
Require Export Continuity.
Require Export PartInterval.

Section Definitions.

Sequences of Functions

In this file we define some more operators on functions, namely sequences and limits. These concepts are defined only for continuous functions.
Throughout this section:
  • a and b will be real numbers and the interval [a,b]
will be denoted by I;
  • f, g and h will denote sequences of continuous functions;
  • F, G and H will denote continuous functions.


A sequence of functions is simply an object of type natPartIR. However, we will be interested mostly in convergent and Cauchy sequences. Several definitions of these concepts will be formalized; they mirror the several different ways in which a Cauchy sequence can be defined. For a discussion on the different notions of convergent see Bishop 1967.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Variable f : natPartIR.
Variable F : PartIR.

Hypothesis contf : n : nat, Continuous_I Hab (f n).
Hypothesis contF : Continuous_I Hab F.

Definition Cauchy_fun_seq := e, [0] [<] e{N : nat | m n, N mN n
  x Hx, AbsIR (f m x (incf m x Hx) [-]f n x (incf n x Hx)) [<=] e}.

Definition conv_fun_seq' := e, [0] [<] e{N : nat | n, N n
  x Hx, AbsIR (f n x (incf n x Hx) [-]F x (incF x Hx)) [<=] e}.

Definition conv_norm_fun_seq := k, {N : nat | n, N n
 Norm_Funct (Continuous_I_minus _ _ _ _ _ (contf n) contF) [<=] one_div_succ k}.

Definition Cauchy_fun_seq1 := k, {N : nat | m n, N mN n
 Norm_Funct (Continuous_I_minus _ _ _ _ _ (contf m) (contf n)) [<=] one_div_succ k}.

Definition Cauchy_fun_seq' := k, {N : nat | m n, N mN n
   x Hx, AbsIR (Part _ _ (incf m x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incf n x Hx)) [<=] one_div_succ k}.

Definition Cauchy_fun_seq2 := e, [0] [<] e{N : nat | m, N m
   x Hx, AbsIR (Part _ _ (incf m x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incf N x Hx)) [<=] e}.

These definitions are all shown to be equivalent.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq_seq' : Cauchy_fun_seqCauchy_fun_seq'.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; red in H.
 exact (H (one_div_succ k) (one_div_succ_pos _ k)).

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq'_seq : Cauchy_fun_seq'Cauchy_fun_seq.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; red in H.
 intros e He.
 elim (Archimedes ([1][/] e[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ He)).
 intros i Hei.
 cut ([0] [<] nring (R:=IR) i).
  intro Hi.
  elim (H i).
  intros N HN; N.
  apply leEq_transitive with (one_div_succ (R:=IR) i).
   apply HN; assumption.
  unfold one_div_succ in |- ×.
  rstepr ([1][/] _[//]recip_ap_zero _ _ (pos_ap_zero _ _ He)).
  unfold Snring in |- ×.
  apply recip_resp_leEq.
   apply recip_resp_pos; assumption.
  apply less_leEq; apply leEq_less_trans with (nring (R:=IR) i).
  simpl in |- *; apply less_plusOne.
 apply less_leEq_trans with ([1][/] e[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ He).
  apply recip_resp_pos; assumption.

Lemma conv_Cauchy_fun_seq' : conv_fun_seq'Cauchy_fun_seq.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; red in H.
 intros e He.
 elim (H _ (pos_div_two _ _ He)).
 intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (f m x (incf m x Hx) [-]F x (incF x Hx) [+]
   (F x (incF x Hx) [-]f n x (incf n x Hx)))).
  2: apply AbsIR_wd; rational.
 eapply leEq_transitive.
  apply triangle_IR.
 rstepr (e [/]TwoNZ[+]e [/]TwoNZ).
 apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
  apply HN; assumption.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  2: apply AbsIR_minus.
 apply HN; assumption.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq_seq2 : Cauchy_fun_seqCauchy_fun_seq2.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; red in H.
 intros e H0.
 elim (H e H0); intros N HN; N.
 intros; apply HN; auto with arith.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq2_seq : Cauchy_fun_seq2Cauchy_fun_seq.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; red in H.
 intros e H0.
 elim (H _ (pos_div_two _ _ H0)); intros N HN; N; intros.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Part _ _ (incf m x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incf N x Hx) [-]
   (Part _ _ (incf n x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incf N x Hx)))).
  2: apply AbsIR_wd; rational.
 eapply leEq_transitive.
  apply triangle_IR_minus.
 rstepr (e [/]TwoNZ[+]e [/]TwoNZ).
 apply plus_resp_leEq_both; apply HN; auto with arith.

Lemma conv_fun_seq'_norm : conv_fun_seq'conv_norm_fun_seq.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; red in H.
 elim (H (one_div_succ k) (one_div_succ_pos _ k)).
 intros N HN.
 apply leEq_Norm_Funct.
 fold I in |- *; intros x H1 Hx.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN n H0 x H1).
 apply AbsIR_wd; simpl in |- *; rational.

Lemma conv_fun_norm_seq : conv_norm_fun_seqconv_fun_seq'.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; red in H.
 intros e He.
 elim (Archimedes ([1][/] _[//]pos_ap_zero _ _ He)).
 intros k Hk.
 elim (H k); clear H.
 intros N HN.
 cut (Dom (f n{-}F) x). intro H0.
  apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR ((f n{-}F) x H0)).
   eapply leEq_transitive.
    2: apply leEq_transitive with (one_div_succ (R:=IR) k).
     2: apply HN with (n := n); assumption.
    apply norm_bnd_AbsIR; assumption.
   unfold one_div_succ in |- ×.
   unfold Snring in |- ×.
   apply less_leEq; apply swap_div with (pos_ap_zero _ _ He).
     apply pos_nring_S.
   eapply leEq_less_trans.
    apply Hk.
   simpl in |- *; apply less_plusOne.
  apply AbsIR_wd; simpl in |- *; rational.
  apply incf; assumption.
 apply incF; assumption.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq1_seq' : Cauchy_fun_seq1Cauchy_fun_seq'.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; red in H.
 elim (H k); clear H; intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 eapply leEq_transitive.
  2: apply HN with (m := m) (n := n); assumption.
 cut (Dom (f m{-}f n) x). intro H1.
  apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Part _ _ H1)).
   apply norm_bnd_AbsIR; assumption.
  apply AbsIR_wd; simpl in |- *; rational.
 split; simpl in |- *; apply incf; assumption.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq'_seq1 : Cauchy_fun_seq'Cauchy_fun_seq1.
 intro H.
 red in |- *; red in H.
 elim (H k); clear H; intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 apply leEq_Norm_Funct.
 intros x H1 Hx.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN m n H H0 x H1).
 apply AbsIR_wd; simpl in |- *; rational.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq_seq1 : Cauchy_fun_seqCauchy_fun_seq1.
 apply Cauchy_fun_seq'_seq1.
 apply Cauchy_fun_seq_seq'.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq1_seq : Cauchy_fun_seq1Cauchy_fun_seq.
 apply Cauchy_fun_seq'_seq.
 apply Cauchy_fun_seq1_seq'.

A Cauchy sequence of functions is pointwise a Cauchy sequence.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_real : Cauchy_fun_seq x Hx,
 Cauchy_prop (fun nPart _ _ (incf n x Hx)).
 intros H x Hx.
 red in |- *; red in H.
 intros e He.
 elim (H _ He); clear H; intros N HN.
 apply AbsIR_imp_AbsSmall.
 apply HN.
 apply le_n.

End Definitions.

Section More_Definitions.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Variable f : natPartIR.
Hypothesis contf : n : nat, Continuous_I Hab (f n).

We can also say that f is simply convergent if it converges to some continuous function. Notice that we do not quantify directly over partial functions, for reasons which were already explained.

Definition conv_fun_seq := {f' : CSetoid_fun (subset (Compact Hab)) IR |
 {contf' : Continuous_I Hab (PartInt f') |
  conv_fun_seq' a b Hab f (PartInt f') contf contf'}}.

It is useful to extract the limit as a partial function:

Hypothesis H : Cauchy_fun_seq _ _ _ f contf.

Definition Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim : PartIR.
 apply Build_PartFunct with (pfpfun := fun x HxLim (Build_CauchySeq _ (fun n : nat
   Part _ _ (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ (contf n) x Hx)) (Cauchy_fun_real _ _ _ _ contf H x Hx))).
  unfold I in |- *; apply compact_wd.
 intros x y Hx Hy H0.
 elim (Lim_strext _ _ H0).
 intros n Hn.
 simpl in Hn.
 exact (pfstrx _ _ _ _ _ _ Hn).

End More_Definitions.

Section Irrelevance_of_Proofs.

Irrelevance of Proofs

This section contains a number of technical results stating mainly that being a Cauchy sequence or converging to some limit is a property of the sequence itself and independent of the proofs we supply of its continuity or the continuity of its limit.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Variable f : natPartIR.
Hypotheses contf contf0 : n : nat, Continuous_I Hab (f n).

Variable F : PartIR.
Hypotheses contF contF0 : Continuous_I Hab F.

Lemma conv_fun_seq'_wd : conv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contf contF
 conv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contf0 contF0.
 intros H e H0.
 elim (H e H0); intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN n H1 x Hx).
 apply AbsIR_wd; rational.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq'_wd : Cauchy_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ contf
 Cauchy_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ contf0.
 intros H k.
 elim (H k); intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN m n H0 H1 x Hx).
 apply AbsIR_wd; rational.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq2_wd : Cauchy_fun_seq2 _ _ _ _ contf
 Cauchy_fun_seq2 _ _ _ _ contf0.
 intros H e H0.
 elim (H e H0); intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN m H1 x Hx).
 apply AbsIR_wd; rational.

Lemma conv_norm_fun_seq_wd : conv_norm_fun_seq _ _ _ _ _ contf contF
 conv_norm_fun_seq _ _ _ _ _ contf0 contF0.
 intros H k.
 elim (H k); intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN n H0).
 apply Norm_Funct_wd.
 apply Feq_reflexive; Included.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq1_wd : Cauchy_fun_seq1 _ _ _ _ contf
 Cauchy_fun_seq1 _ _ _ _ contf0.
 intros H k.
 elim (H k); intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN m n H0 H1).
 apply Norm_Funct_wd.
 apply Feq_reflexive; Included.

End Irrelevance_of_Proofs.

Section More_Proof_Irrelevance.

Lemma conv_fun_seq_wd : a b Hab f contf contf0,
 conv_fun_seq a b Hab f contfconv_fun_seq a b Hab f contf0.
 intros a b Hab f contf contf0 H.
 elim H; intros f' Hf'.
 elim Hf'; intros contf' H0.
 eapply conv_fun_seq'_wd.
 apply H0.

End More_Proof_Irrelevance.

Section More_Properties.

Other Properties

Still more technical details---a convergent sequence converges to its limit; the limit is a continuous function; and convergence is well defined with respect to functional equality in the interval [a,b].

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Variables f g : natPartIR.
Hypotheses contf contf0 : n, Continuous_I Hab (f n).
Hypotheses contg contg0 : n, Continuous_I Hab (g n).

Lemma Cauchy_conv_fun_seq' : H contf',
 conv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ f contf H) contf contf'.
 intros H contf' e H0.
 elim (H e H0).
 intros N HN.
 set (incf := fun n : natcontin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ (contf n)) in ×.
 set (incf' := contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ contf') in ×.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Lim (Cauchy_const (f n x (incf n x Hx))) [-]
   Part (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ H) x (incf' x Hx))).
  2: apply AbsIR_wd; apply cg_minus_wd.
   2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Lim_const.
  2: algebra.
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Lim (Build_CauchySeq IR _
   (Cauchy_minus (Cauchy_const (Part _ _ (incf n x Hx))) (Build_CauchySeq _ _
     (Cauchy_fun_real _ _ _ _ _ H x (incf' x Hx))))))).
  2: apply AbsIR_wd; apply Lim_minus.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  2: apply Lim_abs.
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply str_seq_leEq_so_Lim_leEq.
  N; intros.
 simpl in |- ×.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN n i H1 H2 x Hx).
 apply AbsIR_wd; rational.

Variables F G : PartIR.
Hypotheses contF contF0 : Continuous_I Hab F.
Hypotheses contG contG0 : Continuous_I Hab G.

Lemma conv_fun_seq'_wdl : ( n, Feq I (f n) (g n)) →
 conv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contf contFconv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contg contF0.
 intros H H0 e H1.
 elim (H0 e H1); intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN n H2 x Hx).
 apply AbsIR_wd; apply cg_minus_wd.
  elim (H n); intros Haux inc.
  inversion_clear inc.

Lemma conv_fun_seq'_wdr : Feq I F G
 conv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contf contFconv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contf0 contG.
 intros H H0 e H1.
 elim (H0 e H1); intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN n H2 x Hx).
 apply AbsIR_wd; apply cg_minus_wd.
 elim H; intros Haux inc.
 inversion_clear inc.

Lemma conv_fun_seq'_wdl' : ( n, Feq I (f n) (g n)) →
 conv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contf contFconv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contg contF.
 intros H H0 e H1.
 elim (H0 e H1); intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN n H2 x Hx).
 apply AbsIR_wd; apply cg_minus_wd.
  elim (H n); intros Haux inc.
  inversion_clear inc.

Lemma conv_fun_seq'_wdr' : Feq I F G
 conv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contf contFconv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contf contG.
 intros H H0 e H1.
 elim (H0 e H1); intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN n H2 x Hx).
 apply AbsIR_wd; apply cg_minus_wd.
 elim H; intros Haux inc.
 inversion_clear inc.

Lemma Cauchy_fun_seq_wd : ( n, Feq I (f n) (g n)) →
 Cauchy_fun_seq _ _ _ _ contfCauchy_fun_seq _ _ _ _ contg.
 intros H H0 e H1.
 elim (H0 e H1); clear H0; intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN m n H0 H2 x Hx).
 elim (H n); intros.
 inversion_clear b0.
 elim (H m); intros.
 inversion_clear b0.
 apply AbsIR_wd; algebra.

Lemma Cauchy_cont_Lim : H : Cauchy_fun_seq a b Hab f contf,
 Continuous_I Hab (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ contf H).
 intros e He.
 elim (H _ (pos_div_three _ _ He)); intros N HN.
 elim (contf N); intros incf contf'.
 elim (contf' _ (pos_div_three _ _ He)).
 intros d H0 H1.
 intros x y H2 H3 Hx Hy H4.
 cut ( x y z w : IR, AbsIR (x[-]w) [=] AbsIR (x[-]y[+] (y[-]z) [+] (z[-]w))); intros.
  2: apply AbsIR_wd; rational.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded;
    apply H5 with (y := Part _ _ (incf x H2)) (z := Part _ _ (incf y H3)).
 rstepr (e [/]ThreeNZ[+]e [/]ThreeNZ[+]e [/]ThreeNZ).
 eapply leEq_transitive.
  apply triangle_IR.
 apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
  eapply leEq_transitive.
   apply triangle_IR.
  apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
   apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Part _ _ Hx[-]Lim (Cauchy_const (Part _ _ (incf x H2))))).
    2: apply AbsIR_wd; apply cg_minus_wd.
     2: algebra.
    2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Lim_const.
   simpl in |- ×.
   apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Lim (Build_CauchySeq IR _ (Cauchy_minus
     (Build_CauchySeq _ _ (Cauchy_fun_real _ _ _ _ _ H x Hx)) (Cauchy_const (Part _ _ (incf x H2))))))).
    2: apply AbsIR_wd; apply Lim_minus.
   eapply leEq_wdl.
    2: apply Lim_abs.
   simpl in |- ×.
   apply str_seq_leEq_so_Lim_leEq.
    N; intros.
   simpl in |- ×.
   eapply leEq_wdl.
    apply (HN i N) with (x := x) (Hx := Hx); auto with arith.
   apply AbsIR_wd; rational.
  apply H1; assumption.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Lim (Cauchy_const (Part _ _ (incf y H3))) [-]
   Part (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ H) y Hy)).
  2: apply AbsIR_wd; apply cg_minus_wd.
   2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Lim_const.
  2: algebra.
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Lim (Build_CauchySeq IR _
   (Cauchy_minus (Cauchy_const (Part _ _ (incf y H3)))
     (Build_CauchySeq _ _ (Cauchy_fun_real _ _ _ _ _ H y Hy)))))).
  2: apply AbsIR_wd; apply Lim_minus.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  2: apply Lim_abs.
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply str_seq_leEq_so_Lim_leEq.
  N; intros.
 simpl in |- ×.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN N i) with (x := y) (Hx := Hy); auto.
 apply AbsIR_wd; rational.

Lemma Cauchy_conv_fun_seq : Cauchy_fun_seq _ _ _ _ contf
 conv_fun_seq _ _ _ _ contf.
 intro H.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ H)). intro H0.
   (IntPartIR (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ H0)).
  cut (Continuous_I Hab (PartInt (IntPartIR (contin_imp_inc _ _ _ _ H0)))).
   2: eapply Continuous_I_wd.
    3: apply Cauchy_cont_Lim with (H := H).
   2: FEQ.
   2: simpl in |- *; apply Lim_wd'; intros; algebra.
   intro H2; H2.
   intros e H1.
   elim (Cauchy_conv_fun_seq' H H0 e H1); intros N HN.
    N; intros.
   eapply leEq_wdl.
    apply (HN n H3 x Hx).
   apply AbsIR_wd; apply cg_minus_wd.
   simpl in |- *; apply Lim_wd'; intros; simpl in |- *; rational.
  simpl in |- *; algebra.
 simpl in |- *; apply Cauchy_cont_Lim.

Lemma conv_Cauchy_fun_seq : conv_fun_seq _ _ _ _ contf
 Cauchy_fun_seq _ _ _ _ contf.
 intro H.
 elim H; intros ff Hff.
 inversion_clear Hff.
 apply conv_Cauchy_fun_seq' with (PartInt ff) x.
 unfold I in |- *; eapply conv_fun_seq'_wd.
 apply X.

More interesting is the fact that a convergent sequence of functions converges pointwise as a sequence of real numbers.

Lemma fun_conv_imp_seq_conv : conv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contf contF x,
 Compact Hab x Hxf HxF, Cauchy_Lim_prop2 (fun nf n x (Hxf n)) (F x HxF).
 intros H x H0 Hxf HxF eps H1.
 elim (H eps H1).
 intros N HN.
  N; intros.
 apply AbsIR_imp_AbsSmall.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  apply (HN m H2 x H0).
 apply AbsIR_wd; algebra.

And a sequence of real numbers converges iff the corresponding sequence of constant functions converges to the corresponding constant function.

Lemma seq_conv_imp_fun_conv : x y, Cauchy_Lim_prop2 x y
  Hf HF, conv_fun_seq' a b Hab (fun n[-C-] (x n)) [-C-]y Hf HF.
 intros x y H Hf HF e H0.
 elim (H e H0); intros N HN.
  N; intros; simpl in |- ×.
 apply AbsSmall_imp_AbsIR.

End More_Properties.

Hint Resolve Cauchy_cont_Lim: continuous.

Section Algebraic_Properties.

Algebraic Properties

We now study how convergence is affected by algebraic operations, and some algebraic properties of the limit function.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Variables f g : natPartIR.
Hypothesis contf : n, Continuous_I Hab (f n).
Hypothesis contg : n, Continuous_I Hab (g n).

First, the limit function is unique.

Lemma FLim_unique : F G HF HG, conv_fun_seq' a b Hab f F contf HF
 conv_fun_seq' a b Hab f G contf HGFeq (Compact Hab) F G.
 intros F G HF HG H H0.
 cut (Cauchy_fun_seq _ _ Hab _ contf). intro H1.
  apply Feq_transitive with (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ H1).
   simpl in |- ×.
   apply Limits_unique.
   simpl in |- ×.
   eapply fun_conv_imp_seq_conv with (Hab := Hab) (Hxf := fun n : nat
     contin_imp_inc _ _ Hab _ (contf n) x Hx'); auto.
   apply H.
  apply Feq_symmetric.
  simpl in |- ×.
  apply Limits_unique.
  simpl in |- ×.
  eapply fun_conv_imp_seq_conv with (Hab := Hab) (Hxf := fun n : nat
    contin_imp_inc _ _ Hab _ (contf n) x Hx'); auto.
  apply H0.
 apply conv_Cauchy_fun_seq' with F HF; auto.

Constant sequences (not sequences of constant functions!) always converge.

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_const : H contH contH',
 conv_fun_seq' a b Hab (fun nH) H contH contH'.
  0; intros.
 eapply leEq_wdl.
  2: eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
   2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply AbsIRz_isz.
  apply less_leEq; assumption.
 apply AbsIR_wd; rational.

Lemma fun_Cauchy_prop_const : H (contH:Continuous_I Hab H),
 Cauchy_fun_seq a b Hab (fun nH) (fun ncontH).
 apply conv_Cauchy_fun_seq' with H contH.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_const.

We now prove that if two sequences converge than their sum (difference, product) also converge to the sum (difference, product) of their limits.

Variables F G : PartIR.
Hypothesis contF : Continuous_I Hab F.
Hypothesis contG : Continuous_I Hab G.

Hypothesis convF : conv_fun_seq' a b Hab f F contf contF.
Hypothesis convG : conv_fun_seq' a b Hab g G contg contG.

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_plus' : H H',
 conv_fun_seq' a b Hab (fun nf n{+}g n) (F{+}G) H H'.
 intros H H' e H0.
 elim (convF _ (pos_div_two _ _ H0)); intros Nf HNf.
 elim (convG _ (pos_div_two _ _ H0)); intros Ng HNg.
 cut (Nf max Nf Ng); [ intro | apply le_max_l ].
 cut (Ng max Nf Ng); [ intro | apply le_max_r ].
  (max Nf Ng); intros.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Part _ _ (incf n x Hx) [+]Part _ _ (incg n x Hx) [-]
   (Part _ _ (incF x Hx) [+]Part _ _ (incG x Hx)))).
  2: apply AbsIR_wd; simpl in |- *; algebra.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Part _ _ (incf n x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incF x Hx) [+]
   (Part _ _ (incg n x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incG x Hx)))).
  2: apply AbsIR_wd; simpl in |- *; rational.
 rstepr (e [/]TwoNZ[+]e [/]TwoNZ).
 eapply leEq_transitive.
  apply triangle_IR.
 apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
  unfold incf in |- *; apply HNf; apply le_trans with (max Nf Ng); auto.
 unfold incg in |- *; apply HNg; apply le_trans with (max Nf Ng); auto.

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_minus' : H H',
 conv_fun_seq' a b Hab (fun nf n{-}g n) (F{-}G) H H'.
 intros H H' e H0.
 elim (convF _ (pos_div_two _ _ H0)); intros Nf HNf.
 elim (convG _ (pos_div_two _ _ H0)); intros Ng HNg.
 cut (Nf max Nf Ng); [ intro | apply le_max_l ].
 cut (Ng max Nf Ng); [ intro | apply le_max_r ].
  (max Nf Ng); intros.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Part _ _ (incf n x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incg n x Hx) [-]
   (Part _ _ (incF x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incG x Hx)))).
  2: apply AbsIR_wd; simpl in |- *; algebra.
 apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Part _ _ (incf n x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incF x Hx) [-]
   (Part _ _ (incg n x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incG x Hx)))).
  2: apply AbsIR_wd; simpl in |- *; rational.
 rstepr (e [/]TwoNZ[+]e [/]TwoNZ).
 eapply leEq_transitive.
  apply triangle_IR_minus.
 apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
  unfold incf in |- *; apply HNf; apply le_trans with (max Nf Ng); auto.
 unfold incg in |- *; apply HNg; apply le_trans with (max Nf Ng); auto.

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_mult' : H H',
 conv_fun_seq' a b Hab (fun nf n{*}g n) (F{*}G) H H'.
 set (nF := Norm_Funct contF) in ×.
 set (nG := Norm_Funct contG) in ×.
 red in |- *; intros.
 set (ee := Min e [1]) in ×.
 cut ([0] [<] ee); intros.
  set (eg := ee [/]ThreeNZ[/] _[//]max_one_ap_zero nF) in ×.
  set (ef := ee [/]ThreeNZ[/] _[//]max_one_ap_zero nG) in ×.
  cut ([0] [<] eg).
   intro Heg.
   cut ([0] [<] ef).
    intro Hef.
    elim (convF _ Hef); intros NF HNF; clear convF.
    elim (convG _ Heg); intros NG HNG; clear convG.
    cut (NF max NF NG); [ intro | apply le_max_l ].
    cut (NG max NF NG); [ intro | apply le_max_r ].
     (max NF NG); intros.
    apply leEq_transitive with ee.
     2: unfold ee in |- *; apply Min_leEq_lft.
    apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Part _ _ (incf n x Hx) [*]Part _ _ (incg n x Hx) [-]
      Part _ _ (incF x Hx) [*]Part _ _ (incG x Hx))).
     2: apply AbsIR_wd; simpl in |- *; algebra.
    apply leEq_wdl with (AbsIR (Part _ _ (incF x Hx) [*]
      (Part _ _ (incg n x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incG x Hx)) [+]
        (Part _ _ (incf n x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incF x Hx)) [*]
          (Part _ _ (incg n x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incG x Hx)) [+] Part _ _ (incG x Hx) [*]
            (Part _ _ (incf n x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incF x Hx)))).
     2: apply AbsIR_wd; simpl in |- *; rational.
    rstepr (ee [/]ThreeNZ[+]ee [/]ThreeNZ[+]ee [/]ThreeNZ).
    eapply leEq_transitive.
     apply triangle_IR.
    apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
     eapply leEq_transitive.
      apply triangle_IR.
     apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
      eapply leEq_wdl.
       2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply AbsIR_resp_mult.
      apply leEq_transitive with (Max nF [1][*]AbsIR (Part _ _ (incg n x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incG x Hx))).
       apply mult_resp_leEq_rht.
        apply leEq_transitive with nF.
         unfold nF in |- *; apply norm_bnd_AbsIR; assumption.
        apply lft_leEq_Max.
       apply AbsIR_nonneg.
      eapply shift_mult_leEq'.
       apply pos_max_one.
      unfold eg in HNG; unfold incg in |- *; apply HNG; apply le_trans with (max NF NG); auto.
     eapply leEq_wdl.
      2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply AbsIR_resp_mult.
     apply leEq_transitive with (ee [/]ThreeNZ[*]ee [/]ThreeNZ).
      2: astepr (ee [/]ThreeNZ[*][1]); apply mult_resp_leEq_lft.
       apply mult_resp_leEq_both; try apply AbsIR_nonneg.
        eapply leEq_transitive.
         unfold incf in |- *; apply HNF; apply le_trans with (max NF NG); auto.
        unfold ef in |- ×.
        apply shift_div_leEq.
         apply pos_max_one.
        astepl (ee [/]ThreeNZ[*][1]); apply mult_resp_leEq_lft.
         apply rht_leEq_Max.
        apply less_leEq; apply shift_less_div; astepl ZeroR; [ apply pos_three | assumption ].
       eapply leEq_transitive.
        unfold incg in |- *; apply HNG; apply le_trans with (max NF NG); auto.
       unfold eg in |- ×.
       apply shift_div_leEq.
        apply pos_max_one.
       astepl (ee [/]ThreeNZ[*][1]); apply mult_resp_leEq_lft.
        apply rht_leEq_Max.
       apply less_leEq; apply shift_less_div; astepl ZeroR; [ apply pos_three | assumption ].
      apply shift_div_leEq.
       apply pos_three.
      astepr (Three:IR).
      unfold ee in |- *; apply leEq_transitive with OneR.
       apply Min_leEq_rht.
      apply less_leEq; apply one_less_three.
     apply less_leEq; apply shift_less_div.
      apply pos_three.
     astepl ZeroR; assumption.
    eapply leEq_wdl.
     2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply AbsIR_resp_mult.
    apply leEq_transitive with (Max nG [1][*]AbsIR (Part _ _ (incf n x Hx) [-]Part _ _ (incF x Hx))).
     apply mult_resp_leEq_rht.
      apply leEq_transitive with nG.
       unfold nG in |- *; apply norm_bnd_AbsIR; assumption.
      apply lft_leEq_Max.
     apply AbsIR_nonneg.
    eapply shift_mult_leEq'.
     apply pos_max_one.
    unfold ef in HNF; unfold incf in |- *; apply HNF; apply le_trans with (max NF NG); auto.
   unfold ef in |- ×.
   apply div_resp_pos.
    apply pos_max_one.
   apply shift_less_div; astepl ZeroR; [ apply pos_three | assumption ].
  unfold eg in |- ×.
  apply div_resp_pos.
   apply pos_max_one.
  apply shift_less_div; astepl ZeroR; [ apply pos_three | assumption ].
 unfold ee in |- *; apply less_Min.
 apply pos_one.

End Algebraic_Properties.

Section More_Algebraic_Properties.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Variables f g : natPartIR.
Hypothesis contf : n : nat, Continuous_I Hab (f n).
Hypothesis contg : n : nat, Continuous_I Hab (g n).

The same is true if we don't make the limits explicit.

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_plus : H H', conv_fun_seq' a b Hab (fun nf n{+}g n)
 (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf{+}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hg) H H'.
 intros H H' e H0.
 set (F := Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf) in ×.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab F). intro H1.
  2: unfold F in |- *; apply Cauchy_cont_Lim.
 cut (conv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contf H1).
  2: unfold F in |- *; apply Cauchy_conv_fun_seq'; assumption.
 intro Hf'.
 set (G := Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hg) in ×.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab G). intro H2.
  2: unfold G in |- *; apply Cauchy_cont_Lim.
 cut (conv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contg H2).
  2: unfold G in |- *; apply Cauchy_conv_fun_seq'; assumption.
 intro Hg'.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_plus' with contf contg H1 H2; auto.

Lemma fun_Cauchy_prop_plus : H, Cauchy_fun_seq a b Hab (fun nf n{+}g n) H.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf{+}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hg));
   [ intro H0 | Contin ].
 apply conv_Cauchy_fun_seq'
   with (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf{+}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hg) H0.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_plus.

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_minus : H H', conv_fun_seq' a b Hab (fun nf n{-}g n)
 (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf{-}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hg) H H'.
 set (F := Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf) in ×.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab F). intro H0.
  2: unfold F in |- *; apply Cauchy_cont_Lim.
 cut (conv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contf H0).
  2: unfold F in |- *; apply Cauchy_conv_fun_seq'; assumption.
 intro Hf'.
 set (G := Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hg) in ×.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab G). intro H1.
  2: unfold G in |- *; apply Cauchy_cont_Lim.
 cut (conv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contg H1).
  2: unfold G in |- *; apply Cauchy_conv_fun_seq'; assumption.
 intro Hg'.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_minus' with contf contg H0 H1; auto.

Lemma fun_Cauchy_prop_minus : H, Cauchy_fun_seq a b Hab (fun nf n{-}g n) H.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf{-}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hg));
   [ intro H0 | Contin ].
 apply conv_Cauchy_fun_seq'
   with (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf{-}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hg) H0.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_minus.

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_mult : H H', conv_fun_seq' a b Hab (fun nf n{*}g n)
 (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf{*}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hg) H H'.
 set (F := Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf) in ×.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab F); [ intro H0 | unfold F in |- *; Contin ].
 cut (conv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contf H0).
  2: unfold F in |- *; apply Cauchy_conv_fun_seq'; assumption.
 intro convF.
 set (G := Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hg) in ×.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab G); [ intro H1 | unfold G in |- *; Contin ].
 cut (conv_fun_seq' _ _ _ _ _ contg H1).
  2: unfold G in |- *; apply Cauchy_conv_fun_seq'; assumption.
 intro convG.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab F); [ intro HF' | unfold F, I in |- *; apply Cauchy_cont_Lim; assumption ].
 cut (Continuous_I Hab G); [ intro HG' | unfold G, I in |- *; apply Cauchy_cont_Lim; assumption ].
 apply fun_Lim_seq_mult' with contf contg H0 H1; auto.

Lemma fun_Cauchy_prop_mult : H, Cauchy_fun_seq a b Hab (fun nf n{*}g n) H.
 intro H.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf{*}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hg));
   [ intro H0 | Contin ].
 apply conv_Cauchy_fun_seq'
   with (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf{*}Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hg) H0.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_mult.

End More_Algebraic_Properties.

Section Still_More_Algebraic_Properties.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Variable f : natPartIR.
Hypothesis contf : n, Continuous_I Hab (f n).
Hypothesis Hf : Cauchy_fun_seq _ _ _ _ contf.

As a corollary, we get the analogous property for the sequence of algebraic inverse functions.

Lemma fun_Lim_seq_inv : H H', conv_fun_seq' a b Hab
 (fun n{--} (f n)) {--} (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf) H H'.
 cut ( n : nat, Continuous_I Hab ( [-C-][0]{-}f n)). intro H0.
  unfold I in |- *; eapply conv_fun_seq'_wdl with (fun n : nat[-C-][0]{-}f n) H0 H'.
   intro H1; FEQ; try (apply contin_imp_inc; apply contf).
  cut (Continuous_I Hab (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ (fun_Cauchy_prop_const a b Hab [-C-][0]
    (Continuous_I_const _ _ _ _)) {-} Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf)).
   intros H1.
   apply conv_fun_seq'_wdr with H0 (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _
     (fun_Cauchy_prop_const a b Hab [-C-][0] (Continuous_I_const _ _ _ _)) {-}
       Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf) H1.
    apply eq_imp_Feq.
    intros; simpl in |- ×.
    astepr ([0][-]Lim (Build_CauchySeq _ _ (Cauchy_fun_real _ _ _ _ contf Hf x Hx'))).
    apply cg_minus_wd.
     eapply eq_transitive_unfolded.
      2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded; apply Lim_const.
     apply Lim_wd'; intros; simpl in |- *; algebra.
    apply Lim_wd'; intros; simpl in |- *; rational.
   apply fun_Lim_seq_minus with (f := fun n : nat[-C-][0]:PartIR).

Lemma fun_Cauchy_prop_inv : H, Cauchy_fun_seq a b Hab (fun n{--} (f n)) H.
 cut (Continuous_I Hab {--} (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf)); [ intro H0 | Contin ].
 apply conv_Cauchy_fun_seq' with ( {--} (Cauchy_fun_seq_Lim _ _ _ _ _ Hf)) H0.
 apply fun_Lim_seq_inv.

End Still_More_Algebraic_Properties.

Hint Resolve Continuous_I_Sum Continuous_I_Sumx Continuous_I_Sum0: continuous.