
Require Export Zm.
Require Export Zring.
Require Export CPoly_Degree.

An irreducibility criterion

Let p be a (positive) prime number. Our goal is to prove that if an integer polynomial is irreducible over the prime field Fp, then it is irreducible over Z.

Variable p : positive.
Hypothesis Hprime : (Prime p).

Definition fp := (Fp p Hprime).

Integers modulo p

Definition zfp (a:Z) := (a:fp).

Lemma fpeq_wd : a b:Z, a=b(zfp a)[=](zfp b).
 intros a b heq.
 unfold zfp in ×.
 unfold ZModeq in ×.
 elim heq.
 auto with ×.

Integer polynomials over Fp

Definition zx := (cpoly_cring Z_as_CRing).

Definition fpx := (cpoly_cring fp).

Fixpoint zxfpx (p:zx) : fpx :=
  match p with
  | cpoly_zero ⇒ (cpoly_zero fp : fpx)
  | cpoly_linear c p1(zfp c)[+X*](zxfpx p1)

Definition P (f g:zx):= f=g(zxfpx f)[=](zxfpx g).

Lemma fpxeq_wd : f g:zx, f=g(zxfpx f)[=](zxfpx g).
 apply (cpoly_double_ind Z_as_CRing P); unfold P.
   induction p0 as [|c p0].
   intro H.
   astepl ((zfp c)[+X*](zxfpx p0)).
   apply (_linear_eq_zero fp).
    astepr (zfp 0).
    apply fpeq_wd.
    elim H.
   apply IHp0.
   elim H.
   auto with ×.
  induction p0 as [|c p0].
  intro H.
  astepr ((zfp c)[+X*](zxfpx p0)).
  apply (_zero_eq_linear fp).
   astepr (zfp 0).
   apply fpeq_wd.
   elim H.
  apply IHp0.
  elim H.
  auto with ×.
 intros p0 q c d H1 H2.
 astepr ((zfp d)[+X*](zxfpx q)).
 astepl ((zfp c)[+X*](zxfpx p0)).
 apply (_linear_eq_linear fp).
  apply fpeq_wd.
  elim H2.
 apply H1.
 elim H2.

Hint Resolve fpxeq_wd : algebra.


In this section we prove the lemmas we will need, about integer polynomials, viewed over a prime field.

Lemma mult_zero : (R:CRing)(f:cpoly_cring R),
(cpoly_mult_op R f (cpoly_zero R))[=](cpoly_zero R).
 intros R f.
 simpl; apply cpoly_mult_zero.

Hint Resolve mult_zero : algebra.

Lemma fp_resp_zero : zxfpx(cpoly_zero Z_as_CRing)[=](cpoly_zero fp).

Lemma fpx_resp_mult_cr : (c:Z_as_CRing)(f:zx),
  (cpoly_mult_cr_cs fp (zxfpx f) (zfp c)) =
  (zxfpx (cpoly_mult_cr_cs _ f c)).
 induction f as [|c0 f].
 astepr (zxfpx ((c[*]c0)[+X*](cpoly_mult_cr_cs _ f c))).
 astepr ((zfp (c[*]c0))[+X*](zxfpx (cpoly_mult_cr_cs _ f c))).
 astepr (((zfp c)[*](zfp c0))[+X*](zxfpx (cpoly_mult_cr_cs _ f c))).
 astepr (((zfp c)[*](zfp c0))[+X*](cpoly_mult_cr_cs fp (zxfpx f) (zfp c))).
 astepr (cpoly_mult_cr_cs fp ((zfp c0)[+X*](zxfpx f)) (zfp c)).

Hint Resolve fpx_resp_mult_cr : algebra.

Lemma fpx_resp_plus : f g:zx,
  (cpoly_plus_op fp (zxfpx f) (zxfpx g))[=]
  (zxfpx (cpoly_plus_op _ f g)).
 induction f as [|c f].
 induction g as [|c0 g].
 astepl (cpoly_plus fp (zxfpx (c[+X*]f)) (zxfpx (c0[+X*]g))).
 astepr (zxfpx (cpoly_plus_op _ (c[+X*]f) (c0[+X*]g))).
 astepr (zxfpx ((c[+]c0)[+X*](cpoly_plus_op _ f g))).
 astepr ((zfp (c[+]c0))[+X*](zxfpx (cpoly_plus_op _ f g))).
 astepl (((zfp c)[+](zfp c0))[+X*] (cpoly_plus_op fp (zxfpx f) (zxfpx g))).
 auto with ×.

Hint Resolve fpx_resp_plus : algebra.

Lemma fpx_resp_mult : f g:zx,
  (cpoly_mult_op fp (zxfpx f) (zxfpx g)) =
  (zxfpx (cpoly_mult_op _ f g)).
 induction f as [|c f].
  intro g.
  astepl (cpoly_mult_op fp (cpoly_zero fp)(zxfpx g)).
  astepl (cpoly_zero fp).
  astepr (zxfpx (cpoly_zero Z_as_CRing)).
  astepr (cpoly_zero fp); intuition.
 induction g as [|c0 g].
  astepl (cpoly_mult_op fp (zxfpx (c[+X*]f)) (cpoly_zero fp)).
  astepl (cpoly_zero fp).
  astepr (zxfpx (cpoly_zero Z_as_CRing)); try algebra.
  apply fpxeq_wd.
  apply eq_symmetric.
  apply (mult_zero Z_as_CRing).
 astepr (zxfpx (cpoly_mult_op Z_as_CRing (c[+X*]f) (c0[+X*]g))).
 astepl (cpoly_mult_op fp (zxfpx (c[+X*]f)) (zxfpx (c0[+X*]g))).
 astepr (zxfpx (cpoly_plus_op _ ((c[*]c0)[+X*](cpoly_mult_cr_cs _ g c))
   (([0]:Z_as_CRing)[+X*](cpoly_mult _ f (c0[+X*]g))))).
 astepr (zxfpx (((c[*]c0)[+]([0]:Z_as_CRing))[+X*](cpoly_plus_op _
   (cpoly_mult_cr_cs _ g c) (cpoly_mult _ f (c0[+X*]g))))).
 astepr (zxfpx ((c[*]c0)[+X*](cpoly_plus_op _ (cpoly_mult_cr_cs _ g c) (cpoly_mult _ f (c0[+X*]g))))).
 astepr ( (zfp c[*]c0) [+X*] (zxfpx (cpoly_plus_op _ (cpoly_mult_cr_cs _ g c)
   (cpoly_mult _ f (c0[+X*]g))))).
 astepl (cpoly_mult_op fp ((zfp c)[+X*](zxfpx f)) (zxfpx (c0[+X*]g))).
 astepl (cpoly_plus_op fp (cpoly_mult_cr_cs fp (zxfpx (c0[+X*]g)) (zfp c))
   ((zfp ([0]:Z_as_CRing))[+X*](cpoly_mult_op fp (zxfpx f) (zxfpx (c0[+X*]g))))).
 astepl (cpoly_plus_op fp (cpoly_mult_cr_cs fp ((zfp c0)[+X*](zxfpx g)) (zfp c))
   (([0]:fp)[+X*](zxfpx (cpoly_mult_op _ f (c0[+X*]g))))).
 astepl (cpoly_plus_op fp (((zfp c)[*](zfp c0))[+X*](cpoly_mult_cr_cs fp (zxfpx g) (zfp c)))
   (([0]:fp)[+X*](zxfpx (cpoly_mult_op _ f (c0[+X*]g))))).
 astepl (cpoly_plus_op fp ((zfp (c[*]c0))[+X*](zxfpx (cpoly_mult_cr_cs _ g c)))
   (([0]:fp)[+X*](zxfpx (cpoly_mult_op _ f (c0[+X*]g))))).
 astepl ((zfp (c[*]c0)[+]([0]:fp))[+X*](cpoly_plus_op fp
   (zxfpx (cpoly_mult_cr_cs _ g c)) (zxfpx (cpoly_mult_op _ f (c0[+X*]g))))).

Hint Resolve fpx_resp_mult : algebra.

Lemma fpx_resp_coef : (f:zx)(n:nat), (zfp (nth_coeff n f))
  = (nth_coeff n (zxfpx f)).
 induction f.
 induction n.
 astepl (zfp (nth_coeff n f)).
 astepr (nth_coeff n (zxfpx f)).
 apply (IHf n).

Hint Resolve fpx_resp_coef : algebra.

Working towards the criterion


We prove the criterion for monic integers of degree greater than 1. This property is first defined, so that reducibility can be defined next. We then prove that a reducible integer polynomial is reducible over Fp. Finally irreducibility is defined.

Definition degree_ge_monic (R:CRing)(n:nat)(f:(cpoly_cring R)) :=
  {m:nat | (n m)%nat | monic m f}.

Lemma fpx_resp_deggemonic : (f:zx)(n:nat),
  degree_ge_monic _ n fdegree_ge_monic _ n (zxfpx f).
 intros f n; unfold degree_ge_monic.
 intro X; elim X.
 intros m Hm Hfmonm.
  exact Hm.
 elim Hfmonm.
 intros Hnthcoeff Hdegf.
 unfold monic.
  astepl (zfp (nth_coeff m f)).
  assert ([1]=nth_coeff m f); intuition.
  simpl in H.
  rewrite <- H.
 astepl (zfp (nth_coeff m0 f)).
 assert ([0]=nth_coeff m0 f); intuition.
 simpl in H0.
 rewrite <- H0.

Hint Resolve fpx_resp_deggemonic : algebra.

Definition reducible (R:CRing)(f:(cpoly_cring R)) :=
  degree_ge_monic R 2%nat f and
  {g:(cpoly_cring R) | degree_ge_monic R 1%nat g |
    {h:(cpoly_cring R) | degree_ge_monic R 1%nat h |
      f[=](cpoly_mult_op R g h) }}.

Lemma fpx_resp_red : f:zx, (reducible _ f)->(reducible fp (zxfpx f)).
 intros f Hfred; elim Hfred.
 intros Hfok Hfred2; elim Hfred2.
 intros g Hgok Hfred3; elim Hfred3.
 intros h Hhok Hfgh; unfold reducible.
  (zxfpx g).
  (zxfpx h).
 astepr (zxfpx (cpoly_mult_op _ g h)).
 apply fpxeq_wd.
 exact Hfgh.

Hint Resolve fpx_resp_red : algebra.

Definition irreducible (R:CRing)(f:(cpoly_cring R)) :=
  Not (reducible R f).

The criterion

And now we can state and prove the irreducibility criterion.

Theorem irrcrit : f:zx, (irreducible fp (zxfpx f)) →
  (irreducible _ f).
 unfold irreducible.
 intro f.
 cut ((reducible _ f) → (reducible fp (zxfpx f))).
  intros X H X0.
  apply H.
  apply X.
  exact X0.
 apply fpx_resp_red.