Package jif.extension

Provides classes that implements the Jif AST node extensions and delegates.


Interface Summary
JifFieldDeclExt The Jif extension of the FieldDecl node.
JifPreciseClassDel Marker interface for nodes that want to track the precise classes of a sub-expression, e.g., JifCastDel.
JifProcedureDeclExt The Jif extension of the ProcedureDecl node.
JifStmtExt The root of all kinds of Jif extensions for statements.

Class Summary
CallHelper This is a tool to label check method calls.
ConstructorChecker A tool to label check constructors.
JifArrayAccessAssignDel The Jif extension of the ArrayAccessAssign node.
JifArrayAccessAssignExt The Jif extension of the ArrayAccessAssign node.
JifArrayAccessDel The Jif extension of the ArrayAccess node.
JifArrayAccessExt The Jif extension of the ArrayAccess node.
JifArrayInitExt The Jif extension of the ArrayInit node.
JifAssignExt The Jif extension of the Assign node.
JifBinaryExt The Jif extension of the Binary node.
JifBlockExt The Jif extension of the Block node.
JifBranchExt The Jif extension of the Branch node.
JifCallDel The Jif extension of the Call node.
JifCallExt The Jif extension of the Call node.
JifCaseExt The Jif extension of the Case node.
JifCastDel The Jif extension of the Cast node.
JifCastExt The Jif extension of the Cast node.
JifCheckedEndorseStmtExt The Jif extension of the CheckedEndorseStmt node.
JifClassBodyExt The extension of the ClassBody node.
JifClassDeclDel The delegate of the JifClassDecl node.
JifClassDeclExt The extension of the JifClassDecl node.
JifConditionalExt The Jif extension of the Conditional node.
JifConstructorCallDel The Jif extension of the ConstructorCall node.
JifConstructorCallExt The Jif extension of the ConstructorCall node.
JifConstructorDeclExt The Jif extension of the JifConstructorDecl node.
JifDeclassifyExprExt The Jif extension of the DeclassifyExpr node.
JifDeclassifyStmtExt The Jif extension of the DeclassifyStmt node.
JifDoExt The Jif extension of the Do node.
JifDowngradeExprExt The Jif extension of the DowngradeExpr node.
JifDowngradeStmtExt The Jif extension of the DeclassifyStmt node.
JifEmptyExt The Jif extension of the Empty node.
JifEndorseExprExt The Jif extension of the EndorseExpr node.
JifEndorseStmtExt The Jif extension of the EndorseStmt node.
JifEvalExt The Jif extension of the Eval node.
JifExprExt The Jif extension for all Expr nodes.
JifFieldAssignDel The Jif extension of the FieldAssign node.
JifFieldAssignExt The Jif extension of the LocalAssign node.
JifFieldDeclDel The Jif extension of the FieldDecl node.
JifFieldDeclExt_c The Jif extension of the FieldDecl node.
JifFieldDeclExt_c.InvarianceLabelChecker Checker to ensure that labels do not use covariant labels in the wrong places
JifFieldDeclExt_c.InvarianceLabelSubstr Visitor to ensure that labels do not use covariant labels in the wrong places
JifFieldDeclExt_c.StaticFieldLabelChecker Checker to ensure that labels of static fields do not use the This label, or any parameters
JifFieldDel The Jif extension of the Field node.
JifFieldExt The Jif extension of the Field node.
JifForExt The Jif extension of the For node.
JifFormalDel The Jif extension of the Formal node.
JifFormalExt The Jif extension of the Formal node.
JifFormalExt.FormalVarianceLabelChecker Checker to ensure that labels do not use covariant labels in the wrong places
JifFormalExt.FormalVarianceLabelSubstr Visitor to ensure that labels do not use covariant labels in the wrong places
JifIfDel The Jif extension of the FieldAssign node.
JifIfExt The Jif extension of the If node.
JifInitializerDel The Jif extension of the Initializer node.
JifInitializerExt The Jif extension of the Initializer node.
JifInstanceOfDel The Jif extension of the Cast node.
JifInstanceofExt The Jif extension of the Instanceof node.
JifJL_c An implementation of the Jif interface.
JifLabeledExt The Jif extension of the Labeled node.
JifLiteralExt The Jif extension of the Lit or NewLabel node.
JifLocalAssignExt The Jif extension of the LocalAssign node.
JifLocalDeclDel The delegate of the JifMethodDecl node.
JifLocalDeclExt The Jif extension of the LocalDecl node.
JifLocalExt The Jif extension of the Local node.
JifMethodDeclDel The delegate of the JifMethodDecl node.
JifMethodDeclExt The Jif extension of the JifMethodDecl node.
JifMethodDeclExt.CovariantLabelChecker Checker to ensure that no covariant label occurs in the label
JifNewArrayExt The Jif extension of the NewArray node.
JifNewExt The Jif extension of the New node.
JifProcedureDeclDel The Jif delegate the ProcedureDecl node.
JifProcedureDeclExt_c The Jif extension of the ProcedureDecl node.
JifProcedureDeclExt_c.ConstraintVarianceLabelChecker Checker to ensure that labels do not use covariant labels in the wrong places
JifReturnExt The Jif extension of the Return node.
JifSourceFileExt The root of all kinds of Jif extensions for statements.
JifSpecialExt The Jif extension of the Special node.
JifStmtExt_c The root of all kinds of Jif extensions for statements.
JifSwitchExt Jif extension of the Switch node.
JifSynchronizedExt Jif extension of the Synchronized node.
JifThrowDel Jif extension of the Throw node.
JifThrowExt Jif extension of the Throw node.
JifTryExt Jif extension of the Try node.
JifTypeNodeDel The Jif extension of the TypeNode node.
JifTypeNodeDel.StaticLabelChecker Checker to ensure that labels in a static context do not use the This label
JifUnaryExt Jif extension of the Unary node.
JifWhileExt Jif extension of the While node.
LabelTypeCheckUtil Contains some common utility code to type check dynamic labels and principals
SubtypeChecker A checker of subtype relationships.

Package jif.extension Description

Provides classes that implements the Jif AST node extensions and delegates.

All the extensions extend from the class Jif_c and implement the labelCheck method. All delegates extend the class JifJL_c.

See Also:
Ext, Jif, Jif_c,