CS 114 - Unix Tools - Fall 2004

Course Schedule

  Date Topic Recommended Readings Notes
1. 27 Sep Introduction to Unix Andersen Ch. 1.1-1.8, 2.1-2.5, 3, 6.1-6.12, Appendix B, man: pwd, ls, mv, cp, rm, mkdir, rmdir, man, touch, cat, more, less htmlpdf
2. 29 Sep Files and directories; security Andersen Ch. 6.1-6.12, 6.15-6.17, 8, man: ls -l, chmod, chown, chgrp htmlpdf
3. 1 Oct Editors: emacs and vi Andersen Ch. 13, 14, 15 htmlpdf
4. 4 Oct Introduction to shells; shell configuration Andersen Ch. 10, 26, 27, 28, 29, man: sh, ksh, bash, csh, tcsh, umask htmlpdf
5. 6 Oct Jobs and I/O redirection Andersen Ch. 6.13, 11, 12, man: cat, head, tail, cut, sort, wc, fg, bg, jobs, ps, kill, top htmlpdf
6. 8 Oct Regular expressions Andersen Appendix D, man: grep, sed htmlpdf
  11 Oct Fall Break: no class
7. 13 Oct Advanced text processing man: sed, awk htmlpdf
8. 15 Oct Shell variables and scripts Andersen Ch. 30, 31, man: nawk, gawk htmlpdf
9. 18 Oct Shell scripts 2: command-line arguments, control flow man: test htmlpdf
10. 20 Oct Shell scripts 3: functions   htmlpdf
11. 22 Oct Shell scripts 4: miscellany