ThuAug29 |
Introduction to
Computational Motion |
Slides: PDF |
TueSep03 |
Euler-Lagrange Equations of Motion, and
Computational Complexity
for Lagrangian dynamics:
- V.I. Arnold, Mathematical
Methods of Classical Mechanics, Springer, 2nd
edition, 1989. (more mathematical text)
- H. Goldstein et al., Classical
Mechanics, Addison Wesley, 3rd edition, 2001.
(standard ugrad physics text)
- S.T. Thornton and J.B. Marion, Classical Dynamics of
Particles and Systems, Brooks Cole, 5th
edition, 2003. (easier ugrad physics text)
Topics discussed:
- N-body problems (all-pairs complexity)
- Reduced-coordinate deformable bodies
(spatial/integration complexity)
- 2D serial manipulator (recursive complexity)
Read for next class:
Agarwal, P. K., Guibas, L.
J., Edelsbrunner, H., Erickson, J., Isard, M., Har-Peled,
S., Hershberger, J., Jensen, C., Kavraki, L., Koehl, P.,
Lin, M., Manocha, D., Metaxas, D., Mirtich, B., Mount, D.,
Muthukrishnan, S., Pai, D., Sacks, E., Snoeyink, J., Suri,
S., and Wolefson, O. 2002. Algorithmic
issues in modeling motion. ACM Comput.
Surv. 34, 4 (Dec. 2002), 550-572.
Reading task for next class:
Identify THREE papers published since this survey
appeared that address specific
problems/issues/challenges mentioned in the survey.
Rigid Body Dynamics
Paper discussion: Algorithmic issues in modeling
motion [Agarwal et al. 2002].
Topics discussed:
- Rotational and rigid motion; kinematics and
- SO(3), Special Orthogonal group in 3D
- SE(3), Special Euclidean group in 3D
- Rigid-body motion
- Spatial velocity vectors (contravariant twists);
se(3); transformation
- Kinetic energy; inertia, principal axes
- Spatial forces (covariant wrenches); se*(3);
- Velocity of contact points, and relation to twists
- Forces at contact points, and relation to wrenches
- Newton-Euler equations of motion
- Integrating rigid-body dynamics
- Deformable bodies; mode matrix, U;
extensions to framework
- Murray, R. M., Sastry, S. S., and Zexiang, Li, A Mathematical
Introduction to Robotic Manipulation.
1st. CRC Press, Inc., 1994.
- See summary in appendix of:
- Ball's screw
- Ahmed A. Shabana, Dynamics of Multibody
Systems, Cambridge, 3rd ed, 2005.
ThuSep12 |
No class |
Read for next class:
Robot Dynamics Algorithms
- Algorithms overview
- Forward and inverse kinematics
- Inverse dynamics (control)
- Forward dynamics (simulation)
- Notation
- Recurrence relations
- Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm (RNEA)
- Composite-Rigid-Body Algorithm (CRBA)
- Usage in O(N^3) forward dynamics (CRBA + RNEA +
dense solve)
- Articulated-Body Algorithm (ABA)
- a.k.a. "Featherstone's algorithm"
- O(N) forward dynamics
- Closed-loop systems
- Constraints and fast solution methods
- Global analysis techniques
- Fast robot algorithms as sparse matrix methods
- Roy Featherstone and David Orin, Robot Dynamics: Equations
and Algorithms, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf.
Robotics & Automation, San Francisco, CA, 2000, pp.
826–834. (an excellent review)
- Roy Featherstone, Robot Dynamics Algorithms,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1987. (classic book--highly
- Roy Featherstone, A Divide-and-Conquer
Articulated-Body Algorithm for Parallel O(log(n))
Calculation of Rigid-Body Dynamics. Part 1: Basic
Algorithm, The International Journal of
Robotics Research, Vol. 18, No. 9, 867-875, 1999.
(has good appendix on spatial notation)
- Roy Featherstone, Rigid
Dynamics Algorithms, Boston: Springer, 2007.
- E. Kokkevis, Practical Physics for
Articulated Characters, Proc. of Game
Developers Conference (GDC), 2004. (good overview of
system integration issues for ABA, e.g., handling
contact and constraints)
- David Baraff, Linear-Time
Dynamics using Lagrange Multipliers, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 96,
Computer Graphics Proceedings,
Annual Conference Series, August
1996, pp. 137-146.
- Robot
dynamics, Scholarpedia page.
- D.K. Pai, STRANDS: Interactive
Simulation of Thin Solids using Cosserat Models,
Computer Graphics Forum, 21(3), pp. 347-352, 2002.
Articulated Characters,
Elastic Rods
Paper discussion:
- James Melfi leads discussion of
Topics discussed:
- Elastic rods, and recursive algorithm for evaluation
of quasistatic stress, strain and configuration
- D.K. Pai, STRANDS: Interactive
Simulation of Thin Solids using Cosserat Models,
Computer Graphics Forum, 21(3), pp. 347-352,
- Miklós Bergou, Max Wardetzky, Stephen Robinson,
Basile Audoly, Eitan Grinspun, "Discrete
Elastic Rods," ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 2008.
Recursive Simulation
Start working early so that you can keep up with readings,
and your final project proposal.
Rigid-body motion tracking, and
Discrete Elastic Rods

Paper discussion:
- Deniz Gunceler leads discussion of
Topics discussed:
- Miklós Bergou, Max Wardetzky, Stephen Robinson, Basile
Audoly, Eitan Grinspun, "Discrete
Elastic Rods," ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH) 2008.
Animating Fracture
Paper discussion:
- Patrick Berens leads discussion of
- Matthias Müller, Nuttapong Chentanez, Tae-Yong Kim,
Real time dynamic fracture with volumetric
approximate convex decompositions. ACM Trans.
Graph. 32(4): 115 (2013)
- Submit comments before class to Piazza forum.
Relevant Papers:
- Demetri Terzopoulos, Kurt Fleischer, Modeling
Inelastic Deformation: Viscoelasticity, Plasticity,
Fracture, Computer Graphics (Proceedings
of SIGGRAPH 88), August 1988, pp. 269-278.
- James F. O'Brien, Jessica K. Hodgins, Graphical
Modeling and Animation of Brittle Fracture,
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 99, Computer Graphics
Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, August
1999, pp. 137-146.
- James F. O'Brien, Adam W. Bargteil, Jessica K.
Hodgins, Graphical
Modeling and Animation of Ductile Fracture,
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 21(3), July 2002,
pp. 291-294.
- Neil Molino, Zhaosheng Bao, Ron Fedkiw,
virtual node algorithm for changing mesh topology
during simulation, ACM Transactions on
Graphics, 23(3), August 2004, pp. 385-392.
- M. Müller, M. Gross, Interactive
Virtual Materials, in Proceedings of
Graphics Interface (GI 2004), pp 239-246, London,
Ontario, Canada, May 17-19, 2004. (Video)
- Mark Pauly, Richard Keiser, Bart Adams, Philip Dutré,
Markus Gross, Leonidas J. Guibas, Meshless
animation of fracturing solids, ACM
Transactions on Graphics, 24(3), August 2005, pp.
957-964. (Video)
- Hayley N. Iben, James F. O'Brien, Generating
Surface Crack Patterns, 2006 ACM
SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer
Animation, September 2006, pp. 177-186.
- Denis Steinemann, Miguel A. Otaduy, Markus Gross, Fast
Arbitrary Splitting of Deforming Objects, 2006
ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on Computer
Animation, September 2006, pp. 63-72. (Video)
- Bao, Z., Hong, J.-M., Teran, J. and Fedkiw, R., Fracturing
Rigid Materials, IEEE TVCG 13,
370-378 (2007).
- Eftychios Sifakis, Kevin G. Der, Ronald
Fedkiw, Arbitrary
Cutting of Deformable Tetrahedralized Objects,
2007 ACM SIGGRAPH / Eurographics Symposium on
Computer Animation, August 2007, pp. 73-80.
- Eric G. Parker and James F. O'Brien, Real-Time
Deformation and Fracture in a Game Environment,
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics
Symposium on Computer Animation, pages 156–166,
August 2009.
- Su, J., Schroeder, C. and Fedkiw, R., Energy
Stability and Fracture for Frame Rate Rigid Body
Simulations, ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics
Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), edited by
Eitan Grinspun and Jessica Hodgins, pp. 155-164 (2009).
- Changxi Zheng, Doug L. James, Rigid-Body
Fracture Sound with Precomputed Soundbanks,
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 29(4), July 2010,
pp. 69:1-69:13.
Project Proposals
- Please use the template found here (LaTeX) or
similar style.
- Submit your proposal (in PDF format) via CMS.
- Submit anytime -- CMS deadline (Oct 31)
- Work alone or in pairs.
- Please talk with me about possible project ideas, or
for feedback.
Readings on Volumetric Simulation;
Constrained Dynamics
Paper discussions:
- Yining Karl Li leads discussion of
- Eston Schweickart leads discussion of
Topics discussed: On handling holonomic
constraints for elastic rods in the first programming
- Holonomic constraints
- Constrained Lagrangian Dynamics (CLD)
- Constraint projection methods
- (More details on constrained systems in a future
- References:
- U.M. Ascher and L.R. Petzold, Computer Methods for
Ordinary Differential Equations and
Differential-Algebraic Equations, SIAM.
- David Baraff and Andrew Witkin, Physically Based Modeling, Online
SIGGRAPH 2001 Course Notes, 2001.
- Examples from Cloth
- Rony Goldenthal, David Harmon, Raanan Fattal,
Michel Bercovier, Eitan Grinspun, Efficient Simulation
of Inextensible Cloth, ACM Transactions on
Graphics, 26(3), July 2007, pp.
49:1-49:7. [ACM Digital Library link]
- Jonathan
M. Kaldor, Doug L. James, Steve Marschner, Simulating Knitted
Cloth at the Yarn Level, ACM Transactions on
Graphics, 27(3), August 2008, pp.
TueOct15 |
No class |
Fall Break
ThuOct17 |
Fluid Animation
Paper discussion:
- Daniel Knowlton leads discussion of
Topics discussed:
- Advection; upwind differencing; ENO
- Incompressibility constraint
- Navier-Stokes equation
- MAC grid discretization; interpolation and
averaging; upwinding
- Time-stepping schemes (Eulerian, and semi-Lagrangian)
- Projection to divergence-free velocity
- Poisson equation; discretization; compatibility
condition; PCG solution
- DAE view of incompressible flow
- Higher-order semi-Lagrangian schemes; monotone
interpolation; BFECC; CIP and USCIP
- S. Osher and R. Fedkiw, Level Set Methods and
Dynamic Implicit Surfaces, Applied
Mathematical Sciences, volume 153, Springer-Verlag,
- U.M. Ascher and L.R. Petzold, Computer
Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations and
Differential-Algebraic Equations, SIAM.
- Jos Stam,
Stable Fluids,
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 99, Computer Graphics
Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, August 1999, pp.
- Ronald Fedkiw, Jos Stam, Henrik Wann Jensen, Visual Simulation of
Smoke, Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001,
Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series,
August 2001, pp. 15-22. (introduces vorticity confinement
- Bridson, R., Fedkiw, R., and Muller-Fischer, M. 2006.
Fluid simulation:
SIGGRAPH 2006 course notes, In ACM
SIGGRAPH 2006 Courses (Boston, Massachusetts, July 30 -
August 03, 2006). SIGGRAPH '06. ACM Press, New York, NY,
1-87. [Slides]
- Foster, N. and Fedkiw, R., Practical Animation of
SIGGRAPH 2001, 15-22 (2001).
- Enright, D., Marschner, S. and Fedkiw, R., Animation and Rendering
of Complex Water Surfaces, SIGGRAPH 2002,
ACM TOG 21, 736-744 (2002).
- Yongning Zhu , Robert Bridson, Animating
sand as a fluid, ACM Transactions on Graphics
(TOG), v.24 n.3, July 2005. (Discusses PIC and FLIP
hybrid particle/grid methods)
- Higher-order advection schemes:
- BFECC and MacCormack methods:
- Byungmoon Kim, Yingjie Liu, Ignacio Llamas, Jarek
Significantly Reduced Dissipation and Diffusion,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
Graphics, Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 135-144, 2007. video(DivX)
- Selle, A., Fedkiw, R., Kim, B., Liu, Y., and
Rossignac, J. 2008. An Unconditionally
Stable MacCormack Method. J. Sci.
Comput. 35, 2-3 (Jun. 2008), 350-371.
- Methods with small stencils (constrained
interpolation profile (CIP)):
- A projection method to approximate complex boundaries:
- Multigrid Poisson solver
- A. McAdams, E.
Sifakis, J.
Teran, A Parallel Multigrid
Poisson Solver for Fluids Simulation on Large
Grids, ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on
Computer Animation (SCA) edited by M. Otaduy and Z.
Popovic, pp.1-10, 2010. [PDF]
- A coarse-grid Poisson solver
TueOct22 |
Topics in fluid simulation
Paper discussions:
- Theodore Kim, Nils Thürey, Doug James, and Markus
Gross. 2008. Wavelet
turbulence for fluid simulation. ACM
Trans. Graph. 27, 3, Article 50 (August 2008), 6
pages. [Project
- Christopher Horvath and Willi Geiger. 2009. Directable,
high-resolution simulation of fire on the GPU. In
ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 papers (SIGGRAPH '09), Hugues
Hoppe (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 41 , 8
- Jie Tan, Yuting Gu, Greg Turk, and C. Karen Liu. 2011.
swimming creatures. ACM Trans. Graph.
30, 4, Article 58 (July 2011), 12 pages. [Project
ThuOct24 |
Topics in solid simulation
- Matthias Müller and Nuttapong Chentanez. 2011. Solid
simulation with oriented particles. ACM
Trans. Graph. 30, 4, Article 92 (July 2011), 10
pages. [YouTube
- Shinjiro Sueda, Garrett L. Jones, David I. W. Levin,
and Dinesh K. Pai. 2011. Large-scale
dynamic simulation of highly constrained strands.
In ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 papers (SIGGRAPH '11),
Hugues Hoppe (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 39
, 10 pages. [Project
- Breannan Smith, Danny M. Kaufman, Etienne Vouga,
Rasmus Tamstorf, Eitan Grinspun, Reflections
on simultaneous impact, ACM Transactions
on Graphics (TOG), Volume 31 Issue 4, July 2012. [Project
Topics in animation
- Changxi Zheng and Doug L. James. 2009. Harmonic
fluids. ACM Trans. Graph. 28, 3,
Article 37 (July 2009), 12 pages. [Project
- Changxi Zheng and Doug L. James. 2010. Rigid-body
fracture sound with precomputed soundbanks.
ACM Trans. Graph. 29, 4, Article 69 (July 2010),
13 pages. [Project
- Jeffrey N. Chadwick, Changxi Zheng, and Doug L. James.
2012. Precomputed
acceleration noise for improved rigid-body sound.
ACM Trans. Graph. 31, 4, Article 103 (July
2012), 9 pages. [Project
ThuOct31 |
Project Demos ("Robots & Rods")
Animation Sound
- Tim Langlois leads discussion of
- Real-time rendering of
aerodynamic sound using sound textures based
on computational fluid dynamics. Yoshinori Dobashi, Tsuyoshi
Yamamoto, and Tomoyuki Nishita. 2003. ACM
Trans. Graph. 22,
3 (July 2003), 732-740.
(images) (movie) (pdf) (ppt)
- Submit comments before class to Piazza forum.
Project Demos
TueNov05 |
Animation Sound
Paper discussion:
- Megan Comins leads discussion of
Topics discussed:
- Fluid equations (continuity, momentum, energy)
- Equations of linear acoustics; velocity potential;
wave equations; sources
- Incompressible fluid case; pulsating sphere
- Free-space Green's function
Animation Sound
Paper discussion [Nov07]:
- Phaedon Sinis & Arthur Sams lead discussion of
Topics discussed [Nov07-Nov14]:
- Monopoles, dipoles, quadrupoles
- Acoustic energy and power
- Acoustic far field approximation
- Dipole and quadrupole source distributions
- Lighthill's acoustic analogy
- Curle's theory
- Helmholtz equation
- Frequency-domain sound sources; multipole expansions
- Acoustic energy & power
- Wave equation solvers
TueNov12 |
Animation Sound
Paper discussion:
- Pedro Rittner leads discussion of
ThuNov14 |
Animation Sound
Paper discussion:
- John DeCorato leads discussion of
TueNov19 |
Character Skinning
Paper discussion:
- Caleb Woo leads discussion of
- [Shiratori et
al. 2011] Motion Capture From Body-Mounted

- Submit comments before class to Piazza forum.
- J. E. Chadwick, D. R. Haumann, R. E. Parent, Layered construction for
deformable animated characters, ACM SIGGRAPH
Computer Graphics, v.23 n.3, p.243-252, July 1989.
- N. Magnenat-Thalmann , R. Laperrière , D. Thalmann, Joint-dependent local
deformations for hand animation and object grasping,
Proceedings on Graphics interface '88, p.26-33,
December 1989, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
- Ferdi Scheepers, Richard E. Parent, Wayne E.
Carlson, Stephen F. May, Anatomy-based modeling of
the human musculature, Proceedings of the 24th
annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive
techniques, p.163-172, August 1997.
- Tony DeRose, Michael Kass, Tien Truong, Subdivision surfaces in
character animation, Proceedings of the 25th
annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive
techniques, p.85-94, July 1998.
- J. P. Lewis, Matt Cordner and Nickson Fong, Pose Space Deformations:
A Unified Approach to Shape Interpolation and
Skeleton-Driven Deformation, Proceedings of ACM
SIGGRAPH 2000. pp.
165-172, 2000.
- Peter-Pike J. Sloan, Charles F. Rose III and Michael
F. Cohen, Shape by Example,
2001 ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics. pp.
135-144, 2001.
- Xiaohuan Corina Wang and Cary Phillips, Multi-Weight Enveloping:
Least-Squares Approximation Techniques for Skin
Animation, ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer
Animation. pp. 129-138, 2002.
- Doug L. James, Dinesh K. Pai, DyRT: dynamic response
textures for real time deformation simulation with
graphics hardware, ACM Transactions on Graphics
(TOG), v.21 n.3, July 2002.
- Paul G. Kry, Doug L. James and Dinesh K. Pai, EigenSkin: Real Time
Large Deformation Character Skinning in Hardware,
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation. pp.
153-160, 2002.
- Steve Capell, Seth Green, Brian Curless, Tom
Duchamp, Zoran Popović, Interactive
skeleton-driven dynamic deformations, ACM
Transactions on Graphics (TOG), v.21 n.3, July 2002.
- Brett Allen, Brian Curless, Zoran Popović, The space of human body
shapes: reconstruction and parameterization from
range scans, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG),
v.22 n.3, July 2003.
- Alex Mohr and Michael Gleicher, Building Efficient,
Accurate Character Skins From Examples, ACM
Transactions on Graphics. 22(3), pp. 562-568, 2003.
- Ladislav Kavan, Jiří Žára, Spherical blend skinning:
a real-time deformation of articulated models,
Proceedings of the 2005 symposium on Interactive 3D
graphics and games, April 03-06, 2005, Washington,
District of Columbia.
- Doug L. James, Christopher D. Twigg, Skinning mesh animations,
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), v.24 n.3, July
- Sang Il Park, Jessica K. Hodgins, Capturing and animating
skin deformation in human motion, ACM
Transactions on Graphics (TOG), v.25 n.3, July 2006
- Joseph Teran, Eftychios Sifakis, Geoffrey Irving,
Ronald Fedkiw, Robust quasistatic finite
elements and flesh simulation, Proceedings of
the 2005 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on
Computer animation, July 29-31, 2005, Los Angeles,
- Robert Y. Wang, Kari Pulli, and Jovan Popović. 2007.
enveloping with rotational regression. In
ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 papers (SIGGRAPH '07). ACM, New
York, NY, USA, Article 73. [YouTube
- Ladislav Kavan, Steven Collins, Jiri Zara and Carol
O'Sullivan, Skinning
with Dual Quaternions, 2007 ACM SIGGRAPH
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, ACM
Press, pages 39-46, April/May, 2007.
- ...
- Modern production example: Weta's "Tissue"
software system; YouTube
video for AMPAS
award; 2
Character Deformation
Paper discussion:
- John Oliver leads discussion of
- Mark Meyer and John Anderson, Key
Point Subspace Acceleration and soft caching.
In ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 papers (SIGGRAPH '07). ACM, New
York, NY, USA, , Article 74, 2007. [webpage]
- Tao Ju, Scott Schaefer, and Joe Warren, Mean
value coordinates for closed triangular meshes.
In ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Papers (SIGGRAPH '05), Markus Gross
(Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 561-566, 2005.
- Pushkar Joshi, Mark Meyer, Tony DeRose, Brian Green,
and Tom Sanocki. 2007. Harmonic
coordinates for character articulation. ACM
Trans. Graph. 26, 3, Article 71 (July 2007). [webpage]
- Yaron Lipman, David Levin, and Daniel Cohen-Or. Green
Coordinates. ACM Trans. Graph. 27, 3,
Article 78 (August 2008), 10 pages, 2008.
- Ofir Weber, Roi Poranne and Craig Gotsman, Biharmonic
Coordinates, Computer Graphics Forum Vol.31,
No. 8, 2012.
Topics in Collision Detection
Topics discussed:
- Bounding volumes (spheres, boxes, k-DOPs, etc)
- Separating axis theorem
- Space-time bounds
- Bounding moving points
- Bounding subspace deformations;
- Bounded Deformation Trees
- O(r) and O(1) updates
- Spheres, boxes, k-DOPs
- Translational and affine/rotational models
- Self-collision culling
- Subspace and energy-based bounds
- Representative triangles
- Precomputed inter-object penetration depth
- Philip M. Hubbard. 1996. Approximating polyhedra
with spheres for time-critical collision detection. ACM
Trans. Graph. 15,
3 (July 1996), 179-210. DOI=10.1145/231731.231732
- B. Gaertner, Fast and Robust Smallest
Enclosing Balls, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Springer, pp. 325-338, 1999.
- Miniball software,
Smallest Enclosing Balls of Points - Fast and Robust in
- Doug L. James, Dinesh K. Pai, BD-Tree: Output-sensitive
collision detection for reduced deformable models,
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 23(3), August 2004, pp.
393-398. [SIGGRAPH
- M. Teschner et al., Collision Detection for
Deformable Objects, Eurographics
State-of-the-Art Report (EG-STAR), Eurographics
Association, pages 119-139, 2004.
- Jernej Barbič and Doug L. James, Six-DoF haptic rendering
of contact between geometrically complex reduced
deformable models, IEEE Transactions on
Haptics, 1(1):39–52, 2008. [Project
- Sean Curtis, Rasmus Tamstorf, and Dinesh Manocha.
2008. Fast
collision detection for deformable models using
representative-triangles. In Proceedings of
the 2008 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and games
(I3D '08). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 61-69.
- Jernej Barbic and Doug L. James, Subspace
Self-Collision Culling, ACM Transactions on
Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2010), 29(3), July 2010, pp.
- Changxi Zheng and Doug L. James, Energy-based
Self-Collision Culling for Arbitrary Mesh
Deformations, ACM Transaction on Graphics
(SIGGRAPH 2012), 31(4), August, 2012.
- Jia Pan, Xinyu Zhang, and Dinesh Manocha. 2013. Efficient
penetration depth approximation using active
learning. Pattern Recogn. Lett. 34, 13,
Article 191 (November 2013), 12 pages.
No class
Thanksgiving Break
Final Project Presentations
- Eston
- John & John
- Karl
- James
- Deniz
- Caleb
- Pedro
- Tim
- Dan
- Patrick
Final Project Due Date
Submit materials on CMS (report, results,
code, etc.)