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Reducing Adverse Impacts of Dams Using Multiobjective Optimization — Publications

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Selected Journal Publications

Alexander S. Flecker, Qinru Shi, Rafael M. Almeida, Héctor Angarita, Jonathan M. Gomes-Selman, Roosevelt García-Villacorta, Suresh A. Sethi, Steven A. Thomas, N. LeRoy Poff, Bruce R. Forsberg, Sebastian A. Heilpern, Stephen K. Hamilton, Jorge D. Abad, Elizabeth P. Anderson, Nathan Barros, Isabel Carolina Bernal, Richard Bernstein, Carlos M. Cañas, Olivier Dangles, Andrea C. Encalada, Ayan S. Fleischmann, Michael Goulding, Jonathan Higgins, Céline Jezequel, Erin I. Larson, Peter B. McIntyre, John M. Melack, Mariana Montoya, Thierry Oberdorff, Rodrigo Paiva, Guillaume Perez, Brendan H. Rappazzo, Scott Steinschneider, Sandra Torres, Mariana Varese, M. Todd Walter, Xiaojian Wu, Yexiang Xue, Xavier E. Zapata-Ríos, Carla P. Gomes. Reducing adverse impacts of Amazon hydropower expansion. Science (2022). [free access available]

Rafael M. Almeida, Qinru Shi, Jonathan M. Gomes-Selman, Xiaojian Wu, Yexiang Xue, Hector Angarita, Nathan Barros, Bruce R. Forsberg, Roosevelt García-Villacorta, Stephen K. Hamilton, John M. Melack, Mariana Montoya, Guillaume Perez, Suresh A. Sethi, Carla P. Gomes, Alexander S. Flecker. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions of Amazon hydropower with strategic dam planning. Nature Communications (2019). [pdf]

Publications By Year

This publication list is mostly from my DBLP profile. Email me if you'd like a copy of one of my publications not included here.




  • Rafael M Almeida, Rafael JP Schmitt, Andrea Castelletti, Alexander S Flecker, Julien J Harou, Sebastian A Heilpern, Noah Kittner, G Mathias Kondolf, Jeff J Opperman, Qinru Shi, Carla P Gomes, Peter B McIntyre. Strategic planning of hydropower development: balancing benefits and socioenvironmental costs. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (2022). [pdf]
  • Alexander S. Flecker, Qinru Shi, Rafael M. Almeida, Héctor Angarita, Jonathan M. Gomes-Selman, Roosevelt García-Villacorta, Suresh A. Sethi, Steven A. Thomas, N. LeRoy Poff, Bruce R. Forsberg, Sebastian A. Heilpern, Stephen K. Hamilton, Jorge D. Abad, Elizabeth P. Anderson, Nathan Barros, Isabel Carolina Bernal, Richard Bernstein, Carlos M. Cañas, Olivier Dangles, Andrea C. Encalada, Ayan S. Fleischmann, Michael Goulding, Jonathan Higgins, Céline Jezequel, Erin I. Larson, Peter B. McIntyre, John M. Melack, Mariana Montoya, Thierry Oberdorff, Rodrigo Paiva, Guillaume Perez, Brendan H. Rappazzo, Scott Steinschneider, Sandra Torres, Mariana Varese, M. Todd Walter, Xiaojian Wu, Yexiang Xue, Xavier E. Zapata-Ríos, Carla P. Gomes. Reducing adverse impacts of Amazon hydropower expansion. Science (2022). [free access available]




Contact Information

Dept. Computer Science
353 Gates Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853 USA

Faculty of Computing and Information Science
Dept. Information Science
Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management

607-255-9189 (voice); 607-255-4428 (fax)
gomes at