
Require Export StepFunctionSetoid.
Require Import StepFunctionMonad.
Require Import UniformContinuity.
Require Import OpenUnit.
Require Import QArith.
Require Import QMinMax.
Require Import Qabs.
Require Import Qordfield.
Require Import Qmetric.
Require Import Prelength.
Require Import COrdFields2.
Require Import CornTac.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Automatic Introduction.

Open Local Scope sfstscope.
Open Local Scope setoid_scope.

Linf metric for Step Functions

The Linf metric for StepF X is obtained by lifting the ball predicate on X

Section StepFSupBall.
Set Implicit Arguments.

Variable X:MetricSpace.

A setoid verion of the ball predicate
Definition ballS0 (m : MetricSpace): Qposmm --> iffSetoid.
 intros e x.
  (ball e x).
 intros. apply ball_wd;auto with ×.

Definition ballS (m : MetricSpace): Qposm --> m --> iffSetoid.
 intros e.
  (ballS0 m e).
 intros. simpl. split; rewriteH; auto with ×.

The definition of the usp metric
Definition StepFSupBall(e:Qpos)(f:StepF X)(g:StepF X):=
StepFfoldProp ((@ballS X e)^@> f <@> g).

Lemma StepFSupBallGlueGlue : e o fl fr gl gr,
StepFSupBall e (glue o fl fr) (glue o gl gr)
StepFSupBall e fl gl StepFSupBall e fr gr.
 intros e o fl fr gl gr.
 unfold StepFSupBall at 1.
 rewrite MapGlue.
 rewrite ApGlueGlue.

End StepFSupBall.

Implicit Arguments StepFSupBall [X].

Add Parametric Morphism X : (@StepFSupBall X)
  with signature QposEq ==> (@StepF_eq _) ==> (@StepF_eq _) ==> iff
 as StepFSupBall_wd.
 unfold StepFSupBall.
 intros a1 a2 Ha x1 x2 Hx y1 y2 Hy.
 apply StepFfoldProp_morphism.
 setoid_replace (ballS X a1) with (ballS X a2).
 intros x y.

Section SupMetric.
The StepFSupBall satifies the requirements of a metric.
Variable X : MetricSpace.

Lemma StepFSupBall_refl : e (x:StepF X), (StepFSupBall e x x).
 intros e x.
 unfold StepFSupBall.
 set (b:=(@ballS X e)).
 set (f:=(@join _ _) ^@> (constStepF b)).
 cut (StepFfoldProp (f <@> x )).
  unfold f.
 apply: StepFfoldPropForall_Map.
 auto with ×.

Lemma StepFSupBall_sym : e (x y:StepF X), (StepFSupBall e x y) → (StepFSupBall e y x).
 intros e x y.
 unfold StepFSupBall.
 set (b:=(@ballS X e)).
 apply StepF_imp_imp.
 unfold StepF_imp.
 set (f:=ap (compose (@ap _ _ _) (compose (compose imp) b)) (flip (b))).
 cut (StepFfoldProp (f ^@> x <@> y)).
  unfold f; evalStepF; tauto.
 apply StepFfoldPropForall_Map2.
 intros a b0.
 simpl. unfold compose0.
 auto with ×.

Lemma StepFSupBall_triangle : e d (x y z:StepF X),
 (StepFSupBall e x y) → (StepFSupBall d y z) → (StepFSupBall (e+d) x z).
 intros e d x y z.
 unfold StepFSupBall.
 set (be:=(@ballS X e)).
 set (bd:=(@ballS X d)).
 set (bed:=(@ballS X (e+d) )).
 intro H. apply StepF_imp_imp. revert H.
 apply StepF_imp_imp.
 unfold StepF_imp.
 pose (f:= ap (compose (@ap _ _ _) (compose (compose (compose (@compose _ _ _) imp)) be))
   (compose (flip (compose (@ap _ _ _) (compose (compose imp) bd))) bed)).
 cut (StepFfoldProp (f ^@> x <@> y <@> z)).
  unfold f.
 apply StepFfoldPropForall_Map3.
 apply: (ball_triangle X e d).

Lemma StepFSupBall_closed : e (x y:StepF X), ( d, (StepFSupBall (e+d) x y)) → (StepFSupBall e x y).
 intros e.
 apply: (StepF_ind2).
   intros. rewriteH, H0 in H1. apply H1.
   intro. rewriteH, H0. apply H2.
   apply: ball_closed.
 intros o s s0 t t0 IH0 IH1 H.
 unfold StepFSupBall in ×.
 rewrite MapGlue. rewrite ApGlue. simpl.
  rewrite SplitLGlue. apply IH0. clear IH0.
  intro d. pose (H2:=H d).
  rewriteMapGlue in H2. rewrite ApGlue in H2. rewrite SplitRGlue in H2. rewrite SplitLGlue in H2.
  destruct H2. auto.
  rewrite SplitRGlue. apply IH1. clear IH1.
 intro d. pose (H2:=H d).
 rewriteMapGlue in H2. rewrite ApGlue in H2. rewrite SplitRGlue in H2. rewrite SplitLGlue in H2.
 destruct H2. auto.

Lemma StepFSupBall_eq : (x y : StepF X),
( e : Qpos, StepFSupBall e x y) → StepF_eq x y.
 apply: (StepF_ind2).
   intros s s0 t t0 H H0 H1 H2. rewriteH, H0 in H1. apply H1.
   intro. rewriteH, H0. apply H2.
   apply ball_eq.
 intros o s s0 t t0 H H0 H1.
 unfold StepFSupBall in ×. apply glue_resp_StepF_eq.
 apply H. clear H.
  intro e. pose (H2:=H1 e).
  rewriteMapGlue in H2. rewrite ApGlue in H2. rewrite SplitRGlue in H2. rewrite SplitLGlue in H2.
  destruct H2; auto.
 apply H0. clear H0.
 intro e. pose (H2:=H1 e).
 rewriteMapGlue in H2. rewrite ApGlue in H2. rewrite SplitRGlue in H2. rewrite SplitLGlue in H2.
 destruct H2; auto.

Example of a Metric Space <Step, StepFSupBall>

The StepFSup is is a prelength space.
Lemma StepFSupPrelengthSpace : PrelengthSpace XPrelengthSpace StepFSup.
 intros pl.
 apply: StepF_ind2.
   intros s s0 t t0 Hs Ht H e d1 d2 He H0.
   rewrite <- Hs, <- Ht in H0.
   destruct (H _ _ _ He H0) as [c Hc0 Hc1].
    rewrite <- Hs; auto.
   rewrite <- Ht; auto.
  intros a b e d1 d2 He Hab.
  destruct (pl a b e d1 d2 He Hab) as [c Hc0 Hc1].
   (constStepF c); auto.
 intros o s s0 t t0 IHl IHr e d1 d2 He H.
 simpl in H.
 rewriteStepFSupBallGlueGlue in H.
 destruct H as [Hl Hr].
 destruct (IHl _ _ _ He Hl) as [c Hc0 Hc1].
 destruct (IHr _ _ _ He Hr) as [d Hd0 Hd1].
  (glue o c d); simpl; rewriteStepFSupBallGlueGlue; auto.

End SupMetric.

Lemma StepFSupBallBind(X:MetricSpace): (( (e : Qpos) (a b : StepF (StepFS X)) ,
f:(StepFS X) -->(StepFS X),
( c d, (StepFSupBall e c d) → (StepFSupBall e (f c) (f d)))->
StepFSupBall (X:=StepFSup X) e a b
StepFSupBall (X:=X) e (StFBind00 a f) (StFBind00 b f))).
 intros e a. unfold ball_ex.
 induction a using StepF_ind. simpl. induction b using StepF_ind.
  intros. simpl. apply H. assumption.
   intros f Hf H. simpl in H. unfold StepFSupBall in H. rewriteGlueAp in H.
  rewriteStepFfoldPropglue_rew in H. destruct H as [H H1].
  unfold StepFSupBall. rewriteGlueAp.
  rewriteStepFfoldPropglue_rew. split.
  pose (HH:=IHb1 (compose1 (SplitLS X o) f)). simpl in HH.
   simpl in HH. unfold StepFSupBall in HH. unfold compose0 in HH.
   assert (rew:(ballS X e ^@> SplitLS0 o (f x)) ==
     (SplitL (ballS X e ^@> f x) o)). unfold SplitLS0. rewrite SplitLMap;reflexivity.
    rewrite <-rew. clear rew. apply HH; auto with ×.
   intros. unfold SplitLS0. rewrite <- SplitLMap. rewrite <- SplitLAp.
   apply StepFfoldPropSplitL. apply (Hf c d H0).
   pose (HH:=IHb2 (compose1 (SplitRS X o) f)). simpl in HH.
  unfold StepFSupBall in HH. unfold compose0 in HH.
  assert (rew:(ballS X e ^@> SplitRS0 o (f x)) ==
    (SplitR (ballS X e ^@> f x) o)). unfold SplitRS0. rewrite SplitRMap;reflexivity.
   rewrite <-rew. clear rew. apply HH; auto with ×.
  intros. unfold SplitRS0. rewrite <- SplitRMap. rewrite <- SplitRAp.
  apply StepFfoldPropSplitR. apply (Hf c d H0).
  intros b f Hf H.
 unfold StepFSupBall. simpl. rewrite MapGlue.
 rewrite ApGlue. rewriteStepFfoldPropglue_rew. split.
 clear IHa2. pose (HH:=IHa1 (SplitL b o) (compose1 (SplitLS X o) f)). simpl in HH.
  unfold compose0 in HH. unfold StepFSupBall in HH.
  rewriteSplitLBind. apply HH; clear HH.
  intros. unfold SplitLS0. rewrite <- SplitLMap. rewrite <- SplitLAp.
   apply StepFfoldPropSplitL. apply (Hf c d H0).
   pose (HH:=StepFfoldPropSplitL _ o H). rewriteSplitLAp in HH. rewrite SplitLMap in HH.
  setoid_replace a1 with (SplitL (glue o a1 a2) o ).
   assumption. rewrite SplitLGlue;reflexivity.
  clear IHa1. pose (HH:=IHa2 (SplitR b o) (compose1 (SplitRS X o) f)). simpl in HH.
 unfold compose0 in HH. unfold StepFSupBall in HH.
 rewriteSplitRBind. apply HH; clear HH.
 intros. unfold SplitRS0. rewrite <- SplitRMap. rewrite <- SplitRAp.
  apply StepFfoldPropSplitR. apply (Hf c d H0).
  pose (HH:=StepFfoldPropSplitR _ o H). rewriteSplitRAp in HH. rewrite SplitRMap in HH.
 setoid_replace a2 with (SplitR (glue o a1 a2) o ).
  assumption. rewrite SplitRGlue;reflexivity.

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Section UniformlyContinuousFunctions.

Variable X Y : MetricSpace.

Various functions with step functions are uniformly continuous with this metric.
Definition StFJoinSup :(StepFSup (StepFSup X)) --> (StepFSup X).
 simpl. apply (@Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction _ _ (@StFJoin X) (fun e:Qpose)).
 abstract (unfold is_UniformlyContinuousFunction; simpl; intros; apply
   StepFSupBallBind; [auto with × | assumption]).

Definition StFReturn_uc : X --> (StepFSup X).
 simpl. (StFReturn X) (fun x:Qposx:QposInf).
 abstract (intros e a b H ; apply H).

Lemma uc_stdFun(X0 Y0:MetricSpace):
(UniformlyContinuousFunction X0 Y0) ->(extSetoid X0 Y0).
 intros f. (ucFun f). abstract (intros; apply uc_wd; assumption).

Definition Map_uc (f:X-->Y):(StepFSup X)-->(StepFSup Y).
  (Map f) (mu f).
 intros e a b.
 simpl. unfold StepFSupBall.
 case_eq (mu f e).
  Focus 2. intros.
 set (bal:=(ballS Y e)).
 unfold ball_ex in H.
 cut (StepFfoldProp ((flip (compose (flip (compose bal (uc_stdFun f))) (uc_stdFun f))) ^@> a <@> b)).
  evalStepF. auto with ×.
  apply StepFfoldPropForall_Map2. intros. simpl.
 apply uc_prf.
 rewrite H. simpl. auto.
 intros q eq. apply: StepF_imp_imp.
 unfold StepF_imp.
 set (bal:=(ballS Y e)).
 set (F:=(((flip (compose (flip (compose bal (uc_stdFun f))) (uc_stdFun f)))))).
 set (IMP:=(ap (compose (@ap _ _ _) (compose (compose imp) (ballS X q))) F)).
 cut (StepFfoldProp (IMP ^@> a <@> b)).
  unfold IMP, F; evalStepF. tauto.
  apply StepFfoldPropForall_Map2.
 intros a0 b0. simpl. unfold compose0.
 intro. apply uc_prf. rewrite eq. apply H.

Definition glue_uc0 (o:OpenUnit):
 StepFSup XStepFSup X --> StepFSup X.
 intros x.
  (fun y=>(glue o x y)) (fun x:Qposx).
 abstract( intros e a b; simpl; rewriteStepFSupBallGlueGlue; intuition; apply StepFSupBall_refl).

Definition glue_uc (o:OpenUnit):
 StepFSup X --> StepFSup X --> StepFSup X.
  (fun y=>(glue_uc0 o y)) (fun x:Qposx).
 abstract (intros e a b; simpl; unfold ucBall; simpl; intros; rewriteStepFSupBallGlueGlue; intuition;
   apply StepFSupBall_refl).

There is an injection from X to StepFSup X.
Lemma constStepF_uc_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction
 (@constStepF X:XStepFSup X) Qpos2QposInf.
 intros e x y H.
 simpl in ×.

Definition constStepF_uc : X --> StepFSup X
:= Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction (constStepF_uc_prf).

End UniformlyContinuousFunctions.

Implicit Arguments constStepF_uc [X].