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Stop When You Are Almost-Full: Adventures in Constructive Termination

Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Thierry Coquand, David Wahlstedt

Discussion led by Fran Mota on February 26, 2016

Disjunctive well-foundedness, size-change termination, and well-quasi-orders are examples of techniques that have been successfully applied to program termination. Although these works originate in different communities, they rely on closely related principles and both employ similar arguments from Ramsey theory. At the same time there is a notable absence of these techniques in programming systems based on constructive type theory. In this paper we’d like to highlight the aforementioned connection and make the core ideas widely accessible to theoreticians and programmers, by offering a development in type theory which culminates in some novel tools for induction. Inevitably, we have to present some Ramsey-like arguments: Though similar proofs are typically classical, we offer an entirely constructive development based on the work of Bezem and Veldman, and Richman and Stolzenberg.
