
Require Import FTC.
Require Export Composition.

Integration by substitution

Here we prove integration by substition. Simply put, this lemma shows that int((FoG)*G', a .. b) = int(F, G(a) .. G(b)), assuming that G is differentiable on [c, d] and that F is continuous on [c0, d0] and that G maps compact intervals into [c0, d0].

Lemma IntegrationBySubstition :
  a b
 (Hab: Min a b[<=]Max a b)
 c d (Hcd: c[<]d)
 (Habcd: included (Compact Hab) (Compact (less_leEq _ _ _ Hcd)))
 G (HGa: Dom G a) (HGb: Dom G b)
 G' (HGG': Derivative_I Hcd G G')
 (HGaGb: Min (G a HGa) (G b HGb)[<=]Max (G a HGa) (G b HGb))
 c0 d0 (Hc0d0: c0[<=]d0)
 (HGF: maps_into_compacts G F _ _ Hab _ _ Hc0d0)
 (HFG: Continuous_I Hab ((F[o]G){*}G'))
 (HF: Continuous_I HGaGb F)
 (HFc0d0: Continuous_I Hc0d0 F),
 Integral HFG[=]Integral HF.
 assert(X1:=leEq_less_or_equal _ _ _ Hab).
 apply not_ap_imp_eq.
 intros X0.
 apply X1.
 clear X1.
 intros X1.
 revert X0.
 apply (eq_imp_not_ap).
 destruct X1 as [X1|X1].
  assert(X:=leEq_less_or_equal _ _ _ Hc0d0).
  apply not_ap_imp_eq.
  intros X0.
  apply X.
  clear X.
  intros X.
  revert X0.
  apply (eq_imp_not_ap).
  destruct X as [X|X].
   set (J:=clcr c0 d0).
   assert (HFJ:Continuous J F).
    eapply (Continuous_Int J Hc0d0 Hc0d0); apply HFc0d0.
   assert (Jc0:J c0).
     apply leEq_reflexive.
   set (F0:=([-S-]HFJ) _ Jc0).
   assert (dF : Derivative J X F0 F).
    unfold F0; apply FTC1.
   apply eq_symmetric.
   assert (HF':Continuous_I (Min_leEq_Max (G a HGa) (G b HGb)) F).
   apply eq_transitive with (Integral HF').
    apply Integral_wd'; apply eq_reflexive.
   set (FGx:=Derivative_imp_inc J X F0 F dF).
   assert (JGa:J (G a HGa)).
    destruct HGF as [HGF0 HGF1].
    change (Compact Hc0d0 (G a HGa)).
    apply HGF1.
    apply compact_Min_lft.
   assert (JGb:J (G b HGb)).
    destruct HGF as [HGF0 HGF1].
    change (Compact Hc0d0 (G b HGb)).
    apply HGF1.
    apply compact_Min_rht.
   apply eq_transitive with ((F0 (G b HGb) (FGx _ JGb))[-](F0 (G a HGa) (FGx _ JGa))).
    unfold FGx.
    apply Barrow.
    apply HFJ.
   apply eq_symmetric.
   assert (HFG':Continuous_I (Min_leEq_Max a b) ((F[o]G){*}G')).
   apply eq_transitive with (Integral HFG').
    apply Integral_wd'; apply eq_reflexive.
   set (I:=clcr (Min a b) (Max a b)).
   assert (dFG:Derivative I X1 (F0[o]G) ((F[o]G){*}G')).
    apply (Derivative_Int I Hab X1 X1).
    assert (dF0 : Derivative_I X F0 F).
     apply (Int_Derivative J Hc0d0 X).
    eapply Derivative_I_comp.
      eapply (included_imp_deriv _ _ Hcd).
       apply Habcd.
      apply HGG'.
     apply dF0.
    destruct HGF as [HGF0 HGF1].
    exact HGF1.
   set (HFGx := Derivative_imp_inc I X1 _ _ dFG).
   stepr (((F0[o]G) b (HFGx b (compact_Min_rht _ _ Hab)))[-]
     ((F0[o]G) a (HFGx a (compact_Min_lft _ _ Hab)))).
    unfold HFGx.
    apply Barrow.
    eapply (Continuous_Int I Hab Hab).
    apply HFG.
   generalize (HFGx a (compact_Min_lft a b Hab)) (HFGx b (compact_Min_rht a b Hab)).
   generalize (FGx (G b HGb) JGb) (FGx (G a HGa) JGa).
   generalize F0 G HGb HGa.
   clear -a b.
   intros F G p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6.
  assert (Y:G a HGa[=]G b HGb).
   destruct HGF as [HGF0 HGF1].
   apply leEq_imp_eq.
    apply leEq_transitive with d0.
     destruct (HGF1 _ HGa (compact_Min_lft _ _ Hab)); assumption.
    stepl c0; [| assumption].
    destruct (HGF1 _ HGb (compact_Min_rht _ _ Hab)); assumption.
   apply leEq_transitive with d0.
    destruct (HGF1 _ HGb (compact_Min_rht _ _ Hab)); assumption.
   stepl c0; [| assumption].
   destruct (HGF1 _ HGa (compact_Min_lft _ _ Hab)); assumption.
  stepl ([0]:IR).
   apply eq_symmetric; apply Integral_empty.
  assert (Z:(Continuous_I Hab [-C-][0])).
  stepr (Integral Z).
   rstepl ([0][*](b[-]a)).
   apply eq_symmetric.
   apply Integral_const.
  apply Integral_wd.
  simpl in Hx'.
  apply eq_symmetric.
  apply x_mult_zero.
  change ([0]:IR) with ([-C-][0] x I).
  apply Feq_imp_eq with (I:=Compact (less_leEq _ _ _ X1)); auto.
  apply Derivative_I_unique with G.
   eapply included_imp_deriv;[|apply HGG'].
  apply Derivative_I_wdl with ([-C-](G a HGa)); [|apply Derivative_I_const].
   eapply included_trans.
    apply Habcd.
   eapply derivative_imp_inc.
   apply HGG'.
  rename H0 into X2. destruct HGF as [HGF0 HGF1].
  apply leEq_imp_eq.
   apply leEq_transitive with d0.
    destruct (HGF1 _ HGa (compact_Min_lft _ _ Hab)); assumption.
   stepl c0; [| assumption].
   destruct (HGF1 _ Hx'0 X2); assumption.
  apply leEq_transitive with d0.
   destruct (HGF1 _ Hx'0 X2); assumption.
  stepl c0; [| assumption].
  destruct (HGF1 _ HGa (compact_Min_lft _ _ Hab)); assumption.
 assert (Hab':a[=]b).
  apply not_ap_imp_eq.
  intros X0.
  apply (eq_imp_not_ap _ _ _ X1).
  apply less_imp_ap.
  apply ap_imp_Min_less_Max.
 apply eq_transitive with ([0]:IR).
  apply Integral_empty.
 apply eq_symmetric.
 apply Integral_empty.

This lemma is a special instance of substituion that ties integration on [0, 1] with general integration on [a, b]. It says that int(F((b-a)*x+a), x=0 .. 1) = int(F, a .. b).

Lemma IntegrationSubs01 : a b
 (Hab: Min a b[<=]Max a b)
 (H01: [0][<=][1])
 (HFG: Continuous_I H01 ((F[o]([-C-](b[-]a){*}(Fid IR){+}[-C-]a))))
 (HF: Continuous_I Hab F),
 (b[-]a)[*]integral _ _ _ _ HFG[=]Integral HF.
 assert (HFG0:Continuous_I (a:=[0]) (b:=[1]) H01 ((b[-]a){**}(F[o][-C-](b[-]a){*}FId{+}[-C-]a))).
 stepr (integral _ _ _ _ HFG0).
  apply eq_symmetric.
  apply integral_comm_scal.
 assert (HFG1:Continuous_I (a:=[0]) (b:=[1]) H01 ((F[o][-C-](b[-]a){*}FId{+}[-C-]a){*}[-C-](b[-]a))).
 stepr (integral _ _ _ _ HFG1).
  apply integral_wd.
 assert (H01':Min [0] [1][<=]Max [0] [1]).
  apply Min_leEq_Max.
 assert (HFG2:Continuous_I H01' ((F[o][-C-](b[-]a){*}FId{+}[-C-]a){*}[-C-](b[-]a))).
  apply (included_imp_contin _ _ H01).
   apply included2_compact.
    apply compact_inc_lft.
   apply compact_inc_rht.
 stepr (Integral HFG2).
  apply eq_symmetric.
  apply Integral_integral.
 clear - H01.
 set (G:=[-C-](b[-]a){*}FId{+}[-C-]a) in ×.
 assert (HG0 : Dom G [0]).
  repeat constructor.
 assert (HG1 : Dom G [1]).
  repeat constructor.
 assert (Hab':Min (G [0] HG0) (G [1] HG1)[<=]Max (G [0] HG0) (G [1] HG1)).
  apply Min_leEq_Max.
 assert (HF':Continuous_I Hab' F).
  apply (included_imp_contin _ _ Hab).
   unfold G.
   apply included2_compact.
    apply (compact_wd _ _ Hab a).
     apply compact_Min_lft.
   apply (compact_wd _ _ Hab b).
    apply compact_Min_rht.
 stepl (Integral HF').
  apply Integral_wd'; simpl; rational.
 apply eq_symmetric.
 assert (X:included (Compact H01') (Compact (less_leEq _ _ _ (pos_one IR)))).
  apply included2_compact.
   apply compact_inc_lft.
  apply compact_inc_rht.
 eapply (IntegrationBySubstition).
    apply X.
   unfold G.
    apply Feq_reflexive.
    repeat constructor.
   apply (included_Feq (Compact (less_leEq IR [0] [1] (pos_one IR))) realline).
    repeat constructor.
   apply contin_imp_inc.
   apply HF'.
  intros x Hx [H0 H1].
  assert (H0':[0][<=]x).
   stepl (Min [0] [1]);[assumption|].
   apply leEq_imp_Min_is_lft.
   apply (less_leEq _ _ _ (pos_one IR)).
  assert (H1':x[<=][1]).
   stepr (Max [0] [1]);[assumption|].
   apply leEq_imp_Max_is_rht.
   apply (less_leEq _ _ _ (pos_one IR)).
  unfold G.
   stepl (Min a b); [| apply MIN_wd; rational].
   assert (Z:=leEq_or_leEq _ a b).
   intros Z0.
   apply Z.
   clear Z.
   intros Z.
   revert Z0.
   change (Not ((b[-]a)[*]x[+]a[<]Min a b)).
   rewrite <- leEq_def.
   destruct Z.
    stepl a; [| apply eq_symmetric; apply leEq_imp_Min_is_lft; auto].
    apply shift_leEq_plus.
    rstepl ([0]:IR).
    apply mult_resp_nonneg; auto.
    apply shift_leEq_lft.
   stepl (Min b a); [| apply Min_comm].
   stepl b; [| apply eq_symmetric; apply leEq_imp_Min_is_lft; auto].
   apply shift_leEq_plus.
   apply shift_leEq_rht.
   rstepr ((a[-]b)[*]([1][-]x)).
   apply mult_resp_nonneg; apply shift_leEq_lft; assumption.
  stepr (Max a b); [| apply MAX_wd;rational].
  assert (Z:=leEq_or_leEq _ a b).
  intros Z0.
  apply Z.
  clear Z.
  intros Z.
  revert Z0.
  change (Not (Max a b[<](b[-]a)[*]x[+]a)).
  rewrite <- leEq_def.
  destruct Z.
   stepr b; [| apply eq_symmetric; apply leEq_imp_Max_is_rht; auto].
   apply shift_plus_leEq.
   apply shift_leEq_rht.
   rstepr ((b[-]a)[*]([1][-]x)).
   apply mult_resp_nonneg; apply shift_leEq_lft; assumption.
  stepr (Max b a); [| apply Max_comm].
  stepr a; [| apply eq_symmetric; apply leEq_imp_Max_is_rht; auto].
  apply shift_plus_leEq.
  rstepr ([0]:IR).
  apply shift_leEq_rht.
  rstepr ((a[-]b)[*]x).
  apply mult_resp_nonneg; auto.
  apply shift_leEq_lft.