Require Import CRAlternatingSum.
Require Import CRGeometricSum.
Require Import CRseries.
Require Export CRArith.
Require Import CRIR.
Require Import Qpower.
Require Import Qordfield.
Require Import Q_in_CReals.
Require Import Qmetric.
Require Import QMinMax.
Require Import ArTanH.
Require Import CRarctan_small.
Require Import Qauto.
Require Import CornTac.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Open Local Scope Q_scope.
Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Opaque inj_Q CR.

Area Tangens Hyperbolicus (artanh)

artanh is implemented by as the GeometricSum of it's taylor series.

Lemma arctanSequence_Gs : a, GeometricSeries (a^2) (arctanSequence a).
 intros a.
 apply mult_Streams_Gs.
  apply _.
 apply powers_help_Gs.
 apply Qsqr_nonneg.

Lemma Qsqr_lt_one : (a:Q), (-(1) < a) → a < 1 → (a^2 < 1).
 intros a H0 H1.
 rewriteQlt_minus_iff in ×.
 replace RHS with ((1 + - a)*(a + - -(1))) by simpl; ring.

Lemma artanh_DomArTanH : a, (a^2 < 1) → DomArTanH (inj_Q IR a).
 intros a Ha.
  stepl (inj_Q IR ([--](1))%Q).
   apply inj_Q_less; simpl.
   apply Qnot_le_lt.
   intros H.
   apply (Qlt_not_le _ _ Ha).
   rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
   replace RHS with ((- (1) + - a + 2)*(-(1) +- a)) by simpl; ring.
  stepr ([--](inj_Q IR 1)).
   apply inj_Q_inv.
  apply un_op_wd_unfolded.
  rstepr (nring 1:IR).
  apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).
 stepr (inj_Q IR (1)).
  apply inj_Q_less; simpl.
  apply Qnot_le_lt.
  intros H.
  apply (Qlt_not_le _ _ Ha).
  rewriteQle_minus_iff in ×.
  replace RHS with ((a + - (1) + 2)*(a +- (1))) by simpl; ring.
 rstepr (nring 1:IR).
 apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).

Although this function works on the entire domain of artanh, it is only reasonably fast for values close to 0, say [-(2/3), 2/3].
Definition rational_artanh_slow (a:Q) (p1: a^2 < 1) : CR :=
 InfiniteGeometricSum (Qsqr_nonneg a) p1 (arctanSequence_Gs a).

Lemma rational_artanh_slow_correct : (a:Q) Ha Ha0,
 (@rational_artanh_slow a Ha == IRasCR (ArTanH (inj_Q IR a) Ha0))%CR.
 intros a Ha Ha0.
 unfold rational_artanh_slow.
 apply IRasCR_wd.
 eapply eq_transitive_unfolded;
   [|apply (ArTanH_series (inj_Q IR a) (ArTanH_series_convergent_IR) (artanh_DomArTanH Ha) Ha0)].
 unfold series_sum.
 apply Lim_seq_eq_Lim_subseq with double.
   unfold double; auto with ×.
  intros n.
   (S n).
  unfold double; auto with ×.
 intros n.
 clear - n.
 induction n.
  apply eq_reflexive.
 set (A:=nexp IR (n + S n) (inj_Q IR a[-][0])).
 rewrite plus_comm.
 fold (double n).
 csetoid_rewrite_rev IHn.
 clear IHn.
 csetoid_replace (ArTanH_series_coef (double n)[*]nexp IR (double n) (inj_Q IR a[-][0])) ([0]:IR).
  csetoid_replace (ArTanH_series_coef (S (double n))[*]A) (inj_Q IR (Str_nth n (arctanSequence a))).
  unfold ArTanH_series_coef.
  case_eq (even_odd_dec (S (double n))); intros H.
   elim (not_even_and_odd _ H).
   apply even_plus_n_n.
  intros _.
  eapply eq_transitive; [|apply inj_Q_wd; simpl;symmetry;apply Str_nth_arctanSequence].
  eapply eq_transitive; [|apply eq_symmetric; apply inj_Q_mult].
  apply mult_wd.
   assert (X:(inj_Q IR (nring (S (double n))))[#][0]).
    stepr (inj_Q IR [0]).
     apply inj_Q_ap.
     apply nringS_ap_zero.
    apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0).
   stepr (inj_Q IR (nring 1)[/]_[//]X).
    apply div_wd.
     rstepl (nring 1:IR).
     apply eq_symmetric.
     apply (inj_Q_nring IR 1).
    apply eq_symmetric.
    apply (inj_Q_nring).
   assert (X0:inj_Q IR ((P_of_succ_nat (2 × n)):Q)[#][0]).
    stepr (inj_Q IR [0]).
     apply inj_Q_ap.
    apply (inj_Q_nring IR 0).
   eapply eq_transitive; [|apply inj_Q_wd; symmetry; apply Qmake_Qdiv].
   eapply eq_transitive; [|apply eq_symmetric; apply (fun binj_Q_div _ b _ X0)].
   apply div_wd.
    apply eq_reflexive.
   apply inj_Q_wd.
   rewrite <- POS_anti_convert.
   eapply eq_transitive;[apply nring_Q|].
   unfold double.
   replace (n+0)%nat with n by ring.
  unfold A; clear A.
  eapply eq_transitive;[|apply eq_symmetric; apply inj_Q_power].
  change ((inj_Q IR a[-][0])[^](n+S n)[=]inj_Q IR a[^](1 + 2 × n)).
  replace (n + S n)%nat with (1 + 2×n)%nat by ring.
  apply nexp_wd.
 unfold ArTanH_series_coef.
 case_eq (even_odd_dec (double n)).
  intros _ _.
 intros o.
 elim (fun xnot_even_and_odd _ x o).
 apply even_plus_n_n.