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Update: All assignments will be posted on CMS. You will generally be given a week to complete assignments. However, that may vary, so you should carefully review the due date of each assignment.

Please read assignments carefully. The writeups contain important details. Please also make sure to carefully observe the specifications we define for any functions you must write.


Grades for all assignments, quizzes, and other graded coursework are available from CMS.

Receiving credit

In order to receive credit for assignments, you must demonstrate your working implementation to a lab TA before the due date. TAs will typically be available until the date and time that an assignment is due. Please do not wait until the last minute to get your assignment checked off.

Assignment writeups

Assignment Due Date Description Files
A1 Friday, Feb. 10, 5PM Thresholding A1 Files
A2 Part 1: Friday, Feb. 17, 4:30PM
Part 2: Friday, Feb. 24, 4:30PM
Finding the lightstick A2 Files
A3 Friday, Mar. 9, 5PM Linked lists and connected components A3 Files
A4 Friday, Mar. 30, 5PM Convex hull A4 Files
A5 Part 1 Friday, Apr. 6, 5PM Interpolation A5P1 stubs
A5P1 sprites
A5 Part 2 Friday, Apr. 20, 5PM Object detection A5P2 Files
A6 Friday, Apr. 27, 5PM Authorship detection A6 Files