
Require Export Prod_Sub.
Set Automatic Introduction.

Section lists.


List and membership of lists are used in the definition of "totally bounded". Note that we use the Leibniz equality in the definition of MSmember, and not the setoid equality. So we are really talking about finite sets of representants, instead of finite subsetoids. This seems to make the proofs a bit easier.

Fixpoint MSmember (X : CSetoid) (x : X) (l : list X) {struct l} : CProp :=
  match l with
  | nilFalse
  | cons y mMSmember X x m or x = y

Implicit Arguments MSmember [X].

Definition to_IR (P : IRCProp) : subcsetoid_crr IR PIR.
 intro a.
 case a.
 intros b C.
 exact b.

Definition from_IR (P : IRCProp) (x : IR) (H : P x) : subcsetoid_crr IR P.
 set (H0 := Build_subcsetoid_crr IR P) in ×.
 set (H1 := H0 x H) in ×.
 exact H1.

Definition list_IR (P : IRCProp) :
  list (SubPsMetricSpace IR_as_CPsMetricSpace P) → list IR.
 intro l.
 induction l as [| a l Hrecl].
  apply (@nil IR).
 apply (cons (to_IR P a) Hrecl).

Lemma is_P :
  (P : IRCProp)
   (l : list (SubPsMetricSpace IR_as_CPsMetricSpace P))
   (x : IR), pred_wd IR Pmember x (list_IR P l) → P x.
 intros P l x Q.
 induction l as [| a l Hrecl].
  simpl in |- ×.
 case a.
 simpl in |- ×.
 intros b C D.
 elim D.
  intro E.
  apply Hrecl.
  exact E.
 unfold pred_wd in Q.
 intro H.
 apply Q with b.
  exact C.
 apply eq_symmetric_unfolded.
 exact H.

If a real number is element of a list in the above defined sense, it is an element of the list in the sense of member, that uses the setoid equality.

Lemma member1 :
  (P : IRCProp) (x0 : subcsetoid_crr IR P)
   (l : list (SubPsMetricSpace IR_as_CPsMetricSpace P)),
 MSmember (X:=SubPsMetricSpace IR_as_CPsMetricSpace P) x0 l
 member (to_IR P x0) (list_IR P l).
 intros P x0 l.
 induction l as [| a l Hrecl].
  simpl in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.
 intros H.
 elim H.
  intro H1.
  apply Hrecl.
  exact H1.
 simpl in |- ×.
 rewrite b.

The image under a certain mapping of an element of a list l is member of the list of images of elements of l.

Lemma map_member :
  (X Z : CPsMetricSpace) (f : XZ) (l : list X) (m : X),
 MSmember m lMSmember (f m) (map f l).
 intros X Z f l m.
 induction l as [| a l Hrecl].
  simpl in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.
 intro H.
 elim H.
  intro H1.
  apply Hrecl.
  exact H1.
 intro H1.
 rewrite H1.

End lists.

Section loc_and_bound.

Pseudo Metric Space theory

Definition Re_co_do (X Z : CSetoid) (f : CSetoid_fun X Z) :
  XBuild_SubCSetoid Z (fun y : Z{x : X | f x[=]y}).
 intros x.
  (f x).
 apply eq_reflexive.

Lemma Re_co_do_strext :
  (X Z : CSetoid) (f : CSetoid_fun X Z),
 fun_strext (Re_co_do X Z f).
 intros X Z f.
 unfold fun_strext in |- ×.
 intros x y.
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply (csf_strext X Z f).

Definition re_co_do (X Z : CSetoid) (f : CSetoid_fun X Z) :
  CSetoid_fun X (Build_SubCSetoid Z (fun y : Z{x : X | f x[=]y})) :=
  Build_CSetoid_fun X (Build_SubCSetoid Z (fun y : Z{x : X | f x[=]y}))
    (Re_co_do X Z f) (Re_co_do_strext X Z f).

Lemma re_co_do_well_def :
  (X Z : CSetoid) (f : CSetoid_fun X Z),
 pred_wd Z (fun y : Z{x : X | f x[=]y}).
 intros X Z f.
 unfold pred_wd in |- ×.
 intros x y.
 intros H0 H1.
 elim H0.
 intros x0 H3.
 astepr x.
 exact H3.

Implicit Arguments MSmember [X].
Again we see that the image under a certain mapping of an element of a list l is member of the list of images of elements of l.

Lemma map_member' :
  (X Z : CPsMetricSpace) (f : CSetoid_fun X Z) (l : list X) (m : X),
 MSmember m l
 MSmember (X:=Build_SubCSetoid Z (fun y : Z{x0 : X | f x0[=]y}))
   (re_co_do X Z f m) (map (re_co_do X Z f) l).
 intros X Z f l m.
 induction l as [| a l Hrecl].
  simpl in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.
 intro H.
 elim H.
  intro H1.
  apply Hrecl.
  exact H1.
 intro H1.
 rewrite H1.

Definition bounded (X : CPsMetricSpace) : CProp :=
  {n : IR | x y : X, x[-d]y[<=]n}.

Definition MStotally_bounded (X : CPsMetricSpace) : CProp :=
   n : nat,
  {l : list X |
   x : X, {y : X | MSmember y l | x[-d]y[<=]one_div_succ n}}.

Total boundedness is preserved under uniformly continuous mappings.

Implicit Arguments SubPsMetricSpace [X].
Lemma unicon_resp_totallybounded :
  (X Z : CPsMetricSpace) (f : CSetoid_fun X Z) (H : uni_continuous'' f),
 MStotally_bounded X
 MStotally_bounded (SubPsMetricSpace (fun y : Z{x : X | f x[=]y})).
 intros X Z f.
 unfold uni_continuous'' in |- ×.
 intro H.
 unfold MStotally_bounded in |- ×.
 intro H1.
 intro n.
 elim H.
 intros mod_ H3.
 elim (H1 (mod_ n)).
 intros l H2.
 simpl in |- ×.
  (map (re_co_do X Z f) l).
 intros x.
 elim x.
 intros r H5.
 elim H5.
 intros k H6.
 elim (H2 k).
 intros m H7 H8.
  (re_co_do X Z f m).
  2: simpl in |- ×.
  2: astepl (f k[-d]f m).
  2: apply H3.
  2: exact H8.
 apply map_member'.
 exact H7.

Lemma MStotallybounded_totallybounded :
  (P : IRCProp) (H0 : {x : IR | P x}),
 pred_wd IR P
 MStotally_bounded (SubPsMetricSpace (X:=IR_as_CPsMetricSpace) P) →
 totally_bounded P.
 intros P H0 Q.
 unfold MStotally_bounded in |- ×.
 intro H.
 unfold totally_bounded in |- ×.
  exact H0.
 intros e H1.
 set (H2 := OneR[/] e[//]ap_symmetric_unfolded IR [0] e (less_imp_ap IR [0] e H1)) in ×.
 unfold AbsSmall in |- ×.
 set (H3 := Archimedes H2) in ×.
 elim H3.
 intros m H4.
 elim H with m.
 intros l H5.
  (list_IR P l).
  intro x.
  apply is_P.
  exact Q.
 intros x H6.
 generalize H5.
 simpl in |- ×.
 intro H7.
 elim (H7 (from_IR P x H6)).
 intros x0 H8 H9.
  (to_IR P x0).
  apply member1.
  exact H8.
  generalize H9.
  unfold dIR_as_CSetoid_fun in |- ×.
  unfold dIR in |- ×.
  case x0.
  simpl in |- ×.
  apply leEq_transitive with ([--](one_div_succ (R:=IR) m)).
   apply inv_resp_leEq.
   unfold one_div_succ in |- ×.
   apply shift_div_leEq.
    unfold Snring in |- ×.
    apply less_transitive_unfolded with (nring (R:=IR) m).
     apply less_leEq_trans with H2.
      unfold H2 in |- ×.
      apply recip_resp_pos.
      exact H1.
     exact H4.
    simpl in |- ×.
    astepl (nring (R:=IR) m[+][0]).
    apply plus_resp_less_lft.
    apply pos_one.
   apply shift_leEq_mult' with (ap_symmetric_unfolded IR [0] e (less_imp_ap IR [0] e H1)).
    exact H1.
   apply leEq_transitive with (nring (R:=IR) m).
    exact H4.
   unfold Snring in |- ×.
   simpl in |- ×.
   apply less_leEq.
   astepl (nring (R:=IR) m[+][0]).
   apply plus_resp_less_lft.
   apply pos_one.
  apply inv_cancel_leEq.
  astepr (one_div_succ (R:=IR) m).
  apply leEq_transitive with (AbsIR (x[-]scs_elem)).
   apply inv_leEq_AbsIR.
  unfold AbsIR in |- ×.
  simpl in |- ×.
  generalize H10.
  simpl in |- ×.
 generalize H9.
 case x0.
 intros x1 Q0 H10.
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply leEq_transitive with (one_div_succ (R:=IR) m).
  generalize H10.
  unfold dIR_as_CSetoid_fun in |- ×.
  unfold dIR in |- ×.
  simpl in |- ×.
  intro H11.
  apply leEq_transitive with (AbsIR (x[-]x1)).
   apply leEq_AbsIR.
  unfold AbsIR in |- ×.
  simpl in |- ×.
  exact H11.
 unfold one_div_succ in |- ×.
 apply shift_div_leEq.
  unfold Snring in |- ×.
  apply less_transitive_unfolded with (nring (R:=IR) m).
   apply less_leEq_trans with H2.
    unfold H2 in |- ×.
    apply recip_resp_pos.
    exact H1.
   exact H4.
  simpl in |- ×.
  astepl (nring (R:=IR) m[+][0]).
  apply plus_resp_less_lft.
  apply pos_one.
 apply shift_leEq_mult' with (ap_symmetric_unfolded IR [0] e (less_imp_ap IR [0] e H1)).
  exact H1.
 apply leEq_transitive with (nring (R:=IR) m).
  exact H4.
 unfold Snring in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.
 apply less_leEq.
 astepl (nring (R:=IR) m[+][0]).
 apply plus_resp_less_lft.
 apply pos_one.

Every image under an uniformly continuous function of an totally bounded pseudo metric space has an infimum and a supremum.

Lemma infimum_exists :
  (X : CPsMetricSpace) (f : CSetoid_fun X IR_as_CPsMetricSpace),
 uni_continuous'' f
 MStotally_bounded X
  x : X,
 {z : IR | set_glb_IR (fun y : IR_as_CPsMetricSpace{x : X | f x[=]y}) z}.
 intros X f H0 H1 x.
 apply totally_bounded_has_glb.
 apply MStotallybounded_totallybounded.
   3: apply unicon_resp_totallybounded.
    3: exact H0.
   3: exact H1.
  2: unfold IR_as_CPsMetricSpace in |- ×.
  2: simpl in |- ×.
  2: apply re_co_do_well_def.
  (f x).
 apply eq_reflexive.

Lemma supremum_exists :
  (X : CPsMetricSpace) (f : CSetoid_fun X IR_as_CPsMetricSpace),
 uni_continuous'' f
 MStotally_bounded X
  x : X,
 {z : IR | set_lub_IR (fun y : IR_as_CPsMetricSpace{x : X | f x[=]y}) z}.
 intros X f H0 H1 x.
 apply totally_bounded_has_lub.
 apply MStotallybounded_totallybounded.
   3: apply unicon_resp_totallybounded.
    3: exact H0.
   3: exact H1.
  2: unfold IR_as_CPsMetricSpace in |- ×.
  2: simpl in |- ×.
  2: apply re_co_do_well_def.
  (f x).
 apply eq_reflexive.

A subspace P of a pseudo metric space X is said to be located if for all elements x of X there exists an infimum for the distance between x and the elements of P.

Implicit Arguments dsub'_as_cs_fun [X].

Definition located (X : CPsMetricSpace) (P : XCProp) :=
   (x : X) (r : SubPsMetricSpace P),
  {z : IR |
    (fun v : IR{y : SubPsMetricSpace P | dsub'_as_cs_fun P x y[=]v}) z}.

Implicit Arguments located [X].

Definition located' (X : CPsMetricSpace) (P : XCProp) :=
   (x : X) (y : SubPsMetricSpace P),
  {z : IR |
    (fun v : IR
     {y : SubPsMetricSpace P | x[-d]from_SubPsMetricSpace X P y[=]v}) z}.

Implicit Arguments located' [X].

Lemma located_imp_located' :
  (X : CPsMetricSpace) (P : XCProp), located Plocated' P.
 intros X P.
 unfold located in |- ×.
 unfold located' in |- ×.
 intros H x y.
 set (H0 := H x y) in ×.
 elim H0.
 intros x0 H1.
 unfold dsub' in H1.
 generalize H1.
 unfold dsub'_as_cs_fun in |- ×.
 unfold dsub' in |- ×.
 simpl in |- ×.
 unfold set_glb_IR in |- ×.
  intro x1.
  elim H2.
  intros a b H3.
  apply a.
  elim H3.
  astepl (x[-d]from_SubPsMetricSpace X P x2).
   exact p.
  apply ax_d_com.
  apply CPsMetricSpace_is_CPsMetricSpace.
 intros e H3.
 elim H2.
 set (H8 := b e H3) in ×.
 elim H8.
  elim p.
  astepl (from_SubPsMetricSpace X P x2[-d]x).
   exact p0.
  apply ax_d_com.
  apply CPsMetricSpace_is_CPsMetricSpace.
 exact q.

Every totally bounded pseudo metric space is located.

Lemma MStotally_bounded_imp_located :
  (X : CPsMetricSpace) (P : XCProp),
 MStotally_bounded (SubPsMetricSpace P) → located P.
 intros X P H.
 unfold located in |- ×.
 intros x y.
 set (H0 := infimum_exists (SubPsMetricSpace P) (dsub'_as_cs_fun P x)) in ×.
 set (H1 := H0 (dsub'_uni_continuous'' X P x) H y) in ×.
 elim H1.
 intros x0 H2.
 elim H2.
 simpl in |- ×.
 unfold set_glb_IR in |- ×.
  intro x1.
  intro H6.
  apply a.
  generalize b.
  elim H6.
  simpl in |- ×.
  exact p.
 intros e H3.
 set (H7 := b e H3) in ×.
 apply H7.

For all x in a pseudo metric space X, for all located subspaces P of X, Floc chooses for a given natural number n an y in P such that: d(x,y) ≤ inf{d(x,p)| pϵP} + (n+1)-1. Flocfun does (almost) the same, but has a different type. This enables one to use the latter as an argument of map.

Definition Floc (X : CPsMetricSpace) (P : XCProp)
  (H0 : located' P) (H2 : SubPsMetricSpace P) (n : nat)
  (x : X) :
  {y : SubPsMetricSpace P |
  {z : IR |
    (fun v : IR
     {y : SubPsMetricSpace P | x[-d]from_SubPsMetricSpace X P y[=]v}) z |
  x[-d]from_SubPsMetricSpace X P y[<=]z[+]one_div_succ n}}.
 rename H2 into y.
 unfold located' in H0.
 set (H1 := H0 x y) in ×.
 elim H1.
 intros x0 H3.
 unfold set_glb_IR in H3.
 elim H3.
 intros H4 H5.
 elim (H5 (one_div_succ n)).
  intros x1 H6 H7.
  elim H6.
  intros x2 H8.
  eapply existT with (P := fun y0 : SubPsMetricSpace P{z : IR | set_glb_IR (fun v : IR
    {y1 : SubPsMetricSpace P | x[-d]from_SubPsMetricSpace X P y1[=]v}) z |
      x[-d]from_SubPsMetricSpace X P y0[<=]z[+]one_div_succ n}) (x := x2).
  eapply exist2T with (P := fun z : IRset_glb_IR (fun v : IR{y1 : SubPsMetricSpace P |
    x[-d]from_SubPsMetricSpace X P y1[=]v}) z) (Q := fun z : IR
      x[-d]from_SubPsMetricSpace X P x2[<=]z[+]one_div_succ n) (x := x0).
   unfold set_glb_IR in |- ×.
   apply H3.
  apply shift_leEq_plus'.
  astepl (x1[-]x0).
  apply less_leEq.
  apply H7.
 apply one_div_succ_pos.

Definition Flocfun (X : CPsMetricSpace) (P : XCProp)
  (H0 : located' P) (H2 : SubPsMetricSpace P) (n : nat) :
  XSubPsMetricSpace P.
 set (H1 := Floc X P H0 H2 n X0) in ×.
 elim H1.
 exact x.

A located subset P of a totally bounded pseudo metric space X is totally bounded.

Lemma locatedsub_totallybounded_imp_totallyboundedsub :
  (X : CPsMetricSpace) (P : XCProp),
 SubPsMetricSpace P
 located' PMStotally_bounded XMStotally_bounded (SubPsMetricSpace P).
 intros X P y H0.
 unfold MStotally_bounded in |- ×.
 intros H1 n.
 elim (H1 (3 × n + 2)).
 intros l H2.
 unfold located' in H0.
 simpl in |- ×.
  (map (Flocfun X P H0 y (3 × n + 2)) l).
 simpl in |- ×.
 intro x.
 elim (H2 (from_SubPsMetricSpace X P x)).
 intros xj xjl H3.
  (Flocfun X P H0 y (n + (n + (n + 0)) + 2) xj).
  apply map_member with (f := Flocfun X P H0 y (n + (n + (n + 0)) + 2)).
  exact xjl.
 unfold Flocfun in |- ×.
 unfold sigT_rec in |- ×.
 unfold sigT_rect in |- ×.
 case Floc.
 elim s.
 intros x2 p0 q.
 generalize H3.
 case x.
 intros xn Pn H4.
 apply leEq_transitive with ((xn[-d]xj)[+](xj[-d]from_SubPsMetricSpace X P x0)).
  case x0.
  simpl in |- ×.
  apply ax_d_tri_ineq.
  apply CPsMetricSpace_is_CPsMetricSpace.
 astepr (one_div_succ (R:=IR) (n + (n + (n + 0)) + 2)[+] (one_div_succ (n + (n + (n + 0)) + 2)[+]
   one_div_succ (n + (n + (n + 0)) + 2))).
  apply plus_resp_leEq_both.
   apply H4.
  apply leEq_transitive with (x2[+]one_div_succ (n + (n + (n + 0)) + 2)).
   apply leEq_transitive with (xj[-d]from_SubPsMetricSpace X P x0).
    apply eq_imp_leEq.
    apply csbf_wd_unfolded.
   exact q.
  apply plus_resp_leEq.
  apply leEq_transitive with (from_SubPsMetricSpace X P x[-d]xj).
   unfold set_glb_IR in p0.
   elim p0.
   apply a.
   unfold SubPsMetricSpace in |- ×.
   simpl in |- ×.
   apply ax_d_com.
   apply CPsMetricSpace_is_CPsMetricSpace.
  apply H3.
 astepr ([1][*]one_div_succ (R:=IR) n).
 astepr (((Three:IR)[/] Three:IR[//]three_ap_zero IR)[*]one_div_succ n).
 astepl (one_div_succ (n + (n + (n + 0)) + 2)[+] (Two:IR)[*]one_div_succ (n + (n + (n + 0)) + 2)).
 astepl (OneR[*]one_div_succ (n + (n + (n + 0)) + 2)[+]
   (Two:IR)[*]one_div_succ (n + (n + (n + 0)) + 2)).
 astepl ((OneR[+]Two)[*]one_div_succ (n + (n + (n + 0)) + 2)).
 astepl ((Three:IR)[*]one_div_succ (n + (n + (n + 0)) + 2)).
  2: apply mult_wdl.
  2: rational.
 astepr ((Three:IR)[*]([1][/] Three[//]three_ap_zero IR)[*]one_div_succ n).
  astepr ((Three:IR)[*](([1][/] Three[//]three_ap_zero IR)[*]one_div_succ n)).
  apply mult_wdr.
  unfold one_div_succ in |- ×.
  unfold Snring in |- ×.
  simpl in |- ×.
  astepr (OneR[/] (Three:IR)[*](nring n[+][1])[//]
    mult_resp_ap_zero IR Three (nring n[+][1]) (three_ap_zero IR) (nringS_ap_zero IR n)).
   apply eq_div.
   apply mult_wdr.
   astepl (Three[*]nring (R:=IR) n[+]Three[*][1]).
   simpl in |- ×.
   astepr (nring (R:=IR) (n + (n + (n + 0)))[+]Two[+][1]).
   astepr (nring (R:=IR) n[+]nring (n + (n + 0))[+]Two[+][1]).
   astepr (nring (R:=IR) n[+](nring n[+]nring (n + 0))[+]Two[+][1]).
   3: apply mult_wdl.
   3: rational.
  2: simpl in |- ×.
  2: rational.
 astepr (nring (R:=IR) n[+](nring n[+]nring (n + 0))[+]Two[+][1]).
 astepr (nring (R:=IR) n[+](nring n[+]nring (n + 0))[+](Two[+][1])).
 astepl ((ZeroR[+][1][+][1][+][1])[*]nring n[+]([0][+][1][+][1][+][1])).
 simpl in |- ×.
 astepl (ZeroR[+][1][+][1][+][1][+]([0][+][1][+][1][+][1])[*]nring n).
 astepr (ZeroR[+][1][+][1][+][1][+](nring n[+](nring n[+]nring (n + 0)))).
 apply plus_resp_eq.
 astepr (nring (R:=IR) n[+](nring n[+](nring n[+]nring 0))).
 simpl in |- ×.

Here are some definitions that could come in handy:

Definition MSCauchy_seq (X : CPsMetricSpace) (seq : natX) : CProp :=
   n : nat,
  {m : nat |
   i j : nat, m im jseq i[-d]seq j[<=]one_div_succ n}.

Implicit Arguments MSseqLimit' [X].

Definition MSComplete (X : CPsMetricSpace) : CProp :=
   seq : natX,
  MSCauchy_seq X seq{lim : X | MSseqLimit' seq lim}.

A compact pseudo metric space is a pseudo metric space which is complete and totally bounded.
A subset P is open if for all x in P there exists an open sphere with centre x that is contained in P.

Definition open (X : CPsMetricSpace) (P : XCProp) :=
   x : X,
  P x{e : IR | [0][<]e and ( z : X, z[-d]x[<]eP z)}.

Implicit Arguments open [X].

The operator infima gives the infimum for the distance between an element x of a located pseudo metric space X and the elements of a subspace P of X.

Definition infima (X : CPsMetricSpace) (P : XCProp)
  (H : located' P) (a : SubPsMetricSpace P) : XIR.
 intros H0.
 unfold located' in H.
 elim (H H0 a).
 exact x.

Implicit Arguments infima [X].
A non-empty totally bounded sub-pseudo-metric-space P is said to be well contained in an open sub-pseudo-metric-space Q if Q contains all points that are in some sense close to P.

Definition well_contained (X : CPsMetricSpace) (P Q : XCProp)
  (a : SubPsMetricSpace P) :=
  open Q
   H : MStotally_bounded (SubPsMetricSpace P),
  {r : IR | [0][<]r |
   q : X,
  infima P (located_imp_located' X P (MStotally_bounded_imp_located X P H)) a
    q[<=]rQ q}.

End loc_and_bound.