le.
+ intros [x |]; [apply Qle_refl | easy].
+ intros [x |] [y |] [z |]; solve [intros [] | intros _ [] | easy | apply Qle_trans].

Global Instance : AntiSymmetric Qinf.le.
intros [x |] [y |] A B; [apply Qle_antisym | elim B | elim A |]; easy.

Global Instance : PartialOrder Qinf.le.
Proof. constructor; apply _. Qed.

Global Instance : TotalRelation Qinf.le.
intros [x |] [y |]; [change (x y y x); apply total, _ | left | right | left]; easy.

Global Instance : TotalOrder Qinf.le.
Proof. constructor; apply _. Qed.

Global Instance : x y : Qinf, Decision (x y).
intros [x |] [y |]; [change (Decision (x y)); apply _ | left | right | left]; easy.

Import minmax.

Section TotalOrderLattice.

Context `{TotalOrder A} `{Lt A} `{ x y: A, Decision (x y)}.

Lemma min_ind (P : AProp) (x y : A) : P x P y P (min x y).
Proof. unfold min, sort. destruct (decide_rel le x y); auto. Qed.

Lemma lt_min (x y z : A) : z < xz < yz < min x y.
Proof. apply min_ind. Qed.

End TotalOrderLattice.

Section ProductSpaceFunctions.

Definition diag {X : Type} (x : X) : X × X := (x, x).

Global Instance diag_lip `{ExtMetricSpaceClass X} : IsLipschitz (@diag X) 1.
+ solve_propholds.
+ intros x1 x2 e A. rewrite mult_1_l. now split.

Definition together {X1 Y1 X2 Y2 : Type} (f1 : X1Y1) (f2 : X2Y2) : X1 × X2Y1 × Y2 :=
  λ p, (f1 (fst p), f2 (snd p)).

Global Instance together_uc
  `{ExtMetricSpaceClass X1, ExtMetricSpaceClass Y1, ExtMetricSpaceClass X2, ExtMetricSpaceClass Y2}
   (f1 : X1Y1) (f2 : X2Y2)
  `{!IsUniformlyContinuous f1 mu1, !IsUniformlyContinuous f2 mu2} :
  IsUniformlyContinuous (together f1 f2) (λ e, min (mu1 e) (mu2 e)).
+ intros e e_pos.   apply lt_min; [apply (uc_pos f1) | apply (uc_pos f2)]; trivial.
+ intros e z z' e_pos [A1 A2]. split; simpl.
  - apply (uc_prf f1 mu1); trivial.
    apply (mspc_monotone' (min (mu1 e) (mu2 e))); [apply: meet_lb_l | trivial].
  - apply (uc_prf f2 mu2); trivial.
    apply (mspc_monotone' (min (mu1 e) (mu2 e))); [apply: meet_lb_r | trivial].

End ProductSpaceFunctions.

Section CompleteMetricSpace.

Context `{MetricSpaceBall X}.

Class IsRegularFunction (f : QX) : Prop :=
  rf_prf : e1 e2 : Q, 0 < e1 → 0 < e2ball (e1 + e2) (f e1) (f e2).

Record RegularFunction := {
  rf_func :> QX;
  rf_proof : IsRegularFunction rf_func

Arguments Build_RegularFunction {_} _.

Global Existing Instance rf_proof.

Global Instance rf_eq : Equiv RegularFunction :=
  λ f1 f2, e1 e2 : Q, 0 < e1 → 0 < e2ball (e1 + e2) (f1 e1) (f2 e2).

Context {EM : ExtMetricSpaceClass X}.

Global Instance rf_setoid : Setoid RegularFunction.
+ intros f e1 e2; apply rf_prf.
+ intros f1 f2 A e1 e2 A1 A2. rewrite plus_comm. now apply mspc_symm, A.
+ intros f1 f2 f3 A1 A2 e1 e3 A3 A4. apply mspc_closed. intros d A5.
  mc_setoid_replace (e1 + e3 + d) with ((e1 + d / 2) + (e3 + d / 2))
  by (field; change ((2 : Q) 0); solve_propholds).
  apply mspc_triangle with (b := f2 (d / 2));
  [apply A1 | rewrite plus_comm; apply A2]; try solve_propholds.

Instance rf_msb : MetricSpaceBall RegularFunction :=
  λ e f1 f2, e1 e2 : Q, 0 < e1 → 0 < e2ball (e + e1 + e2) (f1 e1) (f2 e2).

Lemma unit_reg (x : X) : IsRegularFunction (λ _, x).
Proof. intros e1 e2 A1 A2; apply mspc_refl; solve_propholds. Qed.

Definition reg_unit (x : X) := Build_RegularFunction (unit_reg x).

Global Instance : Setoid_Morphism reg_unit.
constructor; [apply _ .. |].
intros x y eq_x_y e1 e2 e1_pos e2_pos. apply mspc_eq; solve_propholds.

Class Limit := lim : RegularFunctionX.

Class CompleteMetricSpaceClass `{Limit} := cmspc :> Surjective reg_unit (inv := lim).

Definition tends_to (f : RegularFunction) (l : X) :=
   e : Q, 0 < eball e (f e) l.

Lemma limit_def `{CompleteMetricSpaceClass} (f : RegularFunction) :
   e : Q, 0 < eball e (f e) (lim f).
intros e2 A2. apply mspc_symm; apply mspc_closed.
intros e1 A1. change (lim f) with (reg_unit (lim f) e1). rewrite plus_comm.
rapply (surjective reg_unit (inv := lim)); trivial; reflexivity.

End CompleteMetricSpace.

Global Arguments RegularFunction X {_}.
Global Arguments Limit X {_}.
Global Arguments CompleteMetricSpaceClass X {_ _ _}.

Lemma completeness_criterion `{ExtMetricSpaceClass X, !Limit X} :
  CompleteMetricSpaceClass X f : RegularFunction X, tends_to f (lim f).
split; intro A.
+ intros f e2 A2. apply mspc_symm, mspc_closed.
  intros e1 A1. change (lim f) with (reg_unit (lim f) e1). rewrite plus_comm.
  rapply (surjective reg_unit (A := X) (inv := lim)); trivial; reflexivity.
+ constructor; [| apply _].
  apply ext_equiv_r; [apply _|].
  intros f e1 e2 e1_pos e2_pos.
  apply (mspc_monotone e2); [apply nonneg_plus_le_compat_l; solve_propholds |].
  now apply mspc_symm, A.

Section UCFComplete.

Context `{NonEmpty X, ExtMetricSpaceClass X, CompleteMetricSpaceClass Y}.

Program Definition pointwise_regular
  (F : RegularFunction (UniformlyContinuous X Y)) (x : X) : RegularFunction Y :=
  Build_RegularFunction (λ e, F e x) _.
Next Obligation. intros e1 e2 e1_pos e2_pos; now apply F. Qed.

Global Program Instance ucf_limit : Limit (UniformlyContinuous X Y) :=
  λ F, Build_UniformlyContinuous
         (λ x, lim (pointwise_regular F x))
         (λ e, uc_mu (F (e/3)) (e/3))
Next Obligation.
× intros e e_pos.
  destruct (F (e/3)) as [g ? ?]; simpl; apply uc_pos with (f := g); trivial.
  apply Q.Qmult_lt_0_compat; auto with qarith.
× intros e x1 x2 e_pos A.
  apply (mspc_triangle' (e/3) (e/3 + e/3) (F (e/3) x1)); [field; discriminate | |].
  + apply mspc_symm. change ((F (e / 3)) x1) with (pointwise_regular F x1 (e/3)).
    apply completeness_criterion, Q.Qmult_lt_0_compat; auto with qarith.
  + apply mspc_triangle with (b := F (e / 3) x2).
    - destruct (F (e/3)); eapply uc_prf; eauto.
      apply Q.Qmult_lt_0_compat; auto with qarith.
    - change ((F (e / 3)) x2) with (pointwise_regular F x2 (e/3)).
      apply completeness_criterion, Q.Qmult_lt_0_compat; auto with qarith.

Global Instance : CompleteMetricSpaceClass (UniformlyContinuous X Y).
apply completeness_criterion. intros F e e_pos x.
change (func (lim F) x) with (lim (pointwise_regular F x)).
change (func (F e) x) with (pointwise_regular F x e).
now apply completeness_criterion.

End UCFComplete.

Definition seq A := natA.

Hint Unfold seq : typeclass_instances.

Section SequenceLimits.

Context `{ExtMetricSpaceClass X}.

Definition seq_lim (x : seq X) (a : X) (N : Qnat) :=
   e : Q, 0 < e n : nat, N e nball e (x n) a.

Global Instance : Proper (((=) ==> (=)) ==> (=) ==> (≡) ==> iff) seq_lim.
intros x1 x2 A1 a1 a2 A2 N1 N2 A3; split; intros A e e_pos n A4.
+ mc_setoid_replace (x2 n) with (x1 n) by (symmetry; now apply A1).
  rewrite <- A2. rewrite <- A3 in A4. now apply A.
+ mc_setoid_replace (x1 n) with (x2 n) by now apply A1.
  rewrite A2. rewrite A3 in A4. now apply A.

Lemma seq_lim_unique : (x : seq X) (a1 a2 : X) N1 N2, seq_lim x a1 N1 seq_lim x a2 N2 a1 = a2.
intros x a1 a2 N1 N2 A1 A2. applymspc_eq; intros q A.
assert (A3 : 0 < q / 2) by solve_propholds.
specialize (A1 (q / 2) A3); specialize (A2 (q / 2) A3).
set (M := Peano.max (N1 (q / 2)) (N2 (q / 2))).
assert (A4 : N1 (q / 2) M) by apply le_max_l.
assert (A5 : N2 (q / 2) M) by apply le_max_r.
specialize (A1 M A4); specialize (A2 M A5).
apply mspc_symm in A1.
apply (mspc_triangle' (q / 2) (q / 2) (x M)); trivial.
field; change ((2 : Q) 0); solve_propholds.

Lemma seq_lim_S (x : seq X) (a : X) N : seq_lim x a Nseq_lim (x S) a N.
Proof. intros A e A1 n A2. apply A; trivial. apply le_S, A2. Qed.

Lemma seq_lim_S' (x : seq X) (a : X) N : seq_lim (x S) a Nseq_lim x a (S N).
intros A e A1 n A2.
destruct n as [| n].
+ contradict A2; apply le_Sn_0.
+ apply A; trivial. apply le_S_n, A2.

End SequenceLimits.

Theorem seq_lim_cont
  `{ExtMetricSpaceClass X, ExtMetricSpaceClass Y} (f : XY) `{!IsUniformlyContinuous f mu}
  (x : seq X) (a : X) (N : Qnat) :
  seq_lim x a N seq_lim (f x) (f a) (comp_inf N mu 0).
intros A e e_pos n A1. apply (uc_prf f mu); trivial.
unfold comp_inf in A1; assert (A2 := uc_pos f mu e e_pos).
now destruct (mu e); [apply A | apply mspc_inf].

Theorem seq_lim_contr
  `{MetricSpaceClass X, ExtMetricSpaceClass Y} (f : XY) `{!IsContraction f q}
  (x : seq X) (a : X) (N : Qnat) :
  seq_lim x a N seq_lim (f x) (f a) (comp_inf N (lip_modulus q) 0).
Proof. intro A; apply seq_lim_cont; [apply _ | apply A]. Qed.

Lemma iter_fixpoint
  `{ExtMetricSpaceClass X, ExtMetricSpaceClass Y}
  (f : XX) `{!IsUniformlyContinuous f mu} (x : seq X) (a : X) (N : Qnat) :
  ( n : nat, x (S n) = f (x n)) → seq_lim x a Nf a = a.
intros A1 A2; generalize A2; intro A3. apply seq_lim_S in A2. apply (seq_lim_cont f) in A3.
setoid_replace (x S) with (f x) in A2 by (intros ? ? eqmn; rewrite eqmn; apply A1).
eapply seq_lim_unique; eauto.

Section CompleteSpaceSequenceLimits.

Context `{CompleteMetricSpaceClass X}.

Definition cauchy (x : seq X) (N : Qnat) :=
   e : Q, 0 < e m n : nat, N e mN e nball e (x m) (x n).

Definition reg_fun (x : seq X) (N : Qnat) (A : cauchy x N) : RegularFunction X.
refine (Build_RegularFunction (x N) _).
assert (A3 : e1 e2, 0 < e1 → 0 < e2N e1 N e2ball (e1 + e2) ((x N) e1) ((x N) e2)).
+ intros e1 e2 A1 A2 A3.
  apply (mspc_monotone e1).
  - apply (strictly_order_preserving (e1 +)) in A2; rewrite plus_0_r in A2; solve_propholds.
  - apply A; trivial; reflexivity.
+ intros e1 e2 A1 A2.
  assert (A4 : TotalRelation (A := nat) (≤)) by apply _; destruct (A4 (N e1) (N e2)).
  - now apply A3.
  - rewrite plus_comm; now apply mspc_symm, A3.

Arguments reg_fun {_} {_} _.

Lemma seq_lim_lim (x : seq X) (N : Qnat) (A : cauchy x N) :
  seq_lim x (lim (reg_fun A)) (λ e, N (e / 2)).
set (f := reg_fun A).
intros e A1 n A2. apply (mspc_triangle' (e / 2) (e / 2) (x (N (e / 2)))).
+ field; change ((2 : Q) 0); solve_propholds.
+ now apply mspc_symm, A; [solve_propholds | reflexivity |].
+ change (x (N (e / 2))) with (f (e / 2)).
  apply completeness_criterion; solve_propholds.

End CompleteSpaceSequenceLimits.