Require Export CRArith.
Require Import CRIR.
Require Import Q_in_CReals.
Require Import QMinMax.
Require Import CRarctan_small.
Require Import MoreArcTan.
Require Import CornTac.
Require Import abstract_algebra.
Require Import stdlib_omissions.Q.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.
Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Opaque inj_Q CR.


(Please import CRpi instead)
This version is faster to compute than CRpi_slow; however it is slower to compile.
Pi is defined as
176*arctan(1/57) + 28*arctan(1/239) - 48*arctan(1/682) + 96*arctan(1/12943).
Section Pi.

Lemma small_per_57 : (0 (1#(57%positive)) < 1)%Q.
Proof. split; easy. Qed.

Lemma small_per_239 : (0 (1#(239%positive)) < 1)%Q.
Proof. split; easy. Qed.

Lemma small_per_682 : (0 (1#(682%positive)) < 1)%Q.
Proof. split; easy. Qed.

Lemma small_per_12943 : (0 (1#(12943%positive)) < 1)%Q.
Proof. split; easy. Qed.

Definition r_pi (r:Q) : CR :=
((scale (176%Z×r) (rational_arctan_small_pos small_per_57) +
  scale (28%Z×r) (rational_arctan_small_pos small_per_239)) +
 (scale (-(48%Z)×r) (rational_arctan_small_pos small_per_682) +
  scale (96%Z×r) (rational_arctan_small_pos small_per_12943)))%CR.

To prove that pi is is correct we repeatedly use the arctan sum law. The problem is that the arctan sum law only works for input between -1 and 1. We use reflect to show that our use of arctan sum law always satifies this restriction.

Let f (a b:Q) : Q :=
 let (x,y) := a in
 let (z,w) := b in
 Qred ((x×w + y×z)%Z/(y×w-x×z)%Z).

Lemma f_char : a b, f a b == (a+b)/(1-a×b).
 intros [x y] [w z].
 unfold f.
 destruct (Z_eq_dec (y×z) (x×w)) as [H|H].
  unfold Qmult.
  simpl ((Qnum (x # y) × Qnum (w # z) # Qden (x # y) × Qden (w # z))).
  repeat rewrite <- H.
  replace (y × z - y × z)%Z with 0%Z by ring.
  setoid_replace (1-(y × z # y × z)) with 0.
   change ((x × z + y × w)%Z × 0 == ((x # y) + (w # z)) × 0).
  rewrite → (Qmake_Qdiv (y×z)).
  change (1 - (y × z)%positive / (y × z)%positive == 0).
  field; discriminate.
 unfold Zminus.
 repeat rewriteinjz_plus.
 change (((x × z) + (y × w)) / (y × z - x × w) == ((x # y) + (w # z)) / (1 - (x #y)*(w # z))).
 repeat rewriteQmake_Qdiv.
 repeat split; try discriminate.
 cut (¬(y × z)%Z == (x × w)%Z).
  intros X Y.
  apply X.
  replace RHS with ((x × w)%Z + 0) by simpl; ring.
  rewrite <- Y.
  change ((y × z) == (x × w) + (y × z - x × w)).
 intros X; apply H.
 unfold Qeq in X.
 simpl in X.
 rewrite Pmult_1_r in X.
 change ((y × z)%Z = (x × w × 1)%Z) in X.
 rewrite X.

Lemma ArcTan_plus_ArcTan_Q : x y, -(1) x 1 → -(1) y 1 → ¬1-x×y==0 →
 (ArcTan (inj_Q _ x)[+]ArcTan (inj_Q _ y)[=]ArcTan (inj_Q _ (f x y))).
 intros x y [Hx0 Hx1] [Hy0 Hy1] H.
 assert (X: z, -(1) z[--][1][<=]inj_Q IR z).
  intros z Hz.
  stepl ((inj_Q IR (-(1)))).
   apply inj_Q_leEq; assumption.
  eapply eq_transitive.
   apply (inj_Q_inv IR (1)).
  apply un_op_wd_unfolded.
  rstepr (nring 1:IR).
  apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).
 assert (X0: z, z 1 → inj_Q IR z[<=][1]).
  intros z Hz.
  stepr ((inj_Q IR ((1)))).
   apply inj_Q_leEq; assumption.
  rstepr (nring 1:IR).
  apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).
 assert ([1][-](inj_Q IR x)[*](inj_Q IR y)[#][0]).
  stepl (inj_Q IR (1[-]x[*]y)).
   (stepr (inj_Q IR [0]); [| now apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0)]).
   apply inj_Q_ap; assumption.
  eapply eq_transitive.
   apply inj_Q_minus.
  apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
   rstepr (nring 1:IR); apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).
  apply un_op_wd_unfolded.
  apply inj_Q_mult.
 apply eq_transitive with (ArcTan (inj_Q IR x[+]inj_Q IR y[/]([1][-]inj_Q IR x[*]inj_Q IR y)[//]X1)).
  apply ArcTan_plus_ArcTan; first [apply X; assumption |apply X0; assumption].
 apply ArcTan_wd.
 stepl (inj_Q IR ((x[+]y)/([1][-]x×y))).
  apply inj_Q_wd.
  apply f_char.
 assert (H0:(inj_Q IR ([1][-]x × y))[#][0]).
  (stepr (inj_Q IR 0); [| now apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0)]).
  apply inj_Q_ap; assumption.
 apply eq_transitive with (inj_Q IR (x[+]y)[/]inj_Q IR ([1][-]x × y)[//]H0).
  apply (inj_Q_div).
 apply div_wd.
  apply inj_Q_plus.
 eapply eq_transitive.
  apply inj_Q_minus.
 apply bin_op_wd_unfolded.
  rstepr (nring 1:IR).
  apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).
 apply un_op_wd_unfolded.
 apply inj_Q_mult.

Definition ArcTan_multiple : x, -(1) x 1 → n,
  sumbool True ((nring n)[*]ArcTan (inj_Q _ x)[=]ArcTan (inj_Q _ (iter_nat n _ (f x) 0))).
 intros x Hx.
 induction n.
  abstract ( rstepl ([0]:IR); (stepl (ArcTan [0]); [| now apply ArcTan_zero]); apply ArcTan_wd;
    apply eq_symmetric; apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0)).
 destruct (IHn) as [H|H].
  left; constructor.
 set (y:=(iter_nat n Q (f x) 0)) in ×.
 destruct (Qlt_le_dec_fast 1 y) as [_|Y0].
  left; constructor.
 destruct (Qlt_le_dec_fast y (-(1))) as [_|Y1].
  left; constructor.
 destruct (Qeq_dec (1-x×y) 0) as [_|Y2].
  left; constructor.
 abstract ( rstepl (ArcTan (inj_Q IR x)[+](nring n[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR x))); csetoid_rewrite H;
   apply ArcTan_plus_ArcTan_Q; try assumption; split; assumption).

Lemma reflect_right : A B (x:{A}+{B}), (match x with left _False | right _True end) → B.
 intros A B x.
 elim x.

Lemma Pi_Formula :
(((nring 44)[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 57%Z))[-]
  (nring 12)[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 682%Z))[+]
  (nring 7)[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 239%Z))[+]
  (nring 24)[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 12943%Z)))[=]
 assert (H0:-(1) (1/(57%Z)) 1).
  split; discriminate.
 assert (H1:-(1) (1/(239%Z)) 1).
  split; discriminate.
 assert (H2:-(1) (1/(682%Z)) 1).
  split; discriminate.
 assert (H3:-(1) (1/(12943%Z)) 1).
  split; discriminate.
 set (y0:=(iter_nat 44 _ (f (1/57%Z)) 0)).
 set (y1:=(iter_nat 7 _ (f (1/239%Z)) 0)).
 set (y2:=(iter_nat 12 _ (f (1/682%Z)) 0)).
 set (y3:=(iter_nat 24 _ (f (1/12943%Z)) 0)).
 rstepl (nring 44[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 57%positive))[+]
   [--](nring 12[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 682%positive)))[+]
     (nring 7[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 239%positive))[+]
       nring 24[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 12943%positive)))).
 csetoid_replace ((nring 44)[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 57%positive)))
   (ArcTan (inj_Q IR y0)); [|apply: (reflect_right (ArcTan_multiple H0 44)); now vm_compute].
 csetoid_replace ((nring 7)[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 239%positive))) (ArcTan (inj_Q IR y1));
   [|apply: (reflect_right (ArcTan_multiple H1 7)); now vm_compute].
 csetoid_replace ((nring 12)[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 682%positive))) (ArcTan (inj_Q IR y2));
   [|apply: (reflect_right (ArcTan_multiple H2 12)); now vm_compute].
 csetoid_replace ((nring 24)[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 12943%positive))) (ArcTan (inj_Q IR y3));
   [|apply: (reflect_right (ArcTan_multiple H3 24)); now vm_compute].
 vm_compute in y0.
 vm_compute in y1.
 vm_compute in y2.
 vm_compute in y3.
 csetoid_replace ([--](ArcTan (inj_Q IR y2))) (ArcTan (inj_Q IR (-y2)));
   [|csetoid_rewrite_rev (ArcTan_inv (inj_Q IR y2));
     apply ArcTan_wd; apply eq_symmetric; apply (inj_Q_inv IR y2)].
 csetoid_replace (ArcTan (inj_Q IR y0)[+]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (-y2))) (ArcTan (inj_Q IR (f y0 (-y2))));
   [|apply ArcTan_plus_ArcTan_Q; try split; now vm_compute].
 csetoid_replace (ArcTan (inj_Q IR y1)[+]ArcTan (inj_Q IR y3)) (ArcTan (inj_Q IR (f y1 y3)));
   [|apply ArcTan_plus_ArcTan_Q; try split; now vm_compute].
 set (z0 := (f y0 (-y2))).
 set (z1 := (f y1 y3)).
 vm_compute in z0.
 vm_compute in z1.
 csetoid_replace (ArcTan (inj_Q IR z0)[+]ArcTan (inj_Q IR z1)) (ArcTan (inj_Q IR (f z0 z1)));
   [|apply ArcTan_plus_ArcTan_Q; try split; now vm_compute].
 set (z3:= (f z0 z1)).
 vm_compute in z3.
 eapply eq_transitive;[|apply ArcTan_one].
 apply ArcTan_wd.
 rstepr (nring 1:IR).
 apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).

Lemma r_pi_correct : r, (r_pi r == IRasCR ((inj_Q IR r)[*]Pi))%CR.
 intros r.
 unfold r_pi.
 repeat rewrite <- (CRmult_scale).
 setoid_replace (176%Z× r) with (4%Z × r × 44%Z) by (simpl; ring).
 setoid_replace (28%Z × r) with (4%Z × r × 7%Z) by (simpl; ring).
 setoid_replace (-(48)%Z × r) with (4%Z × r × -(12)%Z) by (simpl; ring).
 setoid_replace (96%Z × r) with (4%Z × r × 24%Z) by (simpl; ring).
 repeat rewrite <- CRmult_Qmult.
 transitivity ('4%Z × 'r *(' 44%Z × rational_arctan_small_pos small_per_57 +
   ' 7%Z × rational_arctan_small_pos small_per_239 +
     (' (-12)%Z × rational_arctan_small_pos small_per_682 +
       ' 24%Z × rational_arctan_small_pos small_per_12943)))%CR.
 repeat rewrite rational_arctan_small_pos_correct.
 repeat rewrite <- IR_inj_Q_as_CR.
 repeat (rewrite <- IR_mult_as_CR || rewrite <- IR_plus_as_CR).
 apply IRasCR_wd.
 rstepr (Four[*]inj_Q IR r[*]Pi[/]FourNZ).
 apply mult_wd.
  apply mult_wdl.
  apply (inj_Q_nring IR 4).
 eapply eq_transitive;[|apply Pi_Formula].
 rstepr (nring 44[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 57%positive))[+]
   nring 7[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 239%positive))[+]
     (([--](nring 12))[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 682%positive))[+]
       nring 24[*]ArcTan (inj_Q IR (1 / 12943%positive)))).
 repeat apply bin_op_wd_unfolded; try apply eq_reflexive.
    apply (inj_Q_nring IR 44).
   apply (inj_Q_nring IR 7).
  eapply eq_transitive.
   apply (inj_Q_inv IR (nring 12)).
  csetoid_rewrite (inj_Q_nring IR 12).
  apply eq_reflexive.
 apply (inj_Q_nring IR 24).

Global Instance: Proper ((=) ==> (=)) r_pi.
  intros ? ? E. unfold r_pi.
  now rewrite E.

Definition CRpi : CR := (r_pi 1).

Lemma CRpi_correct : (IRasCR Pi == CRpi)%CR.
 unfold CRpi.
 apply IRasCR_wd.
 rstepl ((nring 1)[*]Pi).
 apply mult_wdl.
 apply eq_symmetric.
 apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).

End Pi.