
Require Export CComplex.
Require Export Wf_nat.
Require Export ArithRing.

Roots of Complex Numbers

Properties of non-zero complex numbers

Section CC_ap_zero.

Lemma cc_ap_zero : P : CCProp,
 ( a b, a [#] [0]P (a[+I*]b)) → ( a b, b [#] [0]P (a[+I*]b)) → c, c [#] [0]P c.
 intro. intro. intro. intro.
 elim c. intros a b. intro H1.
 elim H1; intros H2.
  apply H.
  exact H2.
 apply H0.
 exact H2.

Lemma C_cc_ap_zero : P : CCCProp,
 ( a b, a [#] [0]P (a[+I*]b)) → ( a b, b [#] [0]P (a[+I*]b)) → c, c [#] [0]P c.
 intro. intro H. intro H0. intro.
 elim c. intros a b. intro H1.
 elim H1; intros H2.
  apply H.
  exact H2.
 apply H0.
 exact H2.

End CC_ap_zero.

Weird lemma.

Section Imag_to_Real.

Lemma imag_to_real : a b a' b', a'[+I*]b' [=] (a[+I*]b) [*]IIa [#] [0]b' [#] [0].
 do 5 intro. intro H0.
 cut (b' [=] a); intros.
  apply ap_wdl_unfolded with a.
   exact H0.
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. exact H1.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im (a'[+I*]b')).
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im ((a[+I*]b) [*]II)).
  apply Im_wd. exact H.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im ( [--]b[+I*]a)).
  apply Im_wd. apply mult_I.
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.

End Imag_to_Real.

Roots of the imaginary unit

Section NRootI.

Definition sqrt_Half := sqrt Half (less_leEq _ _ _ (pos_half IR)).
Definition sqrt_I := sqrt_Half[+I*]sqrt_Half.

Lemma sqrt_I_nexp : sqrt_I[^]2 [=] II.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (sqrt_I[*]sqrt_I).
  apply nexp_two.
 unfold sqrt_I in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((sqrt_Half[*]sqrt_Half[-]sqrt_Half[*]sqrt_Half) [+I*]
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 cut (sqrt_Half[*]sqrt_Half [=] Half); intros.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ([0][+I*] (Half[+]Half)).
   apply I_wd. apply cg_minus_correct. apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. exact H.
    exact H.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ([0][+I*][1]).
   apply I_wd. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. apply half_2.
    apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (sqrt_Half[^]2).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply nexp_two.
  unfold sqrt_Half in |- ×.
 apply sqrt_sqr.

Lemma nroot_I_nexp_aux : n, odd n{m : nat | n × n = 4 × m + 1}.
 intros n on.
 elim (odd_S2n n); try assumption.
 intros n' H.
 rewrite H.
  (n' × n' + n').
 unfold double in |- ×.

Definition nroot_I (n : nat) (n_ : odd n) : CC := II[^]n.

Lemma nroot_I_nexp : n n_, nroot_I n n_[^]n [=] II.
 intros n on.
 unfold nroot_I in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (II[^] (n × n)).
  apply nexp_mult.
 elim (nroot_I_nexp_aux n); try assumption.
 intros m H.
 rewrite H.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (II[^] (4 × m) [*]II[^]1).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply nexp_plus.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((II[^]4) [^]m[*]II).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply nexp_mult.
   apply nexp_one.
 cut (II[^]4 [=] [1]); intros.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ([1][^]m[*]II).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply un_op_wd_unfolded. exact H0.
    apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ([1][*]II).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply one_nexp. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
    apply one_mult.
 replace 4 with (2 × 2).
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((II[^]2) [^]2).
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply nexp_mult.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ( [--] ([1]:CC) [^]2).
   apply un_op_wd_unfolded. exact I_square'.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (([1]:CC) [^]2).
   apply inv_nexp_two.
  apply one_nexp.
 auto with arith.
Hint Resolve nroot_I_nexp: algebra.

Definition nroot_minus_I (n : nat) (n_ : odd n) : CC := [--] (nroot_I n n_).

Lemma nroot_minus_I_nexp : n n_, nroot_minus_I n n_[^]n [=] [--]II.
 intros n on.
 unfold nroot_minus_I in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ( [--] (nroot_I n on[^]n)).
  apply inv_nexp_odd. exact on.
  apply un_op_wd_unfolded. apply nroot_I_nexp.

End NRootI.

Roots of complex numbers

Section NRootCC_1.

We define the nth root of a complex number with a non zero imaginary part.
Let a,b : IR and b_ : (b [#] [0]). Define c2 := a[^]2[+]b[^]2, c := sqrt c2, a'2 := (c[+]a) [*]Half, a' := sqrt a'2, b'2 := (c[-]a) [*]Half and b' := sqrt b'2.
Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis b_ : b [#] [0].

Lemma nrCC1_c2pos : [0] [<] c2.
 unfold c2 in |- ×.
 apply plus_resp_nonneg_pos.
  apply sqr_nonneg.
 apply pos_square.

Lemma nrCC1_a'2pos : [0] [<] a'2.
 unfold a'2 in |- ×.
 apply (mult_resp_pos IR).
  rstepr (c[-][--]a).
  apply shift_zero_less_minus.
  unfold c in |- ×.
  apply sqrt_less'.
  unfold c2 in |- ×.
  apply (Ccsr_wdl _ (cof_less (c:=IR)) (a[^]2[+][0]) (a[^]2[+]b[^]2)).
   apply plus_resp_less_lft.
   change ([0] [<] b[^]2) in |- ×.
   apply pos_square. assumption.
   apply cm_rht_unit_unfolded.
 apply pos_half.

Lemma nrCC1_b'2pos : [0] [<] b'2.
 unfold b'2 in |- ×.
 apply (mult_resp_pos IR).
  change ([0] [<] c[-]a) in |- ×.
  apply shift_zero_less_minus.
  unfold c in |- ×.
  apply sqrt_less.
  unfold c2 in |- ×.
  rstepl (a[^]2[+][0]).
  apply plus_resp_less_lft.
  change ([0] [<] b[^]2) in |- ×.
  apply pos_square. assumption.
  apply pos_half.

Lemma nrCC1_a3 : a'[^]2[-]b'[^]2 [=] a.
 unfold a', b' in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (a'2[-]b'2).
  apply cg_minus_wd. apply sqrt_sqr. apply sqrt_sqr.
   unfold a'2, b'2 in |- ×.
 unfold Half in |- ×.

Lemma nrCC1_a4 : (c[+]a) [*] (c[-]a) [=] b[^]2.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (c[^]2[-]a[^]2).
  apply nexp_funny.
 unfold c in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (c2[-]a[^]2).
  apply cg_minus_wd. apply sqrt_sqr. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
   unfold c2 in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (a[^]2[+]b[^]2[+][--] (a[^]2)).
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (b[^]2[+]a[^]2[+][--] (a[^]2)).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply cag_commutes_unfolded.
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (b[^]2[+] (a[^]2[+][--] (a[^]2))).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply plus_assoc_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (b[^]2[+][0]).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
   apply cg_rht_inv_unfolded.
 apply cm_rht_unit_unfolded.
Hint Resolve nrCC1_a4: algebra.

Lemma nrCC1_a5 : a'2[*]b'2 [=] (b[*]Half) [^]2.
 unfold a'2, b'2 in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((c[+]a) [*] (Half[*] ((c[-]a) [*]Half))).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply mult_assoc_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((c[+]a) [*] ((c[-]a) [*]Half[*]Half)).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. apply mult_commutes.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((c[+]a) [*] ((c[-]a) [*] (Half[*]Half))).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply mult_assoc_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((c[+]a) [*] (c[-]a) [*] (Half[*]Half)).
  apply mult_assoc_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (b[^]2[*] (Half[*]Half)).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. exact nrCC1_a4. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (b[*]b[*] (Half[*]Half)).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply nexp_two. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (b[*]b[*]Half[*]Half).
  apply mult_assoc_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (b[*] (b[*]Half) [*]Half).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
   apply mult_assoc_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (b[*]Half[*]b[*]Half).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply mult_commutes. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (b[*]Half[*] (b[*]Half)).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply mult_assoc_unfolded.
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply nexp_two.

Lemma nrCC1_a6 : [0] [<] a'2[*]b'2.
 apply (mult_resp_pos IR).
  apply nrCC1_a'2pos.
 apply nrCC1_b'2pos.

Lemma nrCC1_a6' : [0] [<] (b[*]Half) [^]2.
 apply pos_square.
 apply ap_wdr_unfolded with (ZeroR[*]Half).
  2: apply cring_mult_zero_op.
 apply mult_rht_resp_ap; try assumption.
 apply pos_ap_zero.
 apply pos_half.
Hint Resolve nrCC1_a5: algebra.

Lemma nrCC1_a7_upper : [0] [<] ba'[*]b' [=] b[*]Half.
 unfold a', b' in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (sqrt (a'2[*]b'2) (less_leEq _ _ _ nrCC1_a6)).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply NRootIR.sqrt_mult.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (sqrt ((b[*]Half) [^]2) (less_leEq _ _ _ nrCC1_a6')).
  apply sqrt_wd. exact nrCC1_a5.
  apply sqrt_to_nonneg.
 apply less_leEq.
 rstepl (ZeroR[*]Half).
 apply mult_resp_less. assumption.
  apply pos_half.

Lemma nrCC1_a7_lower : b [<] [0]a'[*][--]b' [=] b[*]Half.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ( [--] (a'[*]b')).
  apply cring_inv_mult_lft.
 cut (a'[*]b' [=] [--] (b[*]Half)); intros. rename H into H0. rename X into H.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ( [--][--] (b[*]Half)).
   apply un_op_wd_unfolded. exact H0.
   apply cg_inv_inv.
 unfold a', b' in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (sqrt (a'2[*]b'2) (less_leEq _ _ _ nrCC1_a6)).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply NRootIR.sqrt_mult.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (sqrt ((b[*]Half) [^]2) (less_leEq _ _ _ nrCC1_a6')).
  apply sqrt_wd. exact nrCC1_a5.
  apply sqrt_to_nonpos.
 apply less_leEq.
 rstepr (ZeroR[*]Half).
 apply mult_resp_less. assumption.
  apply pos_half.
Hint Resolve nrCC1_a3 nrCC1_a7_upper nrCC1_a7_lower: algebra.

Lemma nrootCC_1_upper : [0] [<] b(a'[+I*]b') [^]2 [=] a[+I*]b.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((a'[^]2[-]b'[^]2) [+I*]a'[*]b'[*]Two).
  apply cc_calculate_square.
 cut (a'[*]b'[*]Two [=] b); intros.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (a[+I*]b).
   apply I_wd. exact nrCC1_a3. rename H into H0. exact H0.
    apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (b[*]Half[*]Two).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply nrCC1_a7_upper. rename X into H. exact H.
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply half_1'.

Lemma nrootCC_1_lower : b [<] [0](a'[+I*][--]b') [^]2 [=] a[+I*]b.
 cut (a'[^]2[-][--]b'[^]2 [=] a); intros.
  cut (a'[*][--]b'[*]Two [=] b); intros.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((a'[^]2[-][--]b'[^]2) [+I*]a'[*][--]b'[*]Two).
    apply cc_calculate_square.
   apply I_wd. rename H0 into H1. rename H into H0. rename X into H. exact H0.
    rename H0 into H1. rename H into H0. rename X into H. exact H1.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (b[*]Half[*]Two).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply nrCC1_a7_lower.
    rename H into H0. rename X into H. exact H.
    apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply half_1'.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (a'[^]2[-]b'[^]2).
  apply cg_minus_wd. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. apply inv_nexp_two.
   exact nrCC1_a3.

Lemma nrootCC_1_ap_real : {z : CC | z[^]2 [=] a[+I*]b}.
 elim (ap_imp_less _ b [0]).
   intro H.
    (a'[+I*][--]b'). apply nrootCC_1_lower. assumption.
   intro H.
   (a'[+I*]b'). apply nrootCC_1_upper. assumption.

End NRootCC_1_ap_real.

We now define the nth root of a complex number with a non zero real part.
Let a,b : IR and a_ : (a [#] [0]) and define c' := (a[+I*]b) [*][--]II := a'[+I*]b'.
Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis a_ : a [#] [0].

Lemma nrootCC_1_ap_imag : {z : CC | z[^]2 [=] a[+I*]b}.
 elim (nrootCC_1_ap_real a' b').
  intros x H.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (x[^]2[*]sqrt_I[^]2).
   apply mult_nexp.
  Hint Resolve sqrt_I_nexp: algebra.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((a'[+I*]b') [*]II).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. exact H. exact sqrt_I_nexp.
    apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((a[+I*]b) [*][--]II[*]II).
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((a[+I*]b) [*] ( [--]II[*]II)).
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply mult_assoc_unfolded.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((a[+I*]b) [*][1]).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. exact I_recip_lft.
    apply mult_one.
 cut (b[+I*][--]a [=] c'); intros.
  apply ap_wdl_unfolded with (Im c').
   2: apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply ap_wdl_unfolded with (Im (b[+I*][--]a)).
   2: apply Im_wd. 2: exact H.
   apply ap_wdl_unfolded with ( [--]a).
   apply zero_minus_apart. apply minus_ap_zero. apply inv_resp_ap_zero.
   exact a_.
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ( [--][--]b[+I*][--]a).
  apply I_wd. apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply cg_inv_inv.
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ( [--] ( [--]b[+I*]a)).
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ( [--] ((a[+I*]b) [*]II)).
  apply un_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply mult_I.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((a[+I*]b) [*][--]II).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply cring_inv_mult_lft.
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.

End NRootCC_1_ap_imag.

We now define the roots of arbitrary non zero complex numbers.

Lemma nrootCC_1 : c : CC, c [#] [0]{z : CC | z[^]2 [=] c}.
 pattern c in |- ×.
 apply C_cc_ap_zero; try assumption; intros.
  apply nrootCC_1_ap_imag. assumption.
  apply nrootCC_1_ap_real. assumption.

End NRootCC_1.

Section NRootCC_2.

Let n : nat and c,z : CC and c_:(c [#] [0]).
Variable n : nat.
Variables c z : CC.
Hypothesis c_ : c [#] [0].

Lemma nrootCC_2' : (z[*]CC_conj z) [^]n [=] c[*]CC_conj c
 z[^]n[*]CC_conj c[-]CC_conj z[^]n[*]c [=] [0](z[^]n) [^]2 [=] c[^]2.
 cut (z[^]n[*]CC_conj c [=] CC_conj z[^]n[*]c); intros.
  apply (mult_cancel_rht _ ((z[^]n) [^]2) (c[^]2) (CC_conj c)).
   apply CC_conj_strext.
   apply ap_wdl_unfolded with c.
    2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. 2: apply CC_conj_conj.
    apply ap_wdr_unfolded with ([0]:CC).
    exact c_.
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. exact CC_conj_zero.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (z[^]n[*]z[^]n[*]CC_conj c).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply nexp_two. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
    apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (z[^]n[*] (z[^]n[*]CC_conj c)).
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply mult_assoc_unfolded.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (z[^]n[*] (CC_conj z[^]n[*]c)).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. exact H1.
    apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (z[^]n[*]CC_conj z[^]n[*]c).
   apply mult_assoc_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((z[*]CC_conj z) [^]n[*]c).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply mult_nexp.
    apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (c[*]CC_conj c[*]c).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. exact H. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
    apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (c[*] (c[*]CC_conj c)).
   apply mult_commutes.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (c[*]c[*]CC_conj c).
   apply mult_assoc_unfolded.
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply nexp_two.
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 cut ( (G : CGroup) (x y : G), x[-]y [=] [0]x [=] y); intros.
  apply H1. assumption.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (x[+][0]).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply cm_rht_unit_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (x[+] ( [--]y[+]y)).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply cg_lft_inv_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (x[+][--]y[+]y).
  apply plus_assoc_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ([0][+]y).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. exact H1. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
   apply cm_lft_unit_unfolded.

Lemma nrootCC_2 : (z[*]CC_conj z) [^]n [=] c[*]CC_conj c
 z[^]n[*]CC_conj c[-]CC_conj z[^]n[*]c [=] [0]z[^]n [=] c or z[^]n [=] [--]c.
 apply cond_square_eq; try assumption.
  exact TwoCC_ap_zero.
 apply nrootCC_2'; assumption.

End NRootCC_2.

Section NRootCC_3.

Fixpoint Im_poly (p : cpoly CC) : cpoly IR :=
  match p with
  | cpoly_zerocpoly_zero IR
  | cpoly_linear c p1cpoly_linear IR (Im c) (Im_poly p1)

Lemma nrCC3_a1 : p r, (Im_poly p) ! r [=] Im p ! (cc_IR r).
 elim p; intros.
  unfold Im_poly in |- ×.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ZeroR.
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im ([0]:CC)); apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (cpoly_linear _ (Im s) (Im_poly c)) ! r.
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im s[+]r[*] (Im_poly c) ! r).
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im s[+]r[*]Im c ! (cc_IR r)).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. exact H.
  cut ( (r : IR) (c : CC), r[*]Im c [=] Im (cc_IR r[*]c)); intros.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im s[+]Im (cc_IR r[*]c ! (cc_IR r))).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. apply H0.
    apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im (s[+]cc_IR r[*]c ! (cc_IR r))).
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (r0[*]Im c0[+][0]).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply cm_rht_unit_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (r0[*]Im c0[+][0][*]Re c0).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply cring_mult_zero_op.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im ((r0[+I*][0]) [*] (Re c0[+I*]Im c0))).
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im (cc_IR r0[*] (Re c0[+I*]Im c0))).
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.

Lemma nrCC3_a2 : p n, nth_coeff n (Im_poly p) [=] Im (nth_coeff n p).
 elim p; intros.
  unfold Im_poly in |- ×.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ZeroR.
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im ([0]:CC)).
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 elim n; intros.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im s).
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (nth_coeff n0 (Im_poly c)).
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im (nth_coeff (R:=CC) n0 c)).
  apply H.
 apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.

Let a,b : IR, b_ : (b [#] [0]) and n : nat.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis b_ : b [#] [0].
Variable n : nat.

Definition nrCC3_poly'' := (_X_[+]_C_ II) [^]n.

Lemma nrCC3_a3 : r : IR, nrCC3_poly'' ! (cc_IR r) [=] (r[+I*][1]) [^]n.
 unfold nrCC3_poly'' in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((_X_[+]_C_ II) ! (cc_IR r) [^]n).
  apply nexp_apply.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((_X_ ! (cc_IR r) [+] (_C_ II) ! (cc_IR r)) [^]n).
  apply un_op_wd_unfolded. apply plus_apply.
  cut ( c x : CC, _X_ ! x[+] (_C_ c) ! x [=] x[+]c); intros.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((cc_IR r[+]II) [^]n).
   apply un_op_wd_unfolded. apply H.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((r[+I*][0][+][0][+I*][1]) [^]n).
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (((r[+][0]) [+I*] ([0][+][1])) [^]n).
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply un_op_wd_unfolded. apply I_wd. apply cm_rht_unit_unfolded.
  apply cm_lft_unit_unfolded.
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply x_apply. apply c_apply.

Lemma nrCC3_a4 : degree_le 1 (_X_[+]_C_ II).
 apply degree_imp_degree_le.
 cut (degree 1 (_C_ II[+]_X_)); intros.
  apply (degree_wd _ (_C_ II[+]_X_)).
   apply cag_commutes_unfolded.
  rename X into H. exact H.
  apply (degree_plus_rht _ (_C_ II) _X_ 0 1).
   apply degree_le_c_.
  apply degree_x_.
 auto with arith.

Lemma nrCC3_a5 : degree_le n nrCC3_poly''.
 replace n with (1 × n).
  unfold nrCC3_poly'' in |- ×.
  apply degree_le_nexp.
  exact nrCC3_a4.
 unfold mult in |- ×.
 auto with arith.

Lemma nrCC3_a6 : nth_coeff n nrCC3_poly'' [=] [1].
 cut (monic n nrCC3_poly''); intros.
  unfold monic in H.
  elim H; intros; assumption.
 replace n with (1 × n).
  unfold nrCC3_poly'' in |- ×.
  apply monic_nexp.
  unfold monic in |- *; split.
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  exact nrCC3_a4.
 unfold mult in |- ×.
 auto with arith.

Definition nrCC3_poly' := nrCC3_poly''[*]_C_ (a[+I*][--]b).

Lemma nrCC3_a7 : r : IR, nrCC3_poly' ! (cc_IR r) [=] (r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*] (a[+I*][--]b).
 unfold nrCC3_poly' in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (nrCC3_poly'' ! (cc_IR r) [*] (_C_ (a[+I*][--]b)) ! (cc_IR r)).
  apply mult_apply.
 Hint Resolve nrCC3_a3: algebra.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (nrCC3_poly'' ! (cc_IR r) [*] (a[+I*][--]b)).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. apply c_apply.
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply nrCC3_a3. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.

Lemma nrCC3_a8 : degree_le n nrCC3_poly'.
 replace n with (n + 0).
  unfold nrCC3_poly' in |- ×.
  apply degree_le_mult.
   exact nrCC3_a5.
  apply degree_le_c_.
 auto with arith.

Lemma nrCC3_a9 : nth_coeff n nrCC3_poly' [=] a[+I*][--]b.
 unfold nrCC3_poly' in |- ×.
 Hint Resolve nth_coeff_p_mult_c_: algebra.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (nth_coeff n nrCC3_poly''[*] (a[+I*][--]b)).
  apply nth_coeff_p_mult_c_.
 Hint Resolve nrCC3_a6: algebra.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ([1][*] (a[+I*][--]b)).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. exact nrCC3_a6. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
   apply one_mult.

Definition nrootCC_3_poly := Im_poly nrCC3_poly'.

Lemma nrootCC_3_ : r : IR, nrootCC_3_poly ! r [=] Im ((r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*] (a[+I*][--]b)).
 unfold nrootCC_3_poly in |- ×.
 Hint Resolve nrCC3_a1 nrCC3_a7: algebra.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im nrCC3_poly' ! (cc_IR r)).
  apply nrCC3_a1.
 apply Im_wd. apply nrCC3_a7.

Lemma nrootCC_3 : r : IR,
 cc_IR nrootCC_3_poly ! r[*] (Two[*]II) [=] (r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*] (a[+I*][--]b) [-] (r[+I*][--][1]) [^]n[*] (a[+I*]b).
 cut (CC_conj ((r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*] (a[+I*][--]b)) [=] (r[+I*][--][1]) [^]n[*] (a[+I*]b)); intros.
  Hint Resolve nrootCC_3_: algebra.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (cc_IR (Im ((r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*] (a[+I*][--]b))) [*] (Two[*]II)).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply cc_IR_wd. apply nrootCC_3_.
    apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  Hint Resolve calculate_Im: algebra.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*] (a[+I*][--]b) [-]
    CC_conj ((r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*] (a[+I*][--]b))).
   apply calculate_Im.
  apply cg_minus_wd. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. exact H.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (CC_conj ((r[+I*][1]) [^]n) [*]CC_conj (a[+I*][--]b)).
  apply CC_conj_mult.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (CC_conj (r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*] (a[+I*][--][--]b)).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply CC_conj_nexp. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. apply I_wd.
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. apply cg_inv_inv.

Lemma nrootCC_3_degree : degree n nrootCC_3_poly.
 unfold degree in |- ×.
  cut (nth_coeff n nrootCC_3_poly [=] [--]b); intros.
   apply ap_wdl_unfolded with ( [--]b).
    apply zero_minus_apart. apply minus_ap_zero. apply inv_resp_ap_zero.
    exact b_.
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. exact H.
   unfold nrootCC_3_poly in |- ×.
  Hint Resolve nrCC3_a2: algebra.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im (nth_coeff n nrCC3_poly')).
   apply nrCC3_a2.
  Hint Resolve nrCC3_a9: algebra.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im (a[+I*][--]b)).
   apply Im_wd. exact nrCC3_a9.
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 cut ( (p : cpoly CC) (n : nat), degree_le n pdegree_le n (Im_poly p)); intros.
  unfold nrootCC_3_poly in |- ×.
  apply H.
  exact nrCC3_a8.
 unfold degree_le in |- ×.
 unfold degree_le in H.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im (nth_coeff m p)).
  apply nrCC3_a2.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (Im ([0]:CC)).
  apply Im_wd. apply H. exact H0.
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.

End NRootCC_3.

Section NRootCC_3'.

Let c:IR, n:nat and n_:(lt (0) n).

Variable c : IR.
Variable n : nat.
Hypothesis n_ : 0 < n.

Definition nrootCC_3'_poly := _X_[^]n[-]_C_ c.

Lemma nrootCC_3' : x : IR, nrootCC_3'_poly ! x [=] x[^]n[-]c.
 unfold nrootCC_3'_poly in |- ×.
 cut ((_X_[^]n) ! x [=] x[^]n). intros.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((_X_[^]n) ! x[-] (_C_ c) ! x).
   apply minus_apply.
  apply cg_minus_wd. exact H. apply c_apply.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (_X_ ! x[^]n).
  apply nexp_apply.
 apply un_op_wd_unfolded. apply x_apply.

Lemma nrootCC_3'_degree : degree n nrootCC_3'_poly.
 unfold nrootCC_3'_poly in |- ×.
 apply (degree_minus_lft _ (_C_ c) (_X_[^]n) 0 n).
   apply degree_le_c_.
  pattern n at 1 in |- *; replace n with (1 × n).
   apply degree_nexp.
   apply degree_x_.
  replace (1 × n) with n; auto.
  unfold mult in |- ×.
  auto with arith.

End NRootCC_3'.

Section NRootCC_4.

Section NRootCC_4_ap_real.

Let a,b : IR, b_ : (b [#] [0]), n : nat and n_:(odd n); define c := a[+I*]b.

Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis b_ : b [#] [0].
Variable n : nat.
Hypothesis n_ : odd n.

Section NRootCC_4_solutions.

Lemma nrCC4_a1 : {r : IR | (r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*]CC_conj c[-] (r[+I*][--][1]) [^]n[*]c [=] [0]}.
 elim (realpolyn_oddhaszero (nrootCC_3_poly a b n)).
  intro r. intro H.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded
    with ((r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*] (a[+I*][--]b) [-] (r[+I*][--][1]) [^]n[*] (a[+I*]b)).
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  Hint Resolve nrootCC_3: algebra.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (cc_IR (nrootCC_3_poly a b n) ! r[*] (Two[*]II)).
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply nrootCC_3.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (cc_IR [0][*] (Two[*]II)).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply cc_IR_wd. exact H. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
    apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ([0][*] (Two[*]II)).
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply cring_mult_zero_op.
 unfold odd_cpoly in |- ×.
  apply to_Codd.
 apply (nrootCC_3_degree a b b_ n).

Let r2',c2 : IR and r2'_ : (r2' [#] [0]).

Variables r2' c2 : IR.
Hypothesis r2'_ : r2' [#] [0].

Lemma nrCC4_a1' : {y2 : IR | (y2[*]r2') [^]n [=] c2}.
 elim (realpolyn_oddhaszero (nrootCC_3'_poly c2 n)).
  intro y2r2'. intros.
   (y2r2'[/] r2'[//]r2'_).
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (y2r2'[^]n).
   apply un_op_wd_unfolded. apply div_1.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (y2r2'[^]n[+][0]).
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply cm_rht_unit_unfolded.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (y2r2'[^]n[+] ( [--]c2[+]c2)).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
    apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply cg_lft_inv_unfolded.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (y2r2'[^]n[+][--]c2[+]c2).
   apply plus_assoc_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (y2r2'[^]n[-]c2[+]c2).
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  Hint Resolve nrootCC_3': algebra.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((nrootCC_3'_poly c2 n) ! y2r2'[+]c2).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply nrootCC_3'.
    apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ([0][+]c2).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. assumption. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
    apply cm_lft_unit_unfolded.
 unfold odd_cpoly in |- ×.
  apply to_Codd.
 apply nrootCC_3'_degree.
 rewrite (odd_double n). auto with arith.

End NRootCC_4_solutions.

Section NRootCC_4_equations.

Let r,y2 : IR be such that (r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*] (CC_conj c) [-] (r[+I*][--][1]) [^]n[*]c [=] [0] and (y2[*] (r[^] (2) [+][1])) [^]n [=] a[^] (2) [+]b[^] (2).
Variable r : IR.
Hypothesis r_property : (r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*]CC_conj c[-] (r[+I*][--][1]) [^]n[*]c [=] [0].

Variable y2 : IR.
Hypothesis y2_property : (y2[*] (r[^]2[+][1])) [^]n [=] a[^]2[+]b[^]2.

Lemma nrCC4_a2 : [0] [<] a[^]2[+]b[^]2.
 apply plus_resp_nonneg_pos.
  apply sqr_nonneg.
 apply pos_square.

Lemma nrCC4_a3 : [0] [<] r[^]2[+][1].
 apply plus_resp_nonneg_pos.
  apply sqr_nonneg.
 apply pos_one.

Lemma nrCC4_a4 : [0] [<] y2.
 apply mult_cancel_pos_lft with (r[^]2[+][1]).
  apply odd_power_cancel_pos with n.
  apply (pos_wd _ _ _ y2_property).
  apply nrCC4_a2.
 apply less_leEq; apply nrCC4_a3.

Definition nrCC4_y := sqrt y2 (less_leEq _ _ _ nrCC4_a4).

Let y := nrCC4_y.

Definition nrCC4_x := y[*]r.

Let x := nrCC4_x.

Lemma nrCC4_a5 : x [=] y[*]r.
 unfold x in |- ×. unfold nrCC4_x in |- ×.
 apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.

Lemma nrCC4_a6 : (x[^]2[+]y[^]2) [^]n [=] a[^]2[+]b[^]2.
 unfold x in |- ×. unfold nrCC4_x in |- ×.
 cut ((y[*]r) [^]2[+]y[^]2 [=] y[^]2[*] (r[^]2[+][1])). intro.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((y[^]2[*] (r[^]2[+][1])) [^]n).
   apply un_op_wd_unfolded. exact H.
   cut (y[^]2 [=] y2). intro.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((y2[*] (r[^]2[+][1])) [^]n).
    apply un_op_wd_unfolded. apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. exact H0.
    apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
   exact y2_property.
  unfold y in |- ×. unfold nrCC4_y in |- ×.
  apply sqrt_sqr.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (y[^]2[*]r[^]2[+]y[^]2[*][1]).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply mult_nexp. apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
   apply mult_one.
 apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply ring_dist_unfolded.

Definition nrCC4_z := x[+I*]y.

Let z := nrCC4_z.

Lemma nrCC4_a7 : z[^]n[*]CC_conj c[-]CC_conj z[^]n[*]c [=] [0].
 unfold z in |- ×. unfold nrCC4_z in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((x[+I*]y) [^]n[*]CC_conj c[-] (x[+I*][--]y) [^]n[*]c).
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 unfold x in |- ×. unfold nrCC4_x in |- ×.
 cut ((y[*]r[+I*]y) [^]n[*]CC_conj c [=] cc_IR y[^]n[*] ((r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*]CC_conj c)). intro.
  cut ((y[*]r[+I*][--]y) [^]n[*]c [=] cc_IR y[^]n[*] ((r[+I*][--][1]) [^]n[*]c)). intro.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (cc_IR y[^]n[*] ((r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*]CC_conj c) [-]
     cc_IR y[^]n[*] ((r[+I*][--][1]) [^]n[*]c)).
    apply cg_minus_wd. exact H. exact H0.
     apply eq_transitive_unfolded with
       (cc_IR y[^]n[*] ((r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*]CC_conj c[-] (r[+I*][--][1]) [^]n[*]c)).
    apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply dist_2a.
    apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (cc_IR y[^]n[*][0]).
    apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. exact r_property.
     apply cring_mult_zero.
  cut ((y[*]r[+I*][--]y) [^]n [=] cc_IR y[^]n[*] (r[+I*][--][1]) [^]n). intro.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (cc_IR y[^]n[*] (r[+I*][--][1]) [^]n[*]c).
    apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. exact H0. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
     apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply mult_assoc_unfolded.
   cut (y[*]r[+I*][--]y [=] cc_IR y[*] (r[+I*][--][1])). intro.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((cc_IR y[*] (r[+I*][--][1])) [^]n).
    apply un_op_wd_unfolded. exact H0.
    apply mult_nexp.
  cut ( [--]y [=] y[*][--][1]). intro.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (y[*]r[+I*]y[*][--][1]).
    apply I_wd. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. exact H0.
     apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply cc_IR_mult_rht.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ( [--] (y[*][1])).
   apply un_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply mult_one.
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply cring_inv_mult_lft.
  cut ((y[*]r[+I*]y) [^]n [=] cc_IR y[^]n[*] (r[+I*][1]) [^]n). intro.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (cc_IR y[^]n[*] (r[+I*][1]) [^]n[*]CC_conj c).
   apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. exact H. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
    apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply mult_assoc_unfolded.
  cut (y[*]r[+I*]y [=] cc_IR y[*] (r[+I*][1])). intro.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((cc_IR y[*] (r[+I*][1])) [^]n).
   apply un_op_wd_unfolded. exact H.
   apply mult_nexp.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (y[*]r[+I*]y[*][1]).
  apply I_wd. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
   apply mult_one.
 apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply cc_IR_mult_rht.

Lemma nrCC4_a8 : (z[*]CC_conj z) [^]n [=] c[*]CC_conj c.
 unfold z in |- ×.
 unfold nrCC4_z in |- ×.
 unfold c in |- ×.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (cc_IR (x[^]2[+]y[^]2) [^]n).
  apply un_op_wd_unfolded. apply calculate_norm.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (cc_IR ((x[^]2[+]y[^]2) [^]n)).
  apply cc_IR_nexp.
 Hint Resolve nrCC4_a6: algebra.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (cc_IR (a[^]2[+]b[^]2)).
  apply cc_IR_wd. exact nrCC4_a6.
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply calculate_norm.

Lemma nrCC4_a9 : z[^]n [=] c or z[^]n [=] [--]c.
 apply nrootCC_2.
   apply ap_wdl_unfolded with b.
    exact b_.
   apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
  apply nrCC4_a8.
 apply nrCC4_a7.

End NRootCC_4_equations.

Lemma nrCC4_a10 : c, {z : CC | z[^]n [=] c or z[^]n [=] [--]c}{z : CC | z[^]n [=] c}.
 intros c0 H.
 elim H. intros x H0.
 elim H0; intro H1.
   x. assumption.
   ( [--]x).
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ( [--] (x[^]n)).
  apply inv_nexp_odd. assumption.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ( [--][--]c0).
  apply un_op_wd_unfolded. exact H1.
  apply cg_inv_inv.

Lemma nrootCC_4_ap_real : {z : CC | z[^]n [=] c}.
 apply nrCC4_a10.
 elim nrCC4_a1. intro r. intro H.
 elim (nrCC4_a1' (r[^]2[+][1]) (a[^]2[+]b[^]2)). intro y2. intro H0.
   (nrCC4_z r y2 H0).
  apply nrCC4_a9. assumption.
  change (r[^]2[+][1] [#] [0]) in |- ×.
 apply pos_ap_zero.
 apply nrCC4_a3.

End NRootCC_4_ap_real.

Section NRootCC_4_ap_imag.

Let a,b : IR and n : nat with a [#] [0] and (odd n); define c' := (a[+I*]b) [*]II := a'[+I*]b'.
Variables a b : IR.
Hypothesis a_ : a [#] [0].
Variable n : nat.
Hypothesis n_ : odd n.

Lemma nrootCC_4_ap_real' : {z' : CC | z'[^]n [=] a'[+I*]b'}.
 apply nrootCC_4_ap_real; try assumption.
 apply (imag_to_real a b a' b').
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 exact a_.

Lemma nrootCC_4_ap_imag : {z : CC | z[^]n [=] a[+I*]b}.
 elim nrootCC_4_ap_real'.
 intro z'.
 intro H.
  (z'[*]nroot_minus_I n n_).
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (z'[^]n[*]nroot_minus_I n n_[^]n).
  apply mult_nexp.
 Hint Resolve nroot_minus_I_nexp: algebra.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((a'[+I*]b') [*][--]II).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. exact H. apply nroot_minus_I_nexp.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((a[+I*]b) [*]II[*][--]II).
  apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((a[+I*]b) [*] (II[*][--]II)).
  apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply mult_assoc_unfolded.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((a[+I*]b) [*][1]).
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded. apply eq_reflexive_unfolded. exact I_recip_rht.
   apply mult_one.

End NRootCC_4_ap_imag.

Lemma nrootCC_4 : c, c [#] [0] n, odd n{z : CC | z[^]n [=] c}.
 pattern c in |- ×.
 apply C_cc_ap_zero; try assumption; intros.
  apply nrootCC_4_ap_imag; try assumption.
 apply nrootCC_4_ap_real; try assumption.

End NRootCC_4.

Finally, the general definition of nth root.

Section NRootCC_5.

Lemma nrCC_5a2 : n : nat, double n = 2 × n.
 unfold double in |- ×.
 unfold mult in |- ×.
 auto with arith.

Lemma nrCC_5a3 : (n : nat) (z : CC), (z[^]2) [^]n [=] z[^]double n.
 apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (z[^] (2 × n)).
  apply nexp_mult.
 rewrite <- nrCC_5a2.
 apply eq_reflexive_unfolded.
Hint Resolve nrCC_5a3: algebra.

Let c : CC with c [#] [0].
Variable c : CC.
Hypothesis c_ : c [#] [0].

Lemma nrCC_5a4 : n, 0 < n{z : CC | z[^]n [=] c}{z : CC | z[^]double n [=] c}.
 intros n H H0.
 elim H0. intros x H1.
 elim (nrootCC_1 x). intros x0 H2.
  apply eq_transitive_unfolded with ((x0[^]2) [^]n).
   apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply nrCC_5a3.
   apply eq_transitive_unfolded with (x[^]n).
   apply un_op_wd_unfolded. exact H2.
   exact H1.
 apply (cs_un_op_strext _ (nexp_op (R:=CC) n)).
 apply ap_wdl_unfolded with c.
  2: apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. 2: exact H1.
  apply ap_wdr_unfolded with ([0]:CC).
  exact c_.
 apply eq_symmetric_unfolded. apply zero_nexp. exact H.

Lemma nrootCC_5 : n : nat, 0 < n{z : CC | z[^]n [=] c}.
 pattern n in |- ×.
 apply odd_double_ind.
   exact (nrootCC_4 c c_).
  exact nrCC_5a4.

End NRootCC_5.

Final definition

Definition CnrootCC : c, c [#] [0] n, 0 < n{z : CC | z[^]n [=] c} := nrootCC_5.