Package jif.parse

Class Summary
Access An Access represents a Amb of the form "P[e]" where e must be an expression.
Array An Array represents a Amb of the form "P[]".
Grm CUP v0.10k generated parser.
Inst An Inst represents a Amb of the form "P[T,U,...]".
InstOrAccess An InstOrAccess represents a Amb of the form "P[e]" or "P[p]".
Lexer_c This class is a scanner generated by JFlex 1.3.5 on 2/3/09 10:05 AM from the specification file file:/usr/local/home/andru/jif/src/jif/parse/jif.flex
Name A Name represents a Amp of the form "n | P.n".
sym CUP generated class containing symbol constants.
UnwrapVisitor An UnwrapVisitor rewrites the AST to remove any Wrapped nodes resulting from the parser.
Wrapper A Wrapper wraps an Amb inside an AST node so that it can be insert in the AST.