
Through this page you can retrieve most of the papers, reports and thesis produced by members and visitors of the Horus project. The papers on Horus and related issues start in 1993, for earlier papers you should consult the Isis papers.

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Ensemble and Security.

  • Ohad Rodeh, Kenneth Birman and Danny Dolev.  Using AVL Trees for Fault Tolerant Group Key ManagementCornell University Technical Report, TR2000-1823, November 2000.
    Accepted to the International Journal of Information Security

  • Ohad Rodeh, Ken Birman, and Danny Dolev.  The Architecture and Performance of Security Protocols in the Ensemble Group Communication System.  Cornell University Technical Report, TR2000-1822, October 2000.
    To appear in TISSEC August 2001

  • Ohad Rodeh, Ken Birman, and Danny Dolev. A Study of Group Rekeying.   Cornell University Technical Report, TR2000-1791, March 2000.

  • Ohad Rodeh, Ken Birman and Danny Dolev. Optimized Group Rekey for Group Communications Systems.   Network and Distributed System Security 2000, February 2000, San Diego, California.

  • Ohad Rodeh, Ken Birman, Mark Hayden, Zhen Xiao and Danny Dolev. Ensemble Security. Cornell University Technical Report, TR98-1703, September 1998.

  • Ohad Rodeh, Ken Birman, Mark Hayden and Danny Dolev Dynamic Virtual Private Networks. Cornell University Technical Report, TR98-1695, August 1998.


Ensemble architecture and new protocols.

  • Alexey Vaysburd Building Reliable Interoperable Distributed Objects with The Maestro Tools Cornell University Technical Report, TR98-1678, May 1998.

  • Mark Hayden The Ensemble System Cornell University Technical Report, TR98-1662, January 1998.

  • Robbert van Renesse, Ken Birman, Mark Hayden, Alexey Vaysburd and David Karr Building Adaptive Systems Using Ensemble Cornell University Technical Report, TR97-1638, July 1997.

  • Ken Birman, Roy Friedman and Mark Hayden The Maestro Group Manager: A Structuring Tool For Applications With Multiple Quality of Service Requirements Cornell University Technical Report, TR97-1619 February 1997.

  • Mark Hayden and Robbert vanRenesse Optimizing Layered Communication Protocols Cornell University Technical Report, TR96-1613, November 1996.

  • Mark Hayden and Kenneth Birman Probabilistic Broadcast Cornell University Technical Report, TR96-1606, September 1996.

Horus architecture, protocols and performance.

  • Katherine Guo, Robbert van Renesse, Werner Vogels and Ken Birman, Hierachical Message Stability Tracking Protocols

  • Katherine Guo and Luis Rodrigues, Dynamic Light-Weight Groups Cornell University Technical Report, TR96-1612, October, 1996.

  • Robbert van Renesse, Masking the Overhead of Protocol Layering To appear in the Proceeding of the 1996 ACM SIGCOMM Conference, Stanford, September 1996.

  • Roy Friedman and Ken Birman, Using Group Communication Technology to Implement a Reliable and Scalable Distributed IN Coprocessor, To appear in the Proceedings of TINA'96, Heidelberg, September, 1996.

  • Katherine Guo, Werner Vogels and Robbert van Renesse, Structured Virtual Synchrony: Exploring the Bounds of Virtually Synchronous Group Communication. in the proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 1996 European Workshop, Connemaran, Ireland, September 1996.

  • Werner Vogels, World Wide Failures in the proceedings of the ACM SIGOPS 1996 European Workshop, Connemaran, Ireland, September 1996.

  • Luis Rodrigues, Katherine Guo, Antonio Sargento, Robbert van Renesse, Brad Glade, Paulo Verissimo and Ken Birman A Dynamic Light-Weight Group Service in the proceedings of the 15th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Niagara on the Lake, Canada, October 23-25, 1996, also Cornell University Technical Report, TR96-1611, August, 1996.

  • Kenneth P. Birman and Robbert van Renesse, Software for Reliable Networks, in Scientific American, May, 1996.

  • Robbert van Renesse, Kenneth P. Birman and Silvano Maffeis, Horus, a flexible Group Communication System, Communications of the ACM, April 1996.

  • Robbert van Renesse, Kenneth P. Birman, Roy Friedman, Mark Hayden, and David A. Karr, A Framework for Protocol Composition in Horus, In the proceedings of Principles of Distributed Computing, August, 1995.

  • Roy Friedman and Robbert van Renesse, Strong and Weak Virtual Synchrony in Horus, Cornell University Technical Report, TR95-1537, August, 1995.

  • Roy Friedman and Robbert van Renesse, Packing Messages as a Tool for Boosting the Performance of Total Ordering Protocols, Cornell University Technical Report, TR95-1527, August, 1995.

  • Robbert Van Renesse and Kenneth P. Birman, Protocol Composition in Horus, Cornell University Technical Report, TR95-1505, March, 1995.

  • Robbert Van Renesse, Kenneth P. Birman, Bradford B. Glade, Katie Guo, Mark Hayden, Takako Hickey, Dalia Malki, Alex Vaysburd and Werner Vogels, Horus: A Flexible Group Communications System Cornell University Technical Report, TR95-1500, March, 1995.

  • Takako M. Hickey and Robbert Van Renesse, Incorporating System Resource Information into Flow Control Cornell University Technical Report, TR95-1489, February, 1995.

  • Werner Vogels and Robbert van Renesse, Support for Complex Multi-Media Applications using the Horus system. December, 1994.

  • Robbert van Renesse, Takako M. Hickey, and Kenneth P. Birman, Design and Performance of Horus: A Lightweight Group Communications System Cornell University Technical Report, TR94-1442, August, 1994.

Horus and Security

  • David A. Cooper and Kenneth P. Birman, Preserving Privacy in a Network of Mobile Computers, Cornell University Technical Report, TR95-1490, March, 1995.

  • Michael K. Reiter, Kenneth P. Birman and Robbert Van Renesse A Security Architecture for Fault-Tolerant Systems Cornell University Technical Report, TR93-1354, June, 1993.

Virtual Synchrony, Partitions and new protocols.

  • Roy Friedman and Daniel Mosse, Load Balancing Schemes for High-throughput Distributed Fault-Tolerant Servers Cornell University Technical Report, TR96-1616, December, 1996.

  • Roberto Baldoni, Roy Friedman and Robbert van Renesse, The Hierarchical Daisy Architecture for Causal Delivery Cornell University Technical Report, TR96-1610, September, 1996.

  • Roy Friedman and Ken Birman, Trading Consistency for Availability in Distributed Systems Cornell University Technical Report, TR95-1579, April, 1996.

  • Roy Friedman, Idit Keidar, Dalia Malki, Ken Birman and Danny Dolev, Deciding in Partitionable Networks Cornell University Technical Report, TR95-1554, November, 1995.

  • Roy Friedman, Using Virtual Synchrony to Develop Efficient Fault Tolerant Distributed Shared Memories Cornell University Technical Report, TR95-1506, March, 1995.

  • Mark Hayden and Kenneth P. Birman, Achieving Critical Reliability With Unreliable Components and Unreliable Glue Cornell University Technical Report, TR95-1493, March, 1995.

  • Aleta M. Ricciardi and Kenneth P. Birman, Process Membership in Asynchronous Environments Cornell University Technical Report, TR93-1328, March, 1995.

  • Dalia Malki, Kenneth P. Birman, Aleta M. Ricciardi and Andre Schiper, Uniform Actions in Asynchronous Distributed Systems, Cornell University Technical Report, TR94-1447, September, 1994.

  • Aleta M. Ricciardi, Andre Schiper and Kenneth P. Birman Understanding Partitions and the ``No Partition'' Assumption Cornell University Technical Report, TR93-1355, June, 1993.

  • Andre Schiper and Aleta M. Ricciardi, Virtually-Synchronous Communication Based on a Weak Failure Suspector Cornell University Technical Report, TR93-1339, April, 1993.

Comments to Werner Vogels