Lecture Topics
Wednesday 1/22—
Introduction (course topics and an example)
Scribe notes and Sections 1.2 and 1.3 of Roughgarden.
Friday 1/24—
Selfish Routing (definitions and Pigou's example)
Scribe notes and Chapter 11 of Roughgarden.
Monday 1/27—
Selfish Routing (social welfare and optimality condition)
Scribe notes
Wednesday 1/29—
Price of Anarchy for Selfish Routing
Scribe notes
Friday 1/31—
Atomic routing game as a potential game
Scribe notes and Sections 13.2 of Roughgarden.
Monday 2/3—
Bounding the Price of Stability (best Nash) for Cost-sharing
Scribe notes and Sections 15.1 and 15.2 of Roughgarden.
Wednesday 2/5—
Bounding the Price of Anarchy for Atomic Routing
Scribe notes and Sections 12.4 of Roughgarden.
Friday 2/7—
Cornell closed due to snow
Monday 2/10—
Bounding the Price of Anarchy for with Overprovisioning
Scribe notes and Sections 12.1 and 12.2 of Roughgarden.
Wednesday 2/12—
Smoothness proofs and the Hotelling game
Scribe notes and Sections 14.1-14.3 of Roughgarden.
Friday 2/14—
Price of Anarchy of the Hotelling game and mixed Nash
Scribe notes
Monday 2/17—
Nash welfare and fainess of allocation. Lecture by Sid Banerjee
Scribe notes
Wednesday 2/19—
No regret learning: multiplicative weights. Lecture by Nika Haghtalab
Scribe notes and Sections 17.1-3 of Roughgarden.
Friday 2/21—
No regret learning outcome in 2-person 0-sum games. Lecture by Bobby Kleinberg
Scribe notes and Section 18.3 of Roughgarden.
Monday 2/24—
February break
Wednesday 2/26—
Robustness of Price of Anarchy for Learning
Scribe notes
and Section 14.4 of Roughgarden.
Friday 2/28—
Hierarchy of Equilibrium Concepts
Scribe notes
and section 13.1 of Roughgarden.
Monday 3/2—
Correlated Equilibria and Learning
Scribe notes
and Section 17.4 of Roughgarden.
Wednesday 3/4—
Complexity of Finding Equilibria
Scribe notes
and section 19 of Roughgarden.
Friday 3/6—
Cooperation and Strong Nash
Scribe notes
and section 15.3 of Roughgarden.
Monday 3/9—
Cooperation: quality of Strong Nash existence of core
Scribe notes
and section 15.3 of Roughgarden.
Wednesday 3/11—
Bayesian games: Uncertainty routing games
Scribe notes.
Friday 3/13—
Smoothness proof for Bayesian games
Scribe notes.
Monday 3/16- Sunday 4/5 —
spring break
Monday 4/6—
Single item auctions
Scribe notes.
Wednesday 4/8—
Equilibria in all pay auction, and smoothness in auctions
Scribe notes.
Friday 4/10—
Smoothness in first price in auctions
See the
Scribe notes and Section 2.4 of the
Monday 4/13—
Simmultanous item auction for unit-demand bidders
See See the
Scribe notes and Section 3.2 of the
Wednesday 4/15—
Smoothness for all-pay auction
See the
Scribe notes and Section 4.3 of the
Friday 4/17—
Bayes extension of smoothness in auctions
See the
Scribe notes and Section 4.3 of the
survey .
Monday 4/20—
Learning in repeated auctions
See the
Scribe notes and Section 5 of the
survey .
Wednesday 4/22—
Learning via Follow the Perturbed Leader
See the
Scribe notes
Friday 4/24—
Learning via Follow the Perturbed Leader (cont.)
See the
Scribe notes with the bounding the expected value of the error added.
Monday 4/27—
Learning via Follow the Perturbed Leader and its use in games
See the
Scribe notes with the improved version valuing and bidding on $d$ items.
Wednesday 4/29—
The general VCG mechanism for truthfully allocating items, and the Generalized Second Price (GSP)
See the
Scribe notes and Chapter 15 of the book
Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World by David Easley and Jon Kleinberg.
Friday 5/1—
Learning to bid well in auctions can be NP-hard
See the
Scribe notes
Monday 5/4—
Playing against a no-regret learner and Stackelberg equilibrium value
See the
Scribe notes
Wednesday 5/6—
Playing against a mean-based no-regret learner, and no-swap regret
See the
Scribe notes
Friday 5/8—
Playing against a no-swap-regret learner
Monday 5/11—
Learning in queuing games