
Require Export StepQsec.
Require Import Prelength.
Require Import L1metric.
Require Export LinfMetricMonad.
Require Import OpenUnit.
Require Import QArith.
Require Import QMinMax.
Require Import Qabs.
Require Import Qordfield.
Require Import Qmetric.
Require Import COrdFields2.
Require Import CornTac.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Open Local Scope sfstscope.
Open Local Scope StepQ_scope.

Opaque Qmax Qabs.

Sup for Step Functions on Q.

Definition StepQSup : (StepQ)->Q := StepFfold (fun xx) (fun b (x y:QS) ⇒ Qmax x y)%Q.

The Sup of the glue of two step functions.
Lemma StepQSup_glue : o s t, (StepQSup (glue o s t) = Qmax (StepQSup s) (StepQSup t))%Q.

The sup of the split of a step function.
Lemma StepQSupSplit : (o:OpenUnit) x,
 (StepQSup x == Qmax (StepQSup (SplitL x o)) (StepQSup (SplitR x o)))%Q.
 intros o x.
 revert o.
 induction x using StepF_ind.
  intros o.
  change (x == Qmax x x)%Q.
 intros s.
 apply SplitLR_glue_ind; intros H.
   change (Qmax (StepQSup x1) (StepQSup x2) == Qmax (StepQSup (SplitL x1 (OpenUnitDiv s o H)))
     (Qmax (StepQSup (SplitR x1 (OpenUnitDiv s o H))) (StepQSup x2)))%Q.
   rewrite <- IHx1.
  change (Qmax (StepQSup x1) (StepQSup x2) == Qmax (Qmax (StepQSup x1) (StepQSup (SplitL x2 (OpenUnitDualDiv s o H))))
    (StepQSup (SplitR x2 (OpenUnitDualDiv s o H))))%Q.
  rewrite <- Qmax_assoc.
  rewrite <- IHx2.
How the sup interacts with various arithmetic operations on step functions.
Lemma StepQSup_resp_le : x y, x y → (StepQSup x StepQSup y)%Q.
 apply: StepF_ind2; auto.
  intros s s0 t t0 Hs Ht.
  rewriteHs, Ht; auto.
 intros o s s0 t t0 H0 H1.
 unfold StepQ_le.
 intros [Hl Hr].
 repeat rewrite StepQSup_glue.
 apply Qmax_le_compat; auto.

Lemma StepQSup_plus : x y, (StepQSup (x + y) StepQSup x + StepQSup y )%Q.
 apply StepF_ind2; auto with ×.
  intros s s0 t t0 Hs Ht.
  rewriteHs, Ht; auto.
 intros o s s0 t t0 H0 H1.
 unfold StepQplus.
 repeat rewrite StepQSup_glue.
 eapply Qle_trans;[apply Qmax_le_compat;[apply H0|apply H1]|].
 apply Qmax_le_compat; apply: plus_resp_leEq_lft; simpl; auto with ×.

The Linf metric on step function over Q.
Sup is uniformly continuous.
Lemma sup_uc_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (StepQSup:LinfStepQQ) Qpos2QposInf.
 intros e x y.
 revert x y.
 apply: StepF_ind2.
   intros s s0 t t0 Hs Ht.
   rewriteHs, Ht.
  intros x y.
  rewrite <- Qball_Qabs.
 intros o s s0 t t0 H0 H1 H2.
 simpl in ×.
 repeat rewrite StepQSup_glue.
 assert (X: a b, (-(a-b)==b-a)%Q).
  intros; ring.
 unfold StepFSupBall in H2.
 revert H2.
 intros [H2a H2b].
 apply Qabs_case; intros H; [|rewrite <- Qabs_opp in H0, H1; rewriteX in *];
   (rewriteQmax_minus_distr_l; unfold Qminus; apply Qmax_lub;[|clear H0; rename H1 into H0];
     (eapply Qle_trans;[|apply H0; auto]); (eapply Qle_trans;[|apply Qle_Qabs]); unfold Qminus;
       apply: plus_resp_leEq_lft; simpl; auto with × ).

Open Local Scope uc_scope.

Definition StepQSup_uc : LinfStepQ --> Q_as_MetricSpace
:= Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction sup_uc_prf.

There is an injection from Linf to L1.
Lemma LinfAsL1_uc_prf : is_UniformlyContinuousFunction (fun (x:LinfStepQ) ⇒ (x:L1StepQ)) Qpos2QposInf.
 intros e.
 apply: StepF_ind2.
   intros s s0 t t0 Hs Ht H.
   rewrite <- Hs , <- Ht.
  intros x y Hxy.
  change (Qball e x y) in Hxy.
  rewriteQball_Qabs in Hxy.
  apply Hxy.
 intros o s s0 t t0 Hst Hst0 H.
 unfold L1Ball.
 unfold L1Distance.
 unfold L1Norm.
 unfold StepQminus.
 rewrite MapGlue.
 rewrite ApGlueGlue.
 unfold StepQabs.
 rewrite MapGlue.
 setoid_replace (e:Q) with (o×e + (1-o)*e)%Q; [| simpl; ring].
 simpl in H.
 unfold StepFSupBall, StepFfoldProp in H.
 simpl in H.
 rewrite MapGlue in H.
 rewrite ApGlueGlue in H.
 destruct H as [H0 H1].
 apply Qplus_le_compat.
  repeat rewrite → (Qmult_comm o).
  apply Qmult_le_compat_r; auto with ×.
  apply Hst.
 repeat rewrite → (Qmult_comm (1-o)).
 apply Qmult_le_compat_r; auto with ×.
 apply Hst0.

Definition LinfAsL1 : LinfStepQ --> L1StepQ
:= Build_UniformlyContinuousFunction LinfAsL1_uc_prf.