Faculty and Senior Researcher Biographies
Editorial Activities of the Faculty
Faculty Personnel Changes
Faculty, Researchers, and Academic Visitors
Administrative/Technical Staff



Faculty and Senior Researcher Biographies

William Arms:   Digital libraries, electronic publishing
Graeme Bailey:   Mathematical modeling, applications to medicine and biology, geometry,                               parametrization spaces and connectivity
Kenneth P. Birman:   Reliability and security in modern networked environments
Claire Cardie:   Natural language processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence
Paul Chew:   Computational geometry, computational biology
Thomas F. Coleman:   Numerical analysis, computational finance, scientific computing
Robert L. Constable:   Type theory and automated reasoning
Alan Demers:   Database systems, database replication, and algorithms
Ron Elber:   Computational molecular biology, genomics
Johannes Gehrke:   Database systems, data mining, mining and monitoring evolving data
Carla Gomes:   Artificial intelligence, operations research, planning and scheduling
Donald P. Greenberg:   Realistic image synthesis, modeling, scientific visualization,
                                         computer-aided design, image processing
Joseph Y. Halpern:   Reasoning about knowledge and uncertainty in multi-agent systems,                                    decision theory, logic, artificial intelligence, security
Juris Hartmanis:   Computational complexity, complexity of chaotic systems
John E. Hopcroft:  Robust geometric algorithms, modeling and simulation, and information                                 capture and access
Daniel P. Huttenlocher:   Computer vision
Klara Kedem:   Computational geometry
Jon Kleinberg:   Theory of computing, algorithms, computational biology
Dean Krafft:   Digital libraries, information access
Christoph Kreitz:   Automated reasoning, program transformation, verification and synthesis
Dexter Kozen:   Theory of computational, proof-carrying code, computational complexity,                             analysis of algorithms, program logics and semantics
Carl Lagoze:   Digital libraries
Lillian Lee:   Natural language processing
Yuying Li: Scientific computation, numerical optimization
J. Gregory Morrisett:   Programming languages, security, type systems, and compilers
Andrew Myers:   Programming languages, compilers, distributed systems, runtime systems Keshav Pingali:  Programming languages, parallel computing
Fred Schneider:   Concurrent and distributed systems, computer and network security
David Schwartz:   Computational mechanics, applied mathematics, and educational                                 technology
Bart Selman:   Artificial intelligence and experimental computer science
Praveen Seshadri:   Database systems
David B. Shmoys:   Design and analysis of efficient algorithms, scheduling
Eva Tardos:   Design and analysis of algorithms, optimization, communication networks,                         combinatorics
Tim Teitelbaum:   Programming languages, systems and environments
Sam Toueg:   Distributed computing, fault tolerance, and real-time
Charles Van Loan:   Numerical linear and multilinear algebra
Robbert van Renesse:   Distributed computing, fault-tolerance, real-time systems
Stephen A. Vavasis:   Numerical analysis, optimization
Thorsten von Eicken:   High performance communication in clusters of workstations
Ramin Zabih:   Computer vision, multimedia, information technology

Editorial Activities of the Faculty

ACM Computing Surveys (Schneider, Editor)
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (Morrisett, Associate Editor) Algorithmica (Hopcroft, Editor and Member, Executive Committee)
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (Artemov, Managing Editor)
Annals of Software Engineering (Schneider, Editor)
Applied Mathematics Letters (Coleman, Editorial Board)
Artificial Intelligence Journal (Halpern, Editorial Board)
Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (Tardos, Editor; Halpern, Consulting    Editor)
Combinatorica (Tardos, Editor)
Communication on Applied Non-linear Analysis (Coleman, Editorial Board)
Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications (Kedem, Guest Editor)
Computational Linguistics (Lee, Editorial Board) Computational Optimization and Applications (Coleman, Editorial Board)
D-Lib Magazine (Arms, Editor-in-chief)
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (Pingali, Editorial Board) Distributed Computing (Schneider, Editor-in-chief)
Formal Methods in System Design (Constable, Editor)
Fundamenta Informaticae (Hartmanis, Editor) High Integrity Systems (Schneider, Editor) IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence on Graph Algorithms and    Computer Vision, 2000, Special Issue (Zabih, Guest Editor)
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (van Renesse, Associate Editor) Information and Computation (Halpern, Editorial Board)
Information Processing Letters (Schneider, Editor)
Information Sciences (Hopcroft, Associate Editor)
International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications (Hopcroft, Editor) International Journal Parallel Programming (Pingali, Editorial Board)
Journal of Logic and Computation (Constable, Editor)
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences (Hartmanis, Hopcroft, Editors; Hopcroft,    Associate Editor )
Journal of Functional Programming (Morrisett, Editor)
Journal of Global Optimization (Vavasis, Editorial Board)
Journal of Interconnection Networks (Tardos, Editor)
Journal of Logic and Computation (Constable, Halpern, Editorial Board)
Journal of Scheduling (Shmoys, Associate Editor)
Journal of Symbolic Computation (Constable, Editor)
Journal of the ACM (Halpern, Editor-in-chief)
Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (Tardos, Editor)
Knowledge Engineering Review (Gomes, Editorial Board)
Machine Learning (Cardie, Editorial Board)
Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing (Coleman, Editorial Board)
Mathematical Programming (Vavasis, Editorial Board, Shmoys, Tardos, Associate Editors) Mathematics of Operations Research (Tardos, Area Editor, Shmoys, Associate Editor)
MIT Press Series on Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing (Arms, Series Editor)
Pattern Recognition Society Journal (Chew, Kedem, Editorial Board)
SIAM Journal of Computing (Shmoys, Tardos, Editors)
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (Shmoys, Editor-in-Chief)
SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis Applications (Vavasis, Editorial Board)
SIAM/MPS Series on Optimization (Shmoys, Co-Editor)
SIAM Review (Vavasis, Editorial Board)
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Hartmanis, Editor)
Springer-Verlag Texts and Monographs in Computer Science (Schneider, Co-Managing    Editor)
Studies in Logic and Foundations of Mathematics (Artemov, Editor)


Faculty Personnel Changes

New Faculty in Spring 2000

Alan Demers rejoined the faculty in January as a Professor after twenty years in industry. His research area is in database systems, database replication, and algorithms.

New Faculty in 2000 - 2001

Herbert van de Sompel will be joining the faculty as Visiting Associate Professor in Fall 2000. His research focus is digital libraries. Gun Sirer, who is receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Washington, will join the faculty in January 2001 as an Assistant Professor. His research interests include extensible, distributed, and networked systems. Golan Yona, who received his Ph.D. from the Hebrew University and is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University, will join the faculty as an Assistant Professor in January 2001. His research area is computational molecular biology.


Ronitt Rubinfeld has joined NEC.

Sabbaticals and Leaves

Eva Tardos returns from an academic year sabbatic, and assumes her new role as the Director of Graduate Studies. Dexter Kozen will be on sabbatic leave in Fall 2000. Keshav Pingali, Fred Schneider, and Ramin Zabih will be on sabbatic for the academic year. Dan Huttenlocher, Praveen Seshadri, Sam Toueg, and Thorsten von Eicken continue their leave status for the 2000-2001 academic year.


Faculty, Researchers, and Academic Visitors


William Arms
Graeme Bailey
Kenneth P. Birman
Thomas F. Coleman
Robert L. Constable
Alan Demers
Ron Elber
Donald Greenberg
Joseph Halpern
J uris Hartmanis
John E. Hopcroft
Daniel P. Huttenlocher
Klara Kedem
Dexter Kozen
Keshav K. Pingali
Fred B. Schneider
Eva Tardos
Sam Toueg
Charles Van Loan (Chair)

Associate Professors

Bart Selman
Tim Teitelbaum
Stephen Vavasis

Assistant Professors

Claire Cardie
Johannes Gehrke
Jon Kleinberg
Lillian Lee
Greg Morrisett
Andrew Myers
David Schwartz
Praveen Seshadri
Thorsten von Eicken
Ramin Zabih


Ron DiNapoli
Matthew Morgenstern
Thomas Yan

Senior Research Associates

L. Paul Chew
Dean Krafft
Christoph Kreitz
Yuying Li
Robbert van Renesse

Research Associates

Stuart Allen
Carla Gomes
Jason Hickey
Takako Hickey
Carl Lagoze
Paul Stodghill
Werner Vogels

Research Staff

Donna Bergmark
Yuri Boykov
Tim Clark
Naomi Dushay
Rich Eaton
David Fielding
Lori Lorigo
Sandy Payette
Arun Verma

Postdoctoral Associates

Bela Ban
Raoul Bhoedjang
Philippe Bonnet
Avijit Ghosh
Jaroslav Meller
Pavel Naumov
Koneshan Sivapathasundram
Veaceslav Zaloj

Visiting Faculty

Sergei Artemov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Bruno Codenotti, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Dag Johansen, University of Tromso, Tromso, Norway
Luciano Margara, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Khalid Mughal, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway

Academic Visitors

Mark Bickford, Odyssey Research Associates, Ithaca, NY
Eva-Marie Luther, Technische Fachhochschule Berlin, Germany
Heiko Mantel, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Darmstadt, Germany Stephan Schmitt, Darmstadt University of Technology, Darmstady, Germany
Ron van der Meyden, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Richard Zippel, School of Computer & Media Science Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya,    Israel


Administrative/Technical Staff

Director of Administration:  Pat Musa
Human Resources Manager:  Susan Schwarz
Assistant to the Chair:  George Manning
Front Office Manager:  Bonnie Maine

Finance Office

Finance Manager:  Claudia Wojcinski
Accounts Representative:  Carol Ayer
Award Coordinator/HR Assistant:  Laura Kratochvil

Graduate Programs

Assistant Director of Graduate Programs:  Liz Henson/Becky Stewart
Master of Engineering Program Coordinator:  Stephanie Meik

Undergraduate Education

Assistant Director of Undergraduate Programs:  Daniel Jenkins
Course Administrator:  Laurie Buck
Reception and Records:  Kathe Grant/Nicole Roy


Faculty Administrative Assistants

Rosemary Adessa
Scott Coldren
Linda Competillo
Karla Consroe
Helene Croft
Cindy Robinson
James Wallis

Department Colloquium:  Karla Consroe
Theory Seminar:  Karla Consroe

Director of Computing Facilities:   Dean Krafft
Systems Administrative Assistant:   Cay Wilson
Systems Administrative Assistant:   Mona Seamon

Technical Staff

Network Technician:   Bruce Boda
Network Technician:   John Finley

Programmer/Analyst:   Ellen Cramer
Consultant/Advisor:   Rob Collins
Consultant/Advisor:   Jennifer Holleran
Consultant/Advisor:   Robert O’Keeffe

Senior Programmer/Analyst:   Doug Flanagan
Senior Programmer/Analyst:   Larry Parmelee
Programmer/Analyst:   Dora Abdullah
Programmer/Analyst:   Orlando Johnson
Programmer/Analyst:   Dean Eckstrom

Info Tech Area Manager:   William Holmes