
Require Export IntervalFunct.

Section Conversion.


In this file we prove that there are mappings going in both ways between the set of partial functions whose domain contains [a,b] and the set of real-valued functions with domain on that interval. These mappings form an adjunction, and thus they have all the good properties for preservation results.


We begin by defining the map from partial functions to setoid functions as simply being the restriction of the partial function to the interval [a,b].
Let F be a partial function and a,b:IR such that I [=] [a,b] is included in the domain of F.

Variable F : PartIR.
Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Hypothesis Hf : included I (Dom F).

Lemma IntPartIR_strext : fun_strext
 (fun x : subset IF (scs_elem _ _ x) (Hf _ (scs_prf _ _ x))).
 red in |- *; intros x y H.
 generalize (pfstrx _ _ _ _ _ _ H).
 case x; case y; auto.

Definition IntPartIR : CSetoid_fun (subset I) IR.
 apply Build_CSetoid_fun with (fun x : subset I
   Part F (scs_elem _ _ x) (Hf (scs_elem _ _ x) (scs_prf _ _ x))).
 exact IntPartIR_strext.

End Conversion.

Implicit Arguments IntPartIR [F a b Hab].

Section AntiConversion.

To go the other way around, we simply take a setoid function f with domain [a,b] and build the corresponding partial function.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Variable f : CSetoid_fun (subset I) IR.

Lemma PartInt_strext : x y Hx Hy,
 f (Build_subcsetoid_crr IR _ x Hx) [#] f (Build_subcsetoid_crr IR _ y Hy) → x [#] y.
 intros x y Hx Hy H.
 exact (csf_strext_unfolded _ _ _ _ _ H).

Definition PartInt : PartIR.
 apply Build_PartFunct with (pfpfun := fun (x : IR) Hxf (Build_subcsetoid_crr IR _ x Hx)).
  exact (compact_wd _ _ _).
 exact PartInt_strext.

End AntiConversion.

Implicit Arguments PartInt [a b Hab].

Section Inverses.

In one direction these operators are inverses.

Lemma int_part_int : a b Hab F (Hf : included (compact a b Hab) (Dom F)),
 Feq (compact a b Hab) F (PartInt (IntPartIR Hf)).
 intros; FEQ.

End Inverses.

Section Equivalences.

Mappings Preserve Operations

We now prove that all the operations we have defined on both sets are preserved by PartInt.
Let F,G be partial functions and a,b:IR and denote by I the interval [a,b]. Let f,g be setoid functions of type IIR equal respectively to F and G in I.

Variables F G : PartIR.
Variables a b c : IR.
Hypothesis Hab : a [<=] b.

Variables f g : CSetoid_fun (subset (compact a b Hab)) IR.

Hypothesis Ff : Feq I F (PartInt f).
Hypothesis Gg : Feq I G (PartInt g).

Lemma part_int_const : Feq I [-C-]c (PartInt (IConst (Hab:=Hab) c)).
 apply eq_imp_Feq.
   red in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros; auto.
  unfold I in |- *; apply included_refl.
 intros; simpl in |- *; algebra.

Lemma part_int_id : Feq I FId (PartInt (IId (Hab:=Hab))).
 apply eq_imp_Feq.
   red in |- *; simpl in |- *; intros; auto.
  unfold I in |- *; apply included_refl.
 intros; simpl in |- *; algebra.

Lemma part_int_plus : Feq I (F{+}G) (PartInt (IPlus f g)).
 elim Ff; intros incF Hf.
 elim Hf; clear Ff Hf; intros incF' Hf.
 elim Gg; intros incG Hg.
 elim Hg; clear Gg Hg; intros incG' Hg.
 apply eq_imp_Feq.
 intros; simpl in |- *; simpl in Hf, Hg.
 simpl in |- *; algebra.

Lemma part_int_inv : Feq I {--}F (PartInt (IInv f)).
 elim Ff; intros incF Hf.
 elim Hf; clear Ff Hf; intros incF' Hf.
 apply eq_imp_Feq.
 intros; simpl in |- *; simpl in Hf.
 simpl in |- *; algebra.

Lemma part_int_minus : Feq I (F{-}G) (PartInt (IMinus f g)).
 elim Ff; intros incF Hf.
 elim Hf; clear Ff Hf; intros incF' Hf.
 elim Gg; intros incG Hg.
 elim Hg; clear Gg Hg; intros incG' Hg.
 apply eq_imp_Feq.
 intros; simpl in |- *; simpl in Hf, Hg.
 simpl in |- *; algebra.

Lemma part_int_mult : Feq I (F{*}G) (PartInt (IMult f g)).
 elim Ff; intros incF Hf.
 elim Hf; clear Ff Hf; intros incF' Hf.
 elim Gg; intros incG Hg.
 elim Hg; clear Gg Hg; intros incG' Hg.
 apply eq_imp_Feq.
 intros; simpl in |- *; simpl in Hf, Hg.
 simpl in |- *; algebra.

Lemma part_int_nth : n : nat, Feq I (F{^}n) (PartInt (INth f n)).
 elim Ff; intros incF Hf.
 elim Hf; clear Ff Hf; intros incF' Hf.
 apply eq_imp_Feq.
 intros; simpl in |- *; simpl in Hf.
 astepl (Part F x Hx[^]n); astepr (f (Build_subcsetoid_crr IR _ x Hx')[^]n).
 apply nexp_wd; algebra.

Hypothesis HG : bnd_away_zero I G.
Hypothesis Hg : x : subset I, g x [#] [0].

Lemma part_int_recip : Feq I {1/}G (PartInt (IRecip g Hg)).
 elim Gg; intros incG Hg'.
 elim Hg'; clear Gg Hg'; intros incG' Hg'.
 apply eq_imp_Feq.
 intros; simpl in Hg'; simpl in |- *; algebra.

Lemma part_int_div : Feq I (F{/}G) (PartInt (IDiv f g Hg)).
 elim Ff; intros incF Hf.
 elim Hf; clear Ff Hf; intros incF' Hf.
 elim Gg; intros incG Hg'.
 elim Hg'; clear Gg Hg'; intros incG' Hg'.
 apply eq_imp_Feq.
 intros; simpl in Hf, Hg'; simpl in |- ×.

End Equivalences.