
200904: first experimental version submitted to corn; things need to be improved and cleaned up!;

Ltac typeof x := type of x.

Require Export CSetoidFun.

Section move_us.

Lemma csr_wd :
  (S:CSetoid) (R:CSetoid_relation S) (x1 x2 y1 y2:S),
   R x1 x2 → (x1[=]y1) → (x2[=]y2) → R y1 y2.
 fun S R x1 x2 y1 y2 h h0 h1csr_wdl S R x1 y2 y1 (csr_wdr S R x1 x2 y2 h h1) h0.

Lemma Ccsr_wd :
  (S:CSetoid) (R:CCSetoid_relation S) (x1 x2 y1 y2:S),
   R x1 x2 → (x1[=]y1) → (x2[=]y2) → R y1 y2.
 fun S R x1 x2 y1 y2 h h0 h1Ccsr_wdl S R x1 y2 y1 (Ccsr_wdr S R x1 x2 y2 h h1) h0.

Lemma eq_wd :
  (S:CSetoid) (x1 x2 y1 y2:S),
   (x1[=]x2) → (x1[=]y1) → (x2[=]y2) → y1[=]y2.
 fun S x1 x2 y1 y2 h h0 h1eq_transitive S y1 x1 y2 (eq_symmetric S x1 y1 h0)
   (eq_transitive S x1 x2 y2 h h1).

Lemma ap_wd :
  (S:CSetoid) (x1 x2 y1 y2:S),
   (x1[#]x2) → (x1[=]y1) → (x2[=]y2) → y1[#]y2.
 fun S x1 x2 y1 y2 h h0 h1ap_wdl S x1 y2 y1 (ap_wdr S x1 x2 y2 h h1) h0.

Lemma CAnd_proj1 : A B:CProp, A and BA.
 intros A B h; elim h; exact (fun a _a).

Lemma CAnd_proj2 : A B:CProp, A and BB.
 intros A B h; elim h; exact (fun _ bb).

Lemma COr_elim : A B C:CProp, (AC) → (BC) → A or BC.
 intros A B C H H0 H1.
 elim H1; intro H2; [ exact (H H2) | exact (H0 H2) ].

End move_us.

Definition of csetoid_rewrite: a rewrite tactic for setoid equality; it rewrites within formulae of type Prop and CProp, built up from connectives , and, CAnd, or, COr, iff, Iff, not, Not, CNot, and atomic formulae (P t), (R t s), t[=]s, t[#]s for T:CSetoid, t,s:T, P:(CSetoid_predicate T), R:(CSetoid_relation T), R:(CCSetoid_relation T). Note that atoms are built up from predicates and relations that are well-defined with respect to setoid equality.
Setoid terms of type T are terms constructed by (f s), (g s s'), (h s s_), where f:(CSetoid_fun S T), g:(CSetoid_bin_fun S S' T), h:(CSetoid_part_fun S T), s:S, s':S', s_:(cspf_dom S T f s); needless to say, those setoid functions respect setoid equality.
Tactic csetoid_rewrite is composed of tactics total_csetoid_rewrite and partial_csetoid_rewrite. The former is applied in case there are no partial setoid functions present in the goal. The latter if there are. We further explain this separation.
To define the rewrite tactic we use the method of reflection, see 1. Because we have to deal with partial functions (see the definition of CSetoid_part_fun in file CSetoids.v), we use partial reflection, see 2. Partial reflection means to have an interpretation relation instead of an interpretation function.
Unfortunately, we were unable to define our tactic for the most general case, that is, for terms that contain both partial functions as well as setoid functions whose domain(s) and co-domain are not necessarily the same. When proving lemmas involving statements e II^r t (saying t is an interpretation of syntactic expression e under the variable assigment r, one often needs to reason by induction over e and then inverting the so obtained instances of the inductively defined e II^rho t. However, in the general case where we have to deal with functions whose domain and co-domain differ, inversion doesn't yield the desired result. Consider, for instance, var II^r t. Here, we want to perform inversion and obtain t=r, for var II^r r is a defining clause of II and moreover the only one mentioning var. However, inversion returns somthing like <p,t> = <p,r>. This has got to do with the so-called elimination predicate which predicts the type of the outcome of a case analysis dependent on the destructed variable. For more info ask the author and see his related mail to the coq-club.
We opted for the next best option of using two tactics, one using total reflection, its application being restricted to terms constructed from total functions (domain(s) and co-domain are allowed to be distinct). The other using partial reflection, its application being restricted to terms built up from (partial as well as total) operations (i.e. functions whose domain(s) and co-domain are equal).
1 Boutin, "Using Reflection to Build Efficient and Certified Decision Procedures", TACS, LNCS 1281, pp. 515--529, 1997.
2 Geuvers, Wiedijk and Zwanenburg, "Equational Reasoning via Partial Reflection", TPHOLs, LNCS 1896, pp. 162--178, 2000.
Syntactic setoid expressions reflecting setoid terms built from total setoid functions. S is the setoid of the subterm to be replaced.

Inductive tot_set_exp (S:CSetoid) : CSetoidType :=
  | tse_var : tot_set_exp S S
  | tse_fun :
       T1 T2:CSetoid,
        CSetoid_fun T1 T2tot_set_exp S T1tot_set_exp S T2
  | tse_bfun :
       T1 T2 T3:CSetoid,
        CSetoid_bin_fun T1 T2 T3
        tot_set_exp S T1tot_set_exp S T2tot_set_exp S T3
  | tse_con : T:CSetoid, Ttot_set_exp S T.

Interpretation of `total' setoid expressions.

Fixpoint tse_int (S T:CSetoid) (r:S) (e:tot_set_exp S T) {struct e} : T :=
  match e with
  | tse_varr
  | tse_fun T1 T2 f e0f (tse_int S T1 r e0)
  | tse_bfun T1 T2 T3 f e1 e2f (tse_int S T1 r e1) (tse_int S T2 r e2)
  | tse_con T tt

tse_int is well-defined.

Lemma tse_int_wd :
  (S T:CSetoid) (r1 r2:S),
   (r1[=]r2) → e:tot_set_exp S T, tse_int S T r1 e[=]tse_int S T r2 e.
 intros S T r1 r2 h.
 induction e; simpl in |- ×.
    exact h.
   apply csf_wd; assumption.
  apply csbf_wd; assumption.
 apply eq_reflexive.

End syntactic_total_setoid_expressions.

The `quote function' maps setoid terms t:T to syntactic expressions (tot_set_exp S T); term r:S (supposed to be a subterm of t:T to be replaced later on) is mapped to (tse_var r). Other `leafs' t0:T' of t are mapped to (tse_con S T' t0).

Ltac tse_quote S T r t :=
  match constr:t with
  | rconstr:(tse_var S)
  | (csf_fun ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let T1 := constr:X1
      with T2 := constr:X2
      with f := constr:X3
      with t0 := constr:X4 in
      let e := tse_quote S T1 r t0 in
      constr:(tse_fun S T1 T2 f e)
  | (csbf_fun ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4 ?X5 ?X6) ⇒
      let T1 := constr:X1
      with T2 := constr:X2
      with T3 := constr:X3
      with f := constr:X4
      with t1 := constr:X5
      with t2 := constr:X6 in
      let e1 := tse_quote S T1 r t1 with e2 := tse_quote S T2 r t2 in
      constr:(tse_bfun S T1 T2 T3 f e1 e2)
  | ?X1let t0 := constr:X1 in
           constr:(tse_con S T t0)

Given S:CSetoid;r1,r2:S and A:Prop or A:CProp, (replace_in_formula1 S r1 r2 A) replaces all occurrences of subterm r1 in A by r2.

Ltac tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A :=
  match constr:A with
  | (csp_pred ?X1 ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with P := constr:X2 with t := constr:X3 in
      let e := tse_quote S T r1 t in
      let r := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e) in
      constr:(P r)
  | (csr_rel ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1
      with R := constr:X2
      with t1 := constr:X3
      with t2 := constr:X4 in
      let e1 := tse_quote S T r1 t1 with e2 := tse_quote S T r1 t2 in
      let r1 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e1)
      with r2 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e2) in
      constr:(R r1 r2)
  | (Ccsr_rel ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1
      with R := constr:X2
      with t1 := constr:X3
      with t2 := constr:X4 in
      let e1 := tse_quote S T r1 t1 with e2 := tse_quote S T r1 t2 in
      let r1 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e1)
      with r2 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e2) in
      constr:(R r1 r2)
  | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
      let e1 := tse_quote S T r1 t1 with e2 := tse_quote S T r1 t2 in
      let r1 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e1)
      with r2 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e2) in
      constr:(cs_eq (r:=T) r1 r2)
  | (cs_ap (c:=?X1) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
      let e1 := tse_quote S T r1 t1 with e2 := tse_quote S T r1 t2 in
      let r1 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e1)
      with r2 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e2) in
      constr:(cs_ap (c:=T) r1 r2)
  | (?X1 → ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let B1 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A1
      with B2 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A2 in
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let B1 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A1
      with B2 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A2 in
      constr:(B1 B2)
  | (?X1 and ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let B1 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A1
      with B2 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A2 in
      constr:(B1 and B2)
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let B1 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A1
      with B2 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A2 in
      constr:(B1 B2)
  | (?X1 or ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let B1 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A1
      with B2 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A2 in
      constr:(B1 or B2)
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let B1 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A1
      with B2 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A2 in
      constr:(B1 B2)
  | (Iff ?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let B1 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A1
      with B2 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A2 in
      constr:(Iff B1 B2)
  | (¬ ?X1) ⇒
      let A0 := constr:X1 in
      let B0 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A0 in
      constr:(¬ B0)
  | (Not ?X1) ⇒
      let A0 := constr:X1 in
      let B0 := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A0 in
      constr:(Not B0)

  | ?X1let A0 := constr:X1 in

Given S:CSetoid;r1,r2:S;h:r1[=]r2;h0:r2[=]r1 and A:CProp or A:Prop, we get (tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A) : AA[r1:=r2] and (tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A) : A[r1:=r2]->A where A[r1:=r2] denotes (tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A). The argument h0:r2[=]r1 is present to avoid iterated application of eq_symmetric.

Ltac tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A :=
  match constr:A with
  | (csp_pred ?X1 ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with P := constr:X2 with t := constr:X3 in
      let e := tse_quote S T r1 t in
      let s := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e)
      with r := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e)
      with d := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r1 r2 h e) in
      constr:(fun a:P scsp_wd T P s r a d)
  | (csr_rel ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1
      with R := constr:X2
      with t1 := constr:X3
      with t2 := constr:X4 in
      let e1 := tse_quote S T r1 t1 with e2 := tse_quote S T r1 t2 in
      let s1 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e1)
      with s2 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e2)
      with r1 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e1)
      with r2 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e2)
      with d1 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r1 r2 h e1)
      with d2 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r1 r2 h e2) in
      constr:(fun a:R s1 s2csr_wd T R s1 s2 r1 r2 a d1 d2)
  | (Ccsr_rel ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1
      with R := constr:X2
      with t1 := constr:X3
      with t2 := constr:X4 in
      let e1 := tse_quote S T r1 t1 with e2 := tse_quote S T r1 t2 in
      let s1 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e1)
      with s2 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e2)
      with r1 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e1)
      with r2 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e2)
      with d1 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r1 r2 h e1)
      with d2 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r1 r2 h e2) in
      constr:(fun a:R s1 s2Ccsr_wd T R s1 s2 r1 r2 a d1 d2)
  | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
      let e1 := tse_quote S T r1 t1 with e2 := tse_quote S T r1 t2 in
      let s1 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e1)
      with s2 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e2)
      with r1 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e1)
      with r2 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e2)
      with d1 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r1 r2 h e1)
      with d2 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r1 r2 h e2) in
      constr:(fun a:cs_eq (r:=T) s1 s2eq_wd T s1 s2 r1 r2 a d1 d2)
  | (cs_ap (c:=?X1) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
      let e1 := tse_quote S T r1 t1 with e2 := tse_quote S T r1 t2 in
      let s1 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e1)
      with s2 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e2)
      with r1 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e1)
      with r2 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e2)
      with d1 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r1 r2 h e1)
      with d2 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r1 r2 h e2) in
      constr:(fun a:cs_ap (c:=T) s1 s2ap_wd T s1 s2 r1 r2 a d1 d2)
  | (?X1 → ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A2
      with d2 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A1 in
      constr:(fun (p:A1A2) bd1 (p (d2 b)))
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with d2 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A2 in
      constr:(fun p:A1 A2conj (d1 (fst p)) (d2 (snd p)))
  | (?X1 and ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with d2 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A2 in
      constr:(fun p:A1 and A2
                pair _ _ (d1 (CAnd_proj1 _ _ p))
                  (d2 (CAnd_proj2 _ _ p)))
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with d2 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A2 in
      constr:(or_ind (fun aor_introl _ (d1 a))
                (fun aor_intror _ (d2 a)))
  | (?X1 or ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with d2 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A2 in
      constr:(COr_elim A1 A2 _ (fun ainl _ _ (d1 a))
                (fun ainr _ _ (d2 a)))
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let ab1 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with ab2 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A2
      with ba1 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with ba2 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A2 in
      constr:(fun p:A1 A2
                conj (fun b1ab2 (fst p (ba1 b1)))
                  (fun b2ab1 (snd p (ba2 b2))))
  | (Iff ?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let ab1 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with ab2 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A2
      with ba1 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with ba2 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A2 in
      constr:(fun p:Iff A1 A2
                pair (fun b1ab2 (CAnd_proj1 _ _ p (ba1 b1)))
                  (fun b2ab1 (CAnd_proj2 _ _ p (ba2 b2))))
  | (¬ ?X1) ⇒
      let A0 := constr:X1 in
      let d := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A0 in
      constr:(fun (p:¬ A0) bp (d b))
  | (Not ?X1) ⇒
      let A0 := constr:X1 in
      let d := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A0 in
      constr:(fun (p:Not A0) bp (d b))

  | ?X1let A0 := constr:X1 in
           constr:(fun a:A0a)
 with tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A :=
  match constr:A with
  | (csp_pred ?X1 ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with P := constr:X2 with t := constr:X3 in
      let e := tse_quote S T r1 t in
      let s := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e)
      with r := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e)
      with d := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r2 r1 h0 e) in
      constr:(fun b:P rcsp_wd T P r s b d)
  | (csr_rel ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1
      with R := constr:X2
      with t1 := constr:X3
      with t2 := constr:X4 in
      let e1 := tse_quote S T r1 t1 with e2 := tse_quote S T r1 t2 in
      let s1 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e1)
      with s2 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e2)
      with r1 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e1)
      with r2 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e2)
      with d1 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r2 r1 h0 e1)
      with d2 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r2 r1 h0 e2) in
      constr:(fun b:R r1 r2csr_wd T R r1 r2 s1 s2 b d1 d2)
  | (Ccsr_rel ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1
      with R := constr:X2
      with t1 := constr:X3
      with t2 := constr:X4 in
      let e1 := tse_quote S T r1 t1 with e2 := tse_quote S T r1 t2 in
      let s1 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e1)
      with s2 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e2)
      with r1 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e1)
      with r2 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e2)
      with d1 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r2 r1 h0 e1)
      with d2 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r2 r1 h0 e2) in
      constr:(fun b:R r1 r2Ccsr_wd T R r1 r2 s1 s2 b d1 d2)
  | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
      let e1 := tse_quote S T r1 t1 with e2 := tse_quote S T r1 t2 in
      let s1 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e1)
      with s2 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e2)
      with r1 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e1)
      with r2 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e2)
      with d1 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r2 r1 h0 e1)
      with d2 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r2 r1 h0 e2) in
      constr:(fun b:cs_eq (r:=T) r1 r2eq_wd T r1 r2 s1 s2 b d1 d2)
  | (cs_ap (c:=?X1) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
      let e1 := tse_quote S T r1 t1 with e2 := tse_quote S T r1 t2 in
      let s1 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e1)
      with s2 := constr:(tse_int S T r1 e2)
      with r1 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e1)
      with r2 := constr:(tse_int S T r2 e2)
      with d1 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r2 r1 h0 e1)
      with d2 := constr:(tse_int_wd S T r2 r1 h0 e2) in
      constr:(fun b:cs_ap (c:=T) r1 r2ap_wd T r1 r2 s1 s2 b d1 d2)
  | (?X1 → ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with d2 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A2 in
      constr:(fun q (a:A1) ⇒ d2 (q (d1 a)))
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with d2 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A2 in
      constr:(fun q:_ _conj (d1 (fst q)) (d2 (snd q)))
  | (?X1 and ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with d2 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A2 in
      constr:(fun q:_ and _
                @pair A1 A2 (d1 (CAnd_proj1 _ _ q))
                  (d2 (CAnd_proj2 _ _ q)))
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with d2 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A2 in
      constr:(or_ind (fun bor_introl A2 (d1 b))
                (fun bor_intror A1 (d2 b)))
  | (?X1 or ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with d2 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A2 in
      constr:(COr_elim _ _ (A1 or A2) (fun binl A1 A2 (d1 b))
                (fun binr A1 A2 (d2 b)))
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let ab1 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with ab2 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A2
      with ba1 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with ba2 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A2 in
      constr:(fun q:_ _
                conj (fun a1:A1ba2 (fst q (ab1 a1)))
                  (fun a2:A2ba1 (snd q (ab2 a2))))
  | (Iff ?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let ab1 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with ab2 := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A2
      with ba1 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A1
      with ba2 := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A2 in
      constr:(fun q:Iff _ _
                pair (fun a1:A1ba2 (CAnd_proj1 _ _ q (ab1 a1)))
                  (fun a2:A2ba1 (CAnd_proj2 _ _ q (ab2 a2))))
  | (¬ ?X1) ⇒
      let A0 := constr:X1 in
      let d := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A0 in
      constr:(fun (q:¬ _) (a:A0) ⇒ q (d a))
  | (Not ?X1) ⇒
      let A0 := constr:X1 in
      let d := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h0 A0 in
      constr:(fun (q:Not _) (a:A0) ⇒ q (d a))

  | ?X1let A0 := constr:X1 in
           constr:(fun a:A0a)

Ltac total_csetoid_rewrite h :=
  let type_of_h := typeof h in
  match constr:type_of_h with
  | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let S := constr:X1 with r1 := constr:X2 with r2 := constr:X3 in
      let h0 := constr:(eq_symmetric S r1 r2 h) in
      match goal with
      | |- ?X1
          let A := constr:X1 in
          let B := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A
          with d := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h h0 A in
          ( cut B; [ exact d | unfold tse_int in |- × ])

Ltac total_csetoid_rewrite_rev h :=
  let type_of_h := typeof h in
  match constr:type_of_h with
  | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let S := constr:X1 with r2 := constr:X2 with r1 := constr:X3 in
      let h0 := constr:(eq_symmetric S r2 r1 h) in
      match goal with
      | |- ?X1
          let A := constr:X1 in
          let B := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A
          with d := tot_set_rewr_prf2 S r1 r2 h0 h A in
          ( cut B; [ exact d | unfold tse_int in |- × ])

Ltac total_csetoid_rewrite_cxt h h0 :=
  let type_of_h := typeof h in
  match constr:type_of_h with
  | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let S := constr:X1 with r1 := constr:X2 with r2 := constr:X3 in
      let h1 := constr:(eq_symmetric S r1 r2 h) with A := typeof h0 in
      let B := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A
      with d := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h h1 A in
      ( cut B;
        [ unfold tse_int in |- *; clear h0; intro h0 | exact (d h0) ])

Ltac total_csetoid_rewrite_cxt_rev h h0 :=
  let type_of_h := typeof h in
  match constr:type_of_h with
  | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let S := constr:X1 with r2 := constr:X2 with r1 := constr:X3 in
      let h1 := constr:(eq_symmetric S r2 r1 h) with A := typeof h0 in
      let B := tot_repl_in_form S r1 r2 A
      with d := tot_set_rewr_prf1 S r1 r2 h1 h A in
      ( cut B;
        [ unfold tse_int in |- *; clear h0; intro h0 | exact (d h0) ])

Ltac total_setoid_replace x y :=
  let h := fresh in
  (cut (x[=]y); [ intro h; total_csetoid_rewrite h; clear h | idtac ]).

Ltac total_setoid_replace_cxt x y h :=
  let h0 := fresh in
  (cut (x[=]y); [ intro h0; total_csetoid_rewrite_cxt h0 h; clear h0 | idtac ]).

Definition CSetoid_part_op := PartFunct.
Definition cspf_dom (T _:CSetoid) := pfdom T.
Definition cspf_dom_wd (T _:CSetoid) := dom_wd T.
Definition cspf_wd (T:CSetoid) := pfwdef T.

Inductive my_sigT (A:Type) (P:AType) : Type :=
    my_existT : x:A, P xmy_sigT A P.

Definition proj1_my_sigT (A:Type) (P:AType) (e:my_sigT A P) :=
  match e with
  | my_existT a ba

Definition proj2_my_sigT (A:Type) (P:AType) (e:my_sigT A P) :=
  match e return P (proj1_my_sigT A P e) with
  | my_existT a bb

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Section syntactic_partial_setoid_expressions.

Variable T : CSetoid.

Inductive part_set_exp : Type :=
  | pse_var : part_set_exp
  | pse_uop : CSetoid_un_op Tpart_set_exppart_set_exp
  | pse_bop :
      CSetoid_bin_op Tpart_set_exppart_set_exppart_set_exp
  | pse_pop : CSetoid_part_op Tpart_set_exppart_set_exp
  | pse_con : Tpart_set_exp.

Interpretation as a relation between syntactic expressions and (semantical) setoid terms; r is the term to be replaced (later on).

Variable r : T.

Inductive pse_int : part_set_expTType :=
  | pse_int_var : pse_int pse_var r
  | pse_int_uop :
       (F:CSetoid_un_op T) (e:part_set_exp) (t:T),
        pse_int e tpse_int (pse_uop F e) (F t)
  | pse_int_bop :
       (F:CSetoid_bin_op T) (e1 e2:part_set_exp)
        (t1 t2:T),
        pse_int e1 t1pse_int e2 t2pse_int (pse_bop F e1 e2) (F t1 t2)
  | pse_int_pop :
       (F:CSetoid_part_op T) (e:part_set_exp)
        pse_int e t
         Ht:cspf_dom T T F t, pse_int (pse_pop F e) (F t Ht)
  | pse_int_con : t:T, pse_int (pse_con t) t.

`Heavy' syntactic expressions, carrying their own interpretation.

Inductive part_set_xexp : TType :=
  | psxe_var : part_set_xexp r
  | psxe_uop :
       (F:CSetoid_un_op T) (t:T),
        part_set_xexp tpart_set_xexp (F t)
  | psxe_bop :
       (F:CSetoid_bin_op T) (t1 t2:T),
        part_set_xexp t1part_set_xexp t2part_set_xexp (F t1 t2)
  | psxe_pop :
       (F:CSetoid_part_op T) (t:T) (Ht:cspf_dom T T F t),
        part_set_xexp tpart_set_xexp (F t Ht)
  | psxe_con : t:T, part_set_xexp t.

Interpretation of proof loaded (`heavy') syntactic expressions; extracts the semantical component from heavy expressions.

Definition psxe_int t (_:part_set_xexp t) := t.

The forgetful mapping from heavy to light syntactic expressions; extracts the syntactical component from heavy expressions.

Fixpoint forget (t:T) (e:part_set_xexp t) {struct e} : part_set_exp :=
  match e with
  | psxe_varpse_var
  | psxe_uop F t0 e0pse_uop F (forget e0)
  | psxe_bop F t1 t2 e1 e2pse_bop F (forget e1) (forget e2)
  | psxe_pop F t0 H e0pse_pop F (forget e0)
  | psxe_con tpse_con t

The second extraction of an heavy expression is an interpretation of its first extraction (note (xexp_int t e)=t).

Lemma extract_correct :
  (t:T) (e:part_set_xexp t), pse_int (forget e) t.
 simple induction e; clear e t; simpl in |- ×.
     exact pse_int_var.
    intros F t e h.
    apply pse_int_uop; exact h.
   intros F t1 t2 e1 h1 e2 h2.
   apply pse_int_bop with (1 := h1) (2 := h2).
  intros F t Ht e h.
  apply pse_int_pop; exact h.
 exact pse_int_con.

Lemma pse_int_var_inv : t:T, pse_int pse_var tt = r.
 intros t h; inversion h; reflexivity.

Lemma pse_int_con_inv : c t:T, pse_int (pse_con c) tt = c.
 intros c t h; inversion h; reflexivity.

The interpretation relation pse_int is a partial function.

Lemma pse_int_ext :
  (e:part_set_exp) (t t':T), pse_int e tpse_int e t't[=]t'.
 simple induction e; clear e.
     intros t t' h h0.
     rewrite (pse_int_var_inv h).
     rewrite (pse_int_var_inv h0).
     apply eq_reflexive.
    intros F e IH t t' h h0.
    inversion_clear h; inversion_clear h0.
    apply csf_wd; apply IH; assumption.
   intros F e1 IH1 e2 IH2 t t' h h0.
   inversion_clear h; inversion_clear h0.
   apply csbf_wd; [ apply IH1 | apply IH2 ]; assumption.
  intros F e IH t t' h h0.
  inversion_clear h; inversion_clear h0.
  apply cspf_wd; apply IH; assumption.
 intros c t t' h h0.
 rewrite (pse_int_con_inv h).
 rewrite (pse_int_con_inv h0).
 apply eq_reflexive.

End syntactic_partial_setoid_expressions.

pse_int is well-founded.

Lemma pse_int_wd :
  (T:CSetoid) (r r':T),
   (r[=]r') →
    (e:part_set_exp T) (t t':T),
     pse_int r e tpse_int r' e t't[=]t'.
 intros T r r' h.
 simple induction e; clear e.
     intros t t' h0 h1.
     rewrite (pse_int_var_inv h0).
     rewrite (pse_int_var_inv h1).
     exact h.
    intros F e IH t t' h0 h1.
    inversion_clear h0; inversion_clear h1.
    apply csf_wd; apply IH; assumption.
   intros F e1 IH1 e2 IH2 t t' h0 h1.
   inversion_clear h0; inversion_clear h1.
   apply csbf_wd; [ apply IH1 | apply IH2 ]; assumption.
  intros F e IH t t' h0 h1.
  inversion_clear h0; inversion_clear h1.
  apply cspf_wd; apply IH; assumption.
 intros c t t' h0 h1.
 rewrite (pse_int_con_inv h0).
 rewrite (pse_int_con_inv h1).
 apply eq_reflexive.

The following lemma states that if r1[=]r2 and t1 is an interpretation of e under the variable assigment r1, then there exists an interpretation t2 of e under the assignment r2.

Lemma replacement_lemma :
  (T:CSetoid) (e:part_set_exp T) (r1 r2 t1:T),
   (r1[=]r2) → pse_int r1 e t1my_sigT T (pse_int r2 e).
 intros T e r1 r2 t1 H H0.
 elim H0; clear H0 e t1.
     apply pse_int_var.
    intros F e a1 Ha1 IH.
    elim IH; intros a2 Ha2.
     (F a2); apply pse_int_uop with (1 := Ha2).
   intros F ea a1 eb b1 Ha1 IHa Hb1 IHb.
   elim IHa; intros a2 Ha2.
   elim IHb; intros b2 Hb2.
    (F a2 b2); apply pse_int_bop with (1 := Ha2) (2 := Hb2).
  intros F e a1 Ha1 IH Da1.
  elim IH; intros a2 Ha2.
  assert (Da2 := cspf_dom_wd T T F a1 a2 Da1 (pse_int_wd H Ha1 Ha2)).
   (F a2 Da2).
  apply pse_int_pop with (1 := Ha2).
 intro t; t; apply pse_int_con.

Given H:r1[=]r2 and H0:(pse_int r1 e t1), the first projection of (replacement_lemma H H0) is the term t2 obtained by replacing in t1 subterm r1 by r2. The second projection is the proof of (pse_int r2 e t2).

Definition replace_in_term (T:CSetoid) (r1 r2 t1:T)
  (e:part_set_exp T) (H:r1[=]r2) (H0:pse_int r1 e t1) :=
  proj1_my_sigT T (pse_int r2 e) (replacement_lemma H H0).

Definition replace_in_term_proof (T:CSetoid) (r1 r2 t1:T)
  (e:part_set_exp T) (H:r1[=]r2) (H0:pse_int r1 e t1) :=
  proj2_my_sigT T (pse_int r2 e) (replacement_lemma H H0).

Set Strict Implicit.
Unset Implicit Arguments.

The `quote function' maps from the semantical level to heavy syntactic expressions: given a setoid term t:T, psxe_quote yields a (part_set_xexp T). Term r:T (supposed to be a subterm of t:T to be replaced later on) is mapped to (psxe_var r). Other `leafs' t0 of t are mapped to (psxe_con r t0).

Ltac psxe_quote r t :=
  match constr:t with
  | rconstr:(psxe_var r)
  | (csf_fun ?X1 ?X1 ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let F := constr:X2 with t0 := constr:X3 in
      let e := psxe_quote r t0 in
      constr:(psxe_uop F e)
  | (csbf_fun ?X1 ?X1 ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let F := constr:X2 with t1 := constr:X3 with t2 := constr:X4 in
      let e1 := psxe_quote r t1 with e2 := psxe_quote r t2 in
      constr:(psxe_bop F e1 e2)
  | (Part ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let F := constr: X2 with t0 := constr:X3 with Ht0 := constr:X4 in
      let e := psxe_quote r t0 in
      constr:(psxe_pop (F:=F) Ht0 e)
  | ?X1let t0 := constr:X1 in
           constr:(psxe_con r t0)

Given H:r1[=]r2 and A:Prop or A:CProp, (replace_in_formula2 H A) replaces all occurrences of subterm r1 in A by r2.

Ltac part_repl_in_form H A :=
  let type_of_H := typeof H in
  match constr:type_of_H with
  | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let r1 := constr:X2 with r2 := constr:X3 in
      match constr:A with
      | (csp_pred ?X1 ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
          let P := constr:X2 with t := constr:X3 in
          let e := psxe_quote r1 t in
          let Ht := constr:(extract_correct e) in
          let s := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht) in
          constr:(P s)
      | (csr_rel ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
          let R := constr:X2 with t1 := constr:X3 with t2 := constr:X4 in
          let e1 := psxe_quote r1 t1 with e2 := psxe_quote r1 t2 in
          let Ht1 := constr:(extract_correct e1)
          with Ht2 := constr:(extract_correct e2) in
          let s1 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht1)
          with s2 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht2) in
          constr:(R s1 s2)
      | (Ccsr_rel ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
          let R := constr:X2 with t1 := constr:X3 with t2 := constr:X4 in
          let e1 := psxe_quote r1 t1 with e2 := psxe_quote r1 t2 in
          let Ht1 := constr:(extract_correct e1)
          with Ht2 := constr:(extract_correct e2) in
          let s1 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht1)
          with s2 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht2) in
          constr:(R s1 s2)
      | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
          let T := constr:X1 with t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
          let e1 := psxe_quote r1 t1 with e2 := psxe_quote r1 t2 in
          let Ht1 := constr:(extract_correct e1)
          with Ht2 := constr:(extract_correct e2) in
          let s1 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht1)
          with s2 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht2) in
          constr:(cs_eq (r:=T) s1 s2)
      | (cs_ap (c:=?X1) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
          let T := constr:X1 with t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
          let e1 := psxe_quote r1 t1 with e2 := psxe_quote r1 t2 in
          let Ht1 := constr:(extract_correct e1)
          with Ht2 := constr:(extract_correct e2) in
          let s1 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht1)
          with s2 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht2) in
          constr:(cs_ap (c:=T) s1 s2)
      | (?X1 → ?X2) ⇒
          let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
          let B1 := part_repl_in_form H A1 with B2 := part_repl_in_form H A2 in
      | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
          let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
          let B1 := part_repl_in_form H A1 with B2 := part_repl_in_form H A2 in
          constr:(B1 B2)
      | (?X1 and ?X2) ⇒
          let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
          let B1 := part_repl_in_form H A1 with B2 := part_repl_in_form H A2 in
          constr:(B1 and B2)
      | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
          let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
          let B1 := part_repl_in_form H A1 with B2 := part_repl_in_form H A2 in
          constr:(B1 B2)
      | (?X1 or ?X2) ⇒
          let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
          let B1 := part_repl_in_form H A1 with B2 := part_repl_in_form H A2 in
          constr:(B1 or B2)
      | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
          let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
          let B1 := part_repl_in_form H A1 with B2 := part_repl_in_form H A2 in
          constr:(B1 B2)
      | (Iff ?X1 ?X2) ⇒
          let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
          let B1 := part_repl_in_form H A1 with B2 := part_repl_in_form H A2 in
          constr:(Iff B1 B2)
      | (¬ ?X1) ⇒
          let A0 := constr:X1 in
          let B0 := part_repl_in_form H A0 in
          constr:(¬ B0)
      | (Not ?X1) ⇒
          let A0 := constr:X1 in
          let B0 := part_repl_in_form H A0 in
          constr:(Not B0)

      | ?X1let A0 := constr:X1 in

Given T:CSetoid;r1,r2:T;H:r1[=]r2;H0:r2[=]r1 (checked by main call) and A:CProp or A:Prop, we get (part_set_rewr_prf1 H H0 A) : AA[r2/r1] and (part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A) : A[r2/r1]->A where A[r2/r1] denotes (part_repl_in_form H A). The argument H0:r2[=]r1 is present to avoid iterated application of eq_symmetric.

Ltac part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A :=
  match constr:A with
  | (csp_pred ?X1 ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with P := constr:X2 with t := constr:X3 in
      let e := psxe_quote r1 t in
      let Ht := constr:(extract_correct e) in
      let s := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht)
      with Hs := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht) in
      let d := constr:(pse_int_wd H Ht Hs) in
      constr:(fun a:P tcsp_wd T P t s a d)
  | (csr_rel ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1
      with R := constr:X2
      with t1 := constr:X3
      with t2 := constr:X4 in
      let e1 := psxe_quote r1 t1 with e2 := psxe_quote r1 t2 in
      let Ht1 := constr:(extract_correct e1)
      with Ht2 := constr:(extract_correct e2) in
      let s1 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht1)
      with s2 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht2)
      with Hs1 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht1)
      with Hs2 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht2) in
      let d1 := constr:(pse_int_wd H Ht1 Hs1)
      with d2 := constr:(pse_int_wd H Ht2 Hs2) in
      constr:(fun a:R t1 t2csr_wd T R t1 t2 s1 s2 a d1 d2)
  | (Ccsr_rel ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1
      with R := constr:X2
      with t1 := constr:X3
      with t2 := constr:X4 in
      let e1 := psxe_quote r1 t1 with e2 := psxe_quote r1 t2 in
      let Ht1 := constr:(extract_correct e1)
      with Ht2 := constr:(extract_correct e2) in
      let s1 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht1)
      with s2 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht2)
      with Hs1 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht1)
      with Hs2 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht2) in
      let d1 := constr:(pse_int_wd H Ht1 Hs1)
      with d2 := constr:(pse_int_wd H Ht2 Hs2) in
      constr:(fun a:R t1 t2Ccsr_wd T R t1 t2 s1 s2 a d1 d2)
  | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
      let e1 := psxe_quote r1 t1 with e2 := psxe_quote r1 t2 in
      let Ht1 := constr:(extract_correct e1)
      with Ht2 := constr:(extract_correct e2) in
      let s1 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht1)
      with s2 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht2)
      with Hs1 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht1)
      with Hs2 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht2) in
      let d1 := constr:(pse_int_wd H Ht1 Hs1)
      with d2 := constr:(pse_int_wd H Ht2 Hs2) in
      constr:(fun a:cs_eq (r:=T) t1 t2eq_wd T t1 t2 s1 s2 a d1 d2)
  | (cs_ap (c:=?X1) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
      let e1 := psxe_quote r1 t1 with e2 := psxe_quote r1 t2 in
      let Ht1 := constr:(extract_correct e1)
      with Ht2 := constr:(extract_correct e2) in
      let s1 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht1)
      with s2 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht2)
      with Hs1 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht1)
      with Hs2 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht2) in
      let d1 := constr:(pse_int_wd H Ht1 Hs1)
      with d2 := constr:(pse_int_wd H Ht2 Hs2) in
      constr:(fun a:cs_ap (c:=T) t1 t2ap_wd T t1 t2 s1 s2 a d1 d2)
  | (?X1 → ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A2
      with d2 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A1 in
      constr:(fun (p:A1A2) bd1 (p (d2 b)))
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with d2 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A2 in
      constr:(fun p:A1 A2conj (d1 (fst p)) (d2 (snd p)))
  | (?X1 and ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with d2 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A2 in
      constr:(fun p:A1 and A2
                pair (d1 (CAnd_proj1 _ _ p))
                  (d2 (CAnd_proj2 _ _ p)))
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with d2 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A2 in
      constr:(or_ind (fun aor_introl _ (d1 a))
                (fun aor_intror _ (d2 a)))
  | (?X1 or ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with d2 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A2 in
      constr:(COr_elim A1 A2 _ (fun ainl _ _ (d1 a))
                (fun ainr _ _ (d2 a)))
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let ab1 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with ab2 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A2
      with ba1 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with ba2 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A2 in
      constr:(fun p:A1 A2
                conj (fun b1ab2 (fst p (ba1 b1)))
                  (fun b2ab1 (snd p (ba2 b2))))
  | (Iff ?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let ab1 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with ab2 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A2
      with ba1 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with ba2 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A2 in
      constr:(fun p:Iff A1 A2
                pair (fun b1ab2 (CAnd_proj1 _ _ p (ba1 b1)))
                  (fun b2ab1 (CAnd_proj2 _ _ p (ba2 b2))))
  | (¬ ?X1) ⇒
      let A0 := constr:X1 in
      let d := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A0 in
      constr:(fun (p:¬ A0) bp (d b))
  | (Not ?X1) ⇒
      let A0 := constr:X1 in
      let d := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A0 in
      constr:(fun (p:Not A0) bp (d b))

  | ?X1let A0 := constr:X1 in
           constr:(fun a:A0a)
 with part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A :=
  match constr:A with
  | (csp_pred ?X1 ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with P := constr:X2 with t := constr:X3 in
      let e := psxe_quote r1 t in
      let Ht := constr:(extract_correct e) in
      let s := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht)
      with Hs := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht) in
      let d := constr:(pse_int_wd H0 Hs Ht) in
      constr:(fun b:P scsp_wd T P s t b d)
  | (csr_rel ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1
      with R := constr:X2
      with t1 := constr:X3
      with t2 := constr:X4 in
      let e1 := psxe_quote r1 t1 with e2 := psxe_quote r1 t2 in
      let Ht1 := constr:(extract_correct e1)
      with Ht2 := constr:(extract_correct e2) in
      let s1 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht1)
      with s2 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht2)
      with Hs1 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht1)
      with Hs2 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht2) in
      let d1 := constr:(pse_int_wd H0 Hs1 Ht1)
      with d2 := constr:(pse_int_wd H0 Hs2 Ht2) in
      constr:(fun b:R s1 s2csr_wd T R s1 s2 t1 t2 b d1 d2)
  | (Ccsr_rel ?X1 ?X2 ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1
      with R := constr:X2
      with t1 := constr:X3
      with t2 := constr:X4 in
      let e1 := psxe_quote r1 t1 with e2 := psxe_quote r1 t2 in
      let Ht1 := constr:(extract_correct e1)
      with Ht2 := constr:(extract_correct e2) in
      let s1 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht1)
      with s2 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht2)
      with Hs1 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht1)
      with Hs2 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht2) in
      let d1 := constr:(pse_int_wd H0 Hs1 Ht1)
      with d2 := constr:(pse_int_wd H0 Hs2 Ht2) in
      constr:(fun b:R s1 s2Ccsr_wd T R s1 s2 t1 t2 b d1 d2)
  | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
      let e1 := psxe_quote r1 t1 with e2 := psxe_quote r1 t2 in
      let Ht1 := constr:(extract_correct e1)
      with Ht2 := constr:(extract_correct e2) in
      let s1 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht1)
      with s2 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht2)
      with Hs1 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht1)
      with Hs2 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht2) in
      let d1 := constr:(pse_int_wd H0 Hs1 Ht1)
      with d2 := constr:(pse_int_wd H0 Hs2 Ht2) in
      constr:(fun b:cs_eq (r:=T) s1 s2eq_wd T s1 s2 t1 t2 b d1 d2)
  | (cs_ap (c:=?X1) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
      let e1 := psxe_quote r1 t1 with e2 := psxe_quote r1 t2 in
      let Ht1 := constr:(extract_correct e1)
      with Ht2 := constr:(extract_correct e2) in
      let s1 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht1)
      with s2 := constr:(replace_in_term H Ht2)
      with Hs1 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht1)
      with Hs2 := constr:(replace_in_term_proof H Ht2) in
      let d1 := constr:(pse_int_wd H0 Hs1 Ht1)
      with d2 := constr:(pse_int_wd H0 Hs2 Ht2) in
      constr:(fun b:cs_ap (c:=T) s1 s2ap_wd T s1 s2 t1 t2 b d1 d2)
  | (?X1 → ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with d2 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A2 in
      constr:(fun q (a:A1) ⇒ d2 (q (d1 a)))
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with d2 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A2 in
      constr:(fun q:_ _conj (d1 (fst q)) (d2 (snd q)))
  | (?X1 and ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with d2 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A2 in
      constr:(fun q:_ and _
                @pair A1 A2 (d1 (CAnd_proj1 _ _ q))
                  (d2 (CAnd_proj2 _ _ q)))
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with d2 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A2 in
      constr:(or_ind (fun bor_introl A2 (d1 b))
                (fun bor_intror A1 (d2 b)))
  | (?X1 or ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let d1 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with d2 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A2 in
      constr:(COr_elim _ _ (A1 or A2) (fun binl A1 A2 (d1 b))
                (fun binr A1 A2 (d2 b)))
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let ab1 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with ab2 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A2
      with ba1 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with ba2 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A2 in
      constr:(fun q:_ _
                conj (fun a1:A1ba2 (fst q (ab1 a1)))
                  (fun a2:A2ba1 (snd q (ab2 a2))))
  | (Iff ?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let ab1 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with ab2 := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A2
      with ba1 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A1
      with ba2 := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 H H0 A2 in
      constr:(fun q:Iff _ _
                pair (fun a1:A1ba2 (CAnd_proj1 _ _ q (ab1 a1)))
                  (fun a2:A2ba1 (CAnd_proj2 _ _ q (ab2 a2))))
  | (¬ ?X1) ⇒
      let A0 := constr:X1 in
      let d := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A0 in
      constr:(fun (q:¬ _) (a:A0) ⇒ q (d a))
  | (Not ?X1) ⇒
      let A0 := constr:X1 in
      let d := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 H H0 A0 in
      constr:(fun (q:Not _) (a:A0) ⇒ q (d a))

  | ?X1let A0 := constr:X1 in
           constr:(fun a:A0a)

Ltac Unfold_partial_csetoid_rewrite_stuff :=
  unfold replace_in_term, proj1_my_sigT, replacement_lemma, extract_correct,
   pse_int_rect, part_set_xexp_rect, my_sigT_rect in |- ×.

Ltac partial_csetoid_rewrite h :=
  let type_of_h := typeof h in
  match constr:type_of_h with
  | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with r1 := constr:X2 with r2 := constr:X3 in
      let h0 := constr:(eq_symmetric T r1 r2 h) in
      match goal with
      | |- ?X1
          let A := constr:X1 in
          let B := part_repl_in_form h A
          with d := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 h h0 A in
          ( cut B; [ exact d | Unfold_partial_csetoid_rewrite_stuff ])

Ltac partial_csetoid_rewrite_rev h :=
  let type_of_h := typeof h in
  match constr:type_of_h with
  | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with r2 := constr:X2 with r1 := constr:X3 in
      let h0 := constr:(eq_symmetric T r2 r1 h) in
      match goal with
      | |- ?X1
          let A := constr:X1 in
          let B := part_repl_in_form h A
          with d := part_set_rewr_prf2 r1 r2 h0 h A in
          ( cut B; [ exact d | Unfold_partial_csetoid_rewrite_stuff ])

Ltac partial_csetoid_rewrite_cxt h h0 :=
  let type_of_h := typeof h in
  match constr:type_of_h with
  | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with r1 := constr:X2 with r2 := constr:X3 in
      let h1 := constr:(eq_symmetric T r1 r2 h) with A := typeof h0 in
      let B := part_repl_in_form h A
      with d := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 h h1 A in
      ( cut B;
        [ Unfold_partial_csetoid_rewrite_stuff; clear h0; intro h0
        | exact (d h0) ])

Ltac partial_csetoid_rewrite_cxt_rev h h0 :=
  let type_of_h := typeof h in
  match constr:type_of_h with
  | (cs_eq (r:=(cs_crr ?X1)) ?X2 ?X3) ⇒
      let T := constr:X1 with r2 := constr:X2 with r1 := constr:X3 in
      let h1 := constr:(eq_symmetric T r2 r1 h) with A := typeof h0 in
      let B := part_repl_in_form h A
      with d := part_set_rewr_prf1 r1 r2 h1 h A in
      ( cut B;
        [ Unfold_partial_csetoid_rewrite_stuff; clear h0; intro h0
        | exact (d h0) ])

Ltac partial_setoid_replace x y :=
  let h := fresh in
  (cut (x[=]y); [ intro h; partial_csetoid_rewrite h; clear h | idtac ]).

Ltac partial_setoid_replace_cxt x y h :=
  let h0 := fresh in
  (cut (x[=]y);
    [ intro h0; partial_csetoid_rewrite_cxt h0 h; clear h0 | idtac ]).

Require Export Bool.

Ltac term_cont_part t :=
  match constr:t with
  | (Part _ _ _) ⇒ constr:true
  | (csf_fun _ _ _ ?X4) ⇒
      let t0 := constr:X4 in
      let b := term_cont_part t0 in
  | (csbf_fun _ _ _ _ ?X5 ?X6) ⇒
      let t1 := constr:X5 with t2 := constr:X6 in
      let b1 := term_cont_part t1 with b2 := term_cont_part t2 in
      constr:(orb b1 b2)
  | _constr:false

Ltac form_cont_part A :=
  match constr:A with
  | (csp_pred _ _ ?X3) ⇒
      let t := constr:X3 in
      let b := term_cont_part t in
  | (csr_rel _ _ ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let t1 := constr:X3 with t2 := constr:X4 in
      let b1 := term_cont_part t1 with b2 := term_cont_part t2 in
      constr:(orb b1 b2)
  | (Ccsr_rel _ _ ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let t1 := constr:X3 with t2 := constr:X4 in
      let b1 := term_cont_part t1 with b2 := term_cont_part t2 in
      constr:(orb b1 b2)
  | (?X2[=]?X3) ⇒
      let t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
      let b1 := term_cont_part t1 with b2 := term_cont_part t2 in
      constr:(orb b1 b2)
  | (?X2[#]?X3) ⇒
      let t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
      let b1 := term_cont_part t1 with b2 := term_cont_part t2 in
      constr:(orb b1 b2)
  | (?X1 → ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let b1 := form_cont_part A1 with b2 := form_cont_part A2 in
      constr:(orb b1 b2)
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let b1 := form_cont_part A1 with b2 := form_cont_part A2 in
      constr:(orb b1 b2)
  | (?X1 and ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let b1 := form_cont_part A1 with b2 := form_cont_part A2 in
      constr:(orb b1 b2)
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let b1 := form_cont_part A1 with b2 := form_cont_part A2 in
      constr:(orb b1 b2)
  | (?X1 or ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let b1 := form_cont_part A1 with b2 := form_cont_part A2 in
      constr:(orb b1 b2)
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let b1 := form_cont_part A1 with b2 := form_cont_part A2 in
      constr:(orb b1 b2)
  | (Iff ?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      let b1 := form_cont_part A1 with b2 := form_cont_part A2 in
      constr:(orb b1 b2)
  | (¬ ?X1) ⇒
      let A0 := constr:X1 in
      let b := form_cont_part A0 in
  | (Not ?X1) ⇒
      let A0 := constr:X1 in
      let b := form_cont_part A0 in

  | _constr:false

Ltac fold_cspf_dom_in_term t :=
  match constr:t with
  | (Part _ ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let t0 := constr:X3 with h := constr:X4 in
      let H := fresh in
      (set (H := h) in *; fold_cspf_dom_in_term t0; clearbody H)
  | (csf_fun _ _ _ ?X4) ⇒
      let t0 := constr:X4 in
      fold_cspf_dom_in_term t0
  | (csbf_fun _ _ _ _ ?X5 ?X6) ⇒
      let t1 := constr:X5 with t2 := constr:X6 in
      (fold_cspf_dom_in_term t1; fold_cspf_dom_in_term t2)
  | _idtac

Ltac fold_cspf_dom_in_form A :=
  match constr:A with
  | (csp_pred _ _ ?X3) ⇒
      let t := constr:X3 in
      fold_cspf_dom_in_term t
  | (csr_rel _ _ ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let t1 := constr:X3 with t2 := constr:X4 in
      (fold_cspf_dom_in_term t1; fold_cspf_dom_in_term t2)
  | (Ccsr_rel _ _ ?X3 ?X4) ⇒
      let t1 := constr:X3 with t2 := constr:X4 in
      (fold_cspf_dom_in_term t1; fold_cspf_dom_in_term t2)
  | (?X2[=]?X3) ⇒
      let t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
      (fold_cspf_dom_in_term t1; fold_cspf_dom_in_term t2)
  | (?X2[#]?X3) ⇒
      let t1 := constr:X2 with t2 := constr:X3 in
      (fold_cspf_dom_in_term t1; fold_cspf_dom_in_term t2)
  | (?X1 → ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      (fold_cspf_dom_in_form A1; fold_cspf_dom_in_form A2)
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      (fold_cspf_dom_in_form A1; fold_cspf_dom_in_form A2)
  | (?X1 and ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      (fold_cspf_dom_in_form A1; fold_cspf_dom_in_form A2)
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      (fold_cspf_dom_in_form A1; fold_cspf_dom_in_form A2)
  | (?X1 or ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      (fold_cspf_dom_in_form A1; fold_cspf_dom_in_form A2)
  | (?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      (fold_cspf_dom_in_form A1; fold_cspf_dom_in_form A2)
  | (Iff ?X1 ?X2) ⇒
      let A1 := constr:X1 with A2 := constr:X2 in
      (fold_cspf_dom_in_form A1; fold_cspf_dom_in_form A2)
  | (¬ ?X1) ⇒ let A0 := constr:X1 in
               fold_cspf_dom_in_form A0
  | (Not ?X1) ⇒ let A0 := constr:X1 in
                 fold_cspf_dom_in_form A0

  | _idtac

Ltac fold_cspf_dom :=
  match goal with
  | |- ?X1let A := constr:X1 in
               fold_cspf_dom_in_form A

Ltac csetoid_rewrite h :=
  match goal with
  | |- ?X1
      let A := constr:X1 in
      let b := form_cont_part A in
      let c := eval compute in b in
      match constr:c with
      | truepartial_csetoid_rewrite h; fold_cspf_dom
      | falsetotal_csetoid_rewrite h

Ltac csetoid_rewrite_rev h :=
  match goal with
  | |- ?X1
      let A := constr:X1 in
      let b := form_cont_part A in
      let c := eval compute in b in
      match constr:c with
      | truepartial_csetoid_rewrite_rev h; fold_cspf_dom
      | falsetotal_csetoid_rewrite_rev h

Ltac csetoid_rewrite_cxt h h0 :=
  let A := typeof h0 in
      let b := form_cont_part A in
      let c := eval compute in b in
      match constr:c with
      | truepartial_csetoid_rewrite_cxt h h0; fold_cspf_dom_in_form A
      | falsetotal_csetoid_rewrite_cxt h h0

Ltac csetoid_rewrite_cxt_rev h h0 :=
  let A := typeof h0 in
      let b := form_cont_part A in
      let c := eval compute in b in
      match constr:c with
      | truepartial_csetoid_rewrite_cxt_rev h h0; fold_cspf_dom_in_form A
      | falsetotal_csetoid_rewrite_cxt_rev h h0

Ltac csetoid_replace x y :=
  let h := fresh in
  (cut (x[=]y); [ intro h; csetoid_rewrite h; clear h | idtac ]).

Ltac csetoid_replace_cxt x y h0 :=
  let h := fresh in
  (cut (x[=]y); [ intro h; csetoid_rewrite_cxt h h0; clear h | idtac ]).