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1. Orientation session: attend one if you wish:

  • Thursday, 25 Aug, 4:25, Olin 255 (if you are new to CS1130)
  • Tuesday, 30 Aug. 4:25, Olin 255 (if you tried CS1130 before)

If you cannot attend an orientation session, are not attending the lectures, and, feel the need for an orientations session, email Stefano Ermon <>, suggesting some other meeting times.


2. CMS for the course

If you preregistered, you will be in the CMS by 25 August. Click to find out about it.

If you are not in the CMS, email Maria Witlox <> and ask her to add you. Remember to give your Cornell netId.

3. Piazza

Participate in our discussion group, You can ask questions and take part in answering them.

4. Lectures

Lectures will be held on the schedule shown below, from 1 September to 7 October. They parallel the CS1110 lectures, which cover OO in Java.Tthe room holds only 200 people; about ~450 are enrolled in CS1130.

Tuesday-Thursday, 4:25, Olin 255 (beginning 1 September)