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8/21 template.tex Latex template for homeworks
8/21 h1.tex Homework 1 Latex source
8/24 StrongComponents.pdf Strongly connected components
9/2 oxley-matroids.pdf Survey article on matroids
9/7 scorpion.pdf The scorpion problem
9/11 h2.tex Homework 2 Latex source
9/11 6820.sty Style file for Latex Homework sources
9/22 h3.tex Homework 3 Latex source
9/22 DFA.pdf Finite automata definitions
9/27 MFMCVision.pdf Max-flow min-cut in image processing
10/1 h3h.pdf HW3 Q2 hint
10/8 h4.tex Homework 4 Latex source
10/12 PracticeP.pdf Prelim Practice Questions
10/17 h3q3b.pdf H3 Q3(b) Explanation
10/21 panIntegerGCD.pdf Pan, NC equivalence of Integer Linear Programming and GCD
10/21 NCMaxMatching.pdf RNC algorithm for maximum matching
11/17 TailBounds.pdf Tail bounds
11/21 Christofides.pdf Christofides's 3/2 approximation algorithm for metric TSP
12/21 CourseStats.htm Course statistics