
Map of included dams

This is a map showing the dams included in the configuration selected below. Red dams are existing, while yellow dams are proposed.

  • Select a configuration by clicking one of the points on the scatter plots below.
  • Show or hide dams by status using the map toggle buttons.

Map toggles

Shows or hides dams from the currently selected configuration based on operation status.


Map toggles

This is a map showing the dams included in the configuration selected below.

  • Select a configuration by clicking one of the points on the scatter plots below.
  • Show or hide dams by status using the map toggle buttons.

Plot settings

Chooses whether to show configurations resulting from a 2D or 6D Pareto optimization, and the orientation of the plot and color axes.


Plot settings

The 2D (single) mode shows configurations identified by optimizing for tradeoffs between installed capacity and each of the other criteria individually.

The 2D (compared) mode shows the 2D-optimized configurations, including projections onto each of the other 2D plots.

The 6D mode shows configurations identified by optimizing for tradeoffs between installed capacity and all of the other criteria at once.

Reverse minimization criteria axes to make configurations that are better in terms of the objectives always appear towards the top-right of the plot axes, and represented by darker colors, even for criteria where smaller numbers are preferred.

  • Choose from the menu switch the data source shown in the plots below.

Color criterion

Sets the parallel coordinates color scale


Color criterion

Currently selected

  • Choose from the menu to set the parallel coordinates plot color scale.