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CS 1110: Introduction to Computing Using Python Spring 2018 |
![]() Main About: Announcements Staff & Hours Lectures & Labs Materials: Texts/Clickers Python/Komodo Command Shell Terminology VideoNote Handouts: Lectures Assignments Labs Assessment: Grading Exams Resources: CMS - direct link CMS usage Piazza AEWs FAQ Python Docs Python Tutor: Classic CS1110 version Other Courses Academic Integrity |
ExamsThere are two prelims and a final in this course. Because of the size of this class, and having to coordinate multiple sections, the exam times have already been scheduled far in advance. Please make sure that you have nothing else planned at these times; there are no alternative times for these exams. With that said, we have a policy for legitimate conflicts that involves individualized scheduling; and the same procedure holds for students with SDS-certified accommodation needs. Roughly three weeks before each exam, we will release an "assignment" on CMS. Follow the directions in the make-up petition template to request a makeup. If asked for a weekly screenshot, here are acceptable and unacceptable screenshots. ![]() Prelim 1Time: Tuesday, March 13th, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pmPlace: If you do not have extended time or a makeup, your exam room is based on your netid: Netids alphabetized between AA1 and JKZ99999: Baker Lab 200 Netids alphabetized between JL1-SEZ99999: Rockefeller 201 Netids alphabetized between SF1-ZZ999999: Rockefeller 203 Prelim 1 study guide Prelim 2Time: Tuesday, April 24th, 7:30 pm to 9:00 pmPlace: If you do not have extended time or a makeup, your exam room is based on your netid: Netids alphabetized between AA1 and JKZ99999: Baker Lab 200 Netids alphabetized between JL1-SEZ99999: Rockefeller 201 Netids alphabetized between SF1-ZZ999999: Rockefeller 203 Prelim 2 study guide in all its complete glory (you may need to hit "reload" in your browser to get
the full eight-page version to reveal itself.)
Final ExamTime: Thursday, May 17th, 9:00 am to 11:30 amPlace: Barton Hall Central and East The final is comprehensive, and so will include topics from the previous two prelims as well as topics after the second prelim. Final exam study guide
Exam ArchiveTo give you some idea of what the exams might be like, we are freely posting all of the exams from earlier semesters for you to look at how. However, please be aware of the following: The material covered changes every semester in CS 1110. Furthermore, material is not always covered in the same order. The topics on these older exams may not be the topics in our exams. In particular, the material between the Fall and Spring semesters can be quite different. Prelim 1 in Previous SemestersPrelim 2 in Previous SemestersFinal Exam in Previous Semesters |
Course Material by: E. Andersen, A. Bracy, D. Gries, L. Lee, S. Marschner, C. Van Loan, W. White |