Michaela (Mila) Götz
I graduated from Cornell University working in the database group advised by Johannes Gehrke. Now, I work at twitter. Consider applying here.
Prior to this, I spent a semester at Carnegie Mellon University working with Christos Faloutsos on modeling blog dynamics. I obtained a B.S. in Computer Science at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany.
Office | Upson Hall 4110 |
Phone | +1 (650) 248 - 1432 (Mobile) |
Research Interests
I am interested in data management. I work on distributed data management, data privacy, and data cleaning. My thesis is on user privacy in personalized mobile applications.
[2012] MASKIT: Privately Releasing User Context Streams
for Personalized Mobile Applications.
Michaela Götz, Suman Nath, Johannes Gehrke.
In SIGMOD, 2012. (tech report) -
[2011] Workload-Aware Indexing for Keyword Search in Social Networks.
Truls A. Bjørklund , Michaela Götz, Johannes Gehrke, Nils Grimsmo.
In CIKM, 2011. (pdf) -
[2011] Publishing Search Logs - A Comparative Study of Privacy Guarantees.
Michaela Götz, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Guozhang Wang, Xiaokui Xiao, Johannes Gehrke.
In TKDE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2011. (Tech Report, pdf) -
[2010] On Active Learning of Record Matching Packages.
Arvind Arasu, Michaela Götz, Raghav Kaushik.
In SIGMOD, 2010. (pdf) (slides) -
[2010] Search in Social Networks with Access Control.
Truls A. Bjørklund , Michaela Götz, Johannes Gehrke.
In KEYS Workshop on Keyword Search on Structured Data, 2010. (pdf) (slides) -
[2009] Data Publishing against Realistic Adversaries.
Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Johannes Gehrke, Michaela Götz.
In VLDB, 2009. (pdf) (slides) -
[2009] A Compositional Framework for Complex Queries over Uncertain Data.
Michaela Götz, Christoph Koch.
In ICDT, 2009. (pdf) -
[2009] Modeling Blog Dynamics.
Michaela Götz, Jure Leskovec, Mary McGlohon, Christos Faloutsos.
In ICWSM, 2009. (pdf) (slides + video) -
[2009] Efficient Algorithms for Descendant-Only Tree Pattern Queries.
Michaela Götz, Christoph Koch, Wim Martens.
In Information Systems (IS) 2009. (pdf) -
[2007] Efficient Algorithms for the Tree Homeomorphism Problem.
Michaela Götz, Christoph Koch, Wim Martens.
In DBPL 2007. (pdf)
[2012] MASKIT: Privately Releasing User Context Streams
for Personalized Mobile Applications.
SIGMOD, Scottsdale, AZ. -
[2011] Privacy-Preserving Personalization on Smartphones.
Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA. -
[2011] New Privacy Challenges in Web Search and Advertising.
Reykjavik University, Iceland. -
[2010] Keyword Search in Social Networks.
Database lunch at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA. -
[2010] Privacy in Search Logs.
Database lunch at Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA. -
[2010] Privacy and Search.
Networked Embedded Computing Group at Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA. -
[2010] On Active Learning of Record Matching Packages.
SIGMOD, Indianapolis, IN. -
[2010] Search in Social Networks with Access Control.
KEYS, Indianapolis, IN. -
[2009] Data Publishing against Realistic Adversaries.
VLDB, Lyon, France. -
[2009] Modeling Blog Dynamics.
ICWSM, San Jose, CA. -
[2009] A Compositional Framework for Complex Queries over Uncertain Data.
ICDT, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. -
[2007] Efficient Algorithms for the Tree Homeomorphism Problem.
DBPL, Vienna, Austria.
Work Experience
- [Fall 2010] Intern at the Networked Embedded Computing Group at Microsoft Research with Suman Nath.
- [Summer 2010] Intern at the Structured Data on the Web group at Google with Alon Halevy.
- [Summer 2010] Intern at the Data Management, Exploration and Mining Group at Microsoft Research with Arvind Arasu.