CS 1112: Introduction to Computing using MATLAB

Test 2A

Exam Info

How to review?

  1. (Re-)Write the solutions to the example problems done in lecture, un-aided. Just reading over the code and notes is not enough.
  2. Re-do the discussion exercise problems that you didn't do 100% on your own, now un-aided. Just reading over the code is not enough.
  3. Do the review questions, referring to your lecture notes, exercises, projects, and the book as necessary
  4. Do one of the old exams as a reivew, referring to notes, etc., as necessary
  5. Do one of the old exams like an exam--unaided. I.e, use an old exam as a diagnostic tool to figure out on which topics you should go back to do more reivew.

Throughout this review process, talk to course staff during office/consulting hour to seek help and explanation as necessary in order to master the topics.

Optional Review Session

Review materials

These materials were originally created for Prelim 2 and may therefore cover more material than will be on Test 2A. In particular, you may ignore anything related to cell arrays and structs.