Require Export CRmetric.
Require Import Qmetric.
Require Import COrdAbs.
Require Import Qordfield.
Require Import CornTac.

Opaque CR.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.
Open Local Scope uc_scope.


Compress improves the compuation by reducing the size of the numerator and denominator of rational numbers. It works by increasing the requested precession, but then rounding the result to a value with a small numerator and denominator.
The full euclidean algortihm would find the optimial rational approximation. But for speed we simply do division to quickly find a good rational approximation.
Definition approximateQ (x:Q) (p:positive) :=
let (n,d) := x in (Zdiv (n×p) d#p).

Lemma approximateQ_correct : x p, ball (1#p) x (approximateQ x p).
 intros [n d] p.
 split; simpl; unfold Qle; simpl.
  apply Zle_trans with 0%Z.
  apply Zmult_le_0_compat; auto with ×.
  replace RHS with (n × p - ((n × p / d) × d))%Z by ring.
  apply Zle_minus_le_0.
  rewrite Zmult_comm.
  apply Z_mult_div_ge; auto with ×.
 rewrite Zpos_mult_morphism.
 apply Zmult_le_compat_r; auto with ×.
 replace LHS with ((n×p) mod d)%Z.
  destruct (Z_mod_lt (n×p) d); auto with ×.
 transitivity (n × p - (d*(n × p / d)))%Z;[ring|].
 rewrite Zplus_comm.
 apply Z_div_mod_eq.
 auto with ×.

Lemma approximateQ_big : (z:Z) a p, (z a) → z approximateQ a p.
 intros z [n d] p Ha.
 unfold approximateQ.
 unfold Qle in ×.
 simpl in ×.
 apply Zlt_succ_le.
 unfold Zsucc.
 apply Zmult_gt_0_lt_reg_r with d.
  auto with ×.
 replace RHS with (d× (n×p/d) + (Zmod (n×p) d) - (Zmod (n×p) d) + d)%Z by ring.
 rewrite <- (Z_div_mod_eq (n×p) d); try auto with ×.
 apply Zle_lt_trans with (n×1×p)%Z.
  replace LHS with (z×d×p)%Z by ring.
  apply Zmult_lt_0_le_compat_r; auto with ×.
 apply Zlt_0_minus_lt.
 replace RHS with (d - (Zmod (n×p) d))%Z by ring.
 rewrite <- Zlt_plus_swap.
 assert (X:(d >0)%Z) by auto with ×.
 destruct (Z_mod_lt (n×p) _ X).

Compress doubles the requried precision and uses the extra leway to round the rational number.
Definition compress_raw (x:CR) (e:QposInf) : Q :=
match e with
| QposInfinityapproximate x e
| Qpos2QposInf e
 let (n,d) := e: Q in
 match (Zsucc (Zdiv (2×d) n)) with
  Zpos papproximateQ (approximate x (Qpos2QposInf (1#p))) p
 |_approximate x e

Lemma compress_raw_prop : x e, ball e x (Cunit (compress_raw x e)).
 intros x.
 apply Qpos_positive_numerator_rect.
 intros n d.
 case_eq (Zsucc (xO d / n));try (intros; apply: ball_approx_r).
 intros p Hp.
 apply ball_weak_le with (2#p)%Qpos.
  unfold Qle.
  rewrite Zpos_mult_morphism.
  rewrite <- Hp.
  unfold Zsucc.
  rewrite Zmult_plus_distr_r.
  apply Zle_0_minus_le.
  replace RHS with (n - (xO d - n × (xO d / n)))%Z by ring.
  apply Zle_minus_le_0.
  replace LHS with ((xO d) mod n)%Z.
   destruct (Z_mod_lt (xO d) n); auto with ×.
  transitivity (xO d - (n*(xO d / n)))%Z;[ring|].
  symmetry; applyZeq_plus_swap.
  rewrite Zplus_comm.
  apply Z_div_mod_eq.
  auto with ×.
 setoid_replace (2#p)%Qpos with ((1#p)+(1#p))%Qpos.
  eapply ball_triangle with (Cunit (approximate x (1#p)%Qpos)).
   apply: ball_approx_r.
  Transparent CR.
  change (ball (m:=Complete Q_as_MetricSpace) (1 # p) (Cunit (approximate x (1 # p)%Qpos))
    (Cunit (approximateQ (approximate x (1 # p)%Qpos) p))).
  apply approximateQ_correct.
 unfold QposEq.
 autorewrite with QposElim.
 repeat rewriteQmake_Qdiv.
 unfold Qdiv.

Lemma compress_raw_prf : x, is_RegularFunction (compress_raw x).
 intros x e1 e2.
 rewrite <- ball_Cunit.
 eapply ball_triangle;[|apply compress_raw_prop].
 apply ball_sym.
 apply compress_raw_prop.

Definition compress_fun (x:CR) : CR :=
Build_RegularFunction (compress_raw_prf x).

Compress is equivalent to the identity function.
Lemma compress_fun_correct : x, (compress_fun x==x)%CR.
 intros x.
 apply: regFunEq_e.
 intros e.
 unfold compress_fun.
 unfold approximate at 1.
 rewrite <- ball_Cunit.
 eapply ball_triangle;[|apply ball_approx_r].
 apply ball_sym.
 apply compress_raw_prop.

Lemma compress_uc : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction compress_fun Qpos2QposInf.
 intros e x y H.
 do 2 rewritecompress_fun_correct.

Definition compress : CR --> CR :=
Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction compress_uc.

Lemma compress_correct : x, (compress x==x)%CR.
 intros x.
 apply compress_fun_correct.